Terapija boli kod jahača – fizioterapijska intervencija

Gabriela Škrečková, Matúš Kozel, Eva Lukáčová, Martina Čerevková, Alexander Kiško

Gabriela Škrečková, Matúš Kozel, Eva Lukáčová, Martina Čerevková, Alexander Kiško – Pain therapy in horseback riders – physiotherapeutic intervention –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(4); 418-422

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG01A8H2J3

Uvod. Jahanje je složena tjelesna aktivnost koja značajno utječe na fizičko i mentalno zdravlje jahača. Nedostatak posturalne stabilnosti može negativno utjecati na fizičko zdravlje jahača kao i na njegovu tehniku jahanja.
Cilj. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinak tromjesečne intervencije fizioterapije na stabilnost i pokretljivost donjih ekstremiteta, aktivaciju mišića trupa i zdjelice te smanjenje boli u specifičnim dijelovima tijela.
Metode. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 15 rekreativnih jahača prosječne dobi od 25,26 godina, koji su u posljednje tri godine jahali najmanje 2 dana tjedno. Ispitanici su tijekom tri mjeseca proveli ulazna i izlazna mjerenja. Procjenjivana je stabilnost i pokretljivost gležnja, koljena i kuka, sposobnost generiranja i održavanja intraabdominalnog tlaka te pojava boli u lumbalnom području prije i nakon intervencije fizioterapije.
Rezultati. Nakon tromjesečne intervencije, došlo je do poboljšanja u FABER testu za kuk, testu varus stresa, testu vremena i ravnoteže te SEBT testu. U testu valgus stresa nije zabilježeno poboljšanje niti pogoršanje. Stabilnost skočnog zgloba potvrđena je testom vremena i ravnoteže (poboljšanje od 66,67%) te SEBT testom (poboljšanje od 32,67%). Ispitanici su tijekom ulaznih mjerenja prijavili najveću bol u zglobu kuka (prosjek 1,53), dok je najmanja bol zabilježena u gležnju (prosjek 0,33). Najznačajnije promjene dogodile su se nakon intervencije u lumbalnom dijelu kralježnice.
Zaključak. Poboljšanje posturalne stabilnosti i držanja kroz kompenzacijske vježbe, korektivne mjere i pravilnu tehniku ključno je za uspješno i sigurno jahanje.

Ključne riječi
Jahač, fizioterapija, bol, stabilnost

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Usporedba istraživanih analiza procjene fizioterapije boli uzrokovane u području vratne kralježnice

Matúš Kozel, Gabriela Škrečková, Eva Lukáčová, Eleonóra Klímová


Matúš Kozel, Gabriela Škrečková, Eva Lukáčová, Eleonóra Klímová – Comparison of the researched analyses evaluating the physiotherapy of the pain with a cause in the region of the cervical spine –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 400-404

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AD5K

Uvod. Bol u vratu je čest problem mišićno-koštanog sustava. Ovaj zdravstveni problem, kako individualni, tako i socio-ekonomski, povezan je sa smanjenjem svakodnevnih aktivnosti, smanjenjem produktivnosti rada i utjecajem na kvalitetu života.
Cilj. Procijeniti učinkovitost terapije nespecifične boli koja potječe iz vratne kralježnice u smislu primijenjenih metoda fizioterapije.
Metode. U istraživanje je uključeno 40 znanstvenih članaka objavljenih u razdoblju od 2018. do 2023. u časopisima registriranim u bazama podataka Web of Science, Science Direct i Scopus.
Rezultati. Najčešće istraživani cilj bila je edukacija pacijenata o ergonomiji, pravilnom držanju tijela i kućnim vježbama. Pripremna faza terapije uključivala je primjenu termoterapije i elektroterapije – ultrazvuka ili transkutane električne stimulacije živaca (TENS), klasične masaže, primjenu nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova. Često korištene tehnike bile su manipulacija i/ili mobilizacija, terapija okidačkih i osjetljivih točaka – akupresura, akupunktura, primjena suhih igala. Među terapijskim metodama najčešće su birane vježbe u obliku pilatesa, joge, Alexander tehnike, senzomotoričkog treninga, proprioceptivne neuromuskularne facilitacije, Jakobsonove progresivne mišićne relaksacije. Smanjenje bolne pokretljivosti rješavalo se primjenom lokalne imobilizacije i kineziotapinga.
Zaključak. Prema rezultatima naše analize, kombinacija nekoliko fizioterapijskih tehnika i metoda pokazala se značajno učinkovitom u smanjenju boli i poboljšanju kvalitete života.

