Reabilitacijos efektyvumo įvertinimas COPD pacientams projekte „PulmoRehab – Prieiga prie sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų per asmeninę priežiūros sistemą COPD pacientams, įtraukiant nuotolinę stebėseną ir tele-reabilitaciją, pagrįstą dirbtinio intelekto metodais“

Katarzyna Bogacz, Anna Szczegielniak, Łukasz Czekaj, Andrzej Jarynowski, Robert Kitłowski, Stanisław Maksymowicz, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Bartosz Pańczyszak, Jacek Łuniewski, Edyta Krajczy, Mirosław Lenczuk, Jacek Sahajdak, Krzysztof Kassolik, Szymon Kaliciński, Jan Szczegielniak


Katarzyna Bogacz, Anna Szczegielniak, Łukasz Czekaj et al – Assessment of rehabilitation effectiveness in patients with COPD as part of the project “PulmoRehab – Access to healthcare services through a personalized care system for patients with COPD, including remote monitoring and tele-rehabilitation based on Artificial Intelligence methods” –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 6-11


Įvadas. Projekte „PulmoRehab – Prieiga prie sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų per asmeninę paciento priežiūros sistemą COPD, įtraukiant nuotolinę stebėseną ir tele-reabilitaciją, pagrįstą dirbtinio intelekto metodais“, SP ZOZ Specializuota Ligoninė Vidaus Reikalų Ministerijos ir Administracijos Głuchołazyje ir 10 partnerių atliko tyrimą apie tele-reabilitaciją žmonėms, kenčiantiems nuo Lėtinės obstrukcinės plaučių ligos (COPD). Tele-reabilitacijos programa, pagrįsta individualiu požiūriu ir technologija, leido pacientams naudotis terapija namuose ar patogioje vietoje. Projekto tikslas buvo sumažinti socialinę nelygybę sveikatos priežiūroje, suteikiant nuotolinę prieigą prie sveikatos paslaugų COPD pacientams.
Medžiaga ir metodai. Tyrimas apėmė 80 pacientų nuo 50 iki 76 metų amžiaus, hospitalizuotų Vidaus Reikalų Ministerijos ir Administracijos Šv. Jono Pauliaus II Specializuotoje Ligoninėje, atitinkančių tam tikrus kriterijus. Kvalifikacija dalyvauti tele-reabilitacijos programoje atsižvelgė į fizinio krūvio tolerancijos, dusulio, nuovargio, plaučių ventiliacijos funkcijos ir soties vertinimą. Programa apėmė pratybas, pritaikytas individualiems pacientų poreikiams.
Rezultatai. Rezultatų analizė, atlikta naudojant XLSTAT programinę įrangą 2021.2.2, parodė statistiškai reikšmingus skirtumus tarp spirometrinių verčių prieš ir po reabilitacijos. Panašiai, reikšmingas pagerėjimas buvo pastebėtas 6 minučių ėjimo testo rezultatuose ir kraujo soties. Tele-reabilitacijos programa įrodė efektyvumą gerinant kvėpavimo sveikatos parametrus COPD pacientams.
Tele-reabilitacijos programa pagerina plaučių ventiliacijos funkciją žmonėms, sergantiems COPD. Ji mažina dusulio jausmą, mažina nuovargį, pagerina SpO2 ir didina fizinio krūvio toleranciją, parodant naudingą taikytos reabilitacijos poveikį.
Gauti rezultatai skatina atlikti tolesnius tyrimus su atstovaujančia grupe, naudojant atsitiktinimą.
Raktiniai žodžiai:
Tele-reabilitacija, COPD
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Assessment of the body posture of junior high school students in the context of their physical activity

Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marzena Dorosz, Anna Szczegielniak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak

Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marzena Dorosz, Anna Szczegielniak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak – Assessment of the body posture of junior high school students in the context of their physical activity. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 112-125


Introduction. Posture defects constitute a social problem and can cause negative changes in many aspects of our lives – in both physical and mental health. Prophylaxis and an appropriate degree of physical activity, which affects harmonious development, are very important here. Objective. The objective of the study was to assess the body posture of junior high school students and to determine the degree of their physical activity, and then to check whether there is a correlation between them. The study group consisted of 53 people from a junior high school in Wrocław, aged 14 to 17. Material and methods. To assess physical activity, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used, which contains 7 questions regarding activity in the last 7 days. Body posture in the sagittal plane was examined using photogrammetry, and typology classification was based on Wolański’s method modified according to Zeyland-Malawka. Results. The results of the study were subjected to a statistical analysis, which shows that the studied group of adolescents is mostly characterized by a kyphotic type of body posture, while the least common is the balanced type. The level of physical activity of the study group can be described as sufficient, but it is worth noting that only 6% of the respondents are characterized by an insufficient level of physical activity, and only 7.5% are characterized by a high level of physical activity. Conclusions. In further analyses, it was examined whether there is a correlation between body posture and physical activity. It was found that there are no statistically significant differences between these two features in the study group.
Key words:
posture defects, body posture, physical activity, junior high school students
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The impact of body composition disorders on the quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Marzena Dorosz, Katarzyna Bogacz, Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marcin Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak

Marzena Dorosz, Katarzyna Bogacz, Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marcin Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak – The impact of body composition disorders on the quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 56-69



