Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Physiotherapy in Patients with the Coxarthrosis, Treated in Spa Facilities

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marlena Maskiera, Marta Makara-Studzińska, Grzegorz Śliwiński, Małgorzata Starczyńska

Z. Śliwiński, M. Maskiera, M. Makara-Studzińska, G. Śliwiński, M. Starczyńska: Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Physiotherapy in Patients with the Coxarthrosis, Treated in Spa Facilities. FP

Introduction. The objective of this study has been to assess the effectiveness of the physiotherapy in patients with the coxarthrosis, treated in Spa facilities. Materials and Methods. The study involved 49 patients (29 women and 20 men), who have been treated in the “Słowacki” Spa in Busko-Zdrój, during their 21 days rehabilitation stay. The patients have had degenerative changes in the hip joint, which have not been surgically treated. The patients have been divided into two groups. To the study group (24 persons) the physiotherapy treatments have been applied. In the control group (25 persons), in addition there has been the kinezytherapy applied. Each of the patients has gone through: questionnaire survey, measurement of the range motion in the hip joints, muscle strength evaluation with the Lovett scale, assessment of the pain severity in the VAS scale, functional tests (Linder 2, abdominal compression test, Patrick Faber test, SLR, Tinetti test,”Up & Go” test, gait analysis according to Perry). Results. After the 21-day rehabilitation treatment, the majority of patients have shown a significant decrease in the subjective pain sensation, a significant improvement of the hip motion functions and a reduced risk of the patient falling down. The carried out research has indicated, that better results have been achieved in the control group, where the kinezytherapy treatment has been applied in addition. Conclusions. 1. Physiotherapy has an impact on increasing the hip joint range of motion, in all directions, particularly in the flexion an abduction movements. 2. The rehabilitation procedure improve the gait stereotype in patients with the osteoarthritis of the hip joint. 3. The Spa rehabilitation therapy reduces the risk of falling down in patients with degenerative changes in the hip joints.

Key words:
Rehabilitation, physiotherapy, coxarthrosis, spa therapy treatment

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Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training with Parestand system as walking therapy of patients early after stroke: a pilot study

Beata Stach, Marcin Błaszcz, Aleksandra Bober, Mariola E. Wodzińska, Joanna Zyznawska

B. Stach, M. Błaszcz, A. Bober, M. E. Wodzińska, J. Zyznawska – Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training with Parestand system as walking therapy of patients early after stroke: a pilot study. FP 2016;16(2);54-63


Background. Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training (BWSTT) is high intensive and task-specific gait therapy for stroke patients. Effectiveness of BWSTT is repeatedly proven, however superiority of that training over overground walking is often contested. It is rarely practised and investigated method in Poland.
Patients and Methods. 20 patients in the early post-stroke rehabilitation phase able to walk. All patient participated in traditional physiotherapy based on Bobath and PNF concepts. Experimental group (10 people) additionally received Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training. Control group (10 people) additionally received overground walking. Baseline and postintervention assessments included Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up & Go, 10 m Time Walking Test and 6 Minute Walk Test.
Results. Both groups showed statistically significant improvement in all outcome measures (P<0,05). Group BWSTT increased distance by 108,4±75,7 m and control grouop by 57±51,3 m in 6 Minute Walk Test. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,28). Group BWSTT shortened time in Timed Up & Go by 9±1,4 seconds and control group by 2,7±1,1 seconds. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,63). Group BWSTT improved by 7,0±3,7 points, and control group by 6,6±4,4 points in Berg Balance Scale. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,88). Group BWSTT increased gait velocity by 0,25±0,13 m/s, and control group by 0,28±0,13 m/s. Difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p=0,96).
Conclusions. Either Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training or overground walking could improve balance, reduce risk of falls, increase endurance and velocity of gait in walking subacute stroke patients. BWSTT could have tendency to more effective increasing gait endurance.

