Išsekimo sindromas tarp Egipto fizinių terapeutų nudegimų skyriuose

Mohamed Bayoumi Ibrahim Bayoumi, Ahmed Mohamed Nagy, Saher Lotfy El Gayar, Shaimaa Mohamed Metawee, Nehad Mohamed AbdElnabi Mousa, Heba Mohamed Mohamady

Mohamed Bayoumi Ibrahim Bayoumi et al. – Burnout among Egyptian physical therapists in burn departments –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(4); 129-135

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG01A8Q4R1


Pagrindas. Išsekimo sindromas yra dažnas sveikatos priežiūros specialistų sutrikimas, turintis įtakos jų gyvenimo kokybei ir teikiamų sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybei. Fiziniai terapeutai nudegimų skyriuose yra ypač pažeidžiami išsekimo dėl įvairių streso veiksnių.
Tikslas. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti fizinių terapeutų, dirbančių nudegimų skyriuose, patiriamą išsekimo laipsnį.
Dizainas. Tyrime naudotas skerspjūvio tyrimo metodas.
Metodai. Tyrime dalyvavo 520 fizinių terapeutų, dirbančių Egipto ligoninių nudegimų skyriuose, jų amžius buvo nuo 24 iki 44 metų. Išsekimas buvo vertinamas naudojant Maslach Išsekimo Inventorių – Žmonių Paslaugų Tyrimą (MBI-HSS).
Rezultatai. Iš viso tyrime dalyvavo 520 fizinių terapeutų, iš kurių apie 50 % buvo 30–40 metų amžiaus, o apie 44,9 % turėjo bakalauro laipsnį. Moterys sudarė 63,3 %. Remiantis MBI-HSS rezultatais, 73,5 % respondentų rodė emocinio išsekimo (EE) požymius, o 44 % rodė depersonalizacijos (DP) išsekimo požymius. Be to, 51 % respondentų pranešė apie mažą asmeninį pasitenkinimą (PA) pagal šią skalę. Rezultatai patvirtino, kad vyrai dažniau patiria depersonalizaciją nei moterys ir mažiau patenkinti savo profesiniais pasiekimais.
Išvada. Fiziniams terapeutams, dirbantiems nudegimų skyriuose, būdingas ryškus išsekimas. Norint įvertinti išsekimo poveikį nudegimų skyriuose dirbantiems fiziniams terapeutams ir sukurti strategijas, skirtas jį mažinti, reikia atlikti daugiau tyrimų.

Raktiniai žodžiai
fizinė terapija, išsekimo sindromas, Maslach išsekimo inventorius, nudegimų skyrius

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Pooperacinė reabilitacija ir grįžimo į sportą kriterijai po priekinio kryžminio raiščio rekonstrukcijos – Jungtinių Arabų Emyratų kineziterapeutų apklausa

Sara Atef Ali, Cecilia Ferreira Aquino, Achraf Ammar, Ashokan Arumugam

Sara Atef Ali, Cecilia Ferreira Aquino, Achraf Ammar, Ashokan Arumugam – Post-operative rehabilitation and return to sport criteria following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction – a survey of physiotherapists in the United Arab Emirates – Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(2); 344-355

