The role of hippotherapy in children rehabilitation

Maria Kłoda, Karen Shahnazaryan, Marzena Gorzkowska, Igor Falkowski, Daniel Malczewski, Dariusz Białoszewski

M. Kłoda, K. Shahnazaryan, M. Gorzkowska, I. Falkowski, D. Malczewski, D. Białoszewski – The role of hippotherapy in children rehabilitation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 58-70

Hippotherapy is one of the forms of animal therapy (zootherapy). It is defined as a therapeutic action to improve human health and its functioning, with the help of a horse and riding on its back. The aim of the study was to present current reports on hippotherapy, as well as its popularization as a method that supports traditional rehabilitation. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the mechanism of the horse’s therapeutic impact on humans, including its impact on the physical, emotional, motivation, cognitive and social spheres. The basic assumptions of hippotherapy are also presented – indications, contraindications, choice of a horse, the profession of a hippotherapist and the principles of conducting therapeutic activities with children. In the research part, in order to present up-to-date reports, a review of scientific articles from Poland and around the world, published in 2015-2019, on the effectiveness of hippotherapy activities and their impact on the psychomotor development of children with CPR, ASD and ADHD. These articles were found in the PubMed medical database. Twenty publications were selected that met all the search criteria. Most of the analyzed studies showed a positive effect of hippotherapy on the functioning of ill children. The most common effects are, the improvement of motor functions (including body posture, gait and balance), improvement of behavior, and better social functioning. It was confirmed that hippotherapy can complement comprehensive rehabilitation among children with CPR, ASD and ADHD, as well as motivate to therapy and exercise. On the basis of the discussed data, conclusions were also drawn that further research is needed, which would take into account larger groups of respondents and would show the long-term effects of therapy with the participation of a horse.
Key words:
Hippotherapy, horses, children theraphy with CPR, ASD (autism spectrum disorder) i ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder)
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Satisfaction of life and acceptance for the disease with patients under replacement therapy – kidney transplantation

Monika Lewandowska, Izabela Korabiewska, Dariusz Białoszewski, Leszek Pączek, Joanna Juskowa

Monika Lewandowska, Izabela Korabiewska, Dariusz Białoszewski, Leszek Pączek, Joanna Juskowa – Satisfaction of life and acceptance for the disease with patients under replacement therapy – kidney transplantation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(2); 153-158

Background. The quality of life of the patients after renal graft transplanted is not only medical, but also a social problem. One of the suggested ways of their treatment is a holistic approach to their rehabilitation, as well as analysis of their evaluation of life conditions. Material and methods. The research involved 20 patients after renal graft transplanted, during the process of physiotherapy. This group has been scrutinized during a questionary examination (incluling SWLS, AIS) and also during a specified standard questionary. The received results have been statistically analysed according to interpretation standard adapted to Polish conditions.Conclusions and Results. The conducted examinations showed, the usefulness of the scrutiny thanks to which high interpreting results have been accomplished. The results show the acceptance of poor health conditions by the patients and low level of life satisfaction caused by the end-stage of their renal failure.

Key words:
Quality of Life, renal graft, rehabilitation

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The prevalence of sleep disorders in women treated for breast cancer – a preliminary report

Anna Słupik, Katarzyna Zięba, Agnieszka Kwiatkowska, Hanna Tchórzewska, Dorota Szczęśniak, Dariusz Białoszewski

Anna Słupik, Katarzyna Zięba, Agnieszka Kwiatkowska, Hanna Tchórzewska, Dorota Szczęśniak, Dariusz Białoszewski – The prevalence of sleep disorders in women treated for breast cancer – a preliminary report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(2), 179-184


Background. Women treated for breast cancer tend to assess their sleep quality as poor. This paper presents the preliminary results of a study undertaken to assess the quality and type of sleep disorders in this group of patients. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 23 women aged 41-69 treated at the Centre of Oncology in Warsaw, Poland. The patients had undergone breast cancer surgery 4 weeks to 1 year before the beginning of the study. The control group involved 37 women without a history of cancer. The abridged version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was employed. Results. Mean PSQI scores were 7.3 in the study group and 4.5 in the control group. The study group scored higher on five domains of the index (1, 2, 4, 5 and 6). There was no statistically significant relationship between sleep disorders and the patients’ age or the length of time since surgery. Conclusions. 1. Sleep disorders were more common in the study group, which can be attributed to the treatment and its side effects. 2. Sleep disorders can impair the quality of life and should therefore be treated. 3. Further studies of the effect of treatment on sleep quality of patients treated for breast cancer seem advisable.

