Robotų pagalba vykdomo ėjimo mokymo dažnumo įgyvendinamumo ir poveikio vaikų, sergančių diplegine cerebrine paralyže, ėjimo funkcijoms tyrimas – Vienas aklas, atsitiktinės imties pilotinis tyrimas

Moza Obaid Saeed Alyahyaee, Jinwoong Cheong, Meeyoung Kim

Moza Obaid Saeed Alyahyaee, Jinwoong Cheong, Meeyoung Kim – The feasibility and effect of robot-assisted gait training frequency on gait functions in children with cerebral palsy – A single blinded, randomized pilot study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 297-303


Įvadas. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti robotų pagalba vykdomo ėjimo mokymo (RAGT) dažnumo įgyvendinamumą ir poveikį vaikų, sergančių diplegine cerebrine paralyže (CP), ėjimo funkcijoms. Mes hipotetizavome, kad RAGT su padidintu dažnumu (4 kartus per savaitę) duos didesnių pagerėjimų nei RAGT su įprastiniu dažnumu (2 kartus per savaitę).
Medžiaga ir metodai. Keturiolika dalyvių, sergančių diplegine CP, buvo priskirti dviem grupėms, kurios gavo tik RAGT skirtingais dažnumais. Gydymo grupė (TG) gavo 24 sesijas, o kontrolinė grupė (CG) per 6 savaites gavo tik 12 sesijų. Buvo vertinamas bendrasis motorinių funkcijų matavimas (GMFM) D, GMFM E, ėjimo atstumas (6 minučių ėjimo testas), greitis (10 metrų ėjimo testas), pusiausvyra (Vaikų pusiausvyros skalė) ir ėjimo kokybė (Edinburgo vizualaus ėjimo įvertinimas). Duomenys buvo renkami du kartus, prieš ir po RAGT intervencijos laikotarpio. Taip pat buvo vertinamas įgyvendinamumas pagal saugumą, verbavimo, laikymosi ir prisirišimo rodiklius.
Rezultatai. Abu grupėse buvo reikšmingas pagerėjimas GMFM D, GMFM E, ėjimo atstume, pusiausvyroje ir ėjimo kokybėje (p < 0,05). Tik TG grupėje žymiai pagerėjo ėjimo greitis. Skirtumas ėjimo kokybėje buvo didesnis TG grupėje (p < 0,01) palyginti su CG grupe (p < 0,05). Verbavimo rodiklis buvo 70%. 100% verbuotų dalyvių laikėsi ir vykdė intervenciją. Neigiamų reiškinių nebuvo pranešta.
Išvada. RAGT su padidintu dažnumu gali sukelti didesnį ėjimo funkcijų pagerėjimą nei RAGT su įprastiniu dažnumu vaikams, sergantiems diplegine CP.
Raktiniai žodžiai
reabilitacija, robotika, vaikščiojimas, cerebrinė paralyžė
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Sensacinės integracijos su vestibulinės sistemos sąveika kaip sudėtinės kūdikio, turinčio klausos praradimą, rehabilitacijos dalis

Maria Dąbrowska, Maciej Biernacki


Maria Dąbrowska, Maciej Biernacki – Sensory integration of the vestibular system as a component of complex rehabilitation of a child with hearing loss. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 140-143


