Congresses of Polish Physiotherapists Associations in the years 1962-2011

Sławomir Jandziś, Teresa Pop, Dorota Szczygielska, Marek Kiljański

Sławomir Jandziś, Teresa Pop, Dorota Szczygielska, Marek Kiljański – Congresses of Polish Physiotherapists Associations in the years 1962-2011. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(2); 179-187

The authors have described XV Congresses of the Polish Physiotherapists Associations held in the years 1962-2011. They have presented the congresseses’ sites, organizers, topics, invited guests from within and outside the country, the results of national election of next associations and the most important resolutions. The thesis is a result of research on activities of the Section of Physical Education Masters working in Rehabilitation of the Polish Association of Disabled People (PTWK) transformed into the Physiotherapy of PTWK Section, and then into the Polish Society of Physiotherapy. Following terms are used in this thesis: archival materials from the repository PTWK act, reports on the activities of PTF, materials from the National Congresses of physiotherapists environment, professional medical press and few studies. Analysis of these documents shows that the activities of Associations of Polish Physiotherapists in the years 1962-2011 had a significant contribution to the development of medical rehabilitation in Poland.
Key words:
Polish Society of Physiotherapists, history, Congresses
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The use of pedobarography in physiotherapeuticprocedures – analysis of educationstandards, fields of application – and reality; part 2

Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Krzysztof Konior, Monika Brzózka, Andrzej Garstka, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

A. Bitenc-Jasiejko, K. Konior, M. Brzózka, A. Garstka, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – The use of pedobarography in physiotherapeuticprocedures – analysis of educationstandards, fields of application – and reality; part 2. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(4); 122-136


Diagnosis of human body posture and assessment of functionality, in physiotherapeutic procedures, is mainly carried out by viewing methods and by photogrammetric or videogrammetric methods, which do not provide angular measurements, anthropometric, time-space measurements, etc. Highly specialized imaging tests are medical procedures, which significantly affects their availability. Also, in terms of their economics, application and invasiveness. Thus, their purpose is significantly limited in the initial diagnostics process, and in particular in current physiotherapeutic assessment.
In the world, for over 30 years, gait, balance, selected biomechanics parameters and body functionality have been evaluated by pedobarography. However, other scientific studies of the authors indicate that the method is very little known in Poland by medical staff. Despite the fact that it has been included in the list of guaranteed benefits since 2011, no procedures for its implementation have been specified. An important aspect of pedobarography is the consistency of its directions of use with the standards of training the profession of a physiotherapist. The obvious and logical conclusion is that the lack of knowledge in the area of the method does not allow its development. An important issue is to assess whether education standards are directly consistent with the directions of pedobarography in the rehabilitation process.

Key words:

rehabilitation, physiotherapy, posture tests, gait tests, feet, foot defects, pedobarography, orthopedics, rehabilitation, neurology

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Medical devices prescribed in the practice of physiotherapy

Mateusz Curyło, Marlena Rynkiewicz-Andryśkiewicz, Marcin Mikos, Marek Kiljański, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Curyło, M. Rynkiewicz-Andryśkiewicz, M. Mikos, M. Kiljański, Z. Śliwiński, J. W. Raczkowski – Wyroby medyczne wydawane na zlecenie w praktyce fizjoterapeuty. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 180-183


The act on the profession of physiotherapy was a long-awaited legal regulator regulating the profession of physiotherapy. Physiotherapy became not only an independent medical profession, but also a profession of public trust.
The provisions of the act on the profession of physiotherapy have resulted in the introduction of further legislative changes, including those regarding the possibility of prescribing medical devices.
In practice, this regulation filled the gaps in the scope of competences of physiotherapists. Pursuant to the new regulations, the list of medical devices that can be prescribed by physiotherapists with the right to independently provide physiotherapeutic services has been extended, with simultaneous differentiation of competences in this area for masters of physiotherapy and specialists in the field of physiotherapy.
Key words:
medical devices, act on the profession of physiotherapy, competences of physiotherapists, list of medical devices
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Availability and application of pedobarography within services offered by the guaranteed healthcare benefits fund and private sector — possibilities and limitations; part 1

Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Krzysztof Konior, Katarzyna Kordus, Monika Brzózka, Andrzej Garstka, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

A. Bitenc-Jasiejko, K. Konior, K. Kordus, M. Brzózka, A. Garstka, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – Availability and application of pedobarography within services offered by the guaranteed healthcare benefits fund and private sector — possibilities and limitations; part 1. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 160-176

