{:pl}Cervical radiculopathy (CR) is known as a severe neuromusculoskeletal condition which causes pain and physical disorders that both impair employment and quality of life. Spinal mobilization with arm movements (SMWAMs) is one of the methods in Mulligan's techniques while residual discomfort is assumed to originate from the spine.{:}{:en}Cervical radiculopathy (CR) is known as a severe neuromusculoskeletal condition which causes pain
Effect of foot orthoses on patellofemoral pain syndrome: A systematic review
{:pl}Although foot orthosis may play a role in treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome, its significance is still conflicting and previous studies show a low level of evidence. Objective. To find the latest evidence regarding the effectiveness of foot orthosis (FO) on adult patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).{:}{:en}Although foot orthosis may play a role in treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome,
{:pl}This study was conducted to investigate the Effect of different postural correction exercises on forward head angle, degree of rounded shoulder in patients with forward head and rounded shoulder.{:}{:en}This study was conducted to investigate the Effect of different postural correction exercises on forward head angle, degree of rounded shoulder in patients with forward head and rounded shoulder.{:}{:zh}This study was conducted
Physiotherapy following hip arthroplasty: treatment analysis
{:pl}Choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawów biodrowych (ChZSB) stanowi poważny problem kliniczny i społeczny, została uznana za chorobę cywilizacyjną. Jest chorobą przewlekłą, niszczącą chrząstkę stawową, której objawy narastają powoli, w konsekwencji doprowadzając do znacznego ograniczenia ruchomości stawu biodrowego i wywołując silne dolegliwości bólowe.{:}{:en}Hip osteoarthritis (HOA) is an important clinical and social problem and is considered a civilisation disease. HOA is a chronic condition
{:pl}Objectives. To evaluate the head and neck posture in heavy using smart phone adolescents.{:}{:en}Objectives. To evaluate the head and neck posture in heavy using smart phone adolescents.{:}{:zh}Objectives. To evaluate the head and neck posture in heavy using smart phone adolescents.{:}{:ru}Objectives. To evaluate the head and neck posture in heavy using smart phone adolescents.{:}{:lt}Objectives. To evaluate the head and neck posture
Gait Response Post Isokinetic Training in Lower Limb Burned Patient: A randomized controlled trial
{:pl}A burn is a type of injury to skin, or other tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation.{:}{:en}A burn is a type of injury to skin, or other tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation.{:}{:zh}A burn is a type of injury to skin, or other tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or
{:pl}High morning cortisol levels are associated with cognitive decline in diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) patients. Cognitive decline is the fourth diabetic microvascular complication which has an effect on gait parameters in DPN patients.{:}{:en}High morning cortisol levels are associated with cognitive decline in diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) patients. Cognitive decline is the fourth diabetic microvascular complication which has an effect on gait parameters
Aerobic Versus Resistance Exercises on Liver Enzymes Following Burn Injuries
{:pl}The current study was conducted to evaluate which was more effective aerobic or resistance exercises in reducing plasma liver enzymes level following burn injuries.{:}{:en}The current study was conducted to evaluate which was more effective aerobic or resistance exercises in reducing plasma liver enzymes level following burn injuries.{:}{:zh}The current study was conducted to evaluate which was more effective aerobic or resistance
{:pl}Nadwaga i otyłość wśród dzieci i młodzieży stanowi poważny problem wieku rozwojowego. Dotyczy on coraz to większej liczby dzieci. Coraz częściej dzieci spożywają dużą ilość przetworzonego i wysokokalorycznego pokarmu. Coraz mniej się ruszają, ponieważ swój czas wolny spędzają przed ekranem telefonu, telewizora czy komputera.{:}{:en}Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is a serious problem of developmental age. It affects more
{:pl}To determine the effect of interferential current augmented by strengthening exercises for core muscles on low back pain after delivery. Design. single blind randomized controlled trial.{:}{:en}To determine the effect of interferential current augmented by strengthening exercises for core muscles on low back pain after delivery. Design. single blind randomized controlled trial.{:}{:zh}To determine the effect of interferential current augmented by strengthening
{:pl}Aim. To determine the effect of ultraviolet on vitamin D activation and balance in postmenopausal woman.{:}{:en}Aim. To determine the effect of ultraviolet on vitamin D activation and balance in postmenopausal woman.{:}{:zh}Aim. To determine the effect of ultraviolet on vitamin D activation and balance in postmenopausal woman.{:}{:ru}Aim. To determine the effect of ultraviolet on vitamin D activation and balance in postmenopausal
Effect of stretching exercises in treatment of muscle strain: A systematic review
{:pl}Although stretching may play a role in treatment of muscle strain, its significance is still conflicting and previous studies show a low level of evidence.{:}{:en}Although stretching may play a role in treatment of muscle strain, its significance is still conflicting and previous studies show a low level of evidence.{:}{:zh}Although stretching may play a role in treatment of muscle strain, its
{:pl}Falling is a major problem for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as they are twice as likely to fall compared to other neurological conditions. The consequences of these falls are significant and often result in injuries that contribute to poor quality of life, and care giver stress.{:}{:en}Falling is a major problem for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as they are
{:pl}Ból szyi jest jedną z głównych przyczyn niepełnosprawności współczesnego człowieka. Szyja tekstowa wynika z nieprawidłowości postawy górnej części ciała. Powstaje na skutek nieergonomicznych pozycji, w jakich człowiek używa nowoczesnych urządzeń technologii informatycznej.{:}{:en}Neck pain is one of the main causes of disability for modern men. Text neck results from abnormalities in the posture of the upper body. It arises as a