Įvadas. Vestibulinė sistema yra viena iš svarbiausių žmogaus jutimo sistemų, morfologiškai susijusi su klausos sistema. Fetus pradeda reaguoti į garsą maždaug 16-osios savaitės vystymosi metu, o jo vidaus ausies vystymasis prasideda nuo 4-osios savaitės. Garsų tinkamas suvokimas ir apdorojimas lemia kalbos vystymąsi ir supratimą. Klausos organas gali būti pažeidžiamas vaisiaus vystymosi, gimimo ar po gimimo laikotarpio metu. Klausos organo pažeidimas daro įtaką jutimo sistemų integracijai. Sąveikos su jutimo integracija mokymas gali būti sėkmingai įtrauktas kaip klausos praradusio vaiko integruotosios rehabilitacijos dalis.
Tikslas. Darbe aprašoma jutimo integracija, naudojama kalbos ir klausos terapijoje. Įtraukti klausos pratimų pavyzdžiai. Terapija buvo atlikta 2019-2021 metais Lenkijos Klubų „Niekurčių“ Toruń ir Bydgoszcz įstaigose.
Klausos organo rehabilitacija. Klausos organas gali būti pažeidžiamas vaisiaus vystymosi, gimimo ar po gimimo laikotarpiu. Klausos organo rehabilitacija prasideda tuoj pat, kai pažeidimas yra pripažįstamas. Kartais vaikas, gavęs klausos aparatą arba kochlinį implantą, kartais netgi prieš tai, siunčiamas į kalbos ir klausos terapiją. Plačiai suprantamoje rehabilitacijoje, jei reikia sudėtingo veiksmo, įtrauktos fizinė terapija ir jutimo integracija, kuriai atlikta Lenkijos Klubų „Niekurčių“ Toruń ir Bydgoszcz įstaigose.
Sąveika su jutimo integracija klausos neturinčių vaikų. Klausos praradusiais vaikais kartu su kalbos, pedagoginėmis ir psichologinėmis terapijomis atliekamos kitos terapijos, tokios kaip jutimo integracija, fizinė terapija ar kitos, priklausomai nuo vaiko poreikių.
Išvada. Garsų pratimai, taikant sąveiką su jutimo integracija koncepciją kartu su kitais terapijos būdais, gali būti naudojami kaip klausos praradusio vaiko sudėtinės rehabilitacijos dalis.
jutimo integracija, rehabilitacija, vaikų fizinė terapija, klausos praradimas
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Ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation: A physiotherapist’s curriculum introduction.

Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Maciej Kostrzewa, Dawid Lukoszek, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk, Aleksander Sieroń


Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Maciej Kostrzewa, Dawid Lukoszek, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk, Aleksander Sieroń – Ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation: A physiotherapist’s curriculum introduction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 104-111




Ultrasound examination (USG) is becoming more popular among physiotherapists. The term “rehabilitative ultrasound imaging” (RUI) refers to the use of USG in the rehabilitation process. An examination (ultrasound) is used in physiotherapeutic therapy to evaluate the tissue and function of the musculoskeletal system. The real image allows for accurate observation and stimulation of the necessary muscles during kinesiotherapy, while measurements track the treatment’s progress. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination aims to assist the physiotherapist in making an early diagnosis of dysfunctional aspects that may necessitate consultation with another specialty, thereby reducing medical errors. Preparing an educational program and conducting training in accordance with established standards and guidelines will allow physiotherapists to be adequately prepared to perform ultrasound examinations and dispel any doubts about a physiotherapist’s competence and the possibility of performing ultrasound examinations in a medical setting.

Key words: ultrasound, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, diagnostics

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Efficacy of ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment of the shoulder – A systematic review

Dawid Lukoszek, Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk

Dawid Lukoszek, Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk – Efficacy of ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment of the shoulder – A systematic review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 56-73


Objectives. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the scientific evidence base on the use of ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation of the shoulder.
Methods. The PubMed / Medline database was reviewed using the following keywords: shoulder ultrasonography AND rehabilitation; shoulder ultrasound imaging AND physiotherapy; shoulder ultrasound imaging AND rehabilitation; Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging AND Shoulder. Only full-text, open-access studies in English published before 15 May 2022 were included in the analysis.
Results. 51 articles (out of 748 identified) were included in the analysis. Of all the studies, 3 studies were randomized, 5 were not randomized, the rest were cross-sectional or case studies. The most common study group were patients with hemiplegia (in 13 out of 51 reviewed works). 12 papers out of 51 concerned orthopedic conditions of the shoulder with varying diagnoses. Ultrasound imaging was used mainly to assess echogenicity and measure structures of the shoulder.
Conclusion. There are many studies demonstrating the utility of ultrasound in various aspects of the physiotherapist’s practice, including but not limited to diagnostic purposes, assessment of treatment effectiveness, monitoring treatment progress, and referring the patient to another specialist.

Key words:
ultrasonography, ultrasound, imaging, ultrasonography, rehabilitation, physical therapy, physiotherapy, diagnosis, shoulder, pain, treatment

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Post-COVID-19 rehabilitation in the post-hospitalization period – case study

Michał Polawski, Wiktor Obręcki, Magdalena Kościelniak, Rafał Trąbka

Michał Polawski, Wiktor Obręcki, Magdalena Kościelniak, Rafał Trąbka – Post-COVID-19 rehabilitation in the post-hospitalization period – case study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 102-115