Key words:
stroke, hemiparesis, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, gait

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Opóźniona diagnoza i leczenie pierwotnego obrzęku limfatycznego kończyn dolnych – studium przypadku / Delayed diagnosis and treatment of primary lymphoedema of lower limbs – case study

Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Jacek Teodorczyk, Marcin Gruszecki, Michał Korzon

FP 2016;16(2);42-53

Leczenie pierwotnego obrzęku limfatycznego stwarza wiele problemów pacjentowi jak i całemu zespołowi medycznemu. Całkowite wyleczenie bowiem z racji uszkodzenia anatomicznych dróg odpływu chłonki nie jest możliwe, a terapia ma na celu jedynie zmniejszenie rozmiarów kończyny, przywrócenie jej funkcji i poprawienie aspektów kosmetycznych. Leczenie jest trudne, wieloetapowe i nawet w przypadku dobrych wyników kosztowne i czasochłonne. Obrzęki pierwotne nie są patologią bardzo częstą, toteż problem związany z ich diagnostyką i leczeniem pozostaje często na marginesie zainteresowania lekarzy. W przeciwieństwie do dobrze zorganizowanej pomocy, jaką otrzymują chorzy z obrzękiem w obrębie kończyn górnych (głównie po leczeniu chirurgicznym raka sutka) możliwości rozpoznania, diagnostyki i wdrożenia postępowania usprawniającego u osób z idiopatyczną postacią obrzęku limfatycznego kończyn dolnych są istotnie ograniczone. Chociaż w ostatnich latach intensywnie propagowana jest wiedza dotycząca zasad stosowania terapii przeciwzastoinowej nadal w wielu ośrodkach wdrażana jest nieprawidłowo. Nieleczony lub niewłaściwie leczony obrzęk staje się nieodwracalny wskutek rozplemu tkanki łącznej, czym różni się od obrzęków na innym podłożu. Narastający obrzęk doprowadzający do stopniowej deformacji i zaburzeń funkcji kończyny, wpływa negatywnie na stan psychiczny pacjenta. Późne rozpoznanie, kosztowne, uciążliwe i długotrwałe leczenie, którego efekt jest niejednokrotnie niezadawalający wpływa istotnie na jakość życia chorego. W pracy przedstawiono jeden z licznych przypadków pacjentek z rozpoznanymi późno i nieprawidłowo leczonymi obrzękami pierwotnymi, które mają być ilustracją typowych zaniedbań w dążeniu do ustalenia diagnozy i wdrożenia leczenia w tej jednostce chorobowej. Podkreślono także rolę badania LS jako złotego standardu w diagnostyce obrzęków pierwotnych i jej ograniczonej przydatności w ocenie skuteczności leczenia.

Słowa kluczowe:
obrzęk limfatyczny, pierwotny wrodzony obrzęk limfatyczny, rehabilitacja, limfoscyntygrafia

Treatment of lymphoedema is problematic for the patient and the entire medical team. Complete recovery, because of anatomical damage to the outflow tract of lymph, is not possible and the therapy is intended only to reduce the size of the limb, restore its function and improve the cosmetic aspects. Treatment is difficult, multistage, unpredictable and even if results are good, expensive and time consuming. Primary lymphoedema is not common disease, so the problem of its diagnosis and treatment is often on the margins of medical concern. In contrast to the well-organized support received by patients with secondary oedema of the upper, diagnosing and implementation of rehabilitation in patients with idiopathic lymphoedema of the lower limbs are significantly limited. Although in recent years is intensely propagated knowledge of the principles of anticongestive therapy, it is still is implemented incorrectly in many centers. If left untreated or improperly treated swelling becomes irreversible as a result of proliferation of connective tissue, what differs from cases of oedema not associated with lymphatics damage. Increasing swelling will lead to progressive deformity and dysfunction of limbs and negatively affects the mental state of the patient. Late diagnosis, costly, cumbersome and long-term treatment with the often unsatisfactory effect significantly affect quality of life. The paper presents one of many our cases of patients with late diagnosed and improperly treated primary lymphoedema and is an illustration of the typical negligence in establishing the diagnosis and initiation of treatment in this disease entity.

Key words:
lymphedema, primary congenital lymphedema, rehabilitation, lymphoscintigraphy

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Analysis of selected determinants of knowledge about the health in persons with spinal cord injury

Jarosław Pokaczajło, Tomasz Tasiemski

J. Pokaczajło, T. Tasiemski – Analysis of selected determinants of knowledge about the health in persons with spinal cord injury. FP 2016; 16(3);106-116

