Sport i um: sustavni pregled tjelesne aktivnosti i mentalnog blagostanja u modernoj eri

Ahmad Chaeroni, Kamal Talib, Karuppasamy Govindasamy, Yuke Permata Lisna, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Mottakin Ahmed, Mert Kurnaz

Ahmad Chaeroni, Kamal Talib, Karuppasamy Govindasamy, Yuke Permata Lisna, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Mottakin Ahmed, Mert Kurnaz – Sports and mind: A systematic review of physical activity and mental well-being in the modern era –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(4); 371-378


Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj ispitati povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti, mentalnog zdravlja i kvalitete života kroz sustavni pregled znanstvene literature. Korišten je sustavni pregled literature (SLR) oslanjajući se na bazu podataka Scopus, koristeći strategiju pretraživanja ključnih riječi relevantnih za temu i prateći PRISMA smjernice. Pregledani su članci objavljeni od 2020. do 2024. godine koji se fokusiraju na tjelesnu aktivnost i mentalno zdravlje unutar Q1-Q2 indeksa. Od 89 identificiranih članaka, 28 ih je zadovoljilo kriterije uključivanja i bilo relevantno za temu. Analiza ovih studija pokazuje da je povećana tjelesna aktivnost povezana sa smanjenjem simptoma depresije i anksioznosti te poboljšanjem mentalnog blagostanja i kvalitete života. Osim toga, istraživanje ističe razlike u metodama mjerenja, poput upotrebe akcelerometara i različitih upitnika za mentalno zdravlje. Ovi nalazi podržavaju razvoj intervencija temeljenih na dokazima za poboljšanje mentalnog blagostanja putem tjelesne aktivnosti, posebno među djecom, adolescentima i starijim osobama. Međutim, istraživanje prepoznaje izazove povezane s metodama mjerenja i trajanjem intervencija, što ukazuje na potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjem radi razvoja sveobuhvatnijih i praktičnih preporuka.

Ključne riječi:tjelesna aktivnost, mentalno zdravlje, kvaliteta života, akcelerometar

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Učinak nomofobije na anksioznost i kvalitetu života kod studenata Odsjeka za fizioterapiju i rehabilitaciju

Sena Gizem Arslan, Ayşe Alkan, Nazlı Hazal Işık


Sena Gizem Arslan, Ayşe Alkan, Nazlı Hazal Işık – The Effect of Nomophobıa on Anxıety and Qualıty of Lıfe in Physıotherapy and Rehabılıtatıon Department Students –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(4); 60-65


Cilj. Pametni telefoni olakšavaju život, ali također uzrokuju mnoge probleme, među kojima je i ovisnost o pametnim telefonima poznata kao nomofobija. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj nomofobije na anksioznost i kvalitetu života među studentima Odsjeka za fizioterapiju i rehabilitaciju.
Metode. Istraživanje je uključivalo 211 studenata s Univerziteta primijenjenih znanosti Sakarya, Odsjek za fizioterapiju i rehabilitaciju. Sudionici su ispunili upitnik za prikupljanje demografskih podataka, tursku verziju Skale nomofobije za procjenu razine nomofobije, Beckovu skalu anksioznosti za procjenu anksioznosti te SF-36 skalu kvalitete života za procjenu kvalitete života.
Rezultati. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su prosječan rezultat na skali nomofobije od 77.28. Distribucija prema graničnim točkama skale bila je sljedeća: 30 % blaga, 45 % umjerena i 25 % ekstremna nomofobija. Identificirana je statistički značajna povezanost između nomofobije i anksioznosti (p < 0.05). Također, utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost između nomofobije i parametara kvalitete života, osim vitalnosti/energije, mentalnog zdravlja i socijalnog funkcioniranja (p < 0.05). Međutim, nije pronađena statistički značajna povezanost između anksioznosti i kvalitete života.
Zaključak. Razine anksioznosti kod nomofobičnih osoba rastu paralelno s razinom nomofobije, što dovodi do smanjenja kvalitete života. Potrebno je pružiti relevantne informacije i podići svijest kako bi se spriječila nomofobija, koja je posebno česta među mladima.

