Ultrazvučna analiza unutarnjeg pucketanja kuka

Artur Marszałek, Ewelina Marszałek, Agata Michalska, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marcin Bugajski


Artur Marszałek, Ewelina Marszałek, Agata Michalska, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marcin Bugajski – Internal snapping hip on ultrasound –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 278-284

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020A52K


Uvod. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti korisnost ultrazvuka u dijagnosticiranju unutarnjeg izvanzglobnog sindroma pucketanja kuka. Unutarnji izvanzglobni sindrom pucketanja kuka uključuje pucketanje tetive iliopsoasa preko iliopektinealne eminencije, praćeno karakterističnim zvučnim ili opipljivim pucketanjem. Kod nekih pojedinaca, pucketanje je popraćeno nelagodom ili bolom u preponama, što s vremenom može dovesti do kineziobije (strah od pokreta). Korištenjem ultrazvuka, istraživači su procijenili pucketanje tetive iliopsoasa kod asimptomatskih mladih osoba.
Metode. Ukupno je ispitano 60 kukova kod 30 mladih osoba (20 žena, 10 muškaraca) u dobi od 23 do 25 godina, koji nisu prijavili bol ili imali povijest operacije kuka. Ispitivanje je ponovljeno nakon 6 tjedana. Koristio se ultrazvučni uređaj SonoScape Exp 2 prema prethodno utvrđenom protokolu. Oba ispitivanja provela je ista osoba.
Rezultati. Prisutnost sindroma pucketanja kuka (ISHS) zabilježena je u 55 (91%) kukova tijekom prvog pregleda, a u 54 (90%) tijekom ponovnog pregleda. Nije prijavljena bol tijekom pucketanja praćenog ultrazvukom, ali je zabilježena nelagoda u 36,1% slučajeva, a kineziobija u 10% ispitanih kukova.
Zaključak. Potvrđena je povezanost ultrazvučne slike i zvučnog ili opipljivog pucketanja u preponama kod ispitanih pacijenata. Visoka učestalost ISHS-a kod asimptomatskih osoba i pojava nelagode u više od 30% ispitanih kukova sugerira potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima na ovu temu.

Ključne riječi:
pucketanje kuka, ultrazvuk, iliopsoas mišić, kineziobija

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Analiza lumbalne lordoze na odabrane parametre ravnoteže kod muškaraca

Zuzanna Broczkowska, Arkadiusz Żurawski, Kamil Markowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński


Zuzanna Broczkowska, Arkadiusz Żurawski, Kamil Markowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński– Analysis of lumbar lordosis on selected balance parameters in men –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 158-167

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AB2L

Uvod. Znanstvena istraživanja ukazuju na utjecaj povećane lumbalne lordoze na odabrane parametre statičkog opterećenja stopala i promjene u reakcijama ravnoteže u različitim dobnim skupinama. Prema autorima, pomak zdjelice prema nutaciji izravno utječe na povećanje lumbalne lordoze, a time i na prethodno spomenute parametre.
Cilj istraživanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati odabrane parametre ravnoteže u grupi muškaraca na temelju odnosa s dubinom njihove lumbalne lordoze.
Materijali i metode. Istraživanje je provedeno od siječnja do listopada 2023. na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta Jana Kochanowskog u Kielcama. Ispitivanu grupu činili su studenti Medicinskog fakulteta, u dobi od 18 do 26 godina. Ukupno je ispitano 81 muškarac. Istraživanje je provedeno u statičkom obliku korištenjem Diers Posture Lab sustava. Parametri uključeni u statističku analizu su: “Kut lordoze,” “Nagib zdjelice,” “Maksimalno bočno kretanje CoP,” “Ukupno bočno kretanje CoP,” “Površina CoP,” “Ukupno prednje/stražnje kretanje CoP.” U analizi su također uzeti u obzir Harzmannovi parametri: “Bočno odstupanje VP-DM (rms),” “Površinska rotacija (rms),” “Kosina zdjelice,” “Zakretanje zdjelice,” “Odstupanje trupa od vertikale VP-DM,” kao i parametri određivanja opterećenja stopala: “Distribucija stražnje sile [%],” “Distribucija prednje sile [%],” “Distribucija sile lijeve strane [%],” “Distribucija sile desne strane [%],” “Maksimalni pritisak lijeve strane [N],” “Maksimalni pritisak desne strane [N],” “Površina kontakta lijevog stopala [cm2],” “Površina kontakta desnog stopala [cm2]” u grupi mladih odraslih (studenti medicinskih i zdravstvenih znanosti). Statistička analiza provedena je korištenjem Statistica Stat Soft 21. Provedeni su testovi normalnosti (Shapiro-Wilk) i Spearmanov korelacijski testovi.
Rezultati. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna korelacija između kuta lordoze i reakcija ravnoteže, kao ni nagiba zdjelice u grupi mladih odraslih muškaraca.
Zaključci. Povećana lumbalna lordoza kod mladih odraslih muškaraca nema izravnog utjecaja na ispitane parametre reakcija ravnoteže.

