Assessment of the impact of sensory integration method on the development of laterality

Natalia Habik-Tatarowska, Paweł Wieczorkowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński

N. Habik-Tatarowska, P. Wieczorkowski, Z. Śliwiński – Assessment of the impact of sensory integration method on the development of laterality. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 122-128

Introduction. One of the aspects, or factors in the child’s motor development, is the progressive process of laterality, or, in other words, the lateralized preference of his motor activities. Laterality in children is varied in terms of strength and pace of process development. In many activities, harmonious cooperation of the eye, hand and leg is necessary, which is supported by the domination of organs on the same side of the body. Non-permanent laterality becomes the source of disturbances in spatial orientation and visual-motor coordination. In school age children, disruptions in the process of laterality often cause failures in reading and writing, which may lead to the occurrence of emotional disorders.
Purpose of research. The main objective of the conducted research was to assess the impact of the Sensory Integration method on the development of laterality in children.
Material and methods. Forty-six children aged 7-9 were examined. Analyzes of laterality development were made before the start of the Sensory Integration therapy and after six months of its duration. The research was conducted from June 2016 to December 2017. During the six-month period, Sensory Integration therapy included the following types of exercises: polisensoric stimulation, dexterity exercises, visual analysis and synthesis exercises, exercises of auditory and visual sequences, sequential and simultaneous memory exercises, and eye-hand coordination exercises.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the conducted research indicates an improvement in the development of laterality as a result of the conducted therapy using the Sensory Integration method. The earlier we help the child choose the dominant hand, the sooner they will be ready to understand the speech of the environment and to independently build grammatically correct sentences.

Key words:
laterality, Sensory Integration, children, therapy


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