Key words:

breast cancer, sleep disorder, quality of sleep

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Perception of the physiotherapist profession by first-year students of Polish universities of various educational orientations

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński – Perception of the physiotherapist profession by first-year students of Polish universities of various educational orientations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(2); 109-121

Background. In Poland at present, physiotherapy studies are offered at three types of school: medical universities, universities of physical education, and schools not specialising in either the medical sciences or physical education. The aim was to compare the perception of the physiotherapist profession by first-year students of different types of universities. Material and methods. The study sample comprised 1145 1st year BA programme students from eleven schools in Poland. The study utili-sed the diagnostic poll method – a questionnaire, which comprised three parts. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used along with the median test and the Chi-squared test (p<0.05). Results. Most students stated that the professional status of physiotherapists is lower than that of doctors (above 52%), but is higher than that of nurses (above 70%). 92% of the students believed that physiotherapists and physicians should work together as partners (p=NS). The vast ma-jority (70%) of the students believed that the physiotherapist profession is related to medicine rather than physical education. Conclusions. 1. The educational orientation of the university did not influence first-year students’ perception of their futurę profession in this study with most of the surveyed stating that physiotherapist is a medical profession. 2. In the light of the findmgs of foreign authors, there is a ne-ed to carry out a study in Poland that would address the issue of the position of the physiotherapist in the therapeutic team in relation to the doctor and the team nurse as well as the other members of the team: dietitian, psychologist and occupational adviser.
Key words:
medical education, physiotherapy, type of university, perception of the profession
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Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation among physiotherapy students at variously oriented university-level schools in Poland

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Rafał Gnat, Mirosław Kokosz, Michał Kuszewski, Andrzej Myśliwiec – Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation among physiotherapy students at variously oriented university-level schools in Poland. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(3); 232-244

Background. There is considerable interest in studying physiotherapy in Poland and in many countries of the European Union. The objective was to identify the factors that motivate applicants to choose Physiotherapy studies and find out what students know about working in Poland and other EU countries. Material and methods. The study sample comprised 954 1st year BA students from eleven universities: medical sciences (MS), physical education (PE), and other universities (OU). The statistical analysis was based on questionnaires obtained from : 211 MS, 118 PE and 625 OU. Results. Students relied on advice of active physiotherapists when choosing a study programme: 62% ME, 57% PE and 68% OU. Respondents would like to study for the Master’s degree and take up work: 55% PM, 56% PWF and 62% IP. Students were not familiar with employment opportunities: 87% MS, 91% PE and 73%. The most important factors aiding in finding a job are knowledge and skills: 43% MS, 42% PE and 45% OU. Conclusions. 1. The respondents did not choose studies by accident but based their decision on stereotypes. 2. Universities should set great store by their teaching standards as applicants decide to choose a university on the basis of opinions about the particular university. 3. There is a need to develop a professional information service on study opportunities in physiotherapy in Poland that would necessarily include objective information regarding employment opportunities for physiotherapists in EU countries and in the world.
Key words:
employment situation, motivation, European Union, physiotherapy, type of university
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Does duration ofintubation influence ventilation parameters following CABG?

Edyta Smolis-Bąk, Barbara Kazimierska, Tomasz Kaszczyński, Ryszard Smolis, Rafał Dąbrowski, Ilona Kowalik, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Hanna Szwed

Edyta Smolis-Bąk, Barbara Kazimierska, Tomasz Kaszczyński, Ryszard Smolis, Rafał Dąbrowski, Ilona Kowalik, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Hanna Szwed – Does duration ofintubation influence ventilation parameters following CABG? Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(1); 78-83

Background. Contemporary cardiac surgery is increasingly relying on less invasive techniques to minimise hospital stay. We asses-sed the influence ofartificial ventilation time in CABG patients on ventilation parameters.Materiał and methods. The study enrolled 92 men aged 35-75 years following CABG undergoing rehabilitation. Patients were divi-ded into two groups based on duration of intubation: Group I included patients with artificial ventilation time (AVT) <17 hours and Group II those with AVT > 17h The correlation between AVT and respiratory capacity was assessed by spirometry before CABG, on fifth po-stoperative day, and at three months post-CABG.Results. The parameters decreased significantly in both groups on 5th post-operative day, except ERV (ns) in Group II. At 90 days post-surgery, all parameters had increased significantly compared to the 5th post-operative day readings in both groups, but FEV1 had not reached the preoperative level in either group. FVC EX was higher than pre-CABG value in Group I (ns) but not in Group II (p<0.05). VC failed to reach preoperative levels in both groups (Gr I ns, Gr II p<0.005).Conclusions. Most spirometric parameters tended to behave in the same manner irrespective of the duration ofAVT. Shorter AVThad a significant effect only on VC and FVC EX at 90 days after the surgery. The decrease in respiratory capacity was apparently related to the sternotomy associated with cardiac surgery.
Key words:
CABG, spirometry, cardiac rehabilitation
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Analysis of changes in attitudes towards starting the chosen career among physiotherapy students during their Bachelor program studies at university-level schools of differenteducational orientations

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kuła, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński, Andrzej Wall

Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kuła, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński, Andrzej Wall – Analysis of changes in attitudes towards starting the chosen career among physiotherapy students during their Bachelor program studies at university-level schools of differenteducational orientations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(1); 25-36

