The relationship between body constitution and body composition in young women
{:pl}Wprowadzenie. Celem prowadzonych badań było znalezienie zależności pomiędzy szeroko rozumianym składem ciała a typem budowy ciała u młodych kobiet.{:}{:en}Introduction. The goal of our research was to explore the dependency between the body composition, broadly understood, and the type of body construction in young women.{:}{:zh}Introduction. The goal of our research was to explore the dependency between the body composition, broadly understood,
{:pl}Wstęp. Szyjny odcinek kręgosłupa narażony jest na przeciążenia wynikające z trybu życia, wykonywanej pracy nieznajomości zasad ergonomii wysiłku.{:}{:en}Background. The cervical spine is expose to overload resulting from lifestyle, work-related strain, and unawareness of the principles governing the ergonomics of exertion.{:}{:zh}Background. The cervical spine is expose to overload resulting from lifestyle, work-related strain, and unawareness of the principles governing the ergonomics
{:pl}Wstęp. Promieniowanie laserowe małej mocy moduluje wiele funkcji komórkowych, jednak mechanizm tego działania nie został dostatecznie poznany.{:}{:en}Background. Low-level laser radiation modulates many cell functions, but the operating mechanism of its effects has not been sufficiently explained.{:}{:zh}Background. Low-level laser radiation modulates many cell functions, but the operating mechanism of its effects has not been sufficiently explained.{:}{:ru}Background. Low-level laser radiation modulates many
Somatic development of children with Down Syndrome (DS) who were treated in ambulatory system
{:pl}Autorzy przeprowadzili ocenę przebiegu rozwoju somatycznego u dzieci z zespołem Downa rehabilitowanych w systemie ambulatoryjnym.{:}{:en}The authors conducted the evaluation of somatic development in children with DS who were rehabilitated in ambulatory system.{:}{:zh}The authors conducted the evaluation of somatic development in children with DS who were rehabilitated in ambulatory system.{:}{:ru}The authors conducted the evaluation of somatic development in children with DS
{:pl}Wstęp. Związek zmian zwyrodnieniowych kręgosłupa szyjnego z zaburzeniami w krążeniu kręgowo-podstawnym jest uznawany powszechnie.{:}{:en}Background. It is generally known that is a connection between degenerative changes in the cervical spine and disorders of vertebrobasilar circulation.{:}{:zh}Background. It is generally known that is a connection between degenerative changes in the cervical spine and disorders of vertebrobasilar circulation.{:}{:ru}Background. It is generally known that is
{:pl}Wstęp. Metoda Hankego, zwana również „E-Technik” (Entiwicklungskinesjologischer Technik) należy do mniej znanych sposobów leczenia zaburzeń nerwowo-mięśniowych.{:}{:en}Background. The Hanke Method, also known as „E-Technik” (Entiwicklungskinesjologischer Technik), is among the less wellknown methods used to treat neuromuscular disorders.{:}{:zh}Background. The Hanke Method, also known as „E-Technik” (Entiwicklungskinesjologischer Technik), is among the less wellknown methods used to treat neuromuscular disorders.{:}{:ru}Background. The Hanke Method, also
Long-term follow-up results in the treatment of herniated discopathy in the lumbar spine
{:pl}Wstęp. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu zaniechania zaleconego programu usprawniania na stan kliniczny chorych z dyskopatią przepuklinową w dalszym okresie po zakończeniu leczenia szpitalnego.{:}{:en}Background. The purpose of our research was to measure the impact of cessation of the recommended rehabilitation program on the clinical status of patients with herniated discs in long-term follow-up.{:}{:zh}Background. The purpose of our research was to
{:pl}Wstęp. Zespół kanału cieśni nadgarstka jest najczęstszą neuropatią z uwięźnięcia.{:}{:en}Background. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common incarceration neuropathy.{:}{:zh}Background. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common incarceration neuropathy.{:}{:ru}Background. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common incarceration neuropathy.{:}{:lt}Background. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common incarceration neuropathy.{:}{:hr}Background. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common incarceration neuropathy.{:}
{:pl}Wstęp. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu gry na instrumentach muzycznych na posturogenezę i częstość wad postawy wśród dzieci.{:}{:en}Background. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of long-term musical training on the genesis of defective posture.{:}{:zh}Background. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of long-term musical training on the genesis of defective posture.{:}{:ru}Background. The aim
{:pl}Wprowadzenie. Z zespołem kruchego chromosomu X związane są charakterystyczne dysfunkcje rozwoju intelektualnego, sensorycznego, społecznego, motorycznego i emocjonalnego.{:}{:en}Background. Fragile X syndrome entails characteristics dysfunctions in terms of intellectual, sensory, social, motor, and emotional development.{:}{:zh}Background. Fragile X syndrome entails characteristics dysfunctions in terms of intellectual, sensory, social, motor, and emotional development.{:}{:ru}Background. Fragile X syndrome entails characteristics dysfunctions in terms of intellectual, sensory,
Medical rehabilitation of spinal injury patients without central nervous system damage
{:pl}Autorzy w oparciu o doświadczenia Lubelskiego Ośrodka przedstawiają opracowany model rehabilitacji medycznej pacjentów po urazach kręgosłupa bez uszkodzeń OUN.{:}{:en}Based on the experience of the authors’ rehabilitation center is Lublin, the authors present the model of medical rehabilitation they have developed for patients with spinal injuries not involving damage to the central nervous system.{:}{:zh}Based on the experience of the authors’ rehabilitation
The psychological situation of the disabled patient after injury to the spine and spinal cord
{:pl}Wstęp. Niepełnosprawność ruchowa sprowadza na człowieka sytuację psychologiczną trudną z wielu powodów.{:}{:en}Background. Motor disability places the person affected in a difficult psychological situation for many reasons.{:}{:zh}Background. Motor disability places the person affected in a difficult psychological situation for many reasons.{:}{:ru}Background. Motor disability places the person affected in a difficult psychological situation for many reasons.{:}{:lt}Background. Motor disability places the person affected
Problems in physico- and physiotherapy of patients in the course of HIV infection and AIDS infection
{:pl}W 1981 r. rozpoznano pierwszy przypadek choroby nazwanej później zespołem nabytego upośledzenia odporności (AIDS).{:}{:en}In 1989, the first case was diagnosed of the disease later called acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).{:}{:zh}In 1989, the first case was diagnosed of the disease later called acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).{:}{:ru}In 1989, the first case was diagnosed of the disease later called acquired immune deficiency