
Paweł Gąsior

P. Gąsior – Comparison of the effectiveness of physical treatments with central stabilization training in the treatment of patients with lower back pain syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 80-91

研究结果。关于以VAS量表验证下腰疼痛主观评估的结果无显著差异,与治疗前的结果比较,两组在治疗后的疼痛感均显著降低(p < 0.01)。根据实验组的不同,ODI问卷调查证实在日常生活的舒适性上无显著差异(p < 0.05),两组治疗前后的结果比较有显著差异(p < 0.01)。尽管患者肯定此二种治疗对舒适度有所改善,然而皆无法更有效地改善日常生活的舒适度。


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背神经根切断术 – 一种治疗脑瘫儿童痉挛状态的神经外科手术方法:目前的指示状况使

Monika Wolska, Marek Kiljański, Witold Rongies

M. Wolska, M. Kiljański, W. Rongies – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) – neurosurgical method in treatment of spasticity in CP: the current state of knowledge. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 66-75

背神经根切断术(SDR – 英文为Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy)为一种治疗儿童脑瘫痉挛状态的神经外科手术方法,治疗不可逆转,永久性地减少痉挛状态。关于手术资格、适应症和短期及长期效果等方面还存在许多争议。每年有越来越多的国际临床试验证实该治疗对患者功能状态改善具正面影响。研究目的在将治疗本身、资格标准、使用的研究工具和理疗治疗后报告等知识的收集和系统化,并指出手术治疗的效果。



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Mohannad Hawamdeh, Zaid Modhi Mansour, Saad Al-Nassan, Ziad Hawamdeh, Mohammad Etoom, Faris Alshammari, Abdul-Majeed R. Almalty, Mohammad Abo-Kabar

M. Hawamdeh, Z. M. Mansour, S. Al-Nassan, Z.  Hawamdeh, M. Etoom, F. Alshammari, A. R. Almalty, M. Abo-Kabar – 4th year physical therapy Students satisfaction in Jordanian universities: A survey study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 34-37

目的。这项研究的目的在调查三所约旦大学的学生对物理治疗教育的满意度,以确定他们毕业前后及进入工作领域后对该专业一些相关问题的看法。方法:通过超链接访问的在线调查针对目前约旦大学物理治疗系四年级(最后一年)学生的虚拟社交网络小组进行。该链接于三所大学的主要学生虚拟社交网络小组中发布;当中还包含要求参与者同他们的物理治疗同辈分享该链接以完成调查。结果:85%的受访者表示作为物理治疗系学生对他们的生活产生重大影响,76% 的受访者表示物理治疗对他们的社交环境产生正面影响,84%的受访者表示包含第五年的实习期在内效果将更好。结论:我们的调查结果显示学生普遍对他们所接受的教育品质感到满意,但设备上有缺乏而毕业后的工资也非常低。本研究中涉及的问题将成为未来研究的主要重点,以调查不足原因及其解决方式。




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Ocena sytuacji prawnej fizjoterapeutów w zakresie kontynuacji uprawnień zawodowych


The profession of physical therapist is subject to specific legal regulation under the Act on the Profession of Physical Therapist of 25 September 2015, the adoption of which was motivated by the need to introduce comprehensive legal solutions taking into account the specific social character of that profession. Until that act took effect, i.e. until 31 May 2016, Poland had had no statutory provisions regulating the principles of pursuing that profession.
Analysis of the adopted legal regulations indicates numerous doubts that make it difficult to issue an unequivocal legal assessment of the factual conditions occurring in practice. The above statement refers, in particular, to the persons meeting the statutory criteria that want to continue the acquired professional qualifications.
The objective of this study is to demonstrate the doubts resulting from the adopted normative provisions, to attempt to explain them, and to formulate the de lege ferenda conclusions that would allow to respect that condition.