Changes resulting from incorrect plantar foot pressure distribution can lead to degenerative changes of hard and soft tissues. Especially clear connection can be noticed between excessive pressure on feet and occurrence of ulcers and chronic wounds, especially those secondary to diabetes and motor and sensory neuropathy. Pedobarography is widely used to assess the value as well as time and space parameters of pressure when standing and walking. This means that this procedure can prove useful in many fields, including orthopaedics, rehabilitation, orthopaedic appliances as well as in traumatology and treating bad posture.
Pedobarography is a diagnostic procedure that is not highly specialist (besides physicians, it can be performed by non-physician practitioners) that is why it can be used by specialists of many fields. In most countries where prophylactics of feet disorders, especially the diabetic foot syndrome, is highly developed, pedobarography is one of the basic diagnostic procedures of the guaranteed healthcare services. In Poland, it is included in the list of guaranteed healthcare benefits of the National Health Found since 2011. However, there are grounds to think that pedobarography is not commonly used, mainly due to insufficient knowledge of medical staff on this method. Considering the fact that this diagnostic procedure plays an important role in preventing disorders resulting from incorrect pressure migration, it is crucial to analyse directions of its application and factors influencing its development. The aim of this paper was to assess availability of pedobarography and to analyse factors facilitating and limiting its development.

Key words:
pedobarography, orthopaedics, rehabilitation, traumatology, bad posture, ulcerations, Charcot’s neuro-osteoarthropathy, custom-made orthopaedic insoles


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Analysis of pelvis statics in amateur swimmers and recreational runners

Paulina Majos, Marek Kiljański, Kamil Markowski, Zbigniew Śliwiński

P. Majos, M. Kiljański, K. Markowski, Z. Śliwiński – Analysis of pelvis statics in amateur swimmers and recreational runners. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 100-105


Introduction. In recent years, an increasing number of people are choosing to be physically active. The most popular sports include swimming, running or cycling. Disorders of pelvic statics can affect the incidence of injuries during physical activity.
Objective. The main objective of this study is to show the relationship between proper pelvic statics and the incidence of injuries during amateur running or swimming based on analysis of available literature.
Material and methods. A review of the current literature available on the given topic was carried out. The materials needed to analyze the topic come from specialized magazines and articles found on the Internet. Internet search engines were used: Google Scholar and PubMed.
Discussion. Running is a popular physical activity around the world. Musculoskeletal injuries in runners are common and can be attributed to the inability to control the pelvic balance in the frontal plane. The pelvis also plays a significant role in swimming. Its correct position allows you to maintain optimal movement of the lower limbs, which results in greater economy and increased speed.
Conclusions. Incorrect pelvic statics affect the incidence of injuries of the lower limb muscles. The pelvis position modifies the economics of walking, running and swimming. The symmetry of the pelvis during swimming determines the correct technique and increases the efficiency of the lower limbs.

Key words:
pelvis statics, gait economics, amateur swimming, lower limb muscle injuries

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Profile of patients undergoing therapy in the field of therapeutic rehabilitation on the basis of the Act of May 9, 2018 on special solutions supporting persons with severe disability

Karol Wojciechowski, Krzysztof Mirecki, Marek Kiljański, Jan Szczegielniak

K. Wojciechowski, K. Mirecki, M. Kiljański, J. Szczegielniak – Profil pacjentów usprawnianych w zakresie rehabilitacji leczniczej na podstawie ustawy z dnia 9 maja 2018 r. o szczególnych rozwiązaniach wspierających osoby o znacznym stopniu niepełnosprawności. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 168-172

The aim of the study was an attempt to analyze rehabilitation services provided to patients with a severe disability certificate.
The study material consisted of data reported by service providers who have concluded contracts in the field of therapeutic rehabilitation with the Lodz Voivodship Branch of the National Health Fund, providing services within the combined ranges, dedicated to people with a severe degree of disability. Reporting data was prepared by service providers in the period from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.
Data analysis indicated that patients’ condition was most often improved in the field of outpatient physiotherapy for people with a severe degree of disability (45.13% of the total number of respondents); 29.63% of patients constituted the group of patients covered by medical outpatient rehabilitation care and 19.12% of patients underwent physiotherapy at home.
The evaluation of the study material indicated that patients most often undergoing rehabilitation were patients in the 51-84 age group (62.23% of all respondents).
The smallest group consisted of patients from the age group up to 16 years of age and the 85-101 age group (3.26% and 6.04% of all respondents, respectively).
The evaluation indicated that the most common main diagnosis reported by service providers was cerebral palsy (8.65% of all respondents) and hemiplegia (7.71% of all respondents).
The study showed that the most frequently reported billing product was individual work with patients, accounting for 17.06% of all procedures performed.