Ključne riječi
anksioznost, ovisnost, nomofobija, studenti, kvaliteta života

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Učinci vježbi niskog otpora za gornje udove zajedno s ručnom limfnom drenažom kod osoba nakon radikalne mastektomije – pilot studija

G. Balaji, P. Senthil

G. Balaji, P. Senthil – Effects of upper limb low resistance exercises along with manual lymphatic drainage in subjects with post radical mastectomy – a pilot study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(2); 42-49


Uvod. Pacijenti nakon radikalne mastektomije imaju fizičke probleme poput smanjene pokretljivosti ramena i snage mišića gornjih udova. Učinkovitost i ukupna funkcija gornjih udova te kvaliteta života (QOL) će se smanjiti zbog smanjene aktivnosti ovih mišića. Cilj ove studije je istražiti učinke ručne limfne drenaže s treninzima niskog otpora za gornje udove na funkciju ramena i QOL pacijenata nakon mastektomije. Općenito, mišići gornjih udova poput trapeznog mišića, serratus anteriora, pectoralis grupe. Jedan ispitanik iz eksperimentalne grupe povukao se iz studije. Trajanje tretmana je 12 tjedana prema principima rehabilitacije raka. Mjerne metode uključuju Lymph ICF (za QOL), anatomska opsežna mjerenja (za limfedem). Pacijenti su odabrani na temelju kriterija uključivanja i isključivanja. Eksperimentalna skupina pacijenata primala je treninge niskog otpora za gornje udove i tehnike ručne limfne drenaže, dok je kontrolna skupina pacijenata primala samo tehnike ručne limfne drenaže. Obje grupe pacijenata savjetovane su nositi elastične čarape za gornje udove 8 sati dnevno. Rezultati. Svi rezultati mjereni su na početku (prije) i na kraju 12 tjedana (poslije) u obje grupe. Podaci su analizirani korištenjem para „t“ testa. Rezultati su analizirani na temelju vrijednosti prije i poslije testa. Zaključak. Studija je dizajnirala strukturirani program vježbi niskog otpora za gornje udove za pacijente nakon radikalne mastektomije s ciljem poboljšanja funkcije ramena i QOL.

Ključne riječi
rehabilitacija od raka dojke, nakon radikalne mastektomije, QOL, trening niskog otpora, limfedem, funkcija ramena

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Zaburzenia mięśniowo-szkieletowe związane z pracą u nauczycieli szkolnych: czynniki ryzyka, wskaźnik występowania oraz związek z jakością życia związaną ze zdrowiem w Emiracie Szardża, w Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich

Alyazia Obaid Hassan Khudoum Almarashda, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy, Meeyoung Kim

Inas Gita Amalia, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Enggista Hendriko Delano, Abiyyu Amajida
– Work related musculoskeletal disorders in school teachers: risk factors, prevalence, and association with health-related quality of life in Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 217-226


Wstęp. Celem tego badania było określenie wskaźnika występowania bólu mięśniowo-szkieletowego (MSP) związanego z pracą oraz korelacji między czynnikami ryzyka, poziomem aktywności fizycznej, stresem i jakością życia wśród nauczycieli szkolnych w Szardży, Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie.
Materiały i metody. Przeprowadzono badanie przekrojowe wykorzystujące wersję 23.0 programu SPSS do analizy statystycznej. Użyto testu Shapiro-Wilka, niezależnego testu t oraz jednoczynnikowej analizy wariancji ANOVA do porównania wyników jakości życia i poziomu stresu w zależności od zmiennych.
Wyniki. W sumie do badania rekrutowano 342 nauczycieli pracujących w szkołach prywatnych i publicznych. Wyniki wykazały wysoką częstość występowania MSP wśród nauczycieli. Najczęściej zgłaszane obszary to dolna część pleców, ramię i szyja, a następnie górna część pleców. Sugerowane przyczyny to długie godziny spędzane przed urządzeniami, przy średniej 6 do 9 godzin dziennie, duże obciążenie nauczania od 16 do 30 klas tygodniowo, starszy wiek większości uczestników (35 lat i więcej) oraz niska aktywność fizyczna. Co więcej, jakość życia jest niska wśród nauczycieli z znanymi przewlekłymi schorzeniami oraz pracujących w szkołach prywatnych. Stres był umiarkowany, gdy testowano wszystkie zmienne.
Wnioski. Bóle mięśniowo-szkieletowe związane z pracą są bardzo częste wśród nauczycieli szkolnych w ZEA. Wysokie występowanie jest związane ze starszym wiekiem, dłuższym czasem nauczania, większym obciążeniem dydaktycznym, słabą jakością życia i umiarkowanym stresem.

