The impact of selected correctional exercises on changes in the bioelectrical activity of muscles on both sides of the primary scoliosis

Krystyna Kwaśny, Janusz Nowotny, Edward Saulicz

Krystyna Kwaśny, Janusz Nowotny, Edward Saulicz – The impact of selected correctional exercises on changes in the bioelectrical activity of muscles on both sides of the primary scoliosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(3); 199-202

Background. The bioelectrical activity of the spinal muscles was evaluated, as expressed by the frequency of the biopotentials, their average amplitude, and the number of returns on either side of the primary scoliosis. Material and methods. Our research involved 110 boys and girls aged 6 to 16, with a clinical diagnosis of scoliosis. The measurements were made in a relaxed position during an attempt at active correction and in the course of performing certain corrective exercises. Both symmetric and asymmetric exercises were chose for this analysis. Some exercises were conducted with additional information provided about the degree of fault correction through monitoring, light signals, and sound signals. A computer EMG set was used, composed of a 4-channel „Medicor MG-440” electromyograph equipped with a digital analogue, cooperating with a computer appropriately programmed for the automatic analysis of integrated electromyograms. Results. The results we obtained indicate certain corrective potential, expressed by the symmetrization of bioelectric muscle activity in the course of an attempt at active correction of scoliosis. The suitability of the majority of the analyzed corrective exercises was also indicated in the normalization of muscle tension on both sides of the curvature, and especially those which additionally use the mechanism of substitute feedback.

Key words:
Scoliosis, electromiography, biopotentials

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Normal function of the pelvis is a precondition for success in scoliosis therapy

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Dariusz Milko

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Dariusz Milko – Normal function of the pelvis is a precondition for success in scoliosis therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(4); 327-337

The symmetry is the characteristic of human body in evolution. It is way the asymmetry is departure in the correct development. Sollmann claims that 97% of the population suffer from the scoliosis and the first symptoms can be observed in the baby’s age. Coenen noticed that block of the atlanto-occipital joint can formed faulty posture in children. Lohse- Buscha described the blocking of axis in the rotation is accompanying the restriction his side bending. The authors claims the process of creation idiopathic scoliosis is possible to understand after the understanding biomechanical of the pelvis. They described the changes of the location of hip bones and sacral bone between themselves caused appeared of the seeming leg’s short which can bring about the spondylolisthesis and pathological muscles tonus. The other changes of the location of hip bones and sacral bone between themselves caused also slanting position of lumbar vertebra. The author claims the using manual’s techniques to treat and functional assessment of the pelvis which can be disturbing, is necessary,

Key words:
Scoliosis, block of the atlanto-occipital joint, aferentation, nutation, kontrnutation

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Principles for non-surgical procedures in the treatment of scoliosis

Piotr Majcher, Marek Fatyga, Andrzej Skwarcz

Piotr Majcher, Marek Fatyga, Andrzej Skwarcz – Principles for non-surgical procedures in the treatment of scoliosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(4); 306-310

This article presents the authors’ own experience in the comprehensive non-surgical treatment of scoliosis. Various types of corrective and stabilizing orthopedic braces are presented. Orthopedic equipment should be tailored to the needs of the individual patient, depending on the etiology of the curvature, the type and dimensions of the distortion, and the age of the young patient. Indications and counterindications for treatment by orthopedic braces are given. Significant reduction in the deformation of posture can be obtained by using a correctional brace even in cases when proper application does no more than to slow the progression of curvature. The authors also discuss abnormalities in the orthotic treatment of spinal deformities encountered in daily practice with ambulatory patients. Kinesitherapy is indicated as an essential supplement to the brace, and not as a substitute for it.

Key words:
Scoliosis, non-surgical treatment of scoliosis, orthopedic braces

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Changes of values of selected spirometric parameters in course of complex rehabilitation treatment in patients with scolioses of I° and II°

Rafał Gnat, Edward Saulicz, Marek Zięba, Paweł Ryngier

Rafał Gnat, Edward Saulicz, Marek Zięba, Paweł Ryngier – Changes of values of selected spirometric parameters in course of complex rehabilitation treatment in patients with scolioses of I° and II°. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(1); 21-29