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG5608IV0


Fonas. Reabilitacijos ir grįžimo į sportą (RTS) kriterijai po priekinio kryžminio raiščio (ACL) rekonstrukcijos skiriasi tarp kineziterapeutų skirtingose šalyse. Tačiau iki šiol nebuvo atlikta tyrimų apie pooperacinę reabilitaciją ir RTS kriterijus po ACL rekonstrukcijos, naudojamus Jungtinių Arabų Emyratų (JAE) kineziterapeutų. Tikslas. Šio tyrimo tikslas – apibendrinti klinikinę praktiką ir RTS kriterijus, naudojamus kineziterapeutų, gydančių pacientus po ACL rekonstrukcijos JAE, ir ištirti veiksnius, susijusius su dažniausiai naudojamais RTS kriterijais. Medžiaga ir metodai. Elektroninė apklausa buvo išplatinta JAE kineziterapeutams. Klausimynas apėmė klausimus, susijusius su demografine informacija, klinikine praktika ir RTS kriterijais, naudojamais JAE kineziterapeutų. Rezultatai. Iš viso 108 kineziterapeutai savanoriškai dalyvavo tyrime. Tik apie 25% laikėsi nustatytų RTS kriterijų prieš leisdami grįžti į sportą. Apie 88% kineziterapeutų savo sprendimus dėl leidimo grįžti į sportą grindžia funkciniais vertinimais, tokiais kaip pusiausvyros testai, šuolio testai ir bėgimo bei sprinto biomechanika. Apie 47% kineziterapeutų teigė, kad RTS sprendimą priima daugiadisciplininė komanda. Tyrimas parodė, kad dažniausiai naudojami RTS kriterijai neturėjo reikšmingos koreliacijos su tokiais parametrais kaip akademinė padėtis, darbo patirtis, tautybė, specialybės sertifikatai ar JAE kineziterapeutų licencijos tipas. Išvada. Dauguma JAE kineziterapeutų savo klinikinėje praktikoje nesilaikė labiausiai rekomenduojamų RTS kriterijų po ACL rekonstrukcijos, ir nė vienas iš vertintų su kineziterapeutu susijusių veiksnių neturėjo reikšmingos asociacijos su RTS kriterijais po ACL rekonstrukcijos.

Raktiniai žodžiai

priekinio kryžminio raiščio rekonstrukcija, reabilitacija, klinikinis sprendimų priėmimas, kineziterapija, grįžimo į sportą kriterijai

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Cervical radiculopathy constitutes a challenge to rehabilitation when combined with pathological changes: A case report

Abdullah Mohamed Al-Shenqiti

Abdullah Mohamed Al-Shenqiti – Cervical radiculopathy constitutes a challenge to rehabilitation when combined with pathological changes: A case report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 170-173

This report aims to alert clinicians to the importance of comprehensive evaluation starting with collecting the details of patient’s history. This case also highlights the need to prioritize interventions starting with conservative treatments based on severity and urgency. We report a case of cervicalgia and bilateral cervical radiculopathy of 62 years old female who did not respond to conservative physical therapy treatment. The specialist used total assessment- reassessment and evaluation using biokinesiology (TAREK) approach for clinical reasoning and judgment to come up with tentative physical therapy diagnoses. The manifestations were confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging report. The clinical manifestations were in harmony with the radiological findings. The patient was poorly responding to conservative treatment with many weeks of no response. Surgery was offered to ease up patient’s symptoms. Finally, clinicians should be familiar with the both the primary and the secondary pathological changes of cervical radiculopathy and put in consideration the complexity of clinical manifestations and poor prognosis.
Key words:
cervical canal stenosis, cervical radiculopathy, laminectomy, physical therapy, spine tuberculosis
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The Obstacles that encounter Jordanian Citizens to Adhere to Physiotherapy Sessions

Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad Al-nassan, Amjad Shallan, Mohammad Etoom

Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad Al-nassan, Amjad Shallan, Mohammad Etoom – The Obstacles that encounter Jordanian Citizens to Adhere to Physiotherapy Sessions. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 134-140

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20A906

Aim. to know the obstacles that encounter patients in Jordan to adhere to physical therapy treatment. Material and Method. A survey was developed based on the available literature reviews. A pilot survey was tested on a small sample of physiotherapy clients at one center to assess time and the ease of completion. After the pilot survey was completed, the survey was revised and modified, and the final electronic version was developed. Results. The study found varied level of adherence to the physiotherapy sessions, and adherence to the physiotherapist recommendations. The adherence to physiotherapy sessions was about 54.3% ranged between 61.9% in governmental sectors, and 80% in private sectors. However, the adherence to physiotherapy recommendations was lesser as be estimated to be about 50% (66.7% in governmental sectors, and 60% in private sectors). Conclusion. This Study indicates that there are varieties of reasons that encounter Jordanian citizens to adhere to physiotherapy sessions. One of the main reason in private center is based on cost of session but there are lot of reasons that limiting adhere the session related to the patients states and Circumstances in both private and government, since we could not determine the actual main cause of non-adhere.
Key words:
physical therapy, sessions, obstacles
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Systematics of physiotherapy