Ključne riječi:
lumbalna lordoza, ravnoteža, zdjelica

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Proces połykania w perspektywie następstw fizjologicznego starzenia się

Karolina Sandecka, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Karolina Sandecka, Zbigniew Śliwiński – The swallowing process in the perspective of physiological consequences of aging. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 234-239

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20B2sK

W starzejącym się społeczeństwie niezwykle istotne jest dostrzeganie potrzeb seniorów. W następstwie postępującego wraz z wiekiem fizjologicznego procesu starzenia się organizmu obserwujemy narastające ograniczenia w codziennym funkcjonowaniu człowieka. Dla opiekunów osób starszych ważna jest świadomość tych zmian. W procesie połykania również obserwuje się zburzenia nasilające się wraz z wiekiem. Dobór odpowiednich metod terapii połykania do stanu seniora oraz instruktaż prawidłowego podawania pokarmów i napojów dla opiekunów ograniczają ryzyko negatywnych konsekwencji dla zdrowia i poprawy komfortu życia seniora.

Słowa kluczowe:
połykanie, presbyfagia, senior

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Wpływ manipulacji HVLA górnych kręgów szyjnych na parametry równowagi statycznej i dynamicznej u zdrowych dorosłych – systematyczny przegląd literatury

Przemysław Malich, Agata Pasternak, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Piotr Skomro, Konrad Kijak, Małgorzata Kowacka, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Przemysław Malich, Agata Pasternak, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Piotr Skomro, Konrad Kijak, Małgorzata Kowacka, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Effects of upper cervical HVLA manipulation on static and dynamic balance parameters in healthy adults – a systematic literature review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 210-220

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG1436RB

Wprowadzenie. Równowaga to skomplikowane pojęcie, które dotyczy nie tylko zadań z ograniczoną bazą wsparcia, ale także codziennych czynności wymagających od nas utrzymania stałej pozycji. Tak, jak szerokie jest samo pojęcie, mechanizmy utrzymania równowagi są również złożone i opierają się na informacjach odbieranych z wielu obszarów ciała i narządów.
Cel. Celem tego systematycznego przeglądu literatury jest analiza, czy manipulacja HVLA zablokowanego segmentu C0-C1 może wpływać na parametry równowagi statycznej i dynamicznej u zdrowych dorosłych.
Metody. Na podstawie dostępnej literatury, uzyskanej za pomocą baz danych PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, EBSCO, przeprowadzono szczegółowe wyszukiwanie literatury elektronicznej w latach 2010–2023. Odpowiednie badania zostały wybrane według kryteriów włączenia i wykluczenia, używając słów kluczowych: równowaga statyczna, równowaga dynamiczna, manipulacja, HVLA. Spośród 114 prac 82 zostały wybrane do wstępnego procesu recenzji. Dwadzieścia badań eksperymentalnych zostało wybranych do ostatecznej analizy.
Wyniki. Spośród 20 przeanalizowanych publikacji 14 badania dotyczyło wpływu manipulacji HVLA na parametry równowagi. W większości przypadków grupy badane składały się z osób bez dysfunkcji ani zastrzeżeń i/lub osób z bólem szyi. Najczęściej badanym parametrem była równowaga statyczna w pozycji stojącej: 17 z 20 publikacji. Dla kręgosłupa szyjnego 50% badań wykazało znaczącą poprawę w badanych parametrach w ocenie natychmiastowej, podczas gdy w ocenie odroczonej liczba znacząco pozytywnych wyników była taka sama jak liczba wyników bez wpływu na równowagę. W analizie podzbioru badań obejmujących tylko pacjentów bezobjawowych zaobserwowano częściowe lub znaczące pozytywne efekty zarówno w ocenie natychmiastowej, jak i odroczonej.
Wnioski. Nie byliśmy w stanie zidentyfikować badań, które dostarczyłyby jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie badawcze. Na podstawie publikacji uwzględnionych w przeglądzie można przypuszczać, że manipulacja HVLA w regionie szyjnym ma potencjał wpływania na równowagę u zdrowych dorosłych, jednak liczba dostępnych badań jest zbyt mała, aby wyciągnąć ostateczne wnioski. Dalsze badania w tym zakresie są zatem uzasadnione.
Słowa kluczowe
równowaga statyczna, równowaga dynamiczna, manipulacja, HVLA, podoskop
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An interdisciplinary concept for the treatment of Bell’s palsy – a case report

