Shaping ethical attitude of physiotherapist

Magdalena Rusin, Wojciech Kiebzak, Marek Kiljański, Michał Dwornik, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Rusin, W. Kiebzak, M. Kiljański, M. Dwornik, Z. Śliwiński – Kształtowanie postawy etycznej fizjoterapeuty. FP 2013; 13(4); 51-56


Common behavioural and ethical patterns existing in modern medicine are subject to many social debates in which physiotherapist, alongside ethicists, philosophers and doctors, have their say. All of them express their points of view, which more often than not, coincide. The differences in opinions constitute the consequences of applying deontology in certain professional cases. Forming behavioural patterns in the process of academic studies is a hard and long-lasting task. Further development of ethical attitudes of a physiotherapist will be influenced by work. Even though physiotherapists embark upon their professional paths with already formed attitudes, these will be prone to further changes, both negative and positive, depending on the environment.

Key words:
physiotherapy, ethical stance, humanistic education

Professional culture versus physiotherapist’s culture

Wojciech Kiebzak, Magdalena Rusin, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Michał Dwornik, Marek Kiljański

W. Kiebzak, M. Rusin, Z. Śliwiński, M. Dwornik, M. Kiljański – Kultura zawodu a kultura osobowa fizjoterapeuty. FP 2013; 13(4); 44-50


The social role of a physiotherapist must not be reduced to displaying instrumental professional knowledge and propriety; it demands from a physiotherapist to employ humane and ethical streak in his or her practice. A physiotherapist, in collaboration with the whole medical team, creates proper conditions for full recovery. Physiotherapists develop professional identity and awareness by furthering their education, raising their professional competence, belonging to physiotherapist associations and building bonds between other representatives of this profession. What influences the level of professionalism of the group and all the same determine the quality of physiotherapeutic services and a proper approach towards the patient are mutual attempt to standardise education, create role models as well as professional culture and ethical values. The aim of this study is to present physiotherapy as a profession, and the physiotherapist both as a professional who has the highest level of professional command to treat the ill and needed, and as a member of the rehabilitation (therapeutic) team – a humanist who treats a patient as a summum bonum of medicine.

Key words:
physiotherapy, professional culture, propriety, ethics, profession

Therapeutic value of local cryotherapy in the treatment of patients with gonarthrosis

Łukasz Kopacz, Anna Lubkowska, Iwona Bryczkowska, Piotr Skomro, Elżbieta Kubala, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Ł. Kopacz, A. Lubkowska, I. Bryczkowska, P. Skomro, E. Kubala, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – Wartość terapeutyczna krioterapii miejscowej w leczeniu pacjentów z gonartrozą. FP 2013; 13(4); 31-36

Wstęp. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena wpływu zabiegów krioterapii miejscowej na zakres ruchu w stawie kolanowym u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawów. Dodatkowo analizowano potencjalne zmiany w dolegliwościach bólowych pacjentów. Materiał i metody. Grupa badana liczyła 50-ciu pacjentów i była jednorodna pod względem schorzenia. W badaniu wzięło udział 39 kobiet i 11 mężczyzn. Pacjenci poddani byli 10-ciu codziennym zabiegom krioterapii miejscowej na okolicę stawu kolanowego. Przed przystąpieniem do krioterapii, pacjenci zostali poddani badaniom antropometrycznym oraz wyliczono wskaźniki BMI. Został zebrany wywiad odnośnie chorób współistniejącychi zbadano dolegliwości bólowe według skali VAS. U wszystkich badanych wykonano pomiar zakresu ruchów w stawie kolanowym za pomocą goniometru. Został on wykonany przed rozpoczęciem zabiegów oraz po ich zakończeniu. Wynik. U wszystkich pacjentów, poddanych serii zabiegów można stwierdzić znaczną poprawę w zakresie ruchu zgięcia i wyprostu w stawie kolanowym. Analizując dolegliwości bólowe oceniane za pomocą skali VAS, po zakończeniu serii zabiegów wykazano znaczne zmniejszenie wartości wskazywanych przez badanych. Rozpatrując zakres ruchu zgięcia w stawie kolanowym w obu grupach, zarówno z rozpoznaniem choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawów kolanowych oraz choroby zwyrodnieniowej wielostawowej, po serii zabiegów krioterapii miejscowej ruch znacznie się poprawił, natomiast zakres ruchu wyprostu w stawie kolanowym polepszył się w grupie z rozpoznaniem choroby zwyrodnieniowej wielostawowej. Wnioski. Krioterapia miejscowa jest korzystną metodą, redukującą dolegliwości bólowe oraz wpływającą na poprawę zakresu ruchów w stawie kolanowym u pacjentów z gonartrozą.

