
Analysis of changes in the strength of muscles acting on the hip joint in patients recovering from hip arthroplasty

{:pl}Wstęp. Obserwacja zmian siły mięśni służy do doboru ćwiczeń leczniczych, jak również jest podstawą do oceny wyników rehabilitacji.{:}{:en}Background. Observed changes in muscle strength are the basis for selecting therapeutic exercises and assessing rehabilitation outcome.{:}{:zh}Background. Observed changes in muscle strength are the basis for selecting therapeutic exercises and assessing rehabilitation outcome.{:}{:ru}Background. Observed changes in muscle strength are the basis for selecting

Thermographic assessment of radiation induced by cryostimulation of both lower limbs and analysis of changes in children with cerebral palsy

{:pl}Wstęp. Autorzy przedstawiają wyniki badań zmian temperatury spastycznie napiętych kończyn dolnych u dzieci z porażeniem mózgowym, uzyskanych podczas turnusów leczniczych w Ośrodku Rehabilitacji w Zgorzelcu.{:}{:en}Background. The authors presented the examine of changes temperature results in the children’s with the cerebral palsy legs, which were registrated during treatment in the Rehabilitation Center in Zgorzelec.{:}{:zh}Background. The authors presented the examine of changes

Rehabilitation outcome after surgical reconstruction of the anterior crucial ligament of the knee

{:pl}Wstęp. Urazy aparatu więzadłowo-torebkowego stawu kolanowego, a zwłaszcza więzadła krzyżowego przedniego prowadzą do niestabilności kolana, co czynnościowo objawia się niedostateczną zbornością stawu i uciekaniem "plateau" piszczeli podczas obciążania.{:}{:en}Background. Injury to the ligaments and capsule of the knee joint, especially the anterior crucial ligament, leads to joint instability, manifested functionally by unsatisfactory joint mobility and a tendency for the tibial plateau

Analysis of selected features of body build and posture in a group of post-menopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis

{:pl}Wstęp. Celem pracy była próba przeanalizowania stopnia zmian w budowie i postawie ciała oraz ukształtowania przednio-tylnych krzywizn kręgosłupa w odcinku piersiowym i lędźwiowym.{:}{:en}Background. The purpose of this article was to analyze the degree of osteoporosis-related changes in body build and posture and the characteristics of anterior-posterior curvature of the spine in the thoracic and lumbar segments.{:}{:zh}Background. The purpose of this

Evaluating the effectiveness of mechanical methods on the basis of published reports

{:pl}Wstęp. Metody leczenia ruchem stają się coraz to bardziej popularne. Stwierdzić wręcz można, że dominują we współczesnej kinezyterapii.{:}{:en}Background. Movement based-therapy is becoming increasing popular. In fact, it can be said to be dominant modality in contemporary kinesitherapy.{:}{:zh}Background. Movement based-therapy is becoming increasing popular. In fact, it can be said to be dominant modality in contemporary kinesitherapy.{:}{:ru}Background. Movement based-therapy is becoming

The impact of isometric training of muscle strength supplemented by HMB on the motor potential and body composition of young men

{:pl}Wstęp. W większości dyscyplin sportowych poziom wytrenowania i zdolności wysiłkowe zależne są od sprawnie przebiegającego anabolizmu białek.{:}{:en}Background. In most sports disciplines, the level of training and the capacity for exertion is dependent on the anabolism of proteins.{:}{:zh}Background. In most sports disciplines, the level of training and the capacity for exertion is dependent on the anabolism of proteins.{:}{:ru}Background. In most sports

An original method for analyzing thermo-images as an objective supplement to diagnosis outcome evaluation in knee pain syndrome

{:pl}Wstęp. W pracy przedstawiono analizę zdjęć termowizyjnych z obliczeniem temperaturowego wskaźnika kolanowo-kończynowego (TWKK).{:}{:en}Background. This article presents a technique for analyzing thermovision images by calculating the knee-limb temperature index (KLTI).{:}{:zh}Background. This article presents a technique for analyzing thermovision images by calculating the knee-limb temperature index (KLTI).{:}{:ru}Background. This article presents a technique for analyzing thermovision images by calculating the knee-limb temperature index

Neuromobilization in the treatment of post-traumatic lumbo-sacral pain: a case study

{:pl}Wstęp. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie skuteczności metody neuromobilizacji oraz potrzeby włączenia jej w proces fizjoterapii.{:}{:en}Background. The purpose of this article is to present the neuromobilization technique as a useful procedure in physical therapy.{:}{:zh}Background. The purpose of this article is to present the neuromobilization technique as a useful procedure in physical therapy.{:}{:ru}Background. The purpose of this article is to present the

Ergonomic aspects of the daily work of a physiotherapist

{:pl}Fizjoterapeuci sami często “padają ofiarami” swojej pracy.{:}{:en}Physiotherapists themselves often fall victim to the hazards of their work.{:}{:zh}Physiotherapists themselves often fall victim to the hazards of their work.{:}{:ru}Physiotherapists themselves often fall victim to the hazards of their work.{:}{:lt}Physiotherapists themselves often fall victim to the hazards of their work.{:}{:hr}Physiotherapists themselves often fall victim to the hazards of their work.{:}

S-E-T: active stabilization of the lumbar spine

{:pl}Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie mechanizmów stabilizujących lędźwiowy odcinek kręgosłupa.{:}{:en}The purpose of this article present the mechanisms that stabilize the lumbar spine.{:}{:zh}The purpose of this article present the mechanisms that stabilize the lumbar spine.{:}{:ru}The purpose of this article present the mechanisms that stabilize the lumbar spine.{:}{:lt}The purpose of this article present the mechanisms that stabilize the lumbar spine.{:}{:hr}The purpose of this

Physiotherapy following surgical repair of knee cartilage

{:pl}Autor przedstawił czteroetapowy program fizjoterapii po wybranych operacjach uszkodzeń chrząstki stawu kolanowego.{:}{:en}This article presents a four-stage physiotherapy program for use after certain surgical operations on knee joint cartilage, adapted to the dynamics of tissue healing and reconstruction.{:}{:zh}This article presents a four-stage physiotherapy program for use after certain surgical operations on knee joint cartilage, adapted to the dynamics of tissue healing

Some possibilities for using the Lehnert-Schroth concept during corrective exercises in stationary system

{:pl}Zasadniczym elementem zachowawczego leczenia bocznych skrzywień kręgosłupa są ćwiczenia korekcyjne.{:}{:en}Corrective exercises constitute a basic element in the conservative treatment of lateral curvature of the spine.{:}{:zh}Corrective exercises constitute a basic element in the conservative treatment of lateral curvature of the spine.{:}{:ru}Corrective exercises constitute a basic element in the conservative treatment of lateral curvature of the spine.{:}{:lt}Corrective exercises constitute a basic element