Występowanie objawów zaburzeń stawów skroniowo­ – żuchwowych (TMDs) i depresji oraz odczuwanie stresu u studentów fizjoterapii z osobowością typu D

Magdalena Gębska, Sylwia Mielcarska, Bartosz Dalewski, Łukasz Pałka, Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Łukasz Kołodziej

Magdalena Gębska, Sylwia Mielcarska, Bartosz Dalewski, Łukasz Pałka, Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Łukasz Kołodziej – Prevelence of temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMDs) and depressive symptoms and feelings of stress in physiotherapy students with type D personality. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 145-156

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20BZsV

Wprowadzenie. Doniesienia naukowe z zakresu stomatologii i psychologii podkreślają rolę cech osobowości w etiologii dysfunkcji stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych (TMDs). Osobowość typu D jest stosunkowo nowym konstruktem, w związku z czym nie ma jeszcze zbyt wielu badań na ten temat. Obejmuje ona zarówno skłonność do doświadczania negatywnych emocji, jak i tendencję do powstrzymywania się od ich wyrażania. Wyraźnie podkreśla się wpływ tego połączonego efektu na wzrost natężenia stresu oraz rozwój chorób somatycznych i psychicznych. Przedstawione w doniesieniu naukowym dane stanowią uzupełnienie wcześniejszych spostrzeżeń podczas realizowanych badań dotyczących osobowości typu D u osób z TMDs.
Cel. Ocena wpływu osobowości typu D oraz jej dwóch wymiarów na występowanie TMDs i czynników predysponujących, depresji i poziom nasilenia odczuwanego stresu.
Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono na grupie 240 studentów fizjoterapii. Grupę badaną (G1) stanowiło 120 studentów ze stwierdzoną na podstawie kwestionariusza DS14 osobowością typu D. Grupę kontrolną (G2) stanowiła taka sama liczba osób bez osobowości typu D. Dane zebrano za pomocą opracowanego na potrzeby badania formularza występowania objawów zaburzeń TMDs i czynników predysponujących , kwestionariusza oceny nasilenia stresu PSS10 oraz kwestionariusza depresji Becka (BDI).
Wyniki. W badanej grupie ilość objawów TMDs istotnie dodatnio koreluje z osobowością typu D (z NE mocniejsza korelacja niż z SI), PSS10 oraz BDI oraz ujemnie koreluje z wiekiem. U studentów z osobowością typu D istotnie częściej oraz w większej ilości występowały objawy TMDs niż u osób bez osobowości stresowej (p = 0,00). Wyjątek stanowił objaw wzmożonego napięcia mięśniowego, który nie wykazał różnicy statystycznej (p = 0,22). Osoby z osobowością typu D są ponad 6 razy częściej narażone są na zaciskanie zębów (OR = 6,76) oraz 3 razy częściej na objawy akustyczne TMJ (OR = 3,35) i zgrzytanie zębami (OR = 3,27). W grupie badanej wraz ze wzrostem poziomu odczuwanego stresu i stopnia depresji wzrasta też ilość zgłaszanych objawów TMDs. W grupie studentów z osobowością typu D depresja występowała istotnie częściej niż w grupie bez osobowości stresowej (p = 0,00).
Wniosek. Studenci z osobowością typu D są narażeni na występowanie większej ilości objawów TMDs oraz silniejsze odczuwanie stresu i depresji.

Słowa kluczowe:
osobowość D, stres, depresja, dysfunkcja stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego, studenci

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The relationship of anthropometric measurement, physical activity, psychosocial aspects and endometriosis

Shyamrani.Y, B.Sathya Prabha

Shyamrani.Y, B.Sathya Prabha – The relationship of anthropometric measurement, physical activity, psychosocial aspects and endometriosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 50-53

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DEHN3

Aim. To find out the association between the anthropometric measurement, the physical activity, psychosocial level and endometriosis. Materials and Methods. Thirty women diagnosed as endometriosis and 30 age matched non endometriosis women were recruited. Anthropometric measurement – Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist hip ratio (WHR) was measured. International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and Beck Depression Inventory scale (BDI) were used to measure the physical activity level and the psychosocial level respectively. Results. There was a significant difference in BMI between the groups. The odds ratio and relative risk analysis of endometriosis showed that there is an association between increased BMI, WHR, BDI and the risk of endometriosis (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Increased Body mass index, Waist Hip Ratio and Beck depression score (BMI > 30, WHR > 0.85 and BDI > 16) are associated with increased risk of endometriosis.
Key words:
endometriosis, body mass index, physical activity, waist hip ratio, depression
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Attitude of physiotherapists towards elderly patients with mental and behavioural disorders

