Successful public procurement of physiotherapeutic equipment

Damian Durlak

Damian Durlak – Skuteczne zamówienia publiczne na sprzęt fizjoterapeutyczny. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 54-58

Medical facilities purchasing medical equipment under the public procurement procedure are obliged to comply with the regulations specified in legal acts. Due preparation of the specification of the subject of the contract, selection of the appropriate team responsible for the process, and above all, understanding the needs and opinions of physiotherapists who will be using the equipment in the future can significantly affect the success of the entire process. Physiotherapists should be aware of the basics in the field of public procurement in order to be able to support other employees in the adequate preparation of tenders and in the selection of contractors.
Proper cooperation will ensure physiotherapists’ satisfaction working on the suitable equipment, and safe physiotherapeutic conditions for patients.
Key words:

Physiotherapy, public procurement, physiotherapy equipment

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