Poboljšana sposobnost mišića ruke nakon 6 tjedana vježbanja stiskanja teniske loptice kod djece sa spastičnom cerebralnom paralizom

Irmantara Subagio, Nengteng Manik, Rahmat Putra Perdana, Putra Sastaman B, Erna Yantiningsih, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin, Slamet Raharjo


Irmantara Subagio, Nengteng Manik, Rahmat Putra Perdana, Putra Sastaman B, Erna Yantiningsih, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin, Slamet Raharjo – Improved hand muscle ability after 6 weeks of squeezing a tennis ball exercise in children with spastic cerebral palsy –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 73-77

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8753

Djeca s cerebralnom paralizom obično su manje fizički sposobna u usporedbi s tipično razvijajućim vršnjacima. To je uglavnom zbog nedostatka tjelesne aktivnosti i vježbanja tijekom djetinjstva. Ako adolescenti i odrasli s cerebralnom paralizom ne dobiju dovoljno vježbanja, to bi moglo rezultirati smanjenom pokretljivošću i fizičkom kondicijom. Vrlo je važno započeti liječenje cerebralne paralize kada je dijete još mlado. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti kako bi djeca sa spastičnom cerebralnom paralizom mogla imati koristi od poboljšanja funkcije mišića ruke stiskanjem spužvaste teniske loptice tijekom vježbi jačanja ruku. Studija je implementirala pravi eksperimentalni dizajn s kontrolnom grupom prije i poslije testa. Ova metodologija omogućila je rigorozno i sustavno istraživanje, osiguravajući pouzdane i valjane rezultate. Dvanaest dječaka u dobi od 15 do 17 godina, koji su svi dijagnosticirani sa spastičnom cerebralnom paralizom, sudjelovalo je u vježbama stiskanja spužvaste teniske loptice kao dio programa intervencije. Vježba stiskanja spužvaste teniske loptice od 30 minuta uključuje 4-6 setova od 15-20 ponavljanja s pasivnim odmorima od 30 sekundi. Propisani režim uključuje provođenje vježbe četiri puta tjedno tijekom šest tjedana. Prije i nakon intervencije, korišten je dinamometar za hvat ruke kako bi se procijenila snaga mišića ruke djece sa spastičnom vrstom cerebralne paralize. Tehnike analize podataka primijenjene su koristeći nezavisni uzorak t-testa s razinom značajnosti od 5%. Rezultati su pokazali prosječnu snagu mišića desne ruke nakon intervencije između kontrolne vs. eksperimentalne grupe (4,36 ± 1,35 kg naspram 34,16 ± 3,34 kg (p = 0,000)), prosječnu snagu mišića lijeve ruke nakon intervencije između kontrolne vs. eksperimentalne grupe (2,31 ± 0,49 kg naspram 30,18 ± 2,08 kg (p = 0,000)). Nalazi istraživanja sugeriraju da redovito vježbanje stiskanja teniske loptice, provedeno četiri puta tjedno tijekom razdoblja od šest tjedana, može donijeti značajna poboljšanja u funkcionalnosti mišića ruke kod djece dijagnosticirane sa spastičnom tipom cerebralne paralize. Nalazi sugeriraju da uključivanje ovih aktivnosti u tretmanske procedure može pružiti značajnu vrijednost osobama s ovom posebnom bolešću.
Ključne riječi
cerebralna paraliza, djeca, spastični tip, vježba s teniskom lopticom
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Emotional condition of children in eastern Ukraine

Oleg Panchenko, Anastasiia Kabantseva, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Oleg Panchenko, Anastasiia Kabantseva, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Emotional condition of children in eastern Ukraine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 184-188

Aim of the study. diagnosis and prognosis of mental disorders of preschool children who live in eastern Ukraine during armed conflict. Materials and methods. 1308 children aged 5–7 years old of Donetsk region were studied in the period of 2014–2018 years. Observation, conversation, psychodiagnostics and statistical methods were used. Results. Most respondents had fears of different nature (61.2%), anxiety, concern, worry (53.2%), manifestations of aggression (36.7%) and low self-esteem (18.4%). The dynamics of these indicators over the years remained at a high level. Also, the emotional state of parents and family atmosphere affected on the state of children’s health. Fathers’ neglect causes the need for additional attention (r = 0.305; p ≤ 0.01), while mothers’ neglect causes anxiety (r = 0.322; p ≤ 0.01) and neurotic states (r = 0.331; p ≤ 0.01). Conclusions. Armed conflict, social and legal difficulties in Ukraine demoralize society and pose a threat to the full children’s development. The results of the research emphasize the importance of organizing dynamic diagnostics of children’s mental health, as well as regulating appropriate measures for the prevention and elimination of negative emotional manifestations among children through the implementation of the medical-psychological and pedagogical system accompanying them.
Key words:
children, emotional disturbances, aggression, anxiety, war, Donbass, Ukraine
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Collaboration of specialists in the rehabilitation of spine pathology

