Zastosowanie testu Functional Movement Screen (FMS) w celu określenia ryzyka urazu narządu ruchu wśród strażaków i żołnierzy – badania pilotażowe

Joanna Jagiełka, Małgorzata Chochowska, Ewa Kamińska

J. Jagiełka, M. Chochowska, E. Kamińska – Application of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) test to determine the risk of musculoskeletal injuries among firefighters and soldiers – pilot study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 114-123

Objective. Work specificity of uniformed services is characterized by a significant risk of injuries that may cause resignation from military service and results in significant social and economic costs. Many injuries can be prevented if abnormal movement patterns are noticed and corrected at the right time.
The objective of the study was to assess the quality of movement patterns and determine the risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system among young soldiers and firefighters using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) test.
Material and methods. Sixty men aged 19-30 (average: 26.5 years) participated in the pilot study, including 30 soldiers (S) and 30 firefighters (F).
Results: In 5 out of 7 FMS tests, F obtained better results compared to S, however statistically significant differences were observed only in: deep squat test (F: 2.67 points vs S: 2.32 points; p = 0.020) and in-line lunge test (F: 2.87 points vs S: 2.42 points; p = 0.000). In addition, F obtained a statistically better final result of the FMS test (F: 17.50 points vs.
S: 16.97 points; p = 0.046). In both groups, the lowest results were obtained in the rotary stability test (F: 2.13 points;
S: 2.10 points) and the active straight leg raise test (F: 2.20 points; S: 2.00 points) .
Conclusions. The final FMS result in the groups F and S was in the upper limit of the middle range of scores (14-17 points), estimating the risk of injuries at the level of 25-35% and indicating the need for remedial procedures. FMS can be a useful tool in assessing the risk of injury to the musculoskeletal system in the case of employees of uniformed services and be part of their prevention.

Key words:
Functional Movement Screen, żołnierze, strażacy, ryzyko urazu, profilaktyka

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