
Rules for submission to Polish Journal of Physiotherapy (submissions form 29 March 2024 and fees from issue 5/2022)

I. Submitting the manuscript

Submitting a paper to the editorial office is equivalent to:

1. Declaring that the work has not been published in other journals so far,

2. Declaring that the work has not been submitted to another editorial office so far,

3. Expressing consent by all authors for its publication in Polish Physiotherapy,

4. Declaring by all Authors that they had full access to all the data in the study and take full responsibility for the entirety of the data and the accuracy of their analysis,

5. Declaring by all Authors that they have obtained consent from the heads of the institutions for the inclusion of the provided affiliations. All authors of the paper are required to send in electronic form to the email address of the Polish Physiotherapy secretariat (provided in the statement) a completed and signed scan of the declaration.


STATEMENT FORM (English version)


Papers must be submitted in electronic form to the email address:

Technical requirements of the papers: Papers and included tables must be sent in an editable format, preferably: doc, docx, or rtf; attached graphics in jpg, png (min. 300 dpi), or pdf format.

Papers submitted without declarations will not be considered by the editorial office.

II. The cost of preparing the manuscript

Fizjoterapia Polska is a bilingual magazine. Manuscripts are published in both Polish and English. Articles have DOI numbers. For non-Polish authors, the manuscripts can be sent in English only. The cost of preparing a manuscript for publication is as follows:

  • Up to 18,000 characters with spaces – 680 PLN (about 145 EUR*, 165 USD),
  • 18,000 to 23,000 characters with spaces – 830 PLN (about 180 EUR, 205 USD),
  • Over 23,000 characters with spaces – 980 PLN (about 215 EUR, 245 USD).

*Prices in currencies other than PLN depend on the current exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland.


III. Manuscript

1. The volume of papers should be 50,000 characters with spaces, including references, figures, tables, and abstracts.

2. Papers should be prepared as an editable file (doc, docx, rtf).

3. Suggestions for emphasis should be indicated in the text with bold typeface.

4. In the submitted manuscript, do not move hanging conjunctions to new lines or split words.

5. The first page should include:

a. the title of the paper in Polish (and possibly in English);

b. the full name of the Author(s) of the paper.;

c. for multi-center studies, please assign Authors to the centers they come from;

d. the full name of the center(s) the paper originates from (in the officially established version);

e. the roles of the paper’s Authors according to the following alphabetical scheme:

  • A. preparation of the research project;
  • B. data collection;
  • C. statistical analysis;
  • D. data interpretation;
  • E. manuscript preparation;
  • F. literature development;
  • G. funding acquisition.

f. The corresponding Author and the email address to which the Author wishes to receive correspondence. At the same time, the Author consents to the presentation of their name, surname, and email address in the content of the published article (only these details are published).

On the second page of the paper, all possible conflicts of interest and information on the sources of funding for the work (grant, sponsor), acknowledgments, and if applicable, the name of the congress at which the work was announced and patient consent for publication if required, should be described.

Abstract and Keywords

An abstract (identical in both Polish and English if the translation is made by the Author(s)) should be attached to the article. The abstract of original works should contain up to 1500 characters with spaces (in one language) and should consist of four or five separate parts, marked consecutively with the following titles:

optionally: introduction, aim of the study, material and methods, results, conclusions.

All abbreviations used in the abstract should be explained. Abstracts of review articles and case studies should contain up to 1500 characters with spaces and include the aim of the study and its fundamental premises. Following the abstract, no more than five keywords in one language should be placed.

Structure of the Paper

The structure of original works should include separate parts: introduction, aim of the study, material and methods, results of the study, discussion, conclusions, references.

For case studies: introduction, case description, discussion, conclusions, references.

For review articles: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references.

Tables and figures can be in separate text/graphic files. For graphic files, their names must correspond to the description in the article’s content (e.g., fig.1, tab.2). Material and methods must explain in detail all the research methods used, which are included in the results. Names of statistical methods and software used to process the results should be provided.


If tables are sent in separate editable files (e.g., xls, xlsx, doc, docx), a list of tables in a separate text file (txt, doc, docx, rtf) should be attached. Titles of tables and their content should be in Polish (or bilingual in case of the Author(s)’ translation). All abbreviations used in tables should be explained in this file. If tables are in separate text files or within the article file, their descriptions should be above the table, numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, and any abbreviations explained below the table.