Słowa kluczowe:
zimnolecznictwo, gonartroza, leczenie zimnem


Introduction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of local cryotherapy treatment for range of motion in the knee joint in patients with osteoarthritis. In addition, analyzed potential changes in symptoms of pain patients. Material and method. The study group consisted of 50 of the patients and was homogeneous in terms of disease. The study involved 39 women and 11 men. Patients were subjected to 10 daily treatments local cryotherapy on the area of the knee. Before cryotherapy, patients were examined anthropometric, and BMI was calculated indicators. Was collected interview regarding comorbidities and examined pain according to VAS. In all patient performed to measure of range of motion in the knee joint using a goniometer. It was made before and after treatment.
Results. All patients who underwent a series of treatments there is a considerable improvement in flexion and extension of the knee. Considering the analysis of pain assessed by VAS in all patients demonstrated a significant reduction in the value indicated by the respondents on the scale after the series of treatments. Considering the range of flexion in the knee joint in both groups, both diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee and polyarticular osteoarthritis, after a series of local cryotherapy treatments became significant improvement, while the range of motion in the knee extension improved more in the group diagnosed with polyarticular osteoarthritis. Conclusion. Local cryotherapy is a beneficial effect on the range of motion in the knee joint and reduction of pain in patients with gonarthrosis.

Key words:
cryotherapy, osteoarthritis, knee, cold therapy

Analysis of the cost of courses for physiotherapists in selected countries in Europe

Jan Szczegielniak, Barbara Szaro, Marek Kiljański

J. Szczegielniak, B. Szaro, M. Kiljański – Analiza kosztów kursów prowadzonych dla fizjoterapeutów w wybranych krajach Europy. FP 2013; 13(4); 24-30


Background. Physiotherapist who graduated is adequately prepared to work with the patient. However still new treatment options forcing therapist to continuous professional development.
Material and methods. Analysis includes 11 courses of special methods of physiotherapy. These courses are organized in most European countries taught by international instructors. Gained certificate entitles you to use a particular method in Europe.
Results. The highest courses prices are in Poland and the Czech Republic and are respectively 259% and 172,12% of average earnings. In all countries the highest price concerns the Bobath therapy method. The lowest price concerns Kinesio Taping course and Trigger Point therapy.

Key words:
specialized courses, the cost of courses, professional development

Eligibility of COPD patients for physiotherapy based on a six minute walk test and treadmill test

Katarzyna Bogacz, Marek Woszczak, Jacek Łuniewski, Marcin Krajczy, Bartosz Pańczyszak, Jan Szczegielniak, Marek Kiljański

K. Bogacz, M. Woszczak, J. Łuniewski, M. Krajczy, B. Pańczyszak, J. Szczegielniak, M. Kiljański – Eligibility of COPD patients for physiotherapy based on a six minute walk test and treadmill test; Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 96-106