Aim of the Study. The main aim of this study has been to analyze the selected factors determining level of knowledge of the health condition of persons after the spinal cord injury (SCI). Selected variables have been divided into two groups:  1)  Socio-demographic: age on the day of the test, gender, marital status, level of education, place of residence, and 2)  associated with the SCI: age on the day of the injury, time elapsed from the injury, participation in the Active Rehabilitation (AR) camps, clinical picture, i.e. paraplegia/quadriplegia.
Materials and Methods. In the study participated 100 persons after the SCI (22 women and 78 men), dependent on a wheelchair in the everyday functions. To carry out the study, we have used the test of knowledge of the health condition of persons after the SCI.
Results. The mean score obtained by the respondents in the test of knowledge has been 27.11 points (Derived from the range: 10-45 points), which indicates a sufficient knowledge of the health condition of persons after the SCI. The best knowledge the respondents have shown on the issues related to nutrition and diet. The least knowledgeable they were in the areas of requesting support and orthopedic supplies. The factors significantly differentiating the level of knowledge about the health of persons after the SCI included: participation in the AR camps, age on the day of the injury and the time elapsed from the day of the injury.
Conclusions. The overall evaluation of knowledge as sufficient, and the unsatisfactory results within the particular areas of the functioning of persons after the SCI, have indicated the issues, which during the process of rehabilitation and education of the patients should be given particular attention.

Key words:
knowledge, spinal cord injury, education, rehabilitation

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Core Stability in the Rehabilitation of Children – Physiotherapy Aspects

Sylwia Dyczewska-Wójtowicz

S. Dyczewska-Wójtowicz – Core Stability in the Rehabilitation of Children – Physiotherapy Aspects. FP 2016;16(3);96-105

Introduction. The term “core stability” refers to the efficiency of the deep torso muscles, which control the center of our body, both in statics and dynamics. This study presents the various physiotherapy related aspects regarding the core stability issue in the scientific materials, which confirm the effectiveness of physical exercises.
Materials and Methods. In the process of search for the topic related materials, we have used the article databases of MedLine, PubMed and PBL, applying the following keywords: core stability, lumbar stability, dynamic stability, motor control, neuromuscular training, trunk stability, core strengthening.
Results. Numerous scientific studies show, that the muscles playing the major role in this mechanism are: anterior scalene, multifidus muscle, internal oblique, pelvic floor muscles and sellar diaphragm. When properly functioning, the muscles form the kind of cylinder, providing sufficient stability for the lower trunk area (which is the basis for perimeter mobility).
Conclusions. In children with the pain sensation in the area of the lower spine, the deep muscles are being inhibited and their timing is being disrupted. First tighten the large surface muscles responsible for the execution of movement, and then the local center stabilizers get engaged. The role changing between the groups of muscles may be causing overload problems, thus it is important to provide the appropriate rehabilitation, which would support the core stability.

Key words:
Central stabilization, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, spine, strengthening exercises

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Assessment of life quality of women after mastectomy with consideration to physiotherapy process

Mateusz Curyło, Katarzyna Cienkosz, Agata Curyło, Piotr Wróbel, Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Curyło, K. Cienkosz, A. Curyło, P. Wróbel, M. Wilk-Frańczuk, J. W. Raczkowski – Assessment of life quality of women after mastectomy with consideration to physiotherapy process. FP 2016; 16(3); 80-87


Purpose of this study. Evaluation of the patient’s life quality after operational treatment of the breast cancer – mastectomy, and determination of any correlation between made rehabilitation and participation in a support group.
Material and methods. The research was conducted using a questionnaire that included open and closed questions, it had 25 questions concerning patient’s condition before and after operation.
Results. Most women use physiotherapy (88%) and support offered by Amazon Clubs (88%). The most popular form of rehabilitation appeared to be kinesiotherapy (94%) and massage (70%). It was observed that the upper limb at operated side had reduced efficiency, after operation as good it was assumed only by 16% of total. Most women stated that their emotional condition had not changed after operation (32%) or slightly worsen (24%). None of the women declared lack of acceptance for their condition after amputation. As many as 48% did not seen any influence of the mastectomy on the quality of life, and for 36% the change was negative.
Conclusions. It may not be clearly stated if bigger influence on the self assessment of the quality of life has directly only physiotherapy or the Amazon Club that builds so important psychosocial relations, it proves complexity of the rehabilitation treatment. It is required to combine oncologic treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures and activity of social organizations, as all these aspects have beneficial influence on the women’s self-esteem after mastectomy.

Key words:
cancer, mastectomy, mammary gland, rehabilitation, life quality

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