Aim of the research work. The main goal of the research work was to show an author’s plan of physiotherapeutic intervention for people suffering of COVID-19 in the post-acute stage. The therapeutic procedure highlighted pulmonary rehabilitation, aerobic and resistance training and patient’s education.
Case study. The research work was performed on a 62-year old woman, who was diagnosed with infection by SARS-CoV-2 virus. The patient was admitted to ICU with acute ARDS in a heavily severe condition. The medical history showed obesity, chronic ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension and cardiac arrest (2011). The patient was admitted to the rehabilitation unit in the post-acute stage of infection, and was using passive oxygen therapy with oxygen flow set to 4 l/min. During the qualification for therapy the patient was tested using a questionnaire which consisted of clinical tests such as 6MWT, MRC, 30CST and FIM scale. Furthermore, the lungs were examined using spirometry. Identical measurements were being used every 2 weeks of the therapy process. After 8 weeks of physiotherapeutic procedure there was a significant increase of score in 6-MWT which upgraded by 750%. Systematic improvement was also visible in dyspnoea and fatigue, which completely surceased after finishing the therapeutic process. Functional state of the patient improved considerably which is shown by 30CST score, improved by 380%. Spirometry score analysis shows FVC, FEV1 and Tiffeneau-Pinelli index improve respectively by 40%, 53% and 9.6%.
Summary. The therapeutic program based on pulmonary rehabilitation, aerobic and resistance training and patient’s education looks very promising. Implemented procedure contributed to the patient’s relatively quick recovery to a pre-COVID-19 state. Patient’s physical and pulmonary efficiency were noticed, exertional tolerance increased, dyspnoea and fatigue gave way which all combined led to improved functional efficiency. Pulmonary system function was also enhanced which was demonstrated by spirometry.

Key words:
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, physiotherapy, rehabilitation

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Development of a functional training protocol to improve lower limb motor recovery in early sub-acute stroke patients

Meenakshi Jharbade, Sivakumar Ramachandran, Shankar V, John M Solomon

Meenakshi Jharbade, Sivakumar Ramachandran, Shankar V, John M Solomon – Development of a functional training protocol to improve lower limb motor recovery in early sub-acute stroke patients. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 234-239

Background. Functional training is a common intervention practiced in stroke rehabilitation. The efficacy of lower limb functional training to improve functions has been widely tested in patients with chronic stroke. Improvement in function generally does not reflect changes in motor recovery. The effect of this training on motor recovery has been less explored. Moreover, a standard protocol for lower limb functional training is elusive in literature.
Aim. To develop an intervention protocol of functional training for lower extremity to improve motor recovery and functions in acute and early subacute stroke patients.
Methods. Study was conducted in two phases. First phase involved literature review to identify the components for functional training for lower extremity in patients with stroke. Second phase involved two rounds of Delphi survey to design an intervention protocol. First round of Delphi survey was conducted to identify the functions of lower extremity that can be used as components of training and second round was conducted to receive the consensus on activities of lower extremity which can be practiced in acute and early subacute stroke patients.
Results. Functions of lower extremity and exercises of functional training which received consensus of atleast 70% and above in Delphi survey are selected to design the protocol. Weight-bearing, postural control, sit to stand, stepping, walking, standing, manipulation function was selected to design activities for functional training.
Conclusion. A Functional training protocol was developed with activities for weight bearing, postural control, manipulation and walking function.
Key words:
stroke, physiotherapy, functional training, rehabilitation, task oriented exercise
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Vibrotherapy in respiratory disorders, including COVID-19

Rafał Aleksander Guzik, Alicja Pasterczyk-Szczurek

R. A. Guzik, A. Pasterczyk-Szczurek – Vibrotherapy in respiratory disorders, including COVID-19. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 174-182

Successfully used for years in the rehabilitation of various diseases, the techniques of manual vibration massage and therapeutic vibrations generated by medical devices distinguish a new type of physical therapy – vibrotherapy. Therapeutic vibration stimulates blood and lymph circulation, the neuromuscular system, and, in the form of respiratory vibration therapy, helps clear airways of secretions and strengthens respiratory muscles, improving tissue oxygenation in patients with cystic fibrosis and, more recently, in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19). Although the use of respiratory vibration therapy is well established in cystic fibrosis, it has yet to be sufficiently studied in other pulmonary disorders, and since the clinical potential of respiratory vibration therapy is broad, the authors of this literature review wish to point out that it should not be neglected. Particularly in automated form during pandemic times, as in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic – hindering rehabilitation services, quarantine isolations – respiratory vibration therapy can be crucial in rehabilitation, enriching both hospital and home physiotherapy offers.
Key words:
vibrotherapy, whole body vibration, COVID-19, rehabilitation, respiratory disorders
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Shoulder joint function evaluation after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty – preliminary reports

