The effects of 10-year comprehensive rehabilitation of a child with the cri du chat syndrome

Anna Pawlak, Ewelina Bąk, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa,
Anna Obuchowicz, Czesław Marcisz

A. Pawlak, E. Bąk, M. Domagalska-Szopa, A. Obuchowicz, C. Marcisz – The effects of 10-year comprehensive rehabilitation of a child with the cri du chat syndrome. FP 2017; 17(1); 72-78


The paper describes an 11 year old girl with Cri du Chat syndrome with reference to the multi directional health enhancement procedure performed from infancy. The paper characterizes the applied physiotherapeutic improvement performed using neurodevelopmental methods, as well as the speech therapy and psycho-pedagogical improvement. The effects of this therapy have been indicated.
The goal of this paper is to present the conduct and the outcome of an individual program of ten-year comprehensive rehabilitation of a girl with Cri du Chat syndrome.
Early developed, rationally planned program of complex rehabilitation based on solid functional evaluation and covering neurodevelopmental therapy, speech therapy, psycho-pedagogical therapy is crucial for obtaining a better level of functioning of the child in everyday life and continuing systematic therapy gives reasons for hope for further improvement.

Key words:
Cri du Chat syndrome, clinical symptoms, multi-directional rehabilitation, a child

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