Učinak treninga vibracija cijelog tijela na venske osobine nogu kod djece

Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa


Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa – Effect of whole-body vibration training on leg venous properties in children –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 202-209

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AHL1

Uvod. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinke treninga vibracijama cijelog tijela (WBV) na vensku cirkulaciju u donjim udovima djece s cerebralnom paralizom (CP).
Materijali i metode. Istraživanje je provedeno na 13 djece s CP-om, u dobi od 7 do 11 godina. Također je uključena referentna skupina od 13 zdravih vršnjaka usklađenih po dobi i spolu. Doppler ultrazvuk femoralnih i poplitealnih vena na obje noge izveden je za sve ispitanike. Dobiveni su sljedeći parametri: 1) brzina protoka za femoralnu venu i 2) brzina protoka za poplitealnu venu. Kod djece s CP-om pregled je ponovljen nakon dvotjedne terapije korištenjem WBV-a.
Rezultati. Rezultati sugeriraju da venska cirkulacija u donjim udovima djece s CP-om može biti lošije kvalitete u usporedbi s njihovim zdravim vršnjacima. Nadalje, nalazi potvrđuju da WBV smanjuje spastičnost kod djece s CP-om. WBV poboljšava parametre periferne venske cirkulacije u donjim udovima djece s CP-om.
Zaključak. Da bi se u potpunosti procijenio utjecaj vibracijskog treninga na kvalitetu venskog protoka u krvnim žilama donjih udova kod djece s CP-om, bit će potrebno proširiti istraživačku skupinu na reprezentativan uzorak, uključujući djecu s CP-om na različitim funkcionalnim razinama (GMFCS I-V) i s različitim stupnjevima spastičnosti mišića donjih udova.

Ključne riječi:
cerebralna paraliza, vibracije cijelog tijela, Doppler ultrazvuk, venski protok, donji udovi

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Sposobnosti senzorne obrade u odnosu na motoričke sposobnosti kod djece s različitim tipovima cerebralne paralize

Amal Abdelwahab Youssef, Amira Mohamed Eltohamy, Kamal Elsayed Shokry, Engi E.Sarhan, Nesma EM. Barakat

Amal Abdelwahab Youssef, Amira Mohamed Eltohamy, Kamal Elsayed Shokry, Engi E.Sarhan, Nesma EM. Barakat – Sensory processing abilities in relation to motor capabilities in children with different types of cerebral palsy –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 173-181

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF88A7

Pozadina i svrha: Djeca s cerebralnom paralizom imaju problema s obradom senzornih informacija kao i s motoričkim sposobnostima, što dovodi do teških razvojnih poteškoća. U ovoj studiji cilj nam je bio procijeniti povezanost sposobnosti senzorne obrade i motoričkih sposobnosti kod djece s cerebralnom paralizom te procijeniti učinak tipova cerebralne paralize na sposobnosti senzorne obrade i motoričke sposobnosti.
Materijali i metode: U studiju je uključeno sto djece oba spola s cerebralnom paralizom, u dobi od 4 do 10 godina, odabranih iz ambulante za pedijatrijsku rehabilitaciju Fakulteta fizikalne terapije Sveučilišta u Kairu, koji su ispunjavali kriterije uključenja. Sva djeca procijenjena su pomoću Kratkog senzornog profila za mjerenje sposobnosti senzorne obrade, Sustava klasifikacije grubih motoričkih funkcija za mjerenje grubih motoričkih vještina i Sustava klasifikacije manualnih sposobnosti za mjerenje finih motoričkih vještina.
Rezultati: Postojala je značajna korelacija između GMFCS-a, MACS-a i ukupnog rezultata SSP-a, kao i niska energija, osjetljivost na dodir, osjetljivost na okus i miris, osjetljivost na pokret, te potreba za traženjem senzacija (P ≤ 0.05*). Nije bilo značajne korelacije između auditivnog filtriranja i vizualno-auditivne osjetljivosti s GMFCS-om i MACS-om (P = 0.676 i 0.266, respektivno). Uočene su statistički značajne varijacije među različitim tipovima CP-a u pogledu SSP-a i motoričke procjene (P ≤ 0.05*).
Zaključak: Studija je pokazala da sposobnosti senzorne obrade utječu na motoričke sposobnosti kod djece s cerebralnom paralizom.
Ključne riječi:
sposobnosti senzorne obrade, motoričke sposobnosti, cerebralna paraliza
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Poboljšana sposobnost mišića ruke nakon 6 tjedana vježbanja stiskanja teniske loptice kod djece sa spastičnom cerebralnom paralizom

Irmantara Subagio, Nengteng Manik, Rahmat Putra Perdana, Putra Sastaman B, Erna Yantiningsih, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin, Slamet Raharjo