Konrad Kijak, Łukasz Kopacz, Grzegorz Cieślar, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Piotr Skomro, Małgorzata Kowacka, Paweł Berczyński, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Konrad Kijak, Łukasz Kopacz, Grzegorz Cieślar, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Piotr Skomro, Małgorzata Kowacka, Paweł Berczyński, Danuta Lietz-Kijak –
An interdisciplinary concept for the treatment of Bell’s palsy – a case report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 62-69

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DF923


Background. Bell’s palsy is a spontaneous paralysis of the facial nerve (i.e. cranial nerve VII). It presents with muscle weakness leading to facial asymmetry, with a drooping corner of the mouth, loss of the ability to whistle, blink, close the eyelid, purse lips or grin. The forehead on the affected side becomes smooth and the patient is not able to frown or raise eyebrows.

Objective. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of combined electrophysical and physiotherapeutic methods on accelerating recovery from facial nerve palsy.

Material and Methods. The authors describe two cases of Bell’s palsy, treated with simulta-neous application of electrophysical agents, in the form of an extremely low-frequency elec-tromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) and high-energy LED light, and physiotherapy modalities, i.e. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and kinesiotaping (KT).

Results. After four weeks of electrophysical and physiotherapeutic treatments, a fully satis-factory and stable therapeutic effect was achieved.

Conclusions. The interdisciplinary therapy using ELF-EMF + LED combined with PNF and KT treatments proved to be effective in accelerating recovery from facial nerve palsy. Further studies are needed to establish appropriate protocols.

Key words: Bell’s palsy, electrophysical agents, physiotherapy, LED light therapy with extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-MF), proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), kinesiotaping (KT)
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Temperature measurements on facial skin surface as evaluated by infrared thermal cam-era and pyrometer following physiotherapeutic light treatments

Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Piotr Skomro, Roman Ardan, Elżbieta Kubala, Paulina Strzelecka, Małgorzata Kowacka, Konrad Kijak, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Krzysztof Konior, Helena Gronwald, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Piotr Skomro, Roman Ardan, Elżbieta Kubala, Paulina Strzelecka, Małgorzata Kowacka, Konrad Kijak, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Krzysztof Konior, Helena Gronwald, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Temperature measurements on facial skin surface as evaluated by infrared thermal cam-era and pyrometer following physiotherapeutic light treatments. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 148-157

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DF529

Any clinical procedure in dentistry, especially one that involves a breach of tissue integrity, carries the risk of complications, which can occur in any speciality. These include: postopera-tive wound pain, tissue swelling, bleeding, redness, elevated temperature, trismus, decreased sensation as a result of nerve damage. Postoperative patient care aims to minimise the risk of complications and to treat those which have developed. To this end, we can resort to physical therapy, one of the modalities of which is light therapy, using electromagnetic wave ranges of red, infrared, yellow and ultraviolet light. Yet, it remains unclear which wavelength should be used to treat any specific disease entity and which form of therapeutic light should be used in the rehabilitation of a specific complication following dental procedures? In this study, we used the Cason CA380 infrared digital pyrometer with a laser pointer and the Fluke Ti 400 thermal imaging camera. On the basis of the tests and statistical analysis, it can be concluded that the application of light significantly increases the temperature of the irradiated facial skin surface. Irrespective of the type of light used, each was associated with an increase in temper-ature. A more pronounced increase in temperature on the facial skin surface after a given ap-plication suggests that the effect of light therapy is shallow, which is relevant to the choice of a specific light wavelength to be applied in a particular disease entity or dental complication.
Key words: temperature measurement, light therapy, pyrometer, thermal imaging
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Multimodal programmes in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) – a two-step review