Objective. The aim of the paper was to assess the results of physiotherapy of COPD patients whose elgibility for the relevant rehabilitation model was assessed with the help of the 6-MWT test and the treadmill test according to the modified Bruce protocol.
Materials and methods. 80 individuals suffering from COPD treated as in-patients at the MSWiA Specialist Hospital in Głuchołazy between May 2017 and September 2017 were examined. After a 3-week comprehensive physiotherapy, the exercise stress test, spirometry test and dyspnoea assessment on the modified 10-point Borg scale were repeated in both groups of COPD patients.
Results. Calculations were performed using the IBM SPSS software. In order to assess consistency between the distribution of the results with the normal distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. As the distribution differed from the normal distribution, nonparametric methods were used for further analysis. In order to assess the significance of differences between the two groups in terms of quantitative variables, Mann-Whitney tests were used, while Wilcoxon tests were used for dependent samples to assess the significance of changes over time in the same patients (bound pairs). The statistical significance threshold was set at p < 0.001.
1. A significant improvement was noticed in the level of exercise stress tolerance after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.
2. A significant improvement was shown in the values of spirometric indicators after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.
3. A significant decrease was shown in the level of dyspnoea after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.

Key words:

COPD, modified Bruce protocol, 6-MWT test, physiotherapy

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The effects of health resort treatment on hand function in female rheumatoid arthritis patients

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paulina Murdzyk, Sławomir Jandziś, Marek Kiljański

E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, P. Murdzyk, S. Jandziś, M. Kiljański – The effects of health resort treatment on hand function in female rheumatoid arthritis patients; Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 74-82


Introduction. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic, chronic, immune-mediated disease of connective tissue. The disease mostly affects the hand joints, leading to weaker hand grip and functional limitations, which in many cases hinders everyday functioning and makes the patients dependent on the assistance of others. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of health resort treatment on improving hand function in female RA patients in comparison with a group of female patients receiving ambulatory treatment.
Materials and methods. The study included a group of 120 women between 35 and 45 years of age suffering from RA, 60 of which were rehabilitated in the “Ziemowit” Health Resort in Rymanów-Zdrój. The other 60 female patients received ambulatory care in the Occupational Health Center in Sanok. Both pinch grip and key grip tests were performed as well as the Grind test. The analyses were conducted with the aid of the Wilcoxon test and the Pearson non-parametric chi-square test of independence.
Results. After the treatment was completed, the number of women who were capable of correctly performing the pinch and key grips and did not feel pain in the carpometacarpal joint of thumb in the Grind test increased in both groups. A statistically significant increase in the scores (in accordance with the adopted binary system) of the respective tests, which indicates an improvement in the outcome measures, was also observed.
Conclusions. The comprehensive health resort treatment and ambulatory care have similar effects on the improvement of hand function parameters in female RA patients.

Key words:

rheumatic diseases, functional limitations, rehabilitation

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Evidence-based physiotherapy practice in Lithuania: attitudes, application, and barriers

Grazina Krutulyte, Egle Lendraitiene, Daiva Petruseviciene, Ieva Piezaite, Marek Kiljański

G. Krutulyte, E. Lendraitiene, D. Petruseviciene, I. Piezaite, M. Kiljański – Evidence-based physiotherapy practice in Lithuania: attitudes, application, and barriers. FP 2017; 17(4); 42-49


Background. No research has been done in Lithuania regarding the knowledge and attitudes of physiotherapist relative to the use of evidence in practice. WCPT policy statement indicate that physiotherapist are responsible for the application of scientific evidence in practice and have to ensure that the treatment of patients is based on the best available evidence. Scientific evidence has to be combined with clinical experience, taking into consideration the patients’ beliefs, values, environment, and needs.
The aim of the study was to analyze the attitude of Lithuanian physiotherapist towards EBP practice and its application.
Methods. The study used 37 item “EBP Questionnaire”. Using this questionnaire, a randomized survey of physiotherapists practicing in Lithuania was performed.
Results. The final sample size was 229 subjects (response rate – 78%). The majority of the respondents demonstrated a positive attitude towards EBP and guidelines: 93.2% of the surveyed physiotherapist in Lithuania stated that the application of EBP is necessary, and 90.4% of the respondents stated that EBP guidelines are important in clinical practice. The majority of physiotherapists agreed that EBP helps to make decisions in the choice of treatment. Less than one-half of the respondents stated that they read 2 to 5 scientific articles related to their clinical practice per month. One-third of the respondents indicated that the treatment techniques they applied weren’t based on clinical evidence. The most common barrier to the implementation of EBP was a lack of time (29.9%).