Ključne riječi:
kineziterapija, vratna kralježnica, bol

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Učinci tehnike mišićne energije i Hold-Relax tehnike na bol i opseg pokreta kod pacijenata s postoperativnom ukočenošću lakta

Junior Sundresh, Kalidasan Varathan, Shenbaga Sundaram Subramanian, Arul Pragassame, Thabbashvinny A.P. Suresh, Makesh Babu Subramanian, Ayman Abdullah Alhammad, Nayef Hamad E Alhatlani, Fadwa Alhalaiqa, Riziq Allah Mustafa Gaowzeh, Kavitha Ramanathan

Junior Sundresh et al. – Effects of muscle energy technique overhold relax on pain and range of motion in patients with post-surgical elbow stiffness –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 242-248

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AHBC

Uvod. Pokretljiv i stabilan zglob lakta važan je za rad, igru i sport. Ukočenost lakta nakon operacije je česta i može otežati obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti. To je značajan problem za terapiju. Terapijske vježbe, osobito vježbe istezanja, ključan su dio fizioterapije za ublažavanje ukočenosti lakta. Tehnika mišićne energije (MET) je manualna terapija koja koristi blage izometrijske kontrakcije kako bi iskoristila energiju mišića za pomoć kod ograničenih pokreta udova. S druge strane, proprioceptivna neuromuskularna facilitacija (PNF) jedan je od najboljih načina za poboljšanje motoričke izvedbe i ubrzavanje oporavka povećanjem opsega pokreta i fleksibilnosti. Cilj je bio utvrditi kako MET u usporedbi s Hold-Relax tehnikom utječe na bol i opseg pokreta tijekom rehabilitacije ukočenosti lakta nakon operacije.
Metode. Kvazieksperimentalna studija provedena je na 12 pacijenata nakon fiksacije prijeloma lakta. Grupa A je dobila MET, dok je grupa B tri puta tjedno tri uzastopna tjedna nakon razdoblja imobilizacije primala Hold-Relax tehniku. Obje skupine su kao osnovni tretman dobile aktivne vježbe ROM-a. Bol (vizualno-analogna skala) i ROM (gonijometar) procijenjeni su prije i nakon 3 tjedna.
Rezultati. U trećem tjednu obje grupe su pokazale statistički značajnu razliku u svim parametrima (P < 0,05). Međutim, srednja razlika i vrijednosti sparenih i nesparenih t-testova u Hold-Relax grupi bile su veće u usporedbi s MET grupom na kraju trećeg tjedna.
Zaključak. Ova studija zaključuje da primjena PNF-a (Hold-Relax) u kombinaciji s konvencionalnim tehnikama liječenja kod postoperativne ukočenosti lakta povoljno djeluje na kvalitetu života pacijenata smanjujući bol i vraćajući ROM. Stoga PNF (Hold-Relax) može biti najbolja opcija liječenja u fizioterapijskoj praksi.

Ključne riječi:
ukočenost lakta, tehnika mišićne energije, Hold-Relax, bol, opseg pokreta

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Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of sexual disorders associated with pain

Damian Durlak

Damian Durlak – Fizjoterapeutyczne metody leczenia zaburzeń seksualnych związanych z bólem. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 50-53

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B1A1


In a holistic assessment of the patient’s health, it is worth considering not only the physiological and psychological, but also the sexual zone. It has a strong influence on the assessment of the quality of human life. Understanding a patient’s problems, especially when it comes to pain-related sexual dysfunction, is essential for successfully treating ailments. Physiotherapists can also use appropriate therapy to support drug and psychological treatment.

