The functional aspects of occupational therapy

Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak

Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak – The functional aspects of occupational therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 78-85


The basic intent of occupational therapy is to reduce functional limitations or to completely eliminate them, along with striving to obtain, depending on the possessed psychophysical capabilities of self-reliance, self-sufficiency and independence. The aim of the work is to point to occupational therapy as a means to improve the functional efficiency necessary to perform everyday activities.
Functions in medicine mean activities and many physiological processeses that are essential in the work of the body as a whole. In occupational therapy, the term function means a series of activities that a participant of the therapy is able to perform. The article presents and discusses the conditions for the restoration of motor functions that an occupational therapist should consider in his or her professional work.

Key words:
occupational therapy, functional efficiency, dysfunction

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