Restitution of hand function as a result of the applied physical therapy in patients with de Quervain’s disease treated conservatively or surgically

Marek Pieniążek, Krzysztof Jamka, Jakub Szczechowicz

M. Pieniążek, K. Jamka, J. Szczechowicz – Restytucja funkcji ręki w następstwie zastosowanej fizjoterapii u pacjentów z chorobą de Quervaina leczonych zachowawczo lub operacyjnie. FP 2013; 13(3); 42-46


De Quervains disease involves inflammation clamping tenosynovitis abductor pollicis longus (APL) and exiensor pollicis brevis (EPB), which together fill the first of six compartments of the wrist extensors. Symptoms include pain in the area of the styloid process of the radius, and the limitation of active range of motion of thumb and wrist.
Aim: The aim of this study was to compare The effectiveness of physical therapy among patients with de Quervains disease
treated conservatively or surgically on a base of selected hand function parameters.
Material and Methods: Medical records of nearly 1,000 patients of Specialized Rehabilitation Hand Center in Cracow have been analyzed, among which 23 patients with de Quervains disease were identified. 16 of them were treated conservatively, and 7 – surgically. The study was conducted twice: on admission to the Centre (1st examinations) and at the end of rehabilitation 2nd examination). The results were analyzed statistically.
Results: A statistically significant improvement of function of specific movements and the global CMCP thumb joint total thumb function, hand and wrist function both in the group treated conservatively and surgically treated was pointed out. Improvement of Finkelstein’s test results were also statistically significant in both groups.
Conclusions: Adequate, individually chosen physiotherapy program is an effective tool in hand function restitution for patients with de Quervain’s disease treated conservatively or surgically.

Key words:
hand, de Quervain’s disease, physiotherapy, APL, EPB