Słowa kluczowe:
physiotherapy, sexual dysfunction, pain, dyspareunia

Incidence of back pain in people practicing amateur horse riding

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Piotr Pietrzak, Marcin Wilczyński

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Piotr Pietrzak, Marcin Wilczyński – Incidence of back pain in people practicing amateur horse riding. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 6-15

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG1A68mY

Introduction. While riding a horse, proper seat requires the trunk positioning so that the rider’s centre of gravity overlaps with the horse’s centre of gravity. Seat errors can lead to repeated and cumulative spinal overloads. The aim of the study was to analyse the incidence of back pain in people who practice amateur horse riding.
Material and methods. The study involved 88 people aged 40-45 years, associated in equestrian centers. The research tool was the author’s questionnaire, Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Oswestry Distability Index (ODI). The collected research results were analysed with the use of Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test.
Results. Statistically significant relationships were found between the incidence of pain location and gender (p = 0.001), and also between between the gender and the opinion on the need to use physiotherapy in case of back problems (p = 0.049).
Conclusions. Women report pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine more frequently, while men report pain in the cervical section and entire spine. Women in a greater percentage than men believe that people who practice horse riding as an amateur should attend physiotherapy in case of pain.

Key words:
horse riding, spine, pain, physiotherapy

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The thermogram of cervical spinal pain syndrome as an attempt to objectivize pain

Bożena Jasiak-Tyrkalska, Bogusław Frańczuk, Janusz Otfinowski

Bożena Jasiak-Tyrkalska, Bogusław Frańczuk, Janusz Otfinowski – The thermogram of cervical spinal pain syndrome as an attempt to objectivize pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(3); 250-255


Background. This paper describes the features of thermovisual images in cervical spinal pain syndrome and their variability over the course of rehabilitation, and makes an effort to specify the interdependence of these characteristics and pain relief. Material and methods. Thermovisual tests were performed on 71 patients in rehabilitation for cervical spine pain syndrome.Results. The thermovisual image of the cervical spinal region in patients with pain syndrome is different from that of healthy persons. It is characterized by considerable asymmetry of temperature and increased hyperthermia in the neck and shoulders. Over the course of rehabilitation a distinct evolution could be seen in the direction of temperature symmetry in this region. Conclusion. There is a significant correlation between pain relief and the features of the thermovisual image.

Key words:
thermovision, pain, rehabilitation
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Transcutaneous electrical-nerve-stymulation tens onto level of fear at ill with chronic pain of section loin of spine

Iwona Demczyszak, Zdzisława Wrzosek, Wojciech Hagner

Iwona Demczyszak, Zdzisława Wrzosek, Wojciech Hagner – Transcutaneous electrical-nerve-stymulation tens onto level of fear at ill with chronic pain of section loin of spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(1); 8-12


Background. The transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation was to evaluate of work usefulness of and examining of applied method of treatment onto level of fear at ill with chronic pain in ground of spine. Material and methods. Investigation degeneration were moved in group of 59 patients with symptoms of chronic pain in after-effect of changes-disfiguring section of loin spine. Level of fear in studied group ISCL were estimated behind help of questionnaire. Heal conduct hugged endeavors with use of impulses TENS as well as heal practices. Results. The statistical tests dependence was showed between level of fear in studied group and results of treatment. Sex was not essential meaning in formation both guilds as state of fear in studied group. Conclusions. Applied method of treatment contributed to lower of level of fear in studied group and results confirmed usefulness in treatment ill with symptoms of chronic pain.

Key words:
Pain, Fear, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
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An evaluation of the effectiveness of two different thermal therapy procedures in the rehabilitation of patients with degenerative changes in the knee joint

Bożena Jasiak-Tyrkalska, Bogusław Frańczuk, Jolanta Jaworek, Daniela Mosurska

Bożena Jasiak-Tyrkalska, Bogusław Frańczuk, Jolanta Jaworek, Daniela Mosurska – An evaluation of the effectiveness of two different thermal therapy procedures in the rehabilitation of patients with degenerative changes in the knee joint. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(2); 157-162


Background. The aim of our research was to evaluate and compare the analgesic effectiveness of thermal therapy in conjunction with magnetotherapy and active exercises without weight load to improve the functional efficiency of the knee joint with degenerative changes. Material and methods. The level of pain, range of movement, and strength of muscle groups in the knee joint were tested before and after rehabilitation in 48 patients, divided randomly into two groups of 24 people. Results. In both groups there was a reduction in the average level of reported pain, and in the flexion deficit in the knee joint. No changes were noted in the increase of average muscle strength in the flexors and extensors of the knee. Conclusions. In respect to analgesic action and improvement of function in a knee with degnerative changes, a rehabilitation program that includes local cryotherapy proved to be more effective that a program using Sollux lamp irradiation.