Oleg Panchenko, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Anastasiia Kabantseva, Nataliia Tsapro

O. Panchenko, Z. Śliwiński, A. Kabantseva, N. Tsapro – Collaboration of specialists in the rehabilitation of spine pathology. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 96-102

To study the influence of the negative psychological state of children and adolescents living on the territory of hostilities, on the formation and course of spinal pathology. The sample consisted of 1467 people aged 5–18-year-old, whose parents had no complaints of the child’s spinal pathology, i.e. “relatively healthy children in respect of spinal pathology.” The growth of pathology of the spine during periods of intensive growth of the child was confirmed: in the 5–7-year-old age group for 3.49% of children, in the 8-10-year-old age group for 13.78%, in the 10-14-year-old age group for 17.89%, in the 15–17-year-old age group for 25.15% respectively. An increase in the prevalence of scoliosis in the Donetsk oblast (excluding the temporarily occupied territories) at the level of 28.26 cases per 1,000 schoolchildren, which is more than in other regions of Ukraine. The similarity of the pathogenesis of scoliosis, stress, and hypercalciuria was determined, which explains the data obtained by us on the prevalence of scoliosis in the ATO area, actually 95.89 cases per 1000 children, and 251.53 cases per 1000 adolescents aged 15-18-year-old. The manifestations of autonomic disturbances (rs = 0.34, p ≤ 0.01), sleep disturbances (rs = 0.43, p ≤ 0.01), anxiety (rs = 0.43, p ≤ 0.01) is increased among children with significant fear of war. There is a need to consider scoliosis as a stressor, and therefore children with scoliosis should get psychological rehabilitation and expert advice.
Key words:
scoliosis, stress, hypercalciuria, children, adolescents, rehabilitation
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Application of virtual reality and video games in pediatric physiotherapy. Systematic review

Karol de Tillier, Jakub Bracha, Agnieszka Sobierajska-Rek, Łukasz Mański

Karol de Tillier, Jakub Bracha, Agnieszka Sobierajska-Rek, Łukasz Mański – Application of virtual reality and video games in pediatric physiotherapy. Systematic review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 28-43

In recent years, intensive research has been carried out on virtual reality (VR) and its application in the treatment of pediatric patients. The basic objective of this review is to present the advantages, effectiveness and role of VR physical therapy in selected disease entities by comparing the results of VR research from the last 5 years. 17 articles were obtained from online databases: Pubmed, Researchgate, NCBI, Sage Journals, Oxford Academic. The analyzed studies concerned the use of VR in the treatment of pediatric patients with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, developmental dyspraxia, risk of developmental dyspraxia, patients with burn injuries, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and ADHD. This review contains research on VR selected on the basis of their reliability, number and age of participants, and the year of publication. We excluded review articles in the selection of studies. The analysis of selected original research papers showed that VR physical therapy offers a number of advantages not found in standard physiotherapy and achieves comparable effects.
Key words:
VR, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, children, video, games
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Iron and copper marking in the hair of school-age children using atomicabsorption spectrophotometry

Jacek Klawe, Małgorzata Szady-Grad, Bernadetta Drzewiecka, Iwona Felczak

Jacek Klawe, Małgorzata Szady-Grad, Bernadetta Drzewiecka, Iwona Felczak – Iron and copper marking in the hair of school-age children using atomicabsorption spectrophotometry. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(1); 71-75