Słowa kluczowe
ból mięśniowo-szkieletowy, stres, jakość życia, nauczyciele

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Efekt waginalnej terapii laserowej CO2 w leczeniu mieszanej inkontynencji moczu

Amr N. Badawy, Mahmoud S. El-Basiouny, Mamdouh Bibars, Sameh Salama, Mai Maged, Amr Mostafa, Galal Elshorbagy, Doaa Saeed, M.H. El Ebrashy, Amr H. Elnoury

Amr N. Badawy, Mahmoud S. El-Basiouny, Mamdouh Bibars, Sameh Salama, Mai Maged, Amr Mostafa, Galal Elshorbagy, Doaa Saeed, M.H. El Ebrashy, Amr H. Elnoury – Effect of vaginal CO2 laser therapy in mixed urinary incontinence. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 191-196


Cel. Niniejsze prospektywne badanie przedstawia wstępne ustalenia dotyczące klinicznej skuteczności minimalnie inwazyjnej terapii laserowej CO2 na pochwę u pacjentek cierpiących na mieszane nietrzymanie moczu.
Materiały i metody. Trzydzieści kobiet cierpiących na łagodny do umiarkowanego stopnień mieszanej inkontynencji moczu przeszło zabieg laserowy CO2, używając specjalistycznego aplikatora i długości fali 10,600 nm, w warunkach ambulatoryjnych, bez znieczulenia i leków pooperacyjnych. Wszystkie pacjentki otrzymały łącznie dwie sesje, każda z nich oddzielona 4-tygodniowym okresem. Do oceny wyników klinicznych po 3 miesiącach od zabiegu u wszystkich pacjentek użyto kwestionariusza ICIQ-UI SF (wersja arabska) oraz testu kaszlowego. Pacjentkom przed rozpoczęciem leczenia oraz ponownie trzy miesiące po ukończeniu dwóch sesji terapii wydano kwestionariusz ICIQ-UI SF do wypełnienia.
Wyniki. Zaobserwowano istotny statystycznie spadek w ICIQ UI-SF od wartości wyjściowej (z 8 ± 0.58) do kontroli po 3 miesiącach (5.1 ± 0.79). Ponadto, u ośmiu pacjentek (26.7%) test kaszlowy był negatywny 3 miesiące po drugiej sesji laserowej. Podczas trwania badania nie zaobserwowano poważnych skutków ubocznych.
Wnioski. Przebudowa i produkcja kolagenu indukowane przez laser CO2 na pochwę mogą pomóc w regeneracji i naprawie funkcji dna miednicy. U pacjentek z mieszanej inkontynencji moczu ta metoda leczenia wykazała skuteczne oraz bezpieczne wyniki kliniczne, jak oceniono za pomocą kwestionariusza ICIQ-UI SF, pomimo ograniczonej liczby próbek i krótkiego okresu obserwacji.

Słowa kluczowe
objawy pęcherza moczowego, jakość życia, mieszana inkontynencja moczu, ICIQ UI-SF, test kaszlowy, laser CO2 na pochwę

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Monitoring of functional ability, mobility and quality of life in seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pavol Nechvátal, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová, Tomáš Uher, Michal Macej, Gabriela Škrečková


Pavol Nechvátal, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová, Tomáš Uher, Michal Macej, Gabriela Škrečková – Monitoring of functional ability, mobility and quality of life in seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 92-95



