Wykorzystanie lasera frakcyjnego CO2 przez fizjoterapeutów

Damian Durlak

Damian Durlak – Wykorzystanie lasera frakcyjnego CO2 przez fizjoterapeutów. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 32-36

Similar techniques and equipment can be used in both physiotherapy and aesthetic cosmetology. Physiotherapists, thanks to their knowledge and experience in physical therapy, can successfully perform aesthetic physiotherapy treatments.
The study presents the subject of skin structure, laser therapy and the use of CO2 fractional lasers in aesthetic cosmetology. It discusses possibilities to help patients after accidents in terms of aesthetics with the use of aesthetic physiotherapy.
The vast majority of the analysed literature relates to the effective use of laser therapy to treat scars (especially burn scars). It also refers to the effectiveness of the use of lasers in the case of diseases of the locomotor system as well as in the treatment of purely aesthetic defects.
Aesthetic physiotherapy is a subject that is still poorly researched. However, it can be used by any physiotherapist interested in the subject of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, as well as having experience in physical therapy.
Key words:
aesthetic physiotherapy, aesthetic cosmetology, laser therapy, CO2 fractional laser
Article only in Polish language