Social Media Effects on Postural Muscles Related to Upper Cross Syndrome and Physical Wellness

Faris Shuleih Alshammari, Eman Salameh Alzoghbieh, Raeda Al-Qutob, Salem Dehom, Mohammad Abu Kabar, Haifa Batarseh, Saad Al-Nassan, Zaid Modhi Mansour

Faris Shuleih Alshammari, Eman Salameh Alzoghbieh, Raeda Al-Qutob, Salem Dehom, Mohammad Abu Kabar, Haifa Batarseh, Saad Al-Nassan, Zaid Modhi Mansour – Social Media Effects on Postural Muscles Related to Upper Cross Syndrome and Physical Wellness. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(2); 166-171

Aim. Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS) is a major postural disorder. As time spent on social media (TSSM) is increasing yearly. Limited literature was found on the effect of TSSM on body posture. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between TSSM with muscular changes related to UCS and physical well-being among university students in Jordan. Material and Methods. Two hundred participants were recruited for this study. After signing the informed consents, Participants filled a survey and underwent standardized measures including head position measures, Manual Muscles Testing (MMT) and Muscles Length Test. Survey included multiple factors that can be related to postural changes. Results. Forty-seven percent of participants scored fair, 37.2% scored good, and only, 15.1% scored normal in MMT of deep neck flexor muscles. Also, 40.5% of participants scored fair, 44.95% scored good, and 14.6% scored normal in MMT of shoulder retractor muscles. Results revealed a significant relationship between TSSM with decreased strength of deep neck flexor muscles (p < 0.05), left scapula retractor muscles (p < 0.01), and right scapula retractor muscles (p < 0.01). Additionally, a significant relationship between TSSM with headache (p < 0.05) and low back pain (P < 0.05) was found. Conclusion. Social media should be used wisely to avoid postural impairments. Limiting time spent on social media to one hour daily can be helpful in maintaining healthy postural muscles and physical well-being.
Key words:
Body Posture, Social Media, Upper Cross Syndrome, Upper Quarter, Time
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The efficiency of mechanism regulating body posture among children and teenagers with low degree scoliosis

Wojciech Cieśla, Tomasz Cieśla, Janusz Nowotny

Wojciech Cieśla, Tomasz Cieśla, Janusz Nowotny – The efficiency of mechanism regulating body posture among children and teenagers with low degree scoliosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(4); 317-326

Background. Maintenance of correct body posture requires, among other factors, efficient functioning of the mecha­nism regulating equilibrium of the body, whereas incorrect structure of the body, e.g. in patients with scoliosis, changes conditions of balancing the body thus affecting the function of postural control mechanisms. This study was undertaken to find out when and in what way the regulation of posture begins to be less effective and whether a low degree scoliosis is a cause of negative changes in this area.Material and methods. 138 children, aged from 7 to 15 years were selected for the study. The main group consisted of 88 subjects – children with low degree scoliosis. 50 children without any postural problems constituted the control group. Photogram­metry and stabilometric measurements were carried out simultaneously with the subjects’ eyes open and closed in order to evaluate posture parameters and the projection and pathway of the center of gravity (COG) of the human body.Results. Such factors as scoliosis and gender do not affect COG projection on the X axis. Evaluation of the differences in COG behavior revealed that the subjects’ age and visual control were significant factors.Conclusions. In children and teenagers with scoliosis, the behavior and the position of the COG projection does not change significantly compared to children and teenagers without scoliosis. Effectiveness of the mechanisms regulating body posture improve with age and in children and teenagers with low degree scoliosis these processes are not significantly disturbed.
Key words:
body posture, low degree scoliosis, Photogrammetry, stabilography, equilibrium reactions
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Moiré technique in diagnosing of postural defects in children. Pilot study

Aleksandra Szabert, Paweł Targosiński, Marta Sidaway

Aleksandra Szabert, Paweł Targosiński, Marta Sidaway – Moiré technique in diagnosing of postural defects in children. Pilot study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(4); 389-396

The aim of this study was to compare the body posture in girls and boys aged 7-12 years. The examination was carried out in the primary school in Łąck, Mazovian Province. The re­search was carried out among 220 children (119 girls and 101 boys). They were pupils at the lower stage (forms1-6). Body posture evaluation was carried out by means of photogrammetric method based on the moirè technique.Asymmetries in the frontal area were different in the studied sample. There was, however, a considerable percentage of asymmetries in both groups. The differences were found in the position of synonymous osseous points and the alignment of shoulder-blades, shoulders and waist triangles. The analysis of body posture in the frontal area has shown that asymmetries are very common. It was found that the occurrence of trunk asymmetry changed with the age.
Key words:
body posture, postural defects, photogrammetric method
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Standardization of the diagnosis of body posture using photogrammetric ethods MORA 4G HD

