Physiotherapy of scar in the light of the current reports about fascia

Agnieszka Sobierajska-Rek

A. Sobierajska-Rek – Physiotherapy of scar in the light of the current reports about fascia. FP 2017; 17(1); 64-71


In view of the serious complications of healing process within certain parts of the body (visceral adhesions, adhesions within the chest disrupting respiratory patterns, entrapment of nerves in scar tissue) it seems necessary to introduce prevention and treatment of adhesions after any surgical procedures.

The aim of this study is to present the mechanisms, which accompany the formation of scar, on the basis of the current reports on fascia, and to show the possibility of therapeutic treatment of linear scars, on the basis of our own clinical experience.

When examining dysfunctions accompanying the healing process of soft tissues, three basic disorders may be defined: keloid scar, hypertrophic scar and tissue adhesion.

It has been established, that using the manual mobilization techniques on a scar, tissue mobility may be improved, pain sensation decreased and better functioning of internal organs achieved. In order to obtain optimal therapeutic results, it is essential to introduce a comprehensive scar treatment. The manual mobilization leads to certain reactions of tissue at the level of hyaluronic acid restructuring, breaking the adhesion or preventing its creation and relaxation caused by stress.

Key words:
scar, fascia, manual therapy

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