Ocena sytuacji prawnej fizjoterapeutów w zakresie kontynuacji uprawnień zawodowych


The profession of physical therapist is subject to specific legal regulation under the Act on the Profession of Physical Therapist of 25 September 2015, the adoption of which was motivated by the need to introduce comprehensive legal solutions taking into account the specific social character of that profession. Until that act took effect, i.e. until 31 May 2016, Poland had had no statutory provisions regulating the principles of pursuing that profession.
Analysis of the adopted legal regulations indicates numerous doubts that make it difficult to issue an unequivocal legal assessment of the factual conditions occurring in practice. The above statement refers, in particular, to the persons meeting the statutory criteria that want to continue the acquired professional qualifications.
The objective of this study is to demonstrate the doubts resulting from the adopted normative provisions, to attempt to explain them, and to formulate the de lege ferenda conclusions that would allow to respect that condition.

Key words:
physical therapy, act on the profession of physical therapist, act on medical activity, right to pursue the profession of physical therapist
