The role of nitric oxide in the modulation of arterial smooth muscle contraction evoked by activation of adrenoreceptors during laser biostimulation

Magdalena Mackiewicz-Milewska, Jan Talar, Grzegorz Grześk, Leszek Szadujkis-Szadurski, Irena Bułatowicz, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Magdalena Mackiewicz-Milewska, Jan Talar, Grzegorz Grześk, Leszek Szadujkis-Szadurski, Irena Bułatowicz, Zbigniew Śliwiński – The role of nitric oxide in the modulation of arterial smooth muscle contraction evoked by activation of adrenoreceptors during laser biostimulation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(2); 89-98

Introduction. The mechanisms of action of laser biostimulation on tissue continues to be the object of scientific investigation. The positive impact of laser radiation of low and medium power on inhibiting vascular contraction has been proven. It remains unknown, however, exactly how this takes place. We investigated the role of nitric oxide in this process.Material and methods. An in vitro experiment was performed on isolated tail arteries of male Wistar rats. The arteries were first subjected to the effect of noradrenalin (NA) and phenylephrine (PHE), and then to the effect of laser radiation (10, 30 and 100 mW), Then an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase was added to the incubation fluid, along with methylene blue, and the effects of laser radiation in these conditions were observed.Results. Laser radiation of 10, 30, and 110mW inhibits the vascular contraction reaction induced by NA and PHE. The addition of a nitric oxide inhibitor or a guanyl cyclase inhibitor (methylene blue) to the incubation fluid cancels the inhibitory effect of laser biostimulation on contraction. Conclusion. Our results imply that the inhibitory effect of laser biostimulation on vascular contraction is mediated by nitric oxide and its secondary transmitter, guanyl cyclase.

Key words:
laser biostimulation, vascular endothelium, Nitric Oxide, adrenoreceptors

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Role of the physiological antagonism of angiotensin II and laser biostimulation in the modulation of arterial smooth muscle reactivity

Grzegorz Grześk, Magdalena Mackiewicz-Milewska, Jan Talar, Leszek Szadujkis-Szadurski, Irena Bułatowicz

Grzegorz Grześk, Magdalena Mackiewicz-Milewska, Jan Talar, Leszek Szadujkis-Szadurski, Irena Bułatowicz – Role of the physiological antagonism of angiotensin II and laser biostimulation in the modulation of arterial smooth muscle reactivity. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(2); 143-150


Background. The mechanisms of action of laser biostimulation on biological tissue continues to be the object of much scientific research. The positive impact of laser radiation of low and medium power on inhibiting the contraction of blood vessels has already been demonstrated. We decided to investigate the role of angiotensin II in this process.Material and methods. The experiment was performed on isolated tail arteries collected from male Wistar rats. The arteries were first subjected to the effect of phenylephrine (PHE), and then to the effect of laser radiation (10, 30 and 110 mW) in the presence of angiotensin II. Changes in vascular tension were observed and recorded.Results. Laser radiation inhibited the vascular contraction that is typically induced by PHE, proportionally to the power of the laser applied, in both controls and in experimental arteries pretreated with angiotensin II. The KA values calculated for PHE in the presence of angiotensin II and in biostimulated arteries did not differ significantly from controls.Conclusions. Our results suggest that vascular contractility is reduced under the influence of laser biostimulation. The increase in receptor reserve induced by angiotensin II is significantly lowered by the effect of laser biostimulation. Laser biostimulation inhibits the activity of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system by reducing the tissue effects of angiotensin II.

Key words:
vascular dilatation, vascular endothelium, adrenoceptors
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Motivation to Commence University Studies and Satisfaction with Studying Physiotherapy Among Master’s Degree Students of Polish University-level Schools of Different Educational Profiles

Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Irena Bułatowicz, Ewa Gajewska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Wojciech Kułak, Michał Plewa, Jacek Lewandowski, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Dariusz Białoszewski

Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Irena Bułatowicz, Ewa Gajewska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Wojciech Kułak, Michał Plewa, Jacek Lewandowski, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Dariusz Białoszewski – Motivation to Commence University Studies and Satisfaction with Studying Physiotherapy Among Master’s Degree Students of Polish University-level Schools of Different Educational Profiles. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(3); 213-227

The aim of the study was to analyse factors which motivate students to commence university studies as well as to analyse the level of satisfaction with studying among a group of Master’s degree students in their final semester. 1942 second year Master’s degree students. Voluntary and anonymous questionnaire studies. The approval of the Ethical Review Board of WUM was not necessary. The questionnaire was developed by the authors and comprised 74 questions. STATISTICA 10.0 (license WUM), tests: Chi-square, Kruskall-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U (p<0.05). The students declared the level of satisfaction with studying at PM: 3.44, PWF: 3.54 and IP: 3.52 (H=17.167; p<.000). A half of the study group would choose a Physiotherapy course again, 30% would choose the same university. 36% got acquainted with the curriculum of a Master’s degree course (p=NS). 56% reported that the curriculum content concerning orthopaedics was repeated most often, manual therapy and massage was repeated least often (34%). The largest proportion of the students declared that a Master’s degree course improved their skills. 1. The modification of curricula seems to be necessary. It should consists in prolongation of the duration of a Bachelor’s degree course and in putting a greater emphasis on a strictly occupational training and more efficient use of hours devoted to the work with patients. 2. The modification may be performed with the use of the curricula which are consistent with the guidelines of European and National Qualification Frameworks. The emphasis there is put mainly on outcomes of education and e-learning. 3. The assessment of the level of satisfaction with learning at a Master’s degree Physiotherapy course among students who had changed the educational profile of a university, as well as a detailed analysis of the curricula of a Master’s degree course seem to be important in order to extend the study.
Key words:
physiotherapy, a Master’s degree course, educational profile of a university-level school, Quality of teaching, satisfaction with studying
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Development as a physiotherapist towards professionalization during a Master’s degree course among students of university-level schools of different educational profiles

Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Irena Bułatowicz, Ewa Gajewska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Wojciech Kułak, Michał Plewa, Jacek Lewandowski, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Dariusz Białoszewski

Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Irena Bułatowicz, Ewa Gajewska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Wojciech Kułak, Michał Plewa, Jacek Lewandowski, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Dariusz Białoszewski – Development as a physiotherapist towards professionalization during a Master’s degree course among students of university-level schools of different educational profiles. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(4); 313-325

The professionalization of the physiotherapist profession is a dynamic process in Poland, which can be seen in the number of academic organizational units, formation of PTF, and development of academic research. The study aimed to analyse the process of professionalization among a group of final semester Master’s degree students of Polish university-level schools of different educational profiles.1942 second year Master’s degree students took part in the study. 1600 students were qua­lified to the statistical analysis: 570 PM students, 464 PWF students, and 566 IP students. Voluntary and anonymous que­stionnaire studies. The questionnaire was developed by the authors and comprised 74 questions. STATISTICA 10.0 program (Warsaw Medical University license) and the following non-parametric statistical tests: Chi-square, Kruskall-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U (p<0.05).Only 6% of students engaged themselves in the activity of a Student Research Society (SRS) (p<.000). Only 28% of students actively took part course in a scientific conference (p<0.834). As little as 18% of students actively parti­cipated in a research study/research project (p<.000). The vast majority of students declared that they did not publish any article. 40% of the students declared participation in additional occupational courses. The vast majority of students had found out about the courses from the Internet (H=7.896, p<0.019) and declared that they would like to get objective infor­mation on the courses during their university classes (H=0.247, p<0.883). 1. University-level should develop programmes to pick up outstandingly talented individuals in order to provide them with an individual path of scientific development and build closer tights between these graduates and the school in the future. 2. Physiotherapy students seem to have a practical attitude towards the post-graduation training, which is more oriented to the content and usefulness and less oriented to temporary trends in physiotherapy. 3. There is an urgent need that university-level schools educating prospective physiotherapists develop educational programmes which would deal to a greater extend than it is at present with modern methods used in physiotherapy and which would constitute specific guidebooks in which students would be able to find information on the best parallel and post-graduate directions of further studies.
Key words:
professionalization, certified occupational courses, scientific work, postgraduate education
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Masaż w okresie ciąży – wskazania, przeciwwskazania, ogólne zasady wykonywania zabiegu

Katarzyna Urtnowska, Irena Bułatowicz, Grzegorz Ludwikowski

K. Urtnowska, I. Bułatowicz, G. Ludwikowski – Massage during pregnancy – indications, contraindications, general principles for performing the treatment. FP 2017; 17(1); 88-94

Cel pracy. Celem pracy było przedstawienie ogólnych zasad oraz wskazań i przeciwwskazań do wykonania zabiegu masażu dla kobiet w trakcie ciąży.
Podstawowe założenia. Ciąża, jako okres wielkich zmian w organizmie i wyglądzie ciała kobiety często skutkuje wieloma różnorakimi dolegliwościami oraz stanowi swego rodzaju problem terapeutyczny. Najczęściej obserwowanymi są objawy bólowe i napięciowe ze strony układu mięśniowo-kostnego. Zabieg masażu relaksacyjnego, wykonywany regularnie w trakcie ciąży, jest w stanie zapobiec powstaniu tych dolegliwości lub ulżyć już obecnym. Niestety wykonywany jest niezwykle rzadko, z powodu wielu obaw o bezpieczeństwo tego rodzaju zabiegu, a także z tego względu, iż nie każdy gabinet masażu jest przygotowany na przyjęcie i pomoc kobiecie ciężarnej. Aby masaż prenatalny był bezpieczną formą terapii, musi być przeprowadzony przez wykwalifikowanego masażystę w specjalistyczny sposób, tak aby kobieta mogła poczuć się rozluźniona, odprężona i nie musiała obawiać się o zdrowie swoje i nienarodzonego dziecka. Wyjątkowo istotne jest także aby terapeuta wykluczył przed zabiegiem istnienie wszelkich przeciwwskazań, przestrzegał zasad wykonywania zabiegu oraz dbał o dobre samopoczucie ciężarnej.

Słowa kluczowe:
kobieta, ciąża, masaż, fizjoterapia

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