Effectiveness of manual therapy in pain syndromes originating from the cervical spine

Mariana Szczepaniuk, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Kamil Markowski, Grzegorz Śliwiński


M. Szczepaniuk, Z. Śliwiński, K. Markowski, G. Śliwiński – Effectiveness of manual therapy in pain syndromes originating from the cervical spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 170-179

Introduction. Cervical pain is a common problem worldwide and is increasingly prevalent. The structure of the cervical segment, as well as its biomechanics, contributes to this. The highest number of cases has been observed among professionally active people, however, the most vulnerable are people practicing a profession involving long-term sitting in one position for several hours. The spine is often overloaded due to long periods of remaining in unnatural and uncomfortable static positions. Pain is most often the result of changes in the paravertebral tissues occurring on a structural background. This problem affects 60–90% of the population and occurs in people aged 25–65. The main methods of treating pain syndromes include: kinesitherapy, i.e. movement therapy, physical procedures and various special methods, including the McKenzie method, PNF or manual therapy.
Objective The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of treating people with pain syndromes originating from the cervical spine with various physiotherapy methods.
Material and methods. The PubMed database was searched electronically using keywords such as ‘manual therapy’, ‘PNF’, ‘McKenzie method’, ‘pain syndromes’, ‘cervical spine pain syndrome’, ‘cervical spine’, ‘neck pain’, ‘neck pain therapy’ and the relevant studies were examined. Twenty-two publications were found, containing treatment of cervical spine pain syndromes using various methods, which were further analyzed. These articles were published between 2006 and 2019. Based on the analysis of titles and abstracts, five studies were excluded. Then another three studies were excluded based on the analysis of full texts. In total, 8 studies were excluded. Finally, the analysis of data contained in 14 studies was performed.
Results. It has been observed that pain is one of the most common symptoms of cervical spine disorders. Most often it is assessed using the VAS visual-analog scale. Based on the analysis of 14 studies, it is found that after the application of special physiotherapy techniques, pain is reduced.
Conclusions. Based on the analysis performed, it is concluded that the most commonly used method of measuring pain in patients before and after therapy is the VAS visual-analogue scale. After analyzing the results of selected studies, it can be clearly stated that special methods have a beneficial effect on reducing pain in patients with cervical pain syndrome, based on the average values before and after therapy.

Key words:
cervical spine pain syndrome, McKenzie method, PNF method, manual therapy

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