The precision of index finger manipulative movements as measured with a self-designed device – potential diagnostic applications

Jacek Polechoński, Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Kajetan Słomka

J. Polechoński, J. Rojczyk-Chmarek, K. Słomka – The precision of index finger manipulative movements as measured with a self-designed device – potential diagnostic applications. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 76-85

Aim. The paper introduces a self-designed manipulandum built to assess the parameters of motion at the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger. The reliability of movement precision measurements is presented; potential diagnostic applications have been discussed.
Material and methods. The study group comprised 43 young men. Movement precision was evaluated with a self-designed manipulandum. The task was to repeatedly touch the target using an isolated movement. Two parameters were assessed, ie., time and distance to target. Measurement reliability was estimated with intraclass correlation analysis.
Results. 25 to 30 movement repetitions were required to achieve reliable measurements. The findings also reveal that movement repetition might result in movement learning.
Conclusions. provided a large number of repetitions are performed, the manipulandum enables reliable assessment of movement precision. Repetition does not pose a problem since a single trial only lasts for1-1.5 s; furthermore, movement at the metacarpophalangeal joint does not cause fatigue. The conditions of movement tasks should be modified to minimize the effect of movement learning. We believe the device under test might be applied to early diagnosis of rheumatic or neurological disease leading to functional compromise of the hand.

Key words:
manipulandum, movement precision, rheumatoid arthritis, fine motor skills


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