Electrostimulation as an improved physical therapy treatment of lymphoedema

Krzysztof Gieremek, Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Krzysztof Gieremek, Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Electrostimulation as an improved physical therapy treatment of lymphoedema. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(4); 300-305

Introduction. Morphological and electrophysiologic properties of unstriated muscles of lymphatic vessels were outlined in the present study. The most common disordes observed in lymphatic system, as well as the mechanism of lymphoedema were discussed. Well known and commonly applied means of physical therapy treatment such as external pressure, pneumatic compression, pressure-massage, manual drainage and therapeutic exercises were reviewed in this paper. Material and methods. The main subject of the present study is the orginal method of electrostymulation of unstriated muscles, which takes into consideration individual character of electrophysiological proper-tiesof muscles located in lymphatic vessels. Types of electrical impulses used in this treatment, programme modes (therapy and prophylactic mode), as well as methodology of the treatment were discussed in details. The examples of protocols used in treatment of particular conditions and their clinical aplication were presented as well.Conoclusion. The presented apparatus for application of described methods of electrostimulation in the first construction of this type, wich considers individual structure and function of lymphatic system. This method of stymulation would be probably useful in variety of medical conditions, where lymphoedema is a major therapeutic problem.

Key words:
Lymphatic System, lymphoedema, physical therapy treatment, electrostymulation

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The effectiveness of conservative methods of rehabilitation (PT) in treatment of lymphoedema after mastectomy operation

Dorota Hanasz-Sokołowska, Urszula Kaźmierczak, Wojciech Hagner, Magdalena Kaźmierczak

Dorota Hanasz-Sokołowska, Urszula Kaźmierczak, Wojciech Hagner, Magdalena Kaźmierczak – The effectiveness of conservative methods of rehabilitation (PT) in treatment of lymphoedema after mastectomy operation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(1); 67-72


Background. The aim of our research was to evaluate the effectivness of two methods of treatment of the lymphoedema after mastectomy operation. Method number 1 – classic method in treatment of lymphoedema after mastectomy operation. Treatment by using: lymphatic drainage, pneumatic massage, exercises in series 10/ 3 times a week. Method number 2 – complex methods that helps in restoration of patency: lymphatic drainage, pneumatic massage, exercises, bandaimy the upper limb, where lymphoedema appeared in series 10, 5 times a week. The examination aim was to evaluate subside of pain druing process of decreasing of lymphoedema. Material and methods. In our research we examinated patients with lymphoedema of upper limb after mastectomy operation, who were treated in Wojewódzkie Centrum Onkologii in Gdansk. Patients were devided into two groups of 15 patients each. In first group patients were treated in serie of 10, 3 times a week by classic method used: lymphatic drainage, pneumatic massage, exercises. In second group patients were treated by complex method of treatment, in series of 10, 5 times a week, by using classic treatment and adding the bandainy of upper limb, were lymphoedema appeared after operation. Results. Treatment of lymphoedema by using two methods had influence on our final results. Lymphoedema in group number 1, who were treated by classic method was located on level of forearm and elbow point. Lymphoedema in group number 2, who were treated by complex method was located over decvanon of vinov bone. Conclusions. Our research shows that conservative methods of rehabilitation had influence in process of decreasing lymphoedema, also helped to relieve pain in upper limb. The complex method is very effective treatment in lymphotic restor patency process.

Key words:
mastectomy, lymphoedema, rehabilitation
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The influence of kinesiotaping applications on lymphoedema of an upper limb in women after mastectomy

Anna Lipińska, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wojciech Kiebzak, Tomasz Senderek, Janusz Kirenko

Anna Lipińska, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wojciech Kiebzak, Tomasz Senderek, Janusz Kirenko – The influence of kinesiotaping applications on lymphoedema of an upper limb in women after mastectomy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 258-269

Background. Doctor Kenzo Kase is a creator of the method Kinesio Taping. In the course of years-lasting experiences he worked out a plas-ter called Kinesio Tex, which applied during therapy in the form of application affects a patient not only during a visit, but also after its finishing supporting autotherapy of an organism. The usage of the method of kinesiotaping at women after mastectomy influences on the decrease of oedema lymphatic and normalization of muscular tension. Material and methods. Researches were conducted in Rehabilitation Ward of Swiętokrzyskie Oncology Centre in the period from November 2006 to February 2007. The group consisted of 25 women at the age of 40 to 70 years old (the average of their age 55,16 years) treated because of breast cancer with oedema lymphatic. Every woman taking part in the experiment was subjected to kinesiotaping therapy. The research of measurement of oedema lymphatic, the muscular strength of indicated muscular structures as well as the range of movement in a humeral joint, elbow joint, wristradial joint were carried out in four series: before the first application (research I), before every next (research II, III) and after the last application (research IV). In the break between researches a patient was obliged to follow rules referring to behaviour after mastectomy. Results. Assessment of the efficiency of an upper limb at women after mastectomy shows that a 20 – day cycle of improving with the use of lymphatic applications of the kinesiotaping method considerably reduced oedema lymphatic which 24%, increases range of motion 20 % and normalization of muscular tension brings satisfactory therapeutic effects. Conclusions. Lymphatic applications accelerate lymphatic and venous microcirculation, reduces the stasis of lymph in intercellular spaces. Decrease of oedema contributes to the improvement of movement range in all joints of an upper limb and normalization of muscular tension con-tributing to the increase of muscular strengt.
Key words:
Kinesio Taping Method, lymphatic applications, mastectomy, lymphoedema
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Fizjoterapia w leczeniu obrzęku limfatycznego

Jacek Kultys, Teresa Pop, Ryszard Bielak

J. Kultys, T. Pop, R. Bielak: Physiotherapy in the treatment of lymphoedema. Fizjoterapia Polska 2015; 15(3); 64-77

Obrzęk limfatyczny jest przewlekłą chorobą, spowodowaną zaburzeniem działania układu limfatycznego, prowadzącym do gromadzenia się chłonki w przestrzeni śródmiąższowej. Konsekwencją pierwotnego lub wtórnego obrzęku limfatycznego jest nieestetyczny wygląd kończyny, ograniczenie jej czynności, a nieraz znaczne zniekształcenie kończyny z deformacją struktur kostno-stawowych i zanikami mięśniowymi. U chorych często pojawiają się problemy emocjonalne, wpływające na kontakty interpersonalne i jakość życia pacjentów. Kompleksowa fizjoterapia udrażniająca jest nadal uznawana za najskuteczniejszą metodę leczenia zachowawczego obrzęku limfatycznego, a odpowiednie zaplanowanie i stosowanie jej w poszczególnych stopniach zaawansowania choroby przynosi dobre efekty terapeutyczne.

Słowa kluczowe:
obrzęk limfatyczny, leczenie, kompleksowa fizjoterapia udrażniająca

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