{:pl}Praca omawia protokół fizjoterapuetycznego postępowania okołoooperacyjnego stosowanego z powodzeniem u pacjentów z konfliktem udowo-panewkowym leczonych artroskopowo.{:}{:en}Paper presents perioperative protocol of physioterapeutic management applied in FAI patients treated with arthroscopy.{:}{:zh}本文讨论以关节镜成功治疗股骨髋臼的病患在手术期间使用的物理治疗报告,所提出的报告为专有方案,符合主题文献中所描述的当前趋势{:}{:ru}Paper presents perioperative protocol of physioterapeutic management applied in FAI patients treated with arthroscopy.{:}{:lt}Paper presents perioperative protocol of physioterapeutic management applied in FAI patients treated with arthroscopy.{:}{:hr}Paper presents perioperative protocol of physioterapeutic
{:pl}The effect of Low Level (LLLT) Laser on median nerve morphology after carpal tunnel release (CTR) had been not investigated yet.{:}{:en}The effect of Low Level (LLLT) Laser on median nerve morphology after carpal tunnel release (CTR) had been not investigated yet.{:}{:zh}背景。低水平(LLLT)激光对腕管松懈后正中神经形态的影响尚未被研究。{:}{:ru}The effect of Low Level (LLLT) Laser on median nerve morphology after carpal tunnel release (CTR) had been not investigated
Exercise tolerance tests used in physiotherapy for COPD patients.
{:pl}Podstawą programu fizjoterapii w POChP jest trening wytrzymałościowy. Jednak aby dokładnie ustalić wartość obciążenia u każdego pacjenta, należy wykonać test wysiłkowy.{:}{:en}Aerobic training constitutes the basis of COPD patients’ physiotherapy. To establish individualized exercise load for each patient it is necessary to conduct an exercise tolerance test. Exercise tolerance tests allow for adequate planning of endurance training and assessment of its
{:pl}Burn victims develop hypertrophic scar as a progression to burn wound healing. Physical therapy intervention may help, as adjuvant therapy, in solving this problem.{:}{:en}Burn victims develop hypertrophic scar as a progression to burn wound healing. Physical therapy intervention may help, as adjuvant therapy, in solving this problem.{:}{:ru}Burn victims develop hypertrophic scar as a progression to burn wound healing. Physical therapy
{:pl}Zabiegi chirurgiczne stosowane w leczeniu wad wrodzonych twarzoczaszki mogą być przyczyną wystąpienia powikłań, powodujących upośledzenie funkcji układu stomatognatycznego. Wady te są problemem wielopłaszczyznowym.{:}{:en}Surgical procedures used to treat congenital craniofacial malformations may give rise to complications, resulting in impaired function of the stomatognathic system. Reconstructive correction of subsequent defects may require multi-disciplinary skills, including those of maxillofacial and microsurgery, orthodontics, speech
Effect of Visceral Decongestion of True Pelvis on Primary Dysmenorrhea
{:pl}Primary dysmenorrhea has a profound psychosocial impact not only on girls but also on their families as it has an effect on their performance of the daily living activities and decreases their ability to maintain an independent life style.{:}{:en}Primary dysmenorrhea has a profound psychosocial impact not only on girls but also on their families as it has an effect on
{:pl}Istnieje silny związek między rodzajem i stopniem zaawansowania choroby/niepełnosprawności, efektami leczenia i/lub usprawniania a jakością życia. W przypadku dziecka niepełnosprawnego zależność taka obejmuje również członków jego rodziny.{:}{:en}There is a strong relation between the type and severity of the disease/disability, the effects of treatment and/or improvement on one hand, and the quality of life on the other. In the case of
{:pl}Determination of the effect of acupuncture and diet modification using soy products on amenorrhea in female athlete triad.{:}{:en}Determination of the effect of acupuncture and diet modification using soy products on amenorrhea in female athlete triad.{:}{:zh}确定针灸和以豆类制品作为饮食调整对女性运动员危险三角之闭经的疗效。{:}{:ru}Determination of the effect of acupuncture and diet modification using soy products on amenorrhea in female athlete triad.{:}{:lt}Determination of the effect of acupuncture and diet modification
{:pl}Pomoc osobie z niepełnosprawnością powinna być ukierunkowana zarówno na poprawę jej stanu funkcjonalnego, jak również na adaptację przestrzeni życiowej.{:}{:en}Assistance to a person with a disability should be directed both at improving their functional status as well as at the adaptation of the living space.{:}{:zh}对残疾人士的协助应以改善其功能状况及生活空间适应为主。研究目的在分析行动不便人士对热舒夫市公共建筑和场所可用性的看法。{:}{:ru}Assistance to a person with a disability should be directed both at improving their functional status as
{:pl}Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) of knee is a musculoskeletal disorder that affects about 22% to 39% of population in India. The physical impairments among DJD patients poses a significant challenge to clinicians in order to manage and restore their functional capabilities.{:}{:en}Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) of knee is a musculoskeletal disorder that affects about 22% to 39% of population in India.