Key words:
therapeutic rehabilitation, significant degree of disability

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Evaluation of combination therapy with the use of low-frequency magnetic field and ultraphonophoresis for patients with chronic osteoarthrits of the knee

Marek Woszczak, Kacper Kucz, Marek Kiljański, Marta Woszczak

M. Woszczak, K. Kucz, M. Kiljański, M. Woszczak – Ocena terapii skojarzonej polem magnetycznym niskiej częstotliwości i ultrafonoforezy u pacjentów z przewlekłą chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawów kolanowych. FP 2013; 13(3); 48-54

The aim of the study was to evaluate the combination therapy involving low-frequency magnetic field and phonophoresis applied lo patients suffering from osteoarthritis (ICD – M 77).
The assessment of physical condition was made through 6 climbs of a patient onto a 17 centimeire step within 30 seconds, the first step was made with less aching leg.
Thanks to this test the group of patients qualified to the study was homogeneous. The study involved 62 people (47 women, 75 men) aged 41-86, randomly assigned to two comparative groups. The patients’ health was assessed by means of WOMAC scale, Pain Assessment Scale VAS and functional kneeling test. The examination was conducted twice: before the beginning of the treatment and after a series of physiotherapeutic sessions. Group A was treated with the combination therapy including magnetic field and ultraphonophoresis
Group B was treated with low frequency magnetic field in addition, both groups were abo subjected To kinesiotherapy strengthening the four-headed muscle of the femur. For the statistical analysis of the research the Statistical Package for Social Sciences was employed (PASW 78). To check the effectiveness of the therapy in group A the Test of Relevant Statistical Differences t-siudent for paired data was applied.

Key words
osteoarthritis of the knee, low-frequency magnetic field, phonophoresis



Fizioterapeutų padėtis po ketverių metų teisės aktuose nustatyto profesijos reglamentavimo

Marek Kiljański, Dariusz Jasiński

M. Kiljański, D. Jasiński – The situation of physiotherapists after four years of legal regulation of the profession. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 168-173


Introduction. The financial situation of physiotherapists has deteriorated over the last ten years. It was influenced by various factors – law changes, inflation and the lack of adequate financing of rehabilitation in Poland. After the legal regulation of the profession in 2015, physiotherapists are constantly incurring duties, but this does not translate into adequate earnings. The best educated physiotherapists – specialists are also getting less and less valuable in the health care system.
Goal. In this work, we will try to consider: are physiotherapists right, demanding higher wages and can their employers and the healthcare system in Poland afford it.

Key words:
salaries of physiotherapists, finances in health care, nfz, specialists in physiotherapy

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Selektyvi nugaros rizotomija (SDR – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) – neurochirurginis spastiškumo gydymo metodas VSP: dabartinė žinių būklė

Monika Wolska, Marek Kiljański, Witold Rongies

M. Wolska, M. Kiljański, W. Rongies – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) – neurosurgical method in treatment of spasticity in CP: the current state of knowledge. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 66-75

Spasticity constitutes one of the main symptoms of Cerebral Palsy (CP), which has a negative influence on children’s activity, their participation in daily life, and it also impacts their functioning in the society. Chronic spasticity leads to the development of structural lesions in the muscles and in the connective tissue, and it contributes to an intensification of atrophy, rigidity, and finally contractures resistant to pharmacological treatment. Worsening comfort of life and problems with taking care of children with CP constitute other aspects, which justify searching for methods of permanent and effective treatment of spasticity.
The selection of an optimal treatment method for every patient depends on the following: location and extent of the injury, clinical symptoms, patient’s age, and available treatment methods. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a method of surgical treatment of spasticity in children with CP. The procedure is irreversible, and it permanently reduces spasticity. There are still many controversies regarding qualification for the procedure, indications, or short-term and long-term effects. Over the years, there are more and more international clinical studies which confirm the beneficial effect of the procedure in terms of improving the functional state of the patients. The purpose of this paper was to gather and systematize the knowledge about the procedure itself, the qualification criteria, the applied research tools, and the post-surgery physical therapy protocols, as well as to present the effects of surgical treatment.

Key words:
Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, SDR, physical therapy, spasticity, CP


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