Janusz Nowotny, Karol Ptaszek, Włodzimierz Kramarz
Janusz Nowotny, Karol Ptaszek, Włodzimierz Kramarz – A modification of point scoring of posture useful in screening examinations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(4); 409-413
There are a number of possible abnormalities in the locomotor apparatus which, if not diagnosed sufficiently and properly treated, may produce significant dysfunctions in locomotion, and even serious systemic consequences. This problem becomes particular vital when the given abnormality occurs in a significant percentage of the population, develops insidiously, and in addition tends to promote other abnormalities, when it affects young persons in the growth years. This has provided the impetus to undertake screening tests as a precondition of sorts for early physiotherapeutic intervention. The group of disorders in question includes deviations from proper posture. As a result, a number of methods to evaluate posture have been developed over the years, but only a few of them are suitable for large-scale screening tests. The authors have thus developed a posture evaluation system that is suitable for this type of testing, built on the foundation of routine orthopedic testing. In order to achieve complete quantification of the results, we modified the point scale to express numerically the degree of severity of the deviations found. Individual test results are read out into a computer and sent to the appropriate data base. A specially developed computer program makes it possible, then, to generate an individual test protocol. An even more essential feature is that it is possible to create various kinds of statistical reports, constructed to fit the present realities of the health care system for children and youth. Among other things, these reports may be useful not only to create appropriate dispensary groups and organize suitable health care in schools, but also to provide primary and specialized medical care.
Key words:
score evaluation of posture, screening studies
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