Irmantara Subagio, Nengteng Manik, Rahmat Putra Perdana, Putra Sastaman B, Erna Yantiningsih, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin, Slamet Raharjo – Improved hand muscle ability after 6 weeks of squeezing a tennis ball exercise in children with spastic cerebral palsy –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 73-77

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8753

Djeca s cerebralnom paralizom obično su manje fizički sposobna u usporedbi s tipično razvijajućim vršnjacima. To je uglavnom zbog nedostatka tjelesne aktivnosti i vježbanja tijekom djetinjstva. Ako adolescenti i odrasli s cerebralnom paralizom ne dobiju dovoljno vježbanja, to bi moglo rezultirati smanjenom pokretljivošću i fizičkom kondicijom. Vrlo je važno započeti liječenje cerebralne paralize kada je dijete još mlado. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti kako bi djeca sa spastičnom cerebralnom paralizom mogla imati koristi od poboljšanja funkcije mišića ruke stiskanjem spužvaste teniske loptice tijekom vježbi jačanja ruku. Studija je implementirala pravi eksperimentalni dizajn s kontrolnom grupom prije i poslije testa. Ova metodologija omogućila je rigorozno i sustavno istraživanje, osiguravajući pouzdane i valjane rezultate. Dvanaest dječaka u dobi od 15 do 17 godina, koji su svi dijagnosticirani sa spastičnom cerebralnom paralizom, sudjelovalo je u vježbama stiskanja spužvaste teniske loptice kao dio programa intervencije. Vježba stiskanja spužvaste teniske loptice od 30 minuta uključuje 4-6 setova od 15-20 ponavljanja s pasivnim odmorima od 30 sekundi. Propisani režim uključuje provođenje vježbe četiri puta tjedno tijekom šest tjedana. Prije i nakon intervencije, korišten je dinamometar za hvat ruke kako bi se procijenila snaga mišića ruke djece sa spastičnom vrstom cerebralne paralize. Tehnike analize podataka primijenjene su koristeći nezavisni uzorak t-testa s razinom značajnosti od 5%. Rezultati su pokazali prosječnu snagu mišića desne ruke nakon intervencije između kontrolne vs. eksperimentalne grupe (4,36 ± 1,35 kg naspram 34,16 ± 3,34 kg (p = 0,000)), prosječnu snagu mišića lijeve ruke nakon intervencije između kontrolne vs. eksperimentalne grupe (2,31 ± 0,49 kg naspram 30,18 ± 2,08 kg (p = 0,000)). Nalazi istraživanja sugeriraju da redovito vježbanje stiskanja teniske loptice, provedeno četiri puta tjedno tijekom razdoblja od šest tjedana, može donijeti značajna poboljšanja u funkcionalnosti mišića ruke kod djece dijagnosticirane sa spastičnom tipom cerebralne paralize. Nalazi sugeriraju da uključivanje ovih aktivnosti u tretmanske procedure može pružiti značajnu vrijednost osobama s ovom posebnom bolešću.
Ključne riječi
cerebralna paraliza, djeca, spastični tip, vježba s teniskom lopticom
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Body composition and spasticity in children with bilateral cerebral palsy

Lawia Szkoda, Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa

Lawia Szkoda, Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa – Body composition and spasticity in children with bilateral cerebral palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 174-185

Objective. The objective of this study was to identify the correlation between body composition of children with cerebral palsy and the degree of spasticity in the muscles of the lower limbs.
Material and methods. The study included a group of 59 independently walking children aged 8 to 16 with spastic diplegia. The control group included 59 children without central movement disorders – students at Primary School No. 25 in Sosnowiec. The research included: 1) assessment of body composition and its components using the TANITA MC-780 S MA scale; 2) assessment of the degree of spasticity according to the modified Ashworth scale; 3) calculations of BMI indices in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and BMI OLAF developed by the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw.
Results. The most severe spasticity, both in the right and left lower limbs, was observed in the extensors of the ankle joint. In turn, the mildest spasticity was observed in the group of flexors of the knee joint of the right and left lower limbs. The greater the degree of spasticity in the muscles of the lower limbs, the greater the deficit in fat-free mass and muscle mass in the lower limbs.
Conclusions. Children with CP have deficits in terms of muscle mass. The deficit of muscle tissue depends on the degree of spasticity of the proximal muscle groups of the lower limbs.
Key words:
body composition, spasticity, cerebral palsy
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Online-based versus photos-based home programs on upper extremity functions for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin injection

Eslam E. Hassan, Khaled A. Mamdouh, Samia A. Abdel Rahman, Tarek E.I. Omar

Eslam E. Hassan, Khaled A. Mamdouh, Samia A. Abdel Rahman, Tarek E.I. Omar – Online-based versus photos-based home programs on upper extremity functions for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin injection. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 112-116