Krzysztof Konior, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Piotr Skomro, Małgorzata Kowacka, Konrad Kijak, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Krzysztof Konior, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Piotr Skomro, Małgorzata Kowacka, Konrad Kijak, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Multimodal programmes in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) – a two-step review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 188-202

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B914

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is one of the most common ailments associated with the human musculoskeletal system, characterised by the presence of the so-called trigger points (TrP – trigger point; MTrPs – myofascial trigger points). The International Association for the Study of Pain indicates that MPS may affect approximately one-third of people with chronic musculoskeletal pain, and that there is a lack of appropriate classification which can be attributed to a misunderstanding and/or misinterpretation of the pathophysiology. Given the diverse causes of pain syndromes in myofascial structures, it is vital to properly select and integrate therapeutic methods. The scientific literature indicates that treatment programmes should include a variety of manual therapy methods and rehabilitation exercises. Trigger point therapies, such as dry needling or dry cupping, are also widely used. At the heart of the success of rehabilitation programmes, in the opinion of the authors of this publication, is their multimodality, i.e. selection of therapeutic methods based on the cause of the pain, providing for measurable, reproducible diagnostic methods in therapy.
Aim of the study. The aim of this study is to analyse and infer conclusions on multimodal myofascial pain therapy programmes.
Material and methods. Given the complex research problem set as the aim, the study was carried out through a literature review in terms of two criteria:
Criterion I (C I): analysis of the literature on the etiology and pathogenesis of myofascial pain (i.e. causes and triggers, symptoms, social and environmental factors determining the onset of MPS), diagnostic procedures (initial diagnosis and ongoing monitoring of treatment outcomes), and therapeutic methods used in the course of MPS.
Criterion II (C II): a literature study of research publications addressing multimodal programmes for myofascial pain therapy, with their qualitative evaluation using the modified PEDro scale, and empirical testing of hypotheses based on the literature study and the analysis made in Part I.
Data sources: PubMed, SCOPUS, Science Direct, MEDLINE, PEDro, Cochrane, Embase, Web of Science Core Collection, Google Scholar electronic databases were searched systematically, restricting the languages to English and German only.
Results. The analysis of the literature showed that the causes, symptoms and associations of myofascial pain have been described in detail. There are also numerous reports on a variety of therapeutic methods, together with a precisely described methodology for their implementation. It is not uncommon to recommend combining methods into multimodal programmes, which unfortunately does not mean that there are many such programmes or that studies on MPS are consistent. The literature study on multimodal treatment programmes for MPS revealed that there is no correlation between its pathogenesis and a purposeful selection of specific therapeutic methods. In a small number of cases, a complex etiopathogenesis led to the formation of multidisciplinary teams. This may be associated with the absence of strict recommendations on the diagnostic methods applicable to the assessment of MPS.
Conclusions. 1. Multimodal programmes for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, notably MPS and MTrPs, should include a detailed and comprehensive diagnosis (structural, biochemical, psycho-emotional) which should serve as the basis for the formation of interdisciplinary rehabilitation teams. 2. Musculoskeletal diagnosis, in addition to radiological assessment, should include measurable techniques of postural and functional assessment (such as pedobarography, wearable sensors, assisted anthropometry, i.e. photogrammetry, videogrammetry, etc.), aimed primarily at the ongoing assessment of posture. 3. The choice of therapeutic methods and patient education should be based on the causes of the patient’s pain, taking into account systemic diseases, postural defects, lifestyle and psycho-emotional state. 4. Scientific research in multimodal treatment programmes should be carried out in randomised groups, with due attention to the methodologies of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and group selection.
chronic pain, myofascial pain, manual therapy, exercise, multimodal programmes
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Biotensegration of malocclusion and temporomandibular disorders with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and posture defects – a literature review, supported by own observations

Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Piotr Skomro, Krzysztof Konior, Konrad Kijak, Małgorzata Kowacka, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Piotr Skomro, Krzysztof Konior, Konrad Kijak, Małgorzata Kowacka, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Biotensegration of malocclusion and temporomandibular disorders with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and posture defects – a literature review, supported by own observations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 22-38

