
Patryk Kiljański, Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Krzysztof Gieremek, Marek Kiljański

P. Kiljański, J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, K. Gieremek, M. Kiljański – The effect of massage with an electrostatic field of different frequency on the tension of selected skeletal muscles of the shoulder girdle. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 138-158


测量肌肉张力时使用“Szirmai“肌张力测量器,进行静电场按摩治疗时使用Physiomed品牌的深度振荡仪器,按摩分两阶段进行,两阶段分别使用50 Hz (测试1) i及150 Hz (测试2) 等不同频率。测试间隔为2-3周。
结果和结论。研究结果显示50 Hz及150 Hz频率的静电场按摩对肌肉张力下降有影响,而50 Hz及150 Hz的按摩对肌肉张力降低无统计学上的显著差异。




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The use of deep water running in physiotherapy – possibilities and restrictions

Wojciech Cieśla, Krzysztof Gieremek, Jarosław Drabik, Tomasz Cieśla

W. Cieśla, K. Gieremek, J. Drabik, T. Cieśla – Zastosowanie treningu biegowego w głębokiej wodzie w fizjoterapii – możliwości i ograniczenia. FP 2013; 13(3); 28-33

Bieganie w głębokiej wodzie – Deep Water Running (DWR) jest od lat 80-tych ubiegłego stulecia w wielu krajach Europy zachodniej i Ameryki Płn. dość powszechnie stosowanym sposobem przeciwdziałania zmniejszaniu wydolności organizmu. Ten rodzaj treningu był i jest szczególnie chętnie stosowany u sportowców, którzy doznali obrażeń ciała wykluczających ich czasowo z normalnych treningów wymagających obciążania aparatu kostno-stawowego. Wieloletnie doświadczenia lekarzy, fizjoterapeutów pokazują, że umiejętnie zastosowany trening biegowy w wodzie, posiada szereg zalet, które mogą być wykorzystane również u osób borykających się takimi problemami zdrowotnymi, jak np.: choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawów, otyłość czy zaburzenia koordynacji ruchów. DWR stosowany jest w kilku ośrodkach leczniczych i rehabilitacyjnych w naszym kraju, lecz Iiczba ich jest niewielka. Z uwagi no zalety prozdrowotne tego rodzaju treningu zasługuje on na przybliżenie jego zalet i wad oraz no krótką charakterystykę głównych założeń metodycznych.

Słowa kluczowe:
terapia w wodzie, bieg w głębokiej wodzie, fizjoterapia

Artykuł dostępny tylko w j. polskim

Biomechanical aspects of elbow joint action in rheumatoid arthritis

Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Janusz Błaszczyk, Krzysztof Gieremek, Wojciech Cieśla, Jacek Polechoński

J. Rojczyk-Chmarek, J. Błaszczyk, K. Gieremek, W. Cieśla, J. Polechoński – Biomechanical aspects of elbow joint action in rheumatoid arthritis. FP 2014; 14(1); 6-16


Functional limitations associated with RA-induce changes within the elbow joint and result in biomechanical disturbances. Objective data on the mobility of the affected articulation would facilitate the assessment of disease severity, selection of optimal physiotherapy interventions. Materials and Methods. Our study participants performed cyclic forearm extension and flexion elbow movements with different angular velocities. Biomechanical assessment comprised of spatiotemporal properties of cyclic movements. Spatial analysis of movement included the determination of movement direction (flexion, extension) and amplitude whereas the temporal analysis included the duration of particular movement phases as well as time-frequency analysis of a movement cycle. Results. The obtained results indicate that movement parameters in patients with rheumatoid arthritis differ significantly compared to normal ranges. Movement speed and amplitude as well as frequency and duration of movement are decreased. RA patients also exhibited considerable asymmetry of cyclic flexions and extensions of the elbow joint. Conclusion. It can be concluded that a biomechanical analysis using a manipulandum apparatus is a valuable diagnostic tool allowing objective evaluation of elbow function in rheumatoid arthritis. The measurements are highly sensitive, and hence, if performed in a larger patient population, they might help develop a classification of movement dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis of the elbow joint. The analysis might also facilitate the assessment of hand dysfunction at various stages of RA development.

Key words:
rehabilitation, elbow, biomechanical, rheumatoid arthritis

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Assessment of the effects of rehabilitation interventions for patients with rhematoid arthritis using biomechanical analysis of elbow function

Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Joanna Cieślińska-Świder, Krzysztof Gieremek, Wojciech Cieśla, Jacek Polechoński

J. Rojczyk-Chmarek, J. Cieślińska-Świder, K. Gieremek, W. Cieśla, J. Polechoński – Assessment of the effects of rehabilitation interventions for patients with rhematoid arthritis using biomechanical analysis of elbow function. FP 2015; 15(1); 36-47


Background. The aim of the investigations was to verify the effectiveness of a method of elbow function evaluation in patients with rhematoid arthritis. The method was expected to allow monitoring of disease progression and to help assess the effects of rehabilitation interventions.
Material and Methods. Cyclic flexion-extension movements in the elbow joint were examined in 82 individuals. The measurements were carried out with a computer-controlled unit for studying elbow movements (manipulandum). The study participants performed movements 1) of minimum speed, ie., the slowest possible movement, 2) of preferred speed consistent with patient preferences and habits, and 3) of maximum speed. The measurements were carried out before and after a 3-week rehabilitation program.
Results. The obtained results indicate that the rehabilitation intervention caused improvement in several parameters of the investigated movements. Movement amplitude (range of movement),  angular velocity (especially angular velocity of elbow extension) increased, the symmetry index decreased while no changes were observed in movement cycle duration for preferred and maximum speed.
Conclusions. The results indicate that this method of isokinetic movement evaluation allows objective assessment of articular pathologies and rehabilitation/pharmacotherapy outcomes. Our investigations suggest that, in order to obtain reliable information on the patient’s functional status, the measurements should be performed during preferred and maximum speed elbow movements. Information thereby obtained might be of considerable importance for selection of appropriate physiotherapy interventions.

Key words:
rehabilitation, elbow, biomechanical, rheumatoid arthritis

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The effect of music on selected hemodynamic parameters in patients suffering from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome

Jacek Polechoński, Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Krzysztof Gieremek, Miroslawa Tyliba

J. Polechoński, J. Rojczyk-Chmarek, K. Gieremek, M. Tyliba – The effect of music on selected hemodynamic parameters in patients suffering from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. FP 2017; 17(1); 96-103


Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different music genres of different intensity levels on heart rate and arterial blood pressure in patients suffering from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome.
Material and methods. The study group comprised 16 patients in stable vegetative state; selected hemodynamic parameters were evaluated during and after exposure to different music genres of different intensity levels.
Results. The results revealed a significant stimulating effect of music played at 80 dB on several hemodynamic parameters of patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Disco music caused an increase in heart rate as well as elevation of systolic and diastolic pressures. Rock music only resulted in significant systolic blood pressure elevation.
No statistically significant alterations in hemodynamic parameters was noted when music was played at 60 dB.
Conclusions. Exposure to music may cause significant alterations of heart rate and arterial blood pressure of patients in a vegetative state – depending on music genre and intensity level. Changes in hemodynamic parameters might be indicative of an impact of music on the emotional state, which is closely associated with cardiovascular responses.

Key words:
apallic patients, patients in a vegetative state, music, hemodynamic parameters, music therapy

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