Key words:
physical therapy, act on the profession of physical therapist, act on medical activity, right to pursue the profession of physical therapist


Fizjoprofilaktyka jako potrzeba i świadczenie zdrowotne. Podstawy teoretyczne

Zofia Kubińska, Kamil Zaworski

Z. Kubińska, K. Zaworski – Preventive Physical Therapy as a Health Need and Service. Theoretical Background. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(2); 58-68


Under the Act on the Profession of Physical Therapist, preventive physical therapy is one of the health services provided within physical therapy activities. Its task is to promote pro-health behaviours and to develop and maintain fitness and endurance of people of different age, for the purpose of preventing disability.
There are three levels of preventive physical therapy – primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary preventive physical therapy is addressed at the whole population or at susceptible groups. Its purpose is to provide the knowledge of and skills for maintaining health using proper types of physical activity. Secondary preventive physical therapy covers the activities undertaken after the occurrence of the first signs of disease. Its purpose is to prevent the consequences of the diseases or to inhibit the development of the expected but not yet visible, signs. Tertiary preventive physical therapy includes the activities undertaken in the case of a developed disease or dysfunction which are not possible to cure. Its purpose is to prevent the exacerbation of signs and to provide optimum compensation mechanisms.
The following persons are statutorily obliged to develop the life and special skills directed towards (propedeutic) competences in the scope of preventive physical therapy: parents, teachers, health promoters, caretakers, nurses, physicians and physical therapists.

Key words:
physical therapy, preventive physical therapy, preventive treatment

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Porównanie skuteczności terapii przy użyciu pola elektromagnetycznego wysokiej częstotliwości i terapii falą ultradźwiękową w przebiegu chorób zwyrodnieniowo – przeciążeniowych układu narządu ruchu

Lidia Kościelny, Krystyna Stanisz-Wallis, Bożena Latała, Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk

L. Kościelny, K. Stanisz-Wallis, B. Latała, M. Wilk-Frańczuk – Comparison between the effectiveness of therapy using a high-frequency electromagnetic field and the therapy using ultrasound waves in the degenerative and overload diseases of the locomotor system. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 6-13


Objective. The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of treating degenerative diseases of the locomotor system using a high-frequency electromagnetic field in comparison with ultrasound treatment.
Materials and methods. 77 people aged 42-84 with exacerbation of pain ailments and limitation of motor skills resulting from degenerative diseases, were qualified for the study. The patients were divided into 3 groups. The following procedures were performed in group I (27 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy and kinesiotherapy. The following procedures were performed in group II (27 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy, ultrasounds and kinesiotherapy. The following procedures were performed in group III (23 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy, high-frequency electromagnetic field, kinesiotherapy. The procedures were performed for 10 days in all the groups. There was applied the motor skill assessment survey and pain assessment. The tests were performed on the 1st and 10th day of the procedures.
Results. In each group, the treatment applied occurred to be effective, which was statistically relevant. In group III, the median difference was highest. Similarly, the change in pain was most significant in group III, the therapy using an electromagnetic field occurred most effective.
Conclusions. A significant difference between the initial and final pain was noted in the 3 tested groups. A significant difference in the level of pain appeared in the 3 tested groups. The higher effectiveness of electromagnetic field therapy was demonstrated.

Key words:
rehabilitation, degenerative lesions, physical therapy

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Evaluation of the effectiveness of two rehabilitation programmes for the patients with the shoulder impingement syndrome

Katarzyna Ogrodzka, Karolina Leśniak, Aneta Bac, Tomasz Ridan, Marek Żak

K. Ogrodzka, K. Leśniak, A. Bac, T. Ridan, M. Żak: Evaluation of the effectiveness of two rehabilitation programmes for the patients with the shoulder impingement syndrome. FP 2015;15(4); 42-52


Aim. The study aimed to compare two specific programmes of rehabilitation for patients with the shoulder impingement syndrome, as well as to assess to what extent the National Health Service refunded rehabilitation scheme was able to restore the possibility of recovering the function in a shoulder joint, in comparison to the programme of rehabilitation devised and developed by the Authors.
Material and method. The assessment embraced the two groups of patients, 7 in each, all diagnosed with shoulder impingement syndrome. The first group only used the refunded treatments, whereas the second group underwent the Authors’ programme of rehabilitation specifically tailored to address the patients’ individual needs.
Results. Having completed the course of respective rehabilitation programmes, the patients from both groups were found to have increased the range of motion in their shoulder joints, as well as experience an appreciably reduced level of pain when pursuing their daily activities, and also when at rest.
Conclusion. The Authors’ rehabilitation programme proved an appreciably more effective procedure for tackling the shoulder impingement syndrome.

Key words:
shoulder impingement syndrome, physical therapy, efficiency

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