Athlete’s Heart – New Take on Old Diagnosis
{:pl}W artykule poruszona zostanie tematyka, której zagadnienia dotyczą zarówno pacjentów uprawiających sporty, którzy chcą poznać mechanizmy wpływające na mięsień sercowy przy podejmowaniu aktywności fizycznej{:}{:en}The article describes the issues concerning patients that practise sports and want to familiarize themselves with the mechanisms that influence cardiac muscle while doing physical activity{:}{:zh}文中讨论的主题所涉及的问题包括想了解体能活动如何影响心机机制且从事运动{:}{:ru}The article describes the issues concerning patients that practise sports and want
{:pl}Determination of Electronic Balance Board effect on Balance in Women in their postmenopausal period was the aim of this study.{:}{:en}Determination of Electronic Balance Board effect on Balance in Women in their postmenopausal period was the aim of this study. S{:}{:zh}确定电子平衡板对绝经后女性平衡的影响为本研究的目的。{:}{:ru}Determination of Electronic Balance Board effect on Balance in Women in their postmenopausal period was the aim of this study.{:}{:lt}Determination of
Kinezyteraphy in the cerebral palsy – clinical aspects
{:pl}Mózgowe porażenie dziecięce (MPD) to zespół zaburzeń ruchu i postawy wynikający z trwałego uszkodzenia mózgu we wczesnym stadium rozwoju. Jest to najczęstsza przyczyna niepełnosprawności u dzieci, które osiagają pełną dorosłość, ale z upływem czasu pogarsza się ich sprawność.{:}{:en}Cerebral palsy (CP) is a motor and postural disorder resulting from permanent brain damage that occurred at an early stage of development. It
{:pl}Objective. To compare the effect of biofeedback electromyography training versus botulinum toxin A versus selected program of exercise on Synkinesis and facial asymmetry in Bell’s palsy.{:}{:en}Objective. To compare the effect of biofeedback electromyography training versus botulinum toxin A versus selected program of exercise on Synkinesis and facial asymmetry in Bell’s palsy.{:}{:zh}目的:比较生物反馈肌电图训练与肉毒杆菌毒素A与选定运动方案对颜面神经瘫痪中联带运动和面部不对称的影响。{:}{:ru}Objective. To compare the effect of biofeedback electromyography training versus
Rehabilitation models for patients with COPD
{:pl}Program rehabilitacji obejmuje modele A, B, C, D, E. Podstawowym kryterium kwalifikacji do odpowiedniego modelu jest ocena tolerancji wysiłkowej, stopnia upośledzenia czynności wentylacyjnej płuc (wskaźnik FEV1), duszności oraz sprawności fizycznej.{:}{:en}Rehabilitation program includes models A, B, C, D and E. Key criteria in qualifying patients for adequate rehabilitation models include assessment of exercise tolerance, degree of lung ventilation dysfunction (FEV1 index),
{:pl}Aromatase inhibitor therapy for postmenopausal women with breast cancer is associated with a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD). Both Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) and treadmill walking exercises have a positive effect on bone osteoporosis.{:}{:en}Aromatase inhibitor therapy for postmenopausal women with breast cancer is associated with a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD). Both Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) and treadmill
{:pl}Cel. Ocena efektywności technik manualnych i plastrowania dynamicznego w redukcji powikłań pooperacyjnych po chirurgicznym leczeniu wad ortognatycznych.{:}{:en}Aim of the study. Evaluation of the effectiveness of manual techniques and dynamic taping in the reduction of postoperative complications after surgical treatment of orthognathic defects.{:}{:zh}的。旨在评估手法治疗和机能系贴布对减少正颔外科手术后并发症的有效性{:}{:ru}Aim of the study. Evaluation of the effectiveness of manual techniques and dynamic taping in the reduction of postoperative
{:pl}The aim of this research was to determine the clinical-hemodynamic and psychologic-cognitive parallels of correction of internal picture of health in the process of restorative treatment and rehabilitation of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.{:}{:en}The aim of this research was to determine the clinical-hemodynamic and psychologic-cognitive parallels of correction of internal picture of health in the process of restorative treatment
{:pl}Celem pracy była próba dokonania analizy świadczeń rehabilitacyjnych udzielanych pacjentom posiadającym orzeczenie o znacznym stopniu niepełnosprawności.{:}{:en}The aim of the study was an attempt to analyze rehabilitation services provided to patients with a severe disability certificate.{:}{:zh}研究目的在试图分析针对具严重残疾证者所提供的康复服务。{:}{:ru}The aim of the study was an attempt to analyze rehabilitation services provided to patients with a severe disability certificate.{:}{:lt}The aim of the study was an
Effect of Upright versus Recumbent Positions on Labour Outcomes
{:pl}This study was to find out the impact of uprighting versus lying down positions on labour outcomes. Subjects. Sixty women between 37-41 weeks’ gestational ages in active phase of first stage of labour participated in this study.{:}{:en}This study was to find out the impact of uprighting versus lying down positions on labour outcomes. Subjects. Sixty women between 37-41 weeks’ gestational