Knowledge of physiotherapists on health promotion

Damian Durlak

Damian Durlak – Knowledge of physiotherapists on health promotion. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 158-163

Introduction. A high level of knowledge of physiotherapists in the field of health promotion and proper body parameters is necessary for the correct transmission of information to patients. Physiotherapists should also use their lifestyle to set a good example to patients and encourage them to change their habits and know correct body parameters. A disturbingly small percentage of physiotherapists promoted a healthy lifestyle among patients. The answers to most of the questions were correlated with sociodemographic features.
Conclusions. Additional programmes promoting the transfer of knowledge to patients by physiotherapists should be introduced in most medical facilities. Physiotherapists should be encouraged to share their knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.
Key words:
physiotherapists, health promotion, body parameters
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