Introduction. Copper and iron are necessary elements in the process of creating red blood cells. Copper activates the enzyme catalyzing bond between an iron and a ligand of a porphyrin. Iron participates in the last stage of blood biosynthesis. A deficit of one of these bioelements causes perturbations in the hemoplastic system. Material and methods. Solidification of the elements iron and copper was studied in the hair of school-age children (10-12 years old). The mineral composition of the human organism was analyzed by applying the method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAnalyst 800 Perkin-Elmer Company) using flame atomizer and one-element hollow cathode lamp. Similarities and differences between results we obtained and the results reported by other scientific centers were examined. Results. Medium copper concentration in the tested hair was 8.43 mg/g and the iron concentration was 10.15 mg/g. The level of these two elements was lower compared to the results reported by other researchers. The copper contents in the hair of girls and boys was 8.21mg/g and 8.63mg/g respectively, and iron content was 9.7mg/g and 10.68mg/g respectively.Conclusion. Our results show that the Cu and Fe concentration in the hair of children from Bydgoszcz is lower when compared to data received from other regions of Poland. New research is needed to determine if this results from dietary deficits, and if so, to develop solutions.

Key words:
children, Iron, Copper, atomic absorption spectrophotometry (ASA)

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Shaping the asymmetry of trunk in younger children

Katarzyna Barczyk, Tadeusz Skolimowski, Arletta Hawrylak

Katarzyna Barczyk, Tadeusz Skolimowski, Arletta Hawrylak – Shaping the asymmetry of trunk in younger children. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(3); 203-208


Background. Her symmetry is in frontal area the basic criterion of opinion of attitude body. Have the same name osseous points in this plane should to be arranged in relation to axis of spine symmetrically and to be on equal height, and teenagers’ line spinous of spine should make up right line. Above mentioned conditions happen fulfilled seldom, because at man symmetry never is full. This results mainly with asymmetric position of internal organs, the environmental influences whether the only process of lateralisation. Material and methods. It triple investigations were hugged was 298 – personal group the same children. The computer set to analysis of size of asymmetry was applied to of opinion of attitude body using the phenomenon of projection moire thopography. Results. Asymmetries in frontal area at studied boys and girls be shaped similarly and stepped out in both groups in considerable percentage. Absolute differences in position of have the same name osseous points concerned distances from teen-agers’ line the bottom executioners of shoulder-blades the line spinous, height of triangles of waist as well as position basin in frontal area, however the most seldom both children’s groups asymmetries concerned in frontal area the depression angle. It it was showed was moreover that the asymmetries undergo decrease between 7 and 8 year of life and renewed enlargement between 8 and 9 year of life. The statistical also between years analysis show on similarity be shaping to asymmetry of trunk at boys and girls. Conclusions. 1.Frequency of occurrence in grounds of trunk the asymmetry changed along with the age the studied children. She be shaped in dependence from side of body differently. 2.More often considerable asymmetry was affirmed was at 7 year old children’s and 9 years old children’s, more seldom at 8 years old children’s. They asymmetries these in this lid belonged to reasonable.

Key words:
body of posture, trunck asymmetry, photogramometric method, children
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Sensomotoric development assessment in 10 years old children with posture defects

Karol Sitarz, Tomasz Senderek, Janusz Kirenko, Jerzy Olszewski, Jolanta Taczała

Karol Sitarz, Tomasz Senderek, Janusz Kirenko, Jerzy Olszewski, Jolanta Taczała – Sensomotoric development assessment in 10 years old children with posture defects. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 232-240

Background. The aim of the study was to assess sensomotoric development disorders, subsequent defect location, and to show whether the disorders are associated with the presence or lack of postural defects. Material and methods. A hundred 10 years old children (50 girls ald 50 boys) from four primary schools in the Lublin Province participated in the study. There were two groups: the study group comprising 50 children with posture defects (25 girls and 25 boys) and the control group, comprising 50 children without posture defects (25 girls and 25 boys). The occurrence of posture defects was assessed by Kasperczyk grading, which consisted in visual evaluation of particular body parts. Assessment of sensomotoric development was performed with Child Sensomotoric Questionnaire (by Zbigniew Przyrowski). Results. On the basis of our investigation we conclude that out of 8 sensomotoric development systems the auditory system is most frequently impaired in children (such impairment was found in 48,0% of children with posture defects and 12,0% of children without posture defects). Conclusions. There is a strict connection between incorrectly functioning hearing system and posture defects in children, which shows the absolute Q coefficient value.
Key words:
sensomotoric development, children, posture defects
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Investigating postural deficits in children with β-thalassemia: An observational cross-sectional study

Mai Mohamed Khalaf, Hoda AbdelAzim Eltalawy, Mona Hassan El-Tagui, Faten Hassan Abdelazeim