Joanna Szczepańska, Joanna Kowalska, Grażyna Greń, Marek Woźniewski

Joanna Szczepańska, Joanna Kowalska, Grażyna Greń, Marek Woźniewski – Attitude of physiotherapists towards elderly patients with mental and behavioural disorders. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(3); 216-221

Background. To verify whether cognitive deficits and mood disorders of older inpatients negatively influence the attitudes of physiotherapists towards them. Material and methods. Examination in Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit. 52 patients (78± ,4 years) and 7 physiotherapists. Cognitive status and mood of the patients were examined using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) respectively. GDS was performed only in patients with MMSE 15. The therapists filled an anonymous questionnaire concerning the quality of working with particular patients. This enabled the following division: group (P+) patients working with whom the physiotherapists evaluated as pleasant, group (P-) patients who were negatively evaluated by the physiotherapists as working with them was difficult and tiresome. Results. In group (P-) MMSE values were significantly lower than in group (P+), and they were 15,2±7,5 vs. 23,1±3,7 respectively (p=0,0) and GDS values were significantly higher in comparison with group (P+), and they were 21,3±4,8 vs. 14,6±5,9 respectively (p=0,0). Conclusions. The patients evoking negative attitudes of physiotherapists (impatience, irritability, aversion) had mainly severe cognitive deficits (MMSE<19) and severe depressive symptoms (GDS>20). This may be an additional factor decreasing effectiveness of physiotherapy in this group of patients.

Key words:
cognitive impairment, depression, elderly persons, physiotherapy

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Mood disorders – significant factor in physiotherapy of elderly patients

Joanna Szczepańska, Grażyna Greń, Marek Woźniewski

Joanna Szczepańska, Grażyna Greń, Marek Woźniewski – Mood disorders – significant factor in physiotherapy of elderly patients. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(2); 170-178

Background. Assessment of the prevalence of signs and symptoms of depressions among patients in a geriatric rehabilitation ward as well as an analysis of the physiotherapist-patient relationship where the patient suffers from a mood disorder. Material and methods. 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), a questionnaire assessing the attitude of physiotherapists to working with specific patients. Results. 67.7% of the patients suffered from depression-type mood disorders. The presence of a mood disorder in chronically hospitalised elderly patients had a negative influence on the attitude of physiotherapists to those patients. Conclusions. Mood disorders are common in patients of long-term care institutions. Depression has a negative influence on the course of rehabilitation and the relationship between the physiotherapists and the patient. In order to increase the effectiveness of physiotherapy in geriatric rehabilitation wards, action must be taken to improve the emoctional health of elderly patients (diagnosis and treatment of depression).
Key words:
depression, rehabilitation, physiotherapist-patient relationship, long-term hospitalization
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The role of psychological factors in chronic cervical spine pain syndromes

Elżbieta Szczygieł, Bożena Krzanik, Joanna Golec, Paweł Szot

Elżbieta Szczygieł, Bożena Krzanik, Joanna Golec, Paweł Szot – The role of psychological factors in chronic cervical spine pain syndromes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(4); 312-320

Background. Spinal pain is one of the most freąuent musculoskeletal complaints, and is considered a major ąuantitative, social and therapeutic problem. Despite the many studies on the subject conducted so far, the aetiology of spinał pain seems very diverse and treatment is often ineffective. The present paper aims to analyse the relationship between chronic cervical spine pain and selected psychological factors such as depression and the most freauently experienced emotions of joy, satisfaction, tenderness, anxiety fear, apprehension, anger, indignation, irritation, feeling ofguilt, feeling of shame, grief, humiliation, or sadness. Material and methods. We analysed data provided by 45 subjects, who were enrolled on account of chronic cervical spine pain of more than 3 months duration. The study used a survey the Beck Depression lnventory and an Emotion Questionnaire. Results and Conclusions. The average reported duration ofthe pain was 13.2 years. Average self-rated pain intensity was 5.9 on a 10-point scalę and the average duration of treatment before entering the study was 11.6 years. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the occurrence of chronic cervical spine pain and depression, as well as the most freauently experienced emotions, such as fear, anxiety apprehension, and humiliation.
Key words:
chronic cervical spine pain syndrome, depression, emotional factors
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Anxiety, depression and health self-assessment in cardiological patients – from point of view of a physiotherapy

Andrzej Knapik, Janusz Kocjan

Andrzej Knapik, Janusz Kocjan – Lęk i depresja a samoocena zdrowia u pacjentów kardiologicznych – spojrzenie z perspektywy fizjoterapii. FP 2013; 13(2); 28-32