Background. Online-based home program allows continuous care at any time controls the economic demand and is considered as a perfect method for infection control. This study was conducted to study the effect of adding online-based versus photos-based home program to the traditional physical therapy program, on hand grasping skills and range of motion of wrist extension and forearm supination of the affected upper extremity for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin A injection. Materials and methods. Thirty children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy were classified into two equal groups (A and B). Both groups received traditional physical therapy program in clinic in addition to online-based home program for group (A) and conventional photos-based home program for group (B). The measured variables were the grasp domains of Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test and range of motion of wrist extension and forearm supination using electronic digital goniometer for the affected upper extremity before as well as after three successive months of treatment. Results. The study revealed significant improvement of all measured variables in both groups in post treatment compared to pretreatment values. Regarding between groups comparison, there was significant improvement in group (A) post treatment regarding grasp domain score compared to group (B), while there was non-significant difference regarding the range of motion of wrist extension and forearm supination. Conclusion. Adding online-based home program is more effective than adding photos-based home program to the traditional physical therapy program in improving hand grasping skills in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.
Key words:
botulinum toxin A, cerebral palsy, online-based home program, upper extremity functions
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Evaluating the motor development of infants using Vojta’s method, with particular attention to risk factors, in clinical material from a Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Aleksandra Deljewska-Starykow, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wanda Różyło

Aleksandra Deljewska-Starykow, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wanda Różyło – Evaluating the motor development of infants using Vojta’s method, with particular attention to risk factors, in clinical material from a Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(3); 216-228

Background. The author described child’s physical and mental development in the first year his live in Theodor Hellbrige’s opinion. They presented new definitions how „high-risk pregnancy, „high-risk birth, „high-risk child” They talked over risk factors and among of them there is of great importence famillie’s relations connected with the Rh factor, main blood groups, famillie’s enzynopathy and chromosome aberration also mather’s ilnneses during the her pregnancy. They payed special attention to the gestosis, diabetes, tyroid’s ilnneses, obesity, anemia, passed infectius and bleeding. The authors rated negative factors among low height of mather, low weigth of mather befor her pregnancy and no hygienic live. The period shorter than 6 months between the pregnancies is health risk also, and like how the inflammatory proceeses of the Central Nervous System, generalized cyanosis, low evaluation in the Apgar Scale, acidosis, hiperbilirubinamy, infantile convulsions, neonatal asphyxia, the children born after different complications related to labour.The aim of examine.• The neurophysiology analysis of the development newborn from the group high-risk pregnancy, high-risk birth, especially children which was born before 37 weeks lasting pregnancy – premature baby- and children which was born in normal labor but the size those newborn was too small to fetal age- dystrophy child• The paying attention to early diagnosis of the neurodeveloping disturbances and starting the treatment quickly.Material and methods. 32 premature baby was examine , it was the children were born between 28-37 weeks of the pregnancy and 13 dystrophy child which weight were 2 500 g. and 1 child was born after 37 weeks pregnancy. The examine was done in the Rehabilitation Center in Zgorzelec. Results and conclusions. On the basis of examine the authors drown following conclusions: 1. The Vojty’s development neurokinesiology diagnostic is good screening for children from risk groups, is simply to do and let to evaluate early child’s disturbances in psychomotorial development. 2. The bigger worth of the Vojtys diagnostic and therapy is possible right development of children from high-risk birth groups. The results which are presented prove to early start to diagnos and treat give children chance to right development. 3. The age of the child is of great importance for results and time of therapy. 4. The low weigth of labor and relative shorter time of live the child during the pregnancy have the influence for efficiency CNS and the level of disturbances central neurvous coordination. The low weigth and shorter pregnancy live the higher level disturbances central neurvous coordination is presented. 5. The risk factor has influence for time therapy to moment reached the normalization. The intermural dystrophy is worst than premature baby. The premature baby quicklier and large number reache the normal psychomotorial development.

Key words:
infantum Cerebral Palsy, Vojta, child physical and mental development

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An evaluation of gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jacek Sołtys

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jacek Sołtys – An evaluation of gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(2); 189-196

Cerebral palsy (CP) belongs to the group of dysfunctions in which impairment of the gait function is a constant element. The goal in rehabilitation is to steer the process of compensation in such a way that the gait pattern produces a minimum of disturbances and limitations in locomotion. Objective evaluation is essential for purposes of planning rehabilitation and monitoring outcome. Since the evaluation of gait can be parameterized, the authors have presenting methods for making such an evaluation, concentrating on two types of tests. The possibility of evaluating gate symmetry is presented, based on the use of the Parotec® system, along with evaluation based on analysis of particular gate markers, using the Zebris system. Certain practical remarks are given in the conclusion, essential for planning and managing the course of rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy.