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B3B3


Although it enables a quick evaluation, medical diagnostics of the human myofascial-skeletal system is not always used to its full capabilities. This often hampers the objective assessment of a dysfunction and limits treatment options. Dysfunctions of the stomatognathic system, of different aetiology, are becoming more prevalent. Many scientific studies are in to relationships between organs and systems of the human body that can cause dysfunctions of the temporomandibular disorders. Studies investigating correlations between a myofascial-skeletal disorder and temporomandibular disorders are to be found in the literature. To achieve a good understanding of aetiology of these dysfunctions, a holistic view of a patient is advisable, which takes into consideration the fact that the temporomandibular joint is an integral part of the whole body. This study is a review of the literature, supported by own examples on investigating the relationship between myofascial-skeletal disorders and a temporomandibular disorder, which, in the light of current medical knowledge, is attributed to the phenomenon of biotensegrity. A conclusion has been put forward on the basis of 136 scientific reports that a dependency exists between the said dysfunctions.

Słowa kluczowe:
biotensegrity, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, posture defects, dysfunctions of the masticatory system, temporomandibular joint disorder

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Application of non-invasive brain stimulation with the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the treatment of dysphagia following an ischemic stroke – analysis of research reports

Karolina Sandecka, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Karolina Sandecka, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Application of non-invasive brain stimulation with the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the treatment of dysphagia following an ischemic stroke – analysis of research reports. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 108-114

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20ANp0


Stroke is one of the significant problems and causes of death, in particular in highly developed countries. It is also the most common cause of dysphagia.
This study is devoted to the analysis of publications from the last decade concerning research on the use of non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS) in the treatment of dysphagia following an ischemic stroke. The following databases were searched for publications: PUBMED, Polish Scientific Journals Database, EBSCO, ScienceDirect. Out of 358 articles found, only two met all the inclusion conditions.
The studies discussed in this article included patients who had their first unilateral ischemic stroke, followed by dysphagia.
Findings from pilot studies on the effectiveness of the use of tDCS in the treatment of dysphagia following an ischemic stroke were analysed. Fourteen patients aged 50-92 were randomly assigned to two groups. The study group was treated with anodic stimulation, and the control group with sham brain stimulation. The results showed that patients in the study group obtained a statistically significant result, indicating an improvement in the swallowing function as measured by the Dysphagia Score and Severity Scale. The above data may indicate the effectiveness of the use of tDCS in the treatment of dysphagia.
Fifty patients were qualified for the research on the effectiveness of rTMS in the treatment of dysphagia. Three groups were created: the first group treated with high frequency rTMS, where patients received rTMS stimulation – 3Hz; the second group with low frequency rTMS – 1Hz; and the control group. The effectiveness of the therapy used was assessed on the fifth day and after 1, 2 and 3 months. After 5 days the groups where active rTMS stimulation was used showed greater improvement in the swallowing function compared to the sham stimulation group. Improved results in the Standardized Swallowing Assessment were also recorded after 3 months in the 1Hz and 3Hz groups, but this did not apply to the control group. In three groups, the results of the water swallow test and the degree of dysphagia improved after 3 months.
This analysis shows that non-invasive brain stimulation using tDCS and rTMS in the treatment of dysphagia is associated with improved swallowing function. However, the small number of studies conducted in this area does not allow for extrapolation of their results.

dysphagia, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)

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Psychophysical condition of a child during the COVID-19 pandemic

Miłosz Opuchlik, Anna Opuchlik, Arkadiusz Żurawski, Marek Wiecheć, Małgorzata Biskup, Kamil Markowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński

Miłosz Opuchlik, Anna Opuchlik, Arkadiusz Żurawski, Marek Wiecheć, Małgorzata Biskup, Kamil Markowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński – Psychophysical condition of a child during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 6-19

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20A7jJ


The aim of this article is to present the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychophysical state of a child. The diagnostic survey method and questionnaire technique were used for the study. The survey was conducted online among elementary school students. The empirical material collected shows the evaluation of remote education and its impact on the changes that occurred in children during the pandemic. The changes that occurred during remote learning include increased stress, isolation, lack of contacts with peers, exhaustion, long hours of work in front of a screen and decreased physical activity.

Słowa kluczowe:
COVID-19, remote education, mental development of children, psysical development, social development

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