Gross motor impairments in autism

Katarzyna Czech, Justyna Paprocka

Katarzyna Czech, Justyna Paprocka –Gross motor impairments in autism. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 152-159

Gross motor impairments occurring in children with autism spectrum disorders result from abnormal distribution of muscle tone and abnormalities in sensory processing, mainly in the vestibular and proprioceptive systems. The very important role of exercise therapy and sensory integration therapy in children with autism is emphasized for the improvement of the child’s functioning.
Key words:
autism, gross motor impairments, dyspraxia, praxis, abnormalities in processing sensory processes, sensory integration
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Evaluation of effectiveness of the therapeutic program combining elements of occupational therapy and Veronica Sherborne’s Developmental Movement approach in autistic children. A preliminary study

Dominika Zawadzka, Paulina Zawadzka, Rafał Bugaj, Marta Curyło, Anna Gumułka

Dominika Zawadzka, Paulina Zawadzka, Rafał Bugaj, Marta Curyło, Anna Gumułka – Evaluation of effectiveness of the therapeutic program combining elements of occupational therapy and Veronica Sherborne’s Developmental Movement approach in autistic children. A preliminary study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(4); 405-416

Therapy of autistic children aims at minimizing the problems typical for this condition, including the symptoms resulting from the so called autistic triad. The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the implemented therapeutic program, taking advantage of the elements of occupational therapy and the Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement approach, applied in autistic children. The sample included 20 children diagnosed with autism (the age compartment ranged from 3 to 6 years). The project was implemented within one year. During the first six months the program was applied in 10 children. During the next six months, the next group of 10 children was subjected to the treatment. The results obtained from each group were statistically analysed and the progress was compared between the groups. Due to the lack of significant between group differences, the final analysis was carried out for the entire study sample. The patients were recruited from the population of children undergoing treatment at the mental Health Clinic in Wroclaw and the Centre of Rehabilitation and Neuropsychiatry “Celestyn” in Mikoszow. The basic diagnostic tool applied in the study was the Scale of Observation of Autistic Children Actions (SOACA), developed by Bogdanowicz. This involved observation of the changes occurring in five aspects of psychomotor development; the four aspects are considered basic ones. These are: the cognitive, emotional, social and motor aspect. The applied therapeutic program most effectively affected the emotional, social and cognitive aspects in autistic children. The treatment proved most effective in the following aspects of psychomotor development: the mood, physical contact, attitude to the activities and attitude to the partner in pair work. The proposed therapeutic program combining the elements of occupational therapy and Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement approach proved effective; it supports psychomotor development in autistic children. The program can be included in the therapy of autistic children. However, the program should be carried out in an extended period of time to enable assessment of the long-term effects of the treatment.
Key words:
autism, autistic children therapy, a method of Veronica Sherborne, occupational therapy
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Wpływ hipoterapii na wybrane czynniki fizyczne i psychiczne u dzieci z autyzmem

Włodzisław Kuliński, Łukasz Bomba

W. Kuliński, Ł. Bomba – The effect of hippotherapy on children with autism – physical and psychological factors. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 142-156

Wstęp. Autyzm jest uznawany za zaburzenie rozwojowe, prawdopodobnie determinowane biologicznie i przejawiające się w różnych sferach funkcjonowania dziecka.
Cel. Celem badań była ocena wpływu rocznej hipoterapii na funkcjonowanie fizyczne i psychiczne u dzieci z autyzmem w wybranych obszarach.
Materiał i metody. Rodzice i dzieci chore na autyzm w wieku 5–7 lat, którzy w ostatnich 2 latach przebyły terapię z wykorzystaniem hipoterapii. W celu dokonania oceny wpływu rocznych oddziaływań wychowawczo-edukacyjnych na poszczególne sfery rozwojowe dzieci z autyzmem skorzystano ze zmodyfikowanej skali PEP-R, uzupełnionej kwestionariuszem własnej konstrukcji na temat cech demograficzno-społecznych oraz w zakresie przebiegu choroby. W analizie statystycznej stosowano test t-Studenta oraz współczynnik korelacji Pearsona. Za statystycznie znamienne przyjmowano te wyniki testów, dla których poziom istotności był mniejszy lub równy 0,05 (p < 0,05).
Wyniki. W toku rocznego procesu terapeutycznego z wykorzystaniem hipoterapii nastąpiła poprawa w rozwoju motoryki i reakcji emocjonalnych u dzieci z autyzmem. Wysoka motoryka dzieci z autyzmem ma pozytywny wpływ na sferą emocjonalną. Niższy stopień autyzmu cechuje wyższy poziom funkcjonowania fizycznego i psychicznego dzieci z autyzmem niż dzieci z umiarkowanym i dużym stopniem autyzmu.
Wnioski. Hipoterapia jest jednym z obszarów terapii osób z autyzmem.
Słowa kluczowe:
autyzm, leczenie, hipoterapia
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Alicja Salwach, Aleksandra Czaplińska, Sylwia Potępa, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Andrzej Szopa