Janusz Orzech

Janusz Orzech – Systematics of physiotherapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(2); 164-168

This article presents the newest systematics of physiotherapy that has been compiled and developed by the author. The previous systematics and divisions, including charts and schemes from the available scientific literature, have also been described and characterized, with the special approach to historical aspects of the so-called physical medicine, later termed physiotherapy. The innovative changes in the systematics as these in shape of new methods and techniques that have been incorporated seem indispensable and have been thoroughly explained by the author.

Key words:
systematics of physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, physical therapy, therapeutic massage

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The usefulness of physical stimuli in the symptomatic treatment of painful shoulder syndrome

Paweł Przekwas, Agnieszka Idychowska, Renata Skalska-Izdebska, Zbigniew Pawłowski

Paweł Przekwas, Agnieszka Idychowska, Renata Skalska-Izdebska, Zbigniew Pawłowski – The usefulness of physical stimuli in the symptomatic treatment of painful shoulder syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(1); 76-84

The aim of the study is to consider the available evidence related to clinical effectiveness of several types of physical modalities used in the management of painful shoulder. A systematic critical review from basic science studies evaluating therapeutic effects includes the following treatments: superficial heat, cryotherapy, laser therapy, impulsivemagnetic field therapy, short wave diathermy, transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential current therapy, ultrasound therapy, iontopphoresis and phonophoresis. There seems to be evidence from basic science research to suggest that many of the therapies could have potentially therapeutic effects. It is important to note that these conclusions are limited by the methodological considerations of the included studies. However, in the managemet of the painful shoulder treating pain is often the basis of the treatment, it should be implemented with a broad range of physiotherapeutic techniques and manual therapy as well when appropriate.

Key words:
painful shoulder, physical therapy

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Neuromobilization in the treatment of post-traumatic lumbo-sacral pain: a case study

Janusz Boczar, Łukasz Wojtyczek

Janusz Boczar, Łukasz Wojtyczek – Neuromobilization in the treatment of post-traumatic lumbo-sacral pain: a case study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(4); 384-386


Background. The purpose of this article is to present the neuromobilization technique as a useful procedure in physical therapy. Material and methods. The paper presents a case study of a male patient who was treated at the Subcarpathian Hospital in Krosno, Poland. In addition to various kinds of PT procedures, the neuromobilization technique was implemented in treatment. Results. We noted improvement in range of movement and muscle strength, and decreased pain after treatment. The patient regained a very high functional status. Conclusions. Neuromobilization is a successful method when used to treat patients with neurobiomechanical problems, and should be implemented in regular physiotherapy.

Key words:
range of movement, muscle strength, physical therapy, fracture of the sacrum
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Medical massage in dysmenorrhoea

Krzysztof Kassolik , Waldemar Andrzejewski, Piotr Wojtoń, Klara Sadowska, Agnieszka Cichoszewska

Krzysztof Kassolik , Waldemar Andrzejewski, Piotr Wojtoń, Klara Sadowska, Agnieszka Cichoszewska – Medical massage in dysmenorrhoea. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(4); 339-343