Introduction. COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease that constitutes a significant public health problem. It is characterized by not fully reversible, progressive limitation of airflow through the airways. In addition to the harmful pulmonary effects, COPD manifests itself with complications in other body systems, including body composition disorders, which adversely affects patients’ quality of life and prognosis. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of life of patients with COPD and to assess the factors that will affect its deterioration.
Material and methods. The study included 37 patients of the University Hospital at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków at 8 Skawińska Street, who were diagnosed with COPD according to the GOLD guidelines. In the study group, a personal questionnaire was conducted, anthropometric data was collected, i.e. the Quetelet index was calculated, thigh circumference and skin folds were measured, and the subjective assessment of the quality of life was examined using the SGRQ-C questionnaire and the CAT Test.
Results. Based on the analysis of the collected materials, it was shown that the average assessment of the quality of life in the study population was at a low level of 61.8 points on the SGRQ-C scale. There was a large variation in the assessment of HRQoL depending on the stage of the disease. The best result, amounting to 23.0 points, was achieved by patients in stage 1, and the worst – 81.6 points. – patients in stage 4 according to GOLD guidelines. Among the main determinants of the quality of life in the study group, in addition to the degree of airway obstruction, there were: high intensity of clinical symptoms, such as cough, shortness of breath or expectoration of secretions, low body weight and the number of comorbidities. Conclusions. It has been shown that the loss of fat-free body mass and systemic complications are factors that significantly reduce the quality of life, and patients with fewer comorbidities and with increased BMI score better on the SGRQ-C scale. It has been proven that the progression of the disease contributes to the exclusion of patients from active social life and causes many mental problems. It was established that patients with COPD should be covered by multidisciplinary care and a special training program in order to prevent or delay the onset of systemic complications, which significantly worsen the patients’ quality of life

COPD, body composition, quality of life

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Impact of elastic therapeutic tape on final effects of physiotherapy in patients with Colles’ fracture

Marcin Krajczy, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Tomasz Dybek, Piotr Kiczyński, Edyta Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jan Szczegielniak

M. Krajczy, J. Łuniewski, K. Bogacz, T. Dybek, P. Kiczyński, E. Krajczy, A. Szczegielniak, J. Szczegielniak – Impact of elastic therapeutic tape on final effects of physiotherapy in patients with Colles’ fracture. FP 2014; 14(1); 42-49


Background. Fractures of the distal radius constitute a serious clinical problem. It seems that appliance of elastic therapeutic tape may be an effective method of physiotherapy among patients suffering from the forearm’s fracture.Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of selected elastic therapeutic tape applications on physiotherapy’s effects among patients treated conservatively after Colles’ fracture. Material and methods. The study included 38 patients treated in the Rehabilitation Department of Health Care Centre in Nysa in the period from January 2012 until November 2013. Participants were randomly divided into 2 groups. A study group (SG) consisted of 20 patients (16 women and 4 men), while a control group (CG) was composed of 18 patients (15 women and 3 men). Therapy for all of the participants was based on usage of the Hand Tutor device. Additionally, after a preliminary examination, patients from the  study group received selected applications of elastic therapeutic tape as follows: muscular – toning for the wrist’s flexors and ligamentous or corrective for the wrist area. Applications were replaced every 4 days. Physiotherapy lasted 10 days. According to the established protocol, during and after completion of physiotherapy regular checkups were conducted. Results. Elastic therapeutic tape’s applications used in the process of physiotherapy in SG’s patients increased range of motion for both active and passive movements and improved quality of them compared to the patients from CG. It was also observed that deficit of movements (difference between range of passive and active motions) decreased more in the SG’s patients.
Conclusions: 1. In the final study no significant differences has been showed in the studied parameters between the groups. Research has presented wrist’s functions improvement in the frequency of active movements and range of motion in both groups. 2. Significantly higher results in the final examination of the frequency and wrist’s mobility in general were shown in comparison to the initial results.

Key words:
Colles’ fracture, physiotherapy, elastic therapeutic tape, biofeedback, Hand Tutor

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Physiotherapy after a hand surgery performed with a diagnostic and functioerformed with a diagnostic and functional therapy device. Case study

Marcin Krajczy, Edyta Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Tomasz Dybek, Piotr Kiczyński, Jan Szczegielniak

M. Krajczy, E. Krajczy, A. Szczegielniak, J. Łuniewski, K. Bogacz, T. Dybek, P. Kiczyński, J. Szczegielniak: Physiotherapy after a_hand surgery pm przypadku / Physiotherapy after a hand surgery performed with a diagnostic and functioerformed with a diagnostic and functional therapy device. Case study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2015;15(3);46-54


Background. Surgical treatment after fingers flexor tendons’ injury requires a consequent physiotherapy of the handthat is basedonwell-establishedessential procedures. There are no reports on comprehensive hand physiotherapy treatment aftertraumatic injuries of the tendons, blood vessels and nerveswith an application of theHand Tutorsystem in the therapeutic process.
Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to present a comprehensive hand physiotherapy after surgery and revision of the tendonswith a rehabilitation system with biofeedback- Hand Tutor TM, which is a modern system designed for the therapy of sensory, motor and cognitive disorders of the hand.
Materials and methods. The study presents a case of a 42 year-old man. The patient suffered from the injury of a right hand with a significant damage of tendons, artery and ulnar nerve,  operatet on 2012. Complications after the performed surgery were observed during the recovery (inflammation, swelling and tissue adhesions). In the therapy early comprehensive hand physiotherapy was introduced (with an application of the system for hand physiotherapy with biofeedback – Hand Tutor TM).
Results. The study shows that introduction of an early, comprehensive physiotherapy together with the Hand Tutor device was successful in terms of the wound healing process and significant improvement in hand function after surgery. It appears that appropriately selected physiotherapy procedures may positively influence the effectiveness of the general therapy. Final results showed significant improvement in passive and active range of motion of the injured hand as well as in the speed of the movements. The study also showed a reduction of the subjective levelof the pain and the return of the ulnar nerve function.

Key words:
early comprehensive physiotherapy, Hand Tutor, traumatic tendon injury

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