Physiotherapeutic procedure in paresis of vocal folds

Renata Sawicka

Renata Sawicka – Physiotherapeutic procedure in paresis of vocal folds. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 164-168

The article provides a comprehensive overview of physiotherapy in vocal fold paresis. At the beginning, the causes of paresis and their symptoms are described. Kinesitherapy uses: vocal fold strengthening exercises, breath control exercises during conversations, phoning exercises, Accents method, articulation exercises, speech apparatus relaxation exercises, chewing method according to Froschels, articulation muscle exercises, general relaxation and general exercise exercises, as well as manual therapy. In the case of physical therapy in the rehabilitation of vocal fold paresis, inhalation, ionophoresis, galvanization, electrostimulation, DD currents, diathermy and massage were recommended. The article also highlights the spa treatment.
Key words:
voice folds, physiotherapy, voice rehabilitation
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Renata Sawicka

Renata Sawicka – Faulty posture – analysis among school-age children and assessment of parents’ knowledge of prevention and correction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 56-63

前言 研究目的在分析学龄儿童错误姿势的发生率,同时还评估居住地对姿势错误发生的频率及对错误姿势的早期诊断是否有影响,此外也对父母在错误姿势的预防和矫正所具备知识加以了解。
材料和方法 共118名9至13岁间的儿童接受姿势评估,其中有58名女孩和60名男孩,姿势观察以卡斯佩尔茨克评分方法进行,观察站立时的身体结构,所取得的数据输入Excel程序数据库中,分开计算相对于女孩总数和男孩总数的百分比,统计分析运用Chi2测试,根据个别分析变量对男孩和女孩进行结果分布比较。在取得父母对姿势错误的纠正和预防所具知识上,采用问卷形式的诊断调查法。
结果 发现33%的学龄儿童出现姿势错误,其出现频率在不同性别上无统计上的显著差异,事实显示生活在都市和乡村的儿童都有姿势错误出现,证明居住地点对诊断出姿势错误的年龄无统计上的显著关系。


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Występowanie zmian zwyrodnieniowo-wytwórczych kręgosłupa wśród społeczeństwa

Renata Sawicka

R. Sawicka – Incidence of degenerative and proliferative changes in the spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(2); 44-50


The purpose of this paper is to conduct a retrospective analysis of the medical documentation concerning the patients treated by the Physiotherapy Unit of the Teodor Dunin Mazovian Hospital in Rudka in 2017, in order to determine the frequency of degenerative and proliferative changes in the spine depending on the subject’s age group, place of residence and sex.
Materials and methodology. The retrospective method was used to determine the incidence of spinal degeneration, which made it possible to examine a large numer of subjects – 1032 women and 553 men, 1589 subjects in total. The data was entared in the Excel database. The parcentage was calculated separately for all women and for all men. The Chi2 test was used for statistical analysis. Women and men were compared in terms of the distribution of results in the scope of particular analysed variables. Statistically significant results at level p < 0,05 are indicated by *.
Results. It has been concuded that degenerative and proliferative changes in the spine are the most common disease. They usually occur in 61-70 age group degenerative and proliferative L-S spinal changes are more often reported among women living in the country side, and more often for men living in urban areas.
1. Degenerative and proliferative changes in the spine constitute the most common disease.
2. Degenerative and proliferative changes are more common in the L-S spine
3. The men are more likely to have degenerative and proliferative in LS spine than women.
4. The women are more likely to have degenerative and proliferative in Cspine than men.
5. People in 61-70 age group are most often affected by the degenerative disease of the spine.
6. Degenerative and proliferative spinal changes are more common among women living in the country.
7. Degenerative and proliferative spinal changes are more common among men living in urban areas.

Key words:
degenerative and proliferative changes, spine, retrospectiv explorations

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