Lung Vital Capacity Levels on disability in Swimming Learning
{:pl}This study discusses how the vital lung capacity of disabled students can be achieved in swimming learning at the Yakkum rehabilitation center. The purpose of this study is to find a real picture of the vital lung capacity level of students with disabilities in learning to swim at the Yakkum rehabilitation center.{:}{:en}This study discusses how the vital lung capacity of
{:pl}Although various rehabilitation methods have been used to enable patients to return to their normal activities after carpal tunnel release (CTR) such as low level laser therapy (LLLT) and median nerve mobilization, up till now, there is no evidence for the comparison of effects of these two techniques in patients with CTR.{:}{:en}Although various rehabilitation methods have been used to enable
Effect of Aerobic Power Training on Walking Efficiency and Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy
{:pl}Poor endurance and early fatigue are factors contributing to ambulatory decline in cerebral palsy that was associated with lack of physical activity and secondary impairments. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of aerobic power training on walking efficiency and function in children with cerebral palsy.{:}{:en}Poor endurance and early fatigue are factors contributing to ambulatory decline in cerebral palsy
{:pl}Limitation in knee range of motion (ROM) is frequently compromised in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Smartphones have become the most widely used device and begun to enter the field of musculoskeletal evaluation. Objective. to investigate the concurrent validity and reliability of the smartphone “Goniometer Records” application in assessing knee ROM in patients with PFPS{:}{:en}Limitation in knee range of
{:pl}Celem pracy była ocena wpływu regularnej aktywności fizycznej na poziom sprawności ogólnej i jakości życia kobiet po 60 – tym roku życia.{:}{:en}The aim of the study was to assess the impact of regular physical activity on the level of general fitness and quality of life in women over 60 years of age.{:}{:zh}The aim of the study was to assess the
Effect of Bioptron Light Therapy on Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
{:pl}Postmenopausal osteoporosis, a major public health problem worldwide, is associated with low quality of life, morbidity, significant mortality and huge socio-economic burden. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of bioptron light therapy on postmenopausal osteoporosis.{:}{:en}Postmenopausal osteoporosis, a major public health problem worldwide, is associated with low quality of life, morbidity, significant mortality and huge socio-economic burden. Therefore, this
{:pl}Objective. To investigate the effect of kinesiotaping in preventing elbow flexion tightness in infants with extended erb’s palsy.{:}{:en}Objective. To investigate the effect of kinesiotaping in preventing elbow flexion tightness in infants with extended erb’s palsy.{:}{:zh}Objective. To investigate the effect of kinesiotaping in preventing elbow flexion tightness in infants with extended erb’s palsy.{:}{:ru}Objective. To investigate the effect of kinesiotaping in preventing
{:pl}Compromised muscle performance is common problem in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and subsequently affects activities of daily living and quality of life (QoL).{:}{:en}Compromised muscle performance is common problem in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and subsequently affects activities of daily living and quality of life (QoL).{:}{:zh}Compromised muscle performance is common problem in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and subsequently affects activities of
{:pl}Ścięgno Achillesa jest najsilniejszym ścięgnem w organizmie człowieka. Mimo wysokiej częstości urazów i znanego od wieków problemu leczenia urazów ścięgna piętowego do tej pory w literaturze fachowej nie ma konsensusu na temat właściwego sposobu leczenia, zarówno operacyjnego jak i rehabilitacyjnego.{:}{:en}The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the human body. Despite the high incidence of injuries and a well-known problem
{:pl}Objectives. To compare the effect of exergaming versus aerobic exercise on natural killer (NK) cells in normal weight and obese children.{:}{:en}Objectives. To compare the effect of exergaming versus aerobic exercise on natural killer (NK) cells in normal weight and obese children.{:}{:zh}Objectives. To compare the effect of exergaming versus aerobic exercise on natural killer (NK) cells in normal weight and obese
{:pl}Studying effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on foot ulcer in type I diabetic adolescents is a strategy for determining its efficacy to accelerate diabetic wound healing.{:}{:en}Studying effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on foot ulcer in type I diabetic adolescents is a strategy for determining its efficacy to accelerate diabetic wound healing.{:}{:zh}Studying effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on foot ulcer in
{:pl}Mechanical neck pain (MNP) is one of the most common disorders that originates from poor postural habits and bad ergonomics. Forward head posture (FHP) was highly correlated to MNP. Muscle energy technique (MET) and stretching are easy widespread therapeutic techniques that are known for their effects in improving tissue extensibility, relieving pain and promoting function.{:}{:en}Mechanical neck pain (MNP) is one
Infant crawling and motor coordination level of children aged 4-7 years
{:pl}Jednym z etapów rozwoju motorycznego dziecka w pierwszym roku życia jest czworakowanie, którego pozytywny wpływ na rozwój psychoruchowy został poparty badaniami. Natomiast niektóre dzieci pomijają ten etap lokomocji i zaczynają od razu poruszać się w pozycji stojącej.{:}{:en}One of the stages of a child's motor development in the first year of life is crawling, whose positive influence on psychomotor development has
{:pl}Laser acupuncture has produced promising results in the management of many medical conditions; it has been used as a non-invasive therapy with no puncture pain which represents a major advantage over traditional acupuncture or electroacupuncture.{:}{:en}Laser acupuncture has produced promising results in the management of many medical conditions; it has been used as a non-invasive therapy with no puncture pain which