Aim. The aim of the work is to map the functional fitness, level of mobility and quality of life of seniors at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods. The study group consisted of 130 seniors from the Prešov Region, with an average age of 74.1 (max. 94, min. 65) years and an average Body Mass Index (BMI) of 27.13 (max. 41.09, min 16.00). There were 54 men (41.5%), with an average age of 74.3 years and an average BMI of 26.78, women with an average age of 74.0 years and an average BMI of 27.37. In all seniors we assessed physical fitness by Senior Fitness Test, level of mobility by the Up & go test and quality of life and mental health by the WHOQOL-BREF test during the lockdown in COVID-19 pandemic.
Results. Seniors living in rural areas (t = -2,341; p = 0.020) and living alone (t = -2.05; p = 0.042) had slightly higher rate of mild obesity (according to BMI). Seniors living alone had a lower quality of life compared with seniors living partner or family member (t = 3.728; p < 0.001). Finally, seniors living in rurar areas had worse physical (t = 3.113; p = 0.002) and mental health status (t = 2.601; p = 0.010). Women had slightly worse mental health status than men (t = 2.308; p = 0.022).
Conclusions. Restrictions on movement due to the COVID-19 pandemic put seniors who live alone, at risk, especially women. Men show higher resistance to these measures, mostly in physical and psychological health area.
Key words:
COVID-19, movement activity, physical fitness, quality of life, seniors
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Effects of suryanamaskar on peak expiratory flow rate and quality of life in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Aayushi Palor, D. Anandhi

Aayushi Palor, D. Anandhi – Effects of suryanamaskar on peak expiratory flow rate and quality of life in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 80-86


Background. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a common, preventable, and treatable disease characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation that is due to airway and/or alveolar abnormalities usually caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or gases. Surya Namaskar is an ancient yogic method to worship the sun. This specific postural and breathing protocols were developed in Indian Subcontinent in the 17th century by Saint Samarth Ramdass. Aim. To find out the effects of Suryanamaskar on peak expiratory flow rate and quality of life in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Methods. Experimental design, pre and post type. 14 COPD patients, aged 35–50 years, both men and women, grade I and II in GOLD classification was randomly allotted into two groups. The patients had to clear the flexibility tests – Sit and reach test and back scratch test. For the Experimental group (n = 7), Suryanamaskar, with conventional chest physiotherapy intervention, was given for 5 days per week for 6 weeks. For the control group (n = 7), conventional chest physiotherapy intervention was given for the same duration. Outcome measures: Peak expiratory flow rate (l/min), SF–36 questionnaire. Results: The study showed that the peak expiratory flow rate and SF–36 questionnaire showed non-significant result for both the groups as p > 0.05, though there was a clinically significant improvement. Conclusion: This study concluded that there is no statistically significant improvement in PEFR and QOL in COPD patients who performed Suryanamaskar along with chest physiotherapy.

Słowa kluczowe:
COPD, Peak expiratory flow rate, QOL, SF–36, Suryanamaskar

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Impact of the pandemic on the quality of life in the Polish and German population

Daniela Kajda, Jan Szczegielniak, Marzena Dorosz, Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz

Daniela Kajda, Jan Szczegielniak, Marzena Dorosz, Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz – Impact of the pandemic on the quality of life in the Polish and German population. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 140-153



Introduction. Quality of life during the pandemic has taken on a completely different dimension. As a result of the restrictions, it was necessary to reorganize life in every sphere. This could lead to a number of negative consequences, including the deterioration of physical and mental health, as well as disturbances in the ability to establish proper social relationships.
Objective. The objective of the study was to assess the impact of the pandemic on the quality of life in the Polish and German population.
Material and methods. The study was conducted on a group of 200 people, of which 100 people are respondents living in Poland, while the remaining 100 live in Germany. The research tool used in this study was a questionnaire. The questionnaire was created in two language versions: Polish and German. The obtained results are presented in the form of pie charts and bar graphs. Pie charts present the results in percentages, obtained in individual questions included in the questionnaire.
Results and discussion. The results indicate a change in the frequency of undertaking physical activity. The number of respondents undertaking physical activity has significantly decreased, while the respondents who do not undertake physical activity during the pandemic constitute almost half of the respondents from Poland. The situation in Germany is completely different, as the number of people undertaking and not undertaking physical activity has not changed significantly. As a result of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, almost half of the respondents from Poland began to feel a little fatigued while performing everyday activities, while the level of fatigue of the German respondents did not change significantly and oscillates around the same limits as before the pandemic. The quality of sleep in Polish respondents definitely decreased from good to moderate as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, while in German respondents there is no significant decrease in sleep quality.
Conclusions. 1. The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the mental health of the Polish population to a large extent, while the negative impact of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic on the German population is observed to a much lesser extent.
2. The pandemic situation contributed to a significant deterioration in the quality of life in the case of the Polish population, while in the case of the German population, no significant deterioration in the overall quality of life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was documented.
3. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant decrease in the level of physical fitness and the frequency of undertaking physical activity in the Polish population, while in the case of the German population, the level of physical fitness slightly deteriorated, but no significant decrease in the frequency of undertaking physical activity was observed during the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
4. Among the Polish population, the general well-being has clearly deteriorated, however, in the case of the German population, there is no significant decrease in well-being caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

pandemic, quaility of life, Polish population, German population

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Effects of Buteyko therapy on dipping of peak expiratory flow rate and quality of life in asthmatic patients among adult and elderly population