Key words:
gonarthrosis, pain, magnetotherapy, cryotherapy
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Methods of physiotherapy in treatment of intervertebral disc’s pathology in lumbar part of spine

Przemysław Lisiński, Agnieszka Jachowska, Włodzimierz Samborski

Przemysław Lisiński, Agnieszka Jachowska, Włodzimierz Samborski – Methods of physiotherapy in treatment of intervertebral disc’s pathology in lumbar part of spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(3); 222-227

Background. Physiotherapy is very often the first step in a treatment of back pain. The aim of kinesis therapy is a probe of a damaged disc reposition. Beside of this kinesis therapy improve an elasticity of ligaments and makes stronger a paravertebral muscles. Physical therapy procedures plays significant role in a pain treatment in subjective categories of course. Material and methods. All participants of that study were selected by clinical examination and analyses of accessory investigations. Clinical examination was repeated after twenty days of treatment by different physiotherapeutic procedures. So forty patients were included in a treatment. Status of health was calculated by typical orthopedic procedure and total pain pattern questionnaire. The aim of study was to state if physiotherapy is useful method of pain treatment and to compare effects different groups of procedures. Results. All participants of that study state positive effects of a treatment which was used during twenty days. A majority of them described pain after a treatment as a small discomfort or did not feel pain at all. Beside of these findings they concluded that a frequency of pain appearance depressed in near all analyzed cases. Conclusion. Back pain caused by disc derangement positively responded on physiotherapeutic procedures. A selection of particular methods is not so important in effectiveness categories. The treatment is the most successful when kinesis therapy and physical therapy are joined.

Key words:
pain, lumbar spine, physiotherapy

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The evaluation of the efficacy of medical massage in degenerative changes of the lumbar spine

Waldemar Andrzejewski, Krzysztof Kassolik, Paweł Adam

Waldemar Andrzejewski, Krzysztof Kassolik, Paweł Adam – The evaluation of the efficacy of medical massage in degenerative changes of the lumbar spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(3); 198-205

Background. Low back pain caused by degenerative changes is a common reason for long-term pharmacological treatment utilizing analgesic medications, anti-inflammatory medications and medication decreasing muscle tension. Also therapeutic methods from the realm of physiotherapy are used in the treatment: kinesitherapy, physiotherapy and massage. In the case of medical massage based on the principle of tensegrity, therapists have individual approach to the patient. They assess tonus of soft tissue of the motor apparatus, localize pain and the ways it spreads. Such approach increases the likelihood that the therapy will succeed and can improve its efficacy. The study is an attempt to evaluate the efficacy of medical massage performed in people with degenerative changes of the low back. Material and methods. The participants of the study were 30 people in the age range 42-65 (mean age 53.5): 19 women and 11 men, who reported to the physicians with low back pain. Medical examination and X-Ray images indicated degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. The procedures were performed 3 times a week for 2 weeks. Each procedure lasted 45-60 min. Health evaluation record was used to evaluate the efficacy of the therapy. Medical history of a patient was taken on the basis of the record and physical examination of pressure sensitivity of soft tissue of the motor apparatus was performed. Another tool of the research method was a survey checking the patient’s subjective assessment of the state of health as well as frequency and intensity of the lumbar spine pain and lower limbs pain. Results. Pressure sensitivity of the examined structures decreased or regressed in all patients as a result of the therapy. After a series of procedures, pain, overall feeling of well-being and current state of health improved to various degrees. In all cases, the incidence and intensity of pain in the lower limbs decreased after the therapy. Conclusions. Medical massage can be an effective method of physiotherapeutic treatment in cases of pain connected with degenerative changes of the lumbar spine.

Key words:
medical massage, degenerative changes of the lumbar spine, pain

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