Key words:
Cerebral Palsy, evaluation of gait disturbances, rehabilitation

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Some possibilities for alleviating gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy, in the light of baropedographic tests: a preliminary report

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jerzy Pietruszewski, Małgorzata Matyja

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jerzy Pietruszewski, Małgorzata Matyja – Some possibilities for alleviating gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy, in the light of baropedographic tests: a preliminary report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(3); 217-223


Background. A pathological gait stereotype often occurs in children with cerebral palsy. The effort is made during rehabilitation to alleviate some of the symptoms, but this requires a precise survey of the component factors involved in the abnormal gait pattern that can be remedied. Atypical methods are sometimes used in rehabilitation, and their suitability also needs objective verification. Material and methods. Our study presents the possibilities for objective gait evaluation using baropedographic tests based on the Parotec® system. The possibilities of improving gait symmetry are also presented, using the example of children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy who have also been receiving botulin injections or the so-called inhibitive plaster casts. Results and Conclusions. These additional therapeutic devices facilitate further treatment and have a positive impact on improving the symmetry of gait in these children. We also found that this testing can be a valuable source of information for the therapist, pointing out which parameters of abnormal gait should be focused on during further rehabilitation.

Key words:
Cerebral Palsy, evaluation of gait disturbances, botulin, inhibitive plaster casts
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Comparison of motoric activity of American and Polish children with cerebral palsy during rehabilitation

Iwona Kasior-Szerszeń, Wanda Stryła

Iwona Kasior-Szerszeń, Wanda Stryła – Comparison of motoric activity of American and Polish children with cerebral palsy during rehabilitation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(1); 7-12


Background. Common features of cerebral palsy in children are movement and posture disorders. The most disturbed sphere is motorics. Movement disorders include spastic limb paresis, unvoluntary movements, coordination and balance disturbances. The aim of this report was to compare motor efficiency concerning manual and locomotive functions as well as life activities in Polish and American children. Material and methods. Study material involved 100 Polish children and 107 children from USA. Survey method was used. Results. The results were compared with respect to locomotor and manual functions in Polish and American children. Statistically significant differences were obtained. Conclusions. 1. The level of disability was higher in American children than in Polish children. 2. Manual and locomotive functions in American children were more limited. 3. Everyday child care concerning basic life activities leads to chronic fatigue, frustration, depression and in consequence to disturbances in normal family life.

Key words:
cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, motoric activity
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Vertical positioning advantages in children with cerebral palsy

Stanisław Faliszewski, Ewa Kamińska, Marzena Wiernicka, Wanda Stryła

Stanisław Faliszewski, Ewa Kamińska, Marzena Wiernicka, Wanda Stryła – Vertical positioning advantages in children with cerebral palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(2); 167-171


A primary aim of this paper is an introduction of the concrete arguments to physiotherapists, physicians, parents and other pro-fessionals who deal with rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, about the importance and the necessity of application into practice vertical positioning method based on the age of a child, not on the achievements of gross motor activity, at any stage of a physical therapy process. Two basic types of vertical positioning method may be distinguished depending on the condition of a patient: the passive and the active vertical positioning method. The difficulty in the active vertical positioning method, that is in the ability of taking up the standing position unaided, opposing the force of gravity, is the major rehabilitation problem of children suffering from cerebral palsy. It is manifested by the inability to take up the standing position unaided at all or the delay in it in the proportion to the vertical positioning standard (about the 16th month of a lifetime) and it results in many disadvantageous changes mentioned in this article. The passive vertical positioning with the help of vertical positioners seems to be the only alternative in this situation. The passive vertical positioning method is above all, the overcoming of incorrect postural-motor patterns in children. The vertical positioning method enables the suppression of intensified spastic tension. The passive vertical positioning facilitates the performance of different ADL, e. g. eating, doing homework, reading, the use of a computer, and has an influence on the course of physiological processes. The Neurodevelopment Treatment method acknowledges it to be a priority while using techniques of the stimulation during the physical therapy process. The only contraindication to the passive vertical positioning can be the prolonged reluctance of a child to such form of taking up the standing position. The advantages connected with vertical positioning by use of vertical positioning table of children with cerebral palsy (passive method) are considered from the sensomotor, psychological, physiological and anatomical points of view and ability to regain particular motor functions. Disadvantageous effects of a short and long-time immobilisation at horizontal position as result of hypokinesis and hypogravity are taken into account as well. The results of the reaserch carried out on people remaining in a recumbent position shortly or prolongedly in consequence of diseases and injuries as well as on healthy people, prove that bed rest cause essential disadvantageous physiological changes.

Key words:
vertical positioning, cerebral palsy, hypogravia, hypodynamia
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