If figures are sent in separate graphic files, a list of figures in a separate text file (txt, doc, docx, rtf) with descriptions of the figures should be attached. Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals. All abbreviations used in the figure should be in this file. If figures are included in the file containing the article, they should be described below the figure, and any abbreviations used on them explained. Note: all figures, charts, photos, etc., are referred to by the term “figures” – all have one, common numbering.

Abbreviations and Symbols

Only standard abbreviations and symbols should be used. A full explanation of the term or symbol should precede its first use in the text and also appear in the legend for each figure and table in which it is used.


References should be arranged according to the order of citation in the text, tables, and figures. The bibliography must be presented in the Vancouver style.

References are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (e.g., [1] or [1-4] or [1,3,5]). Each citation corresponds to a numbered reference, providing a clear and concise way to track sources. At the end of the article, the bibliographic list is provided in the order of appearance in the article content (according to numbering). Each reference includes: the surname and initials of the author, the title of the work, the source title (for journal articles: journal name, volume, issue, and page numbers; for books: publisher and year of publication). Up to six authors can be listed; if there are more than six, the first six are listed followed by “et al.”


IV. Rights and duties of author (s)

at the time of submission, the publisher acquires exclusive copyrights to the manuscript for publishing (including the rights to publish in print, electronic media, CDs, other formats, and on the Internet). Without the publisher’s consent, only abstracts may be published elsewhere. Authors may receive one copy of the magazine; however, they must cover the costs of their chosen method of transportation (mail, courier). Free shipping is available only within Poland.. For this reason, authors are not entitled to any remuneration. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, and before it goes to print, the author must make a payment as specified in the table above. Payment should be made to the following account:

Name: DJ Studio Dariusz Jasinski

Street: Bugaj 88 lok 48

Zip code: 95-200

City/Country: Pabianice, Poland


Bank account number (IBAN/BIC) in PLN: PL 55 1140 2004 0000 3902 7706 7792

Bank account number (IBAN/BIC) in USD: PL 02 1140 2004 0000 3112 1183 7574

Bank account number (IBAN/BIC) in EUR: PL 82 1140 2004 0000 3512 1382 8415

Bank address: mBank S.A. FORMERLY BRE BANK S.A. (RETAIL BANKING) LODZ, Skrytka pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Łódź 2

SORT CODE – 11402004

The content should include: Prepress – System No. {number given by the editorial}.

There is a possibility to pay by credit card in publisher’s online shop:

V Procedure of publication in Polish Journal of Physiotherapy

1. The submitted paper, along with the authors’ declaration (original or scan), is sent for review to two randomly selected reviewers from a list, who are not affiliated with the same institution as any of the authors and are unaware of the authors’ names. The review process may last no longer than 60 days.

2. The paper is assigned a system number by the editorial office.

3. The reviewer’s opinion may include the following information for the editorial office: a. Accept without revisions b. Accept with minor revisions c. Accept with major revisions d. Reject

4. In the case of two “accept without revisions” ratings, the article is qualified for evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief.

5. In the case of “accept with minor revisions” or “accept with major revisions” ratings, the papers are returned to the author via email with information on the necessary revisions; after these are made by the author, the paper is qualified for evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief.

6. In the case of one “reject” rating, the paper is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief, who decides whether the paper is rejected or if revisions are needed, and then the paper will be further reviewed after the changes are made.

7. In the case of papers with two “reject” ratings, the paper is rejected, and the author is informed via email.

8. Papers qualified by reviewers, as well as papers after revisions, are subjected to evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief, who decides on the final qualification of the paper for publication in Polish Physiotherapy.

9. Authors are informed about rejection or qualification via email.

10. For further proceedings, the author is required to submit the original declaration.

11. The author is required to make a payment to the Publisher’s account as specified in section II of this regulation.

12. After the paper is prepared for printing in Polish Physiotherapy by the technical editor, the author receives what is known as the article proof for authorization.

13. After the authorization of the paper, the article is published in Polish Physiotherapy.

14. The first author receives an author’s copy of the issue with the published article.


This regulation applies to papers submitted from March 29, 2024, and fees from issue 5/2022.