Ewelina Żyżniewska-Banaszak, Magdalena Gębska, Sebastian Sokołowski, Anna Sobczak, Łukasz Kołodziej

E. Żyżniewska-Banaszak, M. Gębska, S. Sokołowski, A. Sobczak, Ł. Kołodziej – Shoulder joint function evaluation after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty – preliminary reports . Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 142-151

Introduction. Physiotherapy is an important part of the comprehensive treatment of patients after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA). Patients qualified for RTSA struggle with shoulder joint dysfunctions of various aetiologies – most often with irreparable damage to the rotator cuff tendons. The aim of physiotherapy after RTSA is to restore the lost functions of the shoulder joint based on a targeted rehabilitation protocol taking into account the changed biomechanical conditions of the shoulder.
Materials and methods. The study material consisted of 6 patients after RTSA. Patients were examined before the procedure and after rehabilitation with the use of the Constant-Murley Score. The rehabilitation model was implemented on the day before surgery and continued for 12 weeks.
Results. Each patient experienced an improvement in shoulder mobility and a reduction in pain intensity.
Conclusions. Rehabilitation after RTSA improves the functions of the shoulder joint expressed by an increased range of joint mobility, elimination of pain and improved quality of life.
Key words:
shoulder joint, total shoulder arthroplasty, orthopaedics, rehabilitation
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Collaboration of specialists in the rehabilitation of spine pathology

Oleg Panchenko, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Anastasiia Kabantseva, Nataliia Tsapro

O. Panchenko, Z. Śliwiński, A. Kabantseva, N. Tsapro – Collaboration of specialists in the rehabilitation of spine pathology. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 96-102

To study the influence of the negative psychological state of children and adolescents living on the territory of hostilities, on the formation and course of spinal pathology. The sample consisted of 1467 people aged 5–18-year-old, whose parents had no complaints of the child’s spinal pathology, i.e. “relatively healthy children in respect of spinal pathology.” The growth of pathology of the spine during periods of intensive growth of the child was confirmed: in the 5–7-year-old age group for 3.49% of children, in the 8-10-year-old age group for 13.78%, in the 10-14-year-old age group for 17.89%, in the 15–17-year-old age group for 25.15% respectively. An increase in the prevalence of scoliosis in the Donetsk oblast (excluding the temporarily occupied territories) at the level of 28.26 cases per 1,000 schoolchildren, which is more than in other regions of Ukraine. The similarity of the pathogenesis of scoliosis, stress, and hypercalciuria was determined, which explains the data obtained by us on the prevalence of scoliosis in the ATO area, actually 95.89 cases per 1000 children, and 251.53 cases per 1000 adolescents aged 15-18-year-old. The manifestations of autonomic disturbances (rs = 0.34, p ≤ 0.01), sleep disturbances (rs = 0.43, p ≤ 0.01), anxiety (rs = 0.43, p ≤ 0.01) is increased among children with significant fear of war. There is a need to consider scoliosis as a stressor, and therefore children with scoliosis should get psychological rehabilitation and expert advice.
Key words:
scoliosis, stress, hypercalciuria, children, adolescents, rehabilitation
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Application of virtual reality and video games in pediatric physiotherapy. Systematic review

Karol de Tillier, Jakub Bracha, Agnieszka Sobierajska-Rek, Łukasz Mański

Karol de Tillier, Jakub Bracha, Agnieszka Sobierajska-Rek, Łukasz Mański – Application of virtual reality and video games in pediatric physiotherapy. Systematic review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 28-43

In recent years, intensive research has been carried out on virtual reality (VR) and its application in the treatment of pediatric patients. The basic objective of this review is to present the advantages, effectiveness and role of VR physical therapy in selected disease entities by comparing the results of VR research from the last 5 years. 17 articles were obtained from online databases: Pubmed, Researchgate, NCBI, Sage Journals, Oxford Academic. The analyzed studies concerned the use of VR in the treatment of pediatric patients with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, developmental dyspraxia, risk of developmental dyspraxia, patients with burn injuries, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and ADHD. This review contains research on VR selected on the basis of their reliability, number and age of participants, and the year of publication. We excluded review articles in the selection of studies. The analysis of selected original research papers showed that VR physical therapy offers a number of advantages not found in standard physiotherapy and achieves comparable effects.
Key words:
VR, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, children, video, games
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