Key words:
Evidence-based practice, physiotherapy

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Isokinetic testing and exercises in physiotherapeutic practice

Andrzej Czamara, Katarzyna Krzemińska, Aleksandra Królikowska, Łukasz Szuba, Marek Kiljański

A. Czamara, K. Krzemińska, A. Królikowska, Ł. Szuba, M. Kiljański – Isokinetic testing and exercises in physiotherapeutic practice. FP 2017; 17(4); 6-17


The aim of the paper was to present the attitude to measurements and exercises performed under isokinetic conditions during physiotherapeutic procedures, based on the literature review and the authors’ experience. The authors discuss basic issues of the physiology of muscles, types of muscle contractions and activity, and changes in muscle tension. They presents the principles of torque value measurement and the assessment of other biomechanical parameters, carried out under conditions of maximal isometric tension tone as well as under dynamic-isokinetic conditions. The exercises performed under isokinetic conditions and isometric (static) conditions are described in various aspects of clinical physiotherapy. Attention is focused on the indications and contraindications to using such kind of tests and exercises in physiotherapy, as related to other branches of medicine.

Key words:
kinesitherapy, isometry, dynamics, rehabilitation

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Precursory activity of Teodor Bakode, PhD on the field of Swedish remedial gymnastics in Lvov within (1856-1861)

Sławomir Jandziś, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Marek Kiljański, Maciej Łuczak

S. Jandziś, E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, M. Kiljański, M. Łuczak – Precursory activity of Teodor Bakode, PhD on the field of Swedish remedial gymnastics in Lvov within (1856-1861). FP 2017; 17(3); 104-111


On the base of source materials included in XIX century professional medical journals and daily press as well as few elaborations, the author presented the activity of Teodor Bakode, PhD on the field of physiotherapy in Lvov within 1856-1861. From conducted analysis it results unequivocally that he was a precursor of Swedish gymnastics system (elaborated by P. Ling) introduced on Polish land. He also used the system during treatment of patients in “Kisielka” Hydropathic Institute in Lvov. In the paper, there are presented publications of T. Bakode, in which he underlined all the profits resulting from using Swedish gymnastics in treatment and prevention activities. Teodor Bakode coming from Hungary, is a precursor of Swedish remedial gymnastics in Poland. He introduced it 36 years earlier than Helena Kuczalska who is popularly seen as initiator of the first institute of Swedish gymnastics in Poland.

Key words:

Swedish medical gymnastics, Teodor Bakody, history of Polish physiotherapy

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The impact of myofascial manipulation on gout remission duration

Iwona Serwin, Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Marek Kiljański

I. Serwin, J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, M. Kiljański – The impact of myofascial manipulation on gout remission duration. FP 2017; 17(3); 38-50


Purpose. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the impact of myofascial manipulation on the frequency of gout attacks in patients undergoing conservative treatment for joint lesions.
Materials and methods. The study included 30 gout patients, who were suffering from restricted joint mobility and pain symptoms in the foot and the big toe, and who experienced recurrent gout attacks 3-4 times a year on average. The participants were randomly distributed into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. All of the participants underwent a 10-day physical therapy regimen in form of low-frequency magnetic field therapy and therapeutic ultrasound. The experimental group was additionally treated with myofascial manipulation of the lower extremity.
Results. Analysis of results has revealed that myofascial manipulation of the lower extremity used in the experimental group has improved the functional mobility of gout patients with lesions of foot joints.
Conclusion. Study participants, whose physical therapy regimen included myofascial manipulation (apart from the magnetic field therapy and therapeutic ultrasound), showed improved gait quality, increased tissue elasticity, decreased frequency of gout attacks, and prolonged remission duration from 3-4 months to 10-12 months.

Key words:
Gout, myofascial manipulation, prolonged remission duration

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