Lęk i depresja coraz częściej biorą udział w rozwoju choroby oraz mogą mieć istotny wpływ na przebieg i wyniki leczenia. Przyczyną ich występowania może być stres związany z rozpoznaniem choroby, niepewnością rokowania oraz dolegliwościami fizycznymi towarzyszącymi chorobie i jej leczeniu. Celem pracy była ocena poziomu lęku i depresji u pacjentów kardiologicznych oraz określeniu ich poziomu samooceny zdrowia zbadać czy lęk i depresja mają związek z samooceną zdrowia oraz określić ewentualne różnice dymorficzne.

Słowo kluczowe
lęk, depresja, samoocena zdrowia

Trening aerobowy poprawia funkcje poznawcze i funkcjonalne u pacjentów z depresją w stwardnieniu rozsianym. Badanie pilotażowe na podstawie studium przypadku

Marta Niwald, Justyna Redlicka, Elżbieta Miller

M. Niwald, J. Redlicka, E. Miller – Aerobic training enhances cognition and functional status in depressive multiple sclerosis patients. A case-control study-pilot study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(2); 96-102


Background: The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of aerobic training (AT) on depression, cognition and functional status in 2 groups of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients: with depression syndrome (MS-D) and without depression (MS).
Objectives: a sample of 31 individuals with MS and 28 MS-D performed 30 minutes of AT using lower-extremity ergometer 3×10 min each day, with a 60-minute break for 6 weeks. Both groups were matched for the age and sex.
Material and methods: all examined parameters were assessed before and after AT series with use of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Activities of Daily Living (ADL) scale and the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). We analyzed the drop-out rate as a measure of feasibility.
Results: In both groups, the AT session induced a significant improvement in reducing depression (BDI) and cognition impairment (MoCA). However, the changes observed in MS-D patients were significantly greater than those observed in MS patients, especially in BDI and MoCA. There were no statistically significant correlations of EDSS, MOCCA, BDI, ADL, age or gender.
Conclusions: AT appears to be an effective and simple tool for improving cognition and functional status in patients with MS. This study indicates that aerobic training is feasible and could be beneficial for patients with progressive MS.

Key words:
Aerobic training, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), cognition, depression

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Assessment of the level of anxiety, depression and pain intensity in patients with osteoarthritis of the limbs through spa treatment

Jadwiga Kuciel-Lewandowska, Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz, Wojciech Laber, Mateusz Kowal, Krzysztof Szarejko, Krzysztof Aleksandrowicz

J. Kuciel-Lewandowska, M. Paprocka-Borowicz, W. Laber, M. Kowal, K. Szarejko, K. Aleksandrowicz – Assessment of the level of anxiety, depression and pain intensity in patients with osteoarthritis of the limbs through spa treatment. FP 2016;16(2);64-72

Introduction. Chronic pain as a consequence of osteoarthritis of the limbs  is one of the factors provoking anxiety-depressive disorder. Both pain and the anxiety-depressive disorders are factors mutually escalating, which at the same time significantly restrict the mobility and quality of life. Musculoskeletal system diseases represent a serious therapeutic problem. Chronic condition, the lack of improvement in treatment of negative symptoms and inability to return not only to social life but also to work is also a serious economic problem.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the spa treatment on the anxiety, depression and the pain perception level in patients with degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis of the spine.
Materials and  methods. The research was conducted before the introduction of complex therapy and after its completion. The range of observations included:
– Assessing the level of anxiety and depression using a standard Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HADS,
– Assessing pain – VAS pain scale,
– medical and socio-demographic history.
The observation comprised 120 patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the limbs in the Przerzeczyn-Zdroj spa. The study also included  observation of the control group consisting of 21-persons treated on an outpatient basis. During the 21-day stays at the spa there were physical treatments, physiotherapy and natural healing materials used such as peloid mud and medicinal radon-sulphide water. Patients treated in the Rehabilitation Clinic did not undergo balneotherapy.
Results. As a result of the spa therapy and treatments performed on an outpatient basis the levels of anxiety and  depression were lowered whereas the pain intensity level was decreased.
Conclusions. 1. Spa treatment and the treatment conducted on an outpatient basis, lowers the level of pain, anxiety and depression in patients with osteoarthritis of the limbs.
2. As a result of the research it was found that more effective, in terms of reducing the level of pain, anxiety and depression, was the treatment carried out at the spa.

Key words:
osteoarthritis of the limbs, anxiety, depression, spa therapy, HADS scale and VAS

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