Background. From 40 to 60 % of women aged 20-40 are affected by dysmenorrhoea. Such patients are usually prescribed pain-relieving and spasmolytic drugs. Massage is a non-invasive therapeutic modality whose effects are believed to include reduction of muscle tone. Therefore, the authors attempted to determine the efficacy of medical massage in allevi-ating dysmenorrhoeic pain. Material and methods. The participants of the study were 48 students from the University School of Physical Education, aged 22-25. To evaluate efficacy of medical massage, the researchers elaborated questionnaires. The objectives of the questionnaire were to: 1) select those participants complaining of menstruation-associated pain, and 2) to determine the intensity of the pain at baseline and after a series of massages. A total of 26 women with dysmenorrhea were selected and subsequently subjected to medical massage. Four 10-minute medical massage sessions were performed over the lumbar, sacral and gluteal areas. At the end of each procedure a hot water bottle with 45 degrees Celsius water was applied to the massaged area in order to preserve the changes in blood distribution within the pelvis. Results. Medical massage applied a few days before menstruation reduced dysmenorrhoeic pain in 24 out of the 26 women. Pain was alleviated in 16 women and completely disappeared in a further 8 patients. In 2 patients, the intensity of pain remained the same after application of medical massage. Conclusions. The findings indicate that medical massage can be an easy-to-use adjunctive therapeutic modality for reducing pain in women with dysmenorrhea.

Key words:
massage, dysmenorrhoea, physical therapy

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Legal Aspects of the Informed Consent of the Patient During Physical Therapy in Ukraine

Liliia Orel, Valentyn Savchenko, Olga Baitaliuk, Nataliia Oblovatska

Liliia Orel, Valentyn Savchenko, Olga Baitaliuk, Nataliia Oblovatska – Legal Aspects of the Informed Consent of the Patient During Physical Therapy in Ukraine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(2); 78-83

The purpose of the study is to establish the legal features of the use of informed voluntary consent of the patient in providing him/her with physical therapy services in Ukraine. Materials and methods. The analysis of the normative-legal base of Ukraine with the use of methods of analysis, synthesis, comparative-legal method is carried out. Research findings. Currently Ukraine has developed and approved the form of primary accounting documentation “Informed voluntary consent of the patient for diagnosis, treatment and surgery and analgesia” and instructions for filling out this form. This form is completed by a patient who has applied to a health care facility and agrees to undergo diagnostic and treatment measures, and if necessary the patient agrees to surgery and analgesia. However, this form is not suitable for legal relations between a physical therapist and a patient. The main features of the application of this consent are determined and its model for use in the practice of physical therapists is developed. Conclusions. The principle of patient autonomy during physical therapy requires regulation of the patient’s right to provide him/her with full information about physical therapy, coordination and approval of the written form of voluntary informed consent of the patient to physical therapy.
Key words:
informed consent, patient, law, physical therapy
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Assessment of the effectiveness of local cryotherapy in treatment of gonarthrosis

Joanna Fidut-Wrońska, Robert Latosiewicz, Karolina Janikowska, Krzysztof Sokołowski

Joanna Fidut-Wrońska, Robert Latosiewicz, Karolina Janikowska, Krzysztof Sokołowski – Assessment of the effectiveness of local cryotherapy in treatment of gonarthrosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(3); 241-250

The purpose of the study was to compare the effect of cryotherapy combined with other physical therapy methods. The study group consisted of 50 patients with gonarthrosis, treated by means of local cryotherapy and other physical therapy methods. The control group included 38 matched patients with gonarthrosis, treated with the same physical therapy methods, but without cryotherapy. Evaluation methods were based on the authors` tailored questionnaire, VAS scale and WOMAC questionnaire. The physical examination consisted of the measurements of body height and weight, the range of motion (ROM) in the knee joints and knee circumference and a series of functional tests. The results indicate that ROM of the knee joints increased by 11.3° in the study group and by 3.1° in the control group. The circumference was reduced by 1.1 cm in study group and by 0.4 cm in control group. The value of WOMAC index was diminished by 17.3% in the study group and by 11.9% in control group. After the treatment, the study group covered 8.7 stairs more during ascending and 9.2 more during descending whereas the control group covered 3.9 and 4.3 stairs respectively. Similarly, after the treatment patients from the study group did 5.5 squats more compared to 1.7 squats performed by the control group subjects. Cryotherapy combined with other physical therapy methods in treatment of gonarthrosis has better effects than application of physical therapy methods only, without cryotherapy.
Key words:
arthrosis, physical therapy, gonarthrosis, Cryotherapy
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