Mai Mohamed Khalaf, Hoda AbdelAzim Eltalawy, Mona Hassan El-Tagui, Faten Hassan Abdelazeim – Investigating postural deficits in children with β-thalassemia: An observational cross-sectional study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 170-176

Objectives. To evaluate the head and trunk postural alignment in Egyptian children diagnosed with β-thalassemia. Methods. Twenty male children with β-thalassemia aged from 6 to 10 years, were compared to healthy normal children within the same age. Images were taken from anterior, posterior, and lateral views after placement of markers on specific anatomical points. The Postural Assessment Software (PAS/SAPO) used to analyze the recorded images. Results. From the anterior view, there were statistically significant differences in the mean values of Horizontal Alignment of Acromion (HAA) and Horizontal Alignment of Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (HAASIS) between both groups (p < 0.05) respectively. From the right lateral view, there were statistically significant differences in mean values of Vertical Alignment of the Head (VAH) and Vertical Alignment of the Trunk (VAT) between both groups (p < 0.05) respectively. From the left lateral view, there was a_statistically significant difference in mean values of the Vertical Alignment of the Head (VAH) between both groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The results of this cross-sectional study concluded that thalassemia has a_negative impact on the postural alignment of the head and trunk of these children.
Key words:
Postural deficits, β-thalassemia, children, Postural Assessment Software (PAS/ SAPO)
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Assessment of aerobic capacity levels and selected motor skills in children with excessive body weight

Agnieszka Ostrowska, Agata Grzyb, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Małgorzata Lis, Anna Koralewska

A. Ostrowska, A. Grzyb, M. Domagalska-Szopa, M. Lis, A. Koralewska – Assessment of aerobic capacity levels and selected motor skills in children with excessive body weight. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(5);  72-83


Introduction. Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is a serious problem of developmental age. It affects more and more children. Increasingly, children are consuming large amounts of processed and high-calorie food. Children move less and less because they spend their free time in front of the phone, TV or computer screen. A small amount of exercise promotes the development of excess body weight in children. Low physical activity also causes children not to improve their motor skills. In addition, many researchers point out the negative impact of excess child weight on their physical fitness.
Aim of the study. The aim of the study was an attempt to determine the level of selected motor skills in overweight and obese children and to determine the relationship between excess body weight in children and their motor skills.
Material and methods. The research group consisted of 25 children, including 12 girls and 13 boys aged 12 to 18 years. The subjects were diagnosed with overweight and simple obesity. The Romberg test, Tandem tests, medicine ball throw, toe-floor test, 40 or 60m run were used to assess the motor skills of children. To assess the children’s performance, the spiroergometric test, 6MWT = 6-minute walk test and the Borg scale after exercise were used. The “TANITA” weight was used to assess the body mass composition. The same test was performed in each child and the same tests were used to determine the level of selected motor skills, performance and body weight composition.
Results. The results obtained from the analysis of the results indicate the same development of motor skills in children with excessive and normal body weight. Moreover, the children showed the same exercise tolerance.

Key words:
excessive body weight, children, efficiency, motor skills
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Utjecaj statičnih ravnih tabana na pojavljivanje defekata u držanju tijela u zoni koljena i kralježnice kod djece.

Katarzyna Bogacz, Bartosz Pańczyszak, Daria Duch, Jacek Łuniewski, Marcin Krajczy, Jan Szczegielniak

K. Bogacz, B. Pańczyszak, D. Duch, J. Łuniewski, M. Krajczy, J. Szczegielniak- The influence of static splayfoot on body posture within knee joints and spine in children. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 52-58

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0178mY

Aim of work. The aim of this work was to assess body postures of primary school pupils and to assess the influence of static splayfoot on bad posture within lower limbs and spine.
Material and Methods. Research sample included 306 grade four pupils attending primary schools in Kluczbork municipal district. The research test were conducted at the turn of 2017 and 2018. The results gathered in the test were subjected to statistical analysis to determine correlations between particular body posture deformities. Correlation analysis was used to determine correlations between the assessed variables.
Results. The analysis of posture fault occurrence in the research population showed variables of statistical significance for spine curvatures, flat foot and cross knees. Additionally, knee joints flexion contracture was reported in one child.
1. Bad body posture within lower limbs and spine are common among grade four pupils.
2. There is a strong correlation between splayfoot and deformities within knees and spine.

Key words:
Splayfoot, body posture, children, health


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