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

Mirosław Mrozkowiak – Standardization of the diagnosis of body posture using photogrammetric ethods MORA 4G HD. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 26-40

Introduction. Each test or diagnostic method should meet basic principles consisting of standardization, reliability, accuracy, and normalization. Study aim. An attempt to describe the standardization of body posture diagnostics using the photogrammetric method in a 7-year-old child. Material and methods. For nine consecutive days, we assessed body posture in a group of 52 children aged 7 years by means of the photogrammetric method. The girls’ average body mass was 24.46 kg and body height was 123.87 cm, and, among boys, these values were respectively: 24.56 kg and 123 cm. All children represented the slender body type. Findings. The conducted statistical analysis showed no significant differences between subsequent tests and within each feature describing body posture in all children involved in the study. Only in individual, the feature KLB: the shoulder line angle, where the right shoulder is higher, revealed a significant difference. Conclusions. Insignificant differences observed in subsequent measurements of torso features prove the accuracy and high standard of the instituted examination procedure and the significant reliability of test results obtained. There was a significant difference in the KLB parameter: the shoulder line angle is due to the cohort size rather than to the most limited inaccuracies. This significant difference may also be a consequence of the great lability of the child’s body posture and the trait itself.
Key words:
mora projection, body posture, standardization
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The impact of weight of school supplies transported by pulling with the left or right hand on body posture features in the frontal plane of 7-year-old students of both sexes

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

M. Mrozkowiak – The impact of weight of school supplies transported by pulling with the left or right hand on body posture features in the frontal plane of 7-year-old students of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(4); 78-92

Introduction. The analysis of a student’s environment involves a set of stressors in the field of human ecology, including not only genetic but also epigenetic factors.
Material, method. Body posture examinations were carried out in a group of 65 students aged 7, using the moiré projection method in eight positions: 1 – habitual posture, 2 – posture after 10 minutes of pulling a container with school supplies with one hand, 3 – one minute after removing the load, 4 – two minutes after removing the load. Physical fitness was measured using the Sekita test, supplemented with an endurance test. The significance of differences between measurements 1 and 2 was analysed to determine the impact of load and its correlation with physical fitness, to study its impact on the value of differences in body posture features. Conclusions. 1. Transport of school supplies by pulling a container with the left or right hand causes significant changes in the values of selected body posture features of girls and boys. It should be assumed that these changes will be even greater the heavier the weight of the container, the longer the transport time and the greater the intensity of physical effort. Therefore, this method of transporting school supplies by first-grade students should not be recommended. 2. The level of general physical fitness has a diversified impact on the scope of changes in body posture features as a result of the adopted method of transport of school supplies. Among boys, the impact is significant, and among girls only when pulling with the right hand. Taking into account individual abilities, among boys, the value of posture features is affected by speed, power, endurance and agility, and among girls, additionally by strength.

Key words:
backpack, body posture, projection moiré, physical fitness

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Faulty posture – analysis among school-age children and assessment of parents’ knowledge of prevention and correction

Renata Sawicka

Renata Sawicka – Faulty posture – analysis among school-age children and assessment of parents’ knowledge of prevention and correction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 56-63

Introduction. The objective of this study is to analyse the frequency of faulty posture among school-age children. Additionally, the author will attempt to evaluate whether the place of residence affects the frequency of faulty posture and early diagnosis of faulty posture. Additionally, the level of parents’ knowledge of prevention and correction of faulty posture was analysed.
Materials and methods. The assessment covered 118 children aged 9-13, 58 of whom are girls and 60 – boys. Body posture assessment used the Kasperczyk point method consisting in observation of body structure while standing. The data collected was entered in an Excel database. The percentage rates were calculated for girls and boys separately, too. The statistical analysis was based on the Chi2 Test. Girls and boys were compared in terms of distribution of results in the scope of the respective variables analysed. In order to learn of parents’ knowledge of prevention and correction of faulty posture, a diagnostics survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire.
Results. The author found that 33% school-age children demonstrate faulty posture and that there is no statistically significant difference between gender and frequency of faulty posture. It was demonstrated that faulty posture appears in children living both in cities and villages. It was proven there is no statistically relevant relationship between the place of residence and the age of diagnosing faulty posture. It follows from the research conducted that parents are aware of the causes of faulty posture and the ways of correcting it.
Conclusions. 1. School-age children continue to demonstrate faulty posture. 2. There is no statistically relevant relationship between gender and frequency of faulty posture. 3. The place of residence does not have a significant effect on diagnosis of faulty posture. . Parents are aware of prevention and correction of faulty posture. 5. The common prevalence of faulty posture should make parents, guardians and teachers observe children’s development so as to allow early therapeutic intervention.