D. Anandhi, M. Tamilalagan

D. Anandhi, M. Tamilalagan – Effects of Buteyko therapy on dipping of peak expiratory flow rate and quality of life in asthmatic patients among adult and elderly population. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 70-75



Background. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory illness of the airways characterised by airway obstruction and bronchial hyper-responsiveness that is at least partly reversible. Serial peak expiratory flow measurements are frequently used in the clinical management of asthma to improve diagnose, estimate severity, and screen for provocative variables. When compared to mild persistent asthma, moderate to severe asthma has a lower QOL. Objective. The study’s aim is to determine the impact of Buteyko treatment on asthmatic patients’ peak expiratory flow rate (Expiratory flow rate) and quality of life. Study design. Pre and post type experimental design. Procedure. Twenty-two mild to moderate asthmatic patients, both men and women, aged 25–60 years, were randomly selected and given a peak expiratory flow metre to measure peak expiratory flow rate in the morning and evening at the same time every day. Basic chest physiotherapy was taught to all of the patients. PEFR decreased in 15 of 22 patients throughout the research period, and Buteyko treatment was administered twice daily for 6 weeks. Outcome measures. Peak Expiratory Flow Rate and Questionnaire on Shortness of Breath. Results. With Buteyko therapy, asthmatic patients’ PEFR and Shortness of Breath questionnaires improved statistically significantly (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The study found that Buteyko treatment had a substantial impact on peak expiratory flow rate lowering and asthmatic patients’ quality of life.

dipping, buteyko therapy, quality of life, bronchial asthma, peak expiratory flow rate, shortness of breath questionnaire

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The impact of body composition disorders on the quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Marzena Dorosz, Katarzyna Bogacz, Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marcin Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak

Marzena Dorosz, Katarzyna Bogacz, Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marcin Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak – The impact of body composition disorders on the quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 56-69



Introduction. COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease that constitutes a significant public health problem. It is characterized by not fully reversible, progressive limitation of airflow through the airways. In addition to the harmful pulmonary effects, COPD manifests itself with complications in other body systems, including body composition disorders, which adversely affects patients’ quality of life and prognosis. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of life of patients with COPD and to assess the factors that will affect its deterioration.
Material and methods. The study included 37 patients of the University Hospital at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków at 8 Skawińska Street, who were diagnosed with COPD according to the GOLD guidelines. In the study group, a personal questionnaire was conducted, anthropometric data was collected, i.e. the Quetelet index was calculated, thigh circumference and skin folds were measured, and the subjective assessment of the quality of life was examined using the SGRQ-C questionnaire and the CAT Test.
Results. Based on the analysis of the collected materials, it was shown that the average assessment of the quality of life in the study population was at a low level of 61.8 points on the SGRQ-C scale. There was a large variation in the assessment of HRQoL depending on the stage of the disease. The best result, amounting to 23.0 points, was achieved by patients in stage 1, and the worst – 81.6 points. – patients in stage 4 according to GOLD guidelines. Among the main determinants of the quality of life in the study group, in addition to the degree of airway obstruction, there were: high intensity of clinical symptoms, such as cough, shortness of breath or expectoration of secretions, low body weight and the number of comorbidities. Conclusions. It has been shown that the loss of fat-free body mass and systemic complications are factors that significantly reduce the quality of life, and patients with fewer comorbidities and with increased BMI score better on the SGRQ-C scale. It has been proven that the progression of the disease contributes to the exclusion of patients from active social life and causes many mental problems. It was established that patients with COPD should be covered by multidisciplinary care and a special training program in order to prevent or delay the onset of systemic complications, which significantly worsen the patients’ quality of life

COPD, body composition, quality of life

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