A. Salwach, A. Czaplińska, S. Potępa, M. Domagalska-Szopa, A. Szopa – Evaluation of balance in 5-7-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 38-44

材料及方法:共30名5-7岁患自闭症谱系障碍的儿童参与试验,其中包括22名男孩及8名女孩,采用富勒頓高級平衡計分錶規模 (FAB) 测试作为平衡评估。



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Anxiety among therapists working with children with autism

Paweł Wieczorkowski, Natalia Habik, Zofia Śliwińska, Zbigniew Śliwiński

P. Wieczorkowski, N. Habik, Z. Śliwińska, Z. Śliwiński – Anxiety among therapists working with children with autism. FP 2017; 17(4); 76-82


Introduction. The anxiety among the therapists working with the children diagnosed with autism is associated with the fear and concerns associated with planning and conducting the therapeutic process. The objective of the study is to analyse the situations in which therapists experience discomfort and anxiety during classes and exercises with the persons diagnosed with autism. The studies conducted included observations of the causes of anxiety behaviours, the degree of their intensity and elimination.
Materials and methods. The analysis covered 16 therapists working in the Polish Autism Society. The research was conducted from December 2014 to January 2015. The therapists were aged between 22 and 45. The research made use of a diagnostic survey conducted using questionnaires.
Results. The most frequent symptoms of anxiety among the therapists working with autistic children are nervousness and higher heart rate. The best way of handling anxiety is relaxation. The most frequent cause of anxiety among the therapists working with autistic children is physical and verbal aggression demonstrated by children and absence of effects of work.
Conclusions. An important think to remember when working with autistic children is that work problems should not be brought home. The point is to eliminate occupational burnout. An important element that eliminates anxiety is finding the time for relaxation.

Key words:
autism, children, therapy, anxiety

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Comparative analysis physiotherapy in children with atypical autism

Natalia Habik, Paweł Wieczorkowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński

N. Habik, P. Wieczorkowski, Z. Śliwiński – Comparative analysis physiotherapy in children with atypical autism. FP 2016;16(4);72-81


Introduction. The autism is an all-embracing development disorder that affects all areas of the child functioning. It causes disturbances in the interpersonal communication. It leads to difficulties in submission to social rules due to the lack of their understanding.
Material and Methods. In this research the case of two children has been described, Zazanna and Aleksander, who took part in the physiotherapeutic sessions with the physiotherapist at the National Autistic Society in Kielce, once a week for 1 hour.  The research was held in the period from November 2015 to March 2016. The children were 4 years old. The PEP model with a scale 0-5 was used to evaluate the children.
Results. The children with atypical autism have disturbances in perception, communication and speech.  The least difficult are for them tasks related with gross motor and visual-motor coordination. The examined boy was more promising comparing to the girl.
Conclusions. The children with diagnosed atypical autism differ in terms of psychophysical development depending on their gender. According to the psychoeducational profile PEP, the physiotherapy reduces disorders resulting from the diagnosed autism spectrum. The gender has significant influence on the fine and gross motor development in children with ASD.


autism, ASD, physiotherapy, psychoeducational profile

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