Key words:
faulty posture, body posture, prevention, correction

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Body posture in children practicing handball

Katarzyna Michalak, Natalia Dobrowolska, Sławomir Motylewski, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska

Katarzyna Michalak, Natalia Dobrowolska, Sławomir Motylewski, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska – Body posture in children practicing handball. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 30-35

Purpose. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of practicing handball on body posture of children and to determine any possible asymmetry connected with regular training of this discipline.
Material and methods. The study was conducted among 40 12-year-old children (15 girls and 25 boys) training handball in Students Sport Club Anilana, Sobolowa 1 street, Lodz for at least 3 years. Children undergone body posture assessment according to Kasperczyk’s Point Method.
Results. In the studied group no significant deviations from correct posture were found in terms of head, shoulders, shoulders, chest, abdomen, lumbar lordosis, spine alignment and knees. Only one of the studied children presented significant change in the alignment of thoracic kyphosis and three – in the alignment of foot.
Conclusions. Training handball for at least 3 years enabled to maintain and fix correct body posture among 12-year-olds and did not cause any significant postural asymmetry.

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Key words:
body posture, sports training, adolescents

Analysis of selected body posture parameters in female volleyball players

Agnieszka Książek-Czekaj, Grzegorz Śliwiński, Marek Wiecheć, Piotr Tabor, Marek Kiljański, Zbigniew Śliwiński

A. Książek-Czekaj, G. Śliwiński, M. Wiecheć, P. Tabor, M. Kiljański, Z. Śliwiński – Analysis of selected body posture parameters in female volleyball players. FP 2017; 17(3); 6-14


Introduction. Habitual posture of professional athletes is closely connected with the demands of sport training, and its characteristics depend on the type of sport involved. The purpose of this study was to assess the posture and foot loads of female volleyball players from the KSZO Ostrowiec team playing in the Orlen Liga (the Polish Women’s Volleyball League) in comparison to women in a similar age group who do not play sports professionally.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted between 2014 and 2015, at the start of the volleyball season, and used the DIERS Formetric 4D analysis system. The results of the female volleyball players were compared with healthy women in the same age group who do not play sports professionally.
Results. The results obtained in this study indicate that female volleyball players have lower values of the lumbar lordosis angle in comparison to the control group. The values of the trunk inclination angle (relative to the vertical plane) were also significantly different between the two groups, with the analyzed group having higher values. With regard to the other analyzed variables i.e. kyphosis and foot loads, the study found no statistically significant differences between the groups.
Conclusion. The assessment of the habitual posture of female volleyball players conducted in the present study suggests that the demands of sport training can have an influence on how the body posture of professional athletes develops.

Key words:
volleyball, body posture, DIERS Formetric 4D

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Assessment of Body Posture in Children of Kindergarten Age

Katarzyna Sołtysiak, Natalia Kociuga

K. Sołtysiak, N. Kociuga – Assessment of Body Posture in Children of Kindergarten Age. FP 2017; 17(2); 82-99


Study Goal. The goals of this study are: to examine body posture in children of kindergarten age in two ages groups (4 and 5 years), assess the range of motion of the shoulder and hip joints, as well as that of tensile strength of certain postural muscles.
Materials and methods. The sample size for this study consisted of 28 girls and 22 boys (n = 50).
This study was conducted in accordance with guidelines set by the Bioethical Commission of the Medical University of Łódź. Each subject was asked to disrobe to his/her undergarments and stand upright in a comfortable position. The assessment of his/her posture was performed based on both visual observation from a distance of 2 m and by palpation. Kasperczyk’s Protocol as well as the Dega, Thomas, and pseudo-Laseque’s tests were utilized in each assessment. In addition, the body mass and height of each subject was measured. Lovette’s test was utilized in the assessment of strength of the gluteus muscles and the rectus abdominis.
Results. No statistically significant corelation was found in this study between gender and age, however a statistically significant corelation was found between abdominal posture and gender: a flat abdomen was found in 22.73% of boys, but in none of the girls, in this study. An important contrast was found when comparing test subjects based on age in the assessment of body mass: older children were heavier and taller. In terms of the corelation between the Dega test results and age, the results were significant: there were far fewer cases of negative results in children aged 5 years.
Conclusions. 1. Body posture in children of kindergarten age varies greatly for each individual. 2. Lordotic postures or varus/valgus knees, frequently observed in children at this age, are normal variants of ontogenetic development. 3. Results of Lovette’s test indicate good, if not very good, strength of the gluteus maximus and rectus abdominis muscles. 4. Results of Dega, Thomas, and pseudo-Laseque’s tests indicate frequent contractions of the muscles of the shoulder and hip joints. 5.In children aged 4-5 years, improper arching of the feet is frequently evident. 6. The occurrence of abnormalities in body posture occurs in many children of kindergarten age is an indication of the need for corrective treatment to be implemented as early as possible, so as to avoid the permanent fixation of these abnormalities later in life.

Key words:
Body Posture, children, assess the range of motion, postural muscles

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