4th year physical therapy Students satisfaction in Jordanian universities: A survey study

Mohannad Hawamdeh, Zaid Modhi Mansour, Saad Al-Nassan, Ziad Hawamdeh, Mohammad Etoom, Faris Alshammari, Abdul-Majeed R. Almalty, Mohammad Abo-Kabar

M. Hawamdeh, Z. M. Mansour, S. Al-Nassan, Z.  Hawamdeh, M. Etoom, F. Alshammari, A. R. Almalty, M. Abo-Kabar – 4th year physical therapy Students satisfaction in Jordanian universities: A survey study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 34-37

Purpose. The purpose of this survey was to examine students’ satisfaction about physical therapy education in 3 Jordanian universities in addition to determining their perspective on some of the issues related to the profession before and after graduation and entering the working field. Method: An online survey accessed through a hyperlink was directed to 4th year (final year) physical therapy students who are currently studying in Jordanian universities through their virtual social network groups. The link was posted on the main student’s virtual social network groups of the three universities; it also included a message asking participants to share the link with their physical therapy peers to complete the survey. Result: 85% of responders reported that being a physical therapy student has significantly influenced their life. 76% of responders reported that studying physical therapy has positively influenced their social environment. 84% of responders reported that including a fifth year for residency is more effective. Conclusion: our survey results indicate that students are generally satisfied with the quality of education they are receiving, there is some lack in equipment, and salaries are very low post graduation. Those issues addressed in this study will be the leading point for coming studies trying to investigate what are the reasons for such deficiencies and how they can be fixed.

Key words:
Physical therapy, Students, Satisfaction, 4th year


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