Background. The education of physiotherapists in Poland takes place at three types of university-level schools: medical universities, universities of physical education and universities of other orientations. The orientations differ in terms of: educational traditions, teaching quality and various approaches to the subject of study. The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of the futurę career in physiotherapy by comparing first- and third-year students from universities of different orientations. Material and methods. The study involved 1145 students from 11 university-level schools. The same students were sun/eyed twice: during the first and third year of their studies. The research tool was a yoluntary anonymous questionnaire designed by the authors containing a total of 88 questions. The analysis (Statsoft STATISTICA 8) was based on the following non-parametric statistical tests: the chi-square (x2) test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test (p<0.05). Results. The third-year students were morę willing to undertake Master-level studies and significantly less willing to embarkon their chosen career than when they were in the first year. While the familiarity with opportunities for starting their career as physiotherapists had increased significantly, most students still declared that they were not familiar with them. Most students claimed that it was easy to findajob in other European Union countnes. Conclusions. 1. In the study group, the school orientation had no significant influence on the students’attitude towards their futurę chosen career. 2. It is important that the education curricula for the students of Bachelor-level studies in physiotherapy be complemented with objecth/e source.
Key words:
students, vocational attitudes, starting a career, European Union
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Analysis of physiotherapy students’ opinions on curricula in university-level schools of different educational orientations

Dariusz Białoszewski, Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński

Dariusz Białoszewski, Joanna Gotlib, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Andrzej Bugajski, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński – Analysis of physiotherapy students’ opinions on curricula in university-level schools of different educational orientations. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(2); 136-148

Introduction and Objective. Physiotherapy as a university degree programme was first offered in Poland in 1997, with courses including 3-year Bachelor-level and 2-year Master-level programmes. The education of physiotherapists in Poland currently takes place at three types of university-level schools: medical universities (MS), universities of physical education (PE) and university-level schools of orientations not connected with medicine or physical education (OU).This study aims to analyse and compare opinions of MS, PE and OU students on the curricula offered by the three types of university-level schools. Material and methods. The study involved a total of 593 students in their third year of Bachelor programme studies from 10 university-level schools of different educational orientations. Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous involved completing a questionnaire distributed in March and April 2009. The questionnaire, designed by the authors, consisted of 4 parts and contained a total of 88 questions. The statistical analysis of the survey data (STATISTICA 9.0) was conducted using the Kruskall-Wallis test. Results. The majority of MS students believed the amount of practical classes was appropriate, while PE and OU participants assessed it as insufficient (p=NS). The MS students were satisfied with the amount of time of working directly with patients during clinical classes, while their PE and OU counterparts found the time insufficient. The largest number of MS, PE and OU participants declared that training in special techniques in physiotherapy was insufficient (p=NS). Conclusions. 1. It would be advisable to combine the clinical experience of medical universities with the facilities and teaching staff of specialists in physiotherapy-related courses available in universities of physical education in order to improve the quality of physiotherapy education in Poland.2. In view of the current level of research in physiotherapy, it seems important to provide students with high quality training in state-of-the-art physiotherapy techniques.
Key words:
physiotherapy, students, Bachelor-degree programmes, medical universities, universities of physical education
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Effectiveness of spa treatment for rheumatic diseases. A review of the literature

Dariusz Białoszewski, Kamila Wasiluk

Dariusz Białoszewski, Kamila Wasiluk – Effectiveness of spa treatment for rheumatic diseases. A review of the literature. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(3); 173-180

The paper, based on a review of current literature, presents the state of the art in spa treatment for rheumatic diseases. It also analyses the studies with regard to their referentiality and compliance with the principles of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) according to Sackett’s evidence levels.
Key words:
rheumatic diseases, spa treatment, rehabilitation, balneology
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Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation – differences between female and male students of physiotherapy at university-level schools in Poland

Katarzyna Barczyk, Joanna Gotlib, Aleksandra Bauer, Dariusz Białoszewski, Piotr Majcher, Maciej Płaszewski, Anna Cabak, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Wojciech Kułak, Janusz Sierdziński

Katarzyna Barczyk, Joanna Gotlib, Aleksandra Bauer, Dariusz Białoszewski, Piotr Majcher, Maciej Płaszewski, Anna Cabak, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Wojciech Kułak, Janusz Sierdziński – Motivations for studying physiotherapy and familiarity with employment situation – differences between female and male students of physiotherapy at university-level schools in Poland. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(4); 307-316

Background. The present paper analyses and compares the factors that motivate female and male students of physiotherapy to take up these studies and examines students awareness of the employment situation in their future profession.
Material and methods. The diagnostic poll method (anonymous and voluntary question naire). The study sample comprised 1st year Bachelor programme students from eleven university-level schools. The statistical analysis was based on question naires obtained from 954 students. The survey was carried out in 2006, at the beginning of the 1st semester of the Bachelor’s programme. Outcome measures The Mann–Whitney U test was used at a significance level of p<0.05. Results. Personal interest was the only factor that influenced the decision to study physiotherapy and differentiated between the male and female students. For a significantly higher percentage of the female students (p<0.001), studying physiotherapy had been a life-long ambition. The vast majority of the students stated that they were not familiar with all opportunities for finding employment as physiotherapists. The vast majority of the students believed that it is easy to find employment as a physiotherapist in other European Union countries, with female students stating so significantly more frequently (p<0.05) than their male counter parts
Conclusion. Men and women share similar expectations of their future job and motivations
Key words:
sex differences, physiotherapy, education, occupations, perception, students
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