Both the values of the spirometric parameters in people with low-degree scoliosis and their changes in course of the rehabilitation treatment aiming to correct the body posture are subjects rarely mentioned in literature. Just sparse articles give evidence for the presence of respiratory disturbances even in early stages of the development of scoliosis. The hypothesis claiming that normalisation of the values of selected spirometric parameters, decreased earlier, during attempts of correction of the body posture could be obtained was brought forward for needs of the presented report. 60 children with scolioses of Ist and IInd degree and without any coexisting health problems participated. The evaluation of the values of selected spirometric parameters was performed twice: at the beginning of the treatment (initial test) and after its termination (final test). The time of therapeutic influence averaged 28,77 days (SD = 9,47) and daily load with corrective exercises about 3 hours with supplementary procedures. During the period of time between initial and final tests most of the assessed spirometric parameters showed significant improvement increasing their values and bringing them closer to standards (FVC EX, FVC IN, FEV1, PEF, PIF, VC, IC). The ERV parameter didn’t show any important alterations. The volumes TV and MV as well as Tiffeneau coefficient maintained their previous rise tendencies.According to the stated hypothesis the corrective rehabilitation treatment improved values of selected spirometric parameters, which were decreased in course of low-degree scoliosis. Basing on the results some practical clues concerning corrective treatment of this postural fault may also be formulated.

Key words:
Scoliosis, rehabilitation treatment, Spirometry, spirometric parameters

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Some possibilities for using the Lehnert-Schroth concept during corrective exercises in stationary system

J. Nowotny, K. Czupryna, O. Nowotny-Czupryna

J. Nowotny, K. Czupryna, O. Nowotny-Czupryna – Some possibilities for using the Lehnert-Schroth concept during corrective exercises in stationary system. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(4); 412-419


Corrective exercises constitute a basic element in the conservative treatment of lateral curvature of the spine. In recent years corrective breathing exercises based on the concepts of C. Lehnert-Schroth have proven to be especially valuable. It is a well-known fact that individual exercises are most effective, especially in advanced scoliosis: however, for epidemiological and organizational reasons it is not possible to extend such individual attention to all those who need it. As a result, group exercises are the dominant from of corrective procedure. It is important, however, for these types of exercises to be adapted to the individual needs of every participant. The only form that can meet this requirement is the so-called “stationary system”. The present authors have been advocating the use of this form for corrective exercises for many years. Given the value of corrective-breathing exercises and the need for these kinds of exercises to be conducted in a group system, the authors have presented here their own conception for rehabilitation, keeping both these elements in mind, including our own modifications of various exercises modeled on the Lehnert-Schroth method. These types of exercises have been woven into the entire system, supported by biofeedback, creating in turn circumstances conducive to shaping the habit of proper posture.

Key words:
Scoliosis, group exercises, stationary system
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Impact of musical performance on the frequency of postural abnormalities in children

Anna Kluszczyńska, Jolanta Kujawa, Mirosław Janiszewski, Ireneusz Pieszyński

Anna Kluszczyńska, Jolanta Kujawa, Mirosław Janiszewski, Ireneusz Pieszyński – Impact of musical performance on the frequency of postural abnormalities in children. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(2); 117-128


Background. An increased load on components of the musculo-skeletal system caused by musical performance can lead to postural abnormalities and overstraining of the musculo-skeletal system in young performing artists. The aim of our research was to investigate the link over the long term between play on musical instruments by children, the type of musical performance, and disturbances of body posture. Material and methods. Our research involved a group of 113 primary music school pupils. The study was conducted in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade pupils, 7, 9 and 11 years of age respectively. The clinical examination consisted of a physical exam and an orthopedic evaluation of the musculo-skeletal system. A questionnaire indicating the type of instrument played and the body posture during play was also used. Results. The postural abnormalities found in this population included scoliotic posture, scoliosis, and thoracic muscle contraction. Many children showed several types of postural abnormalities coexisting. A statistically significant difference in the frequency of postural abnormalities was found, depending on how long the given musical instrument had been played after five years of attendance at the music school. Conclusions. Musical performance may increase the incidence and progression of some body posture disorders in music school pupils. The load imposed by the instrument being played leads to faster development of the clinical symptoms of scoliosis in girls than in boys. The appearance and progression of the body posture disorders may be contingent on how long the musical instrument is played. The progression of clinical symptoms in music school pupils depends on the type of music performance.

Key words:
scoliotic posture, scoliosis, thoracic muscle contracture
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Intraobserver and interobserver variability of the assessment of trunk rotation with Bunnell scoliometer in children with idiopathic scoliosis

Tomasz Kotwicki, Kamila Frydryk, Małgorzata Lorkowska, Aleksander Krawczyński, Andrzej Szulc

Tomasz Kotwicki, Kamila Frydryk, Małgorzata Lorkowska, Aleksander Krawczyński, Andrzej Szulc – Intraobserver and interobserver variability of the assessment of trunk rotation with Bunnell scoliometer in children with idiopathic scoliosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(2); 111-116


Background. Idiopathic scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine. The measurement of vertebral axial rotation is one of the most important parameters in the assessment of a scoliotic curve. Bunnell proposed a device — scoliometer in order to measure the angle of trunk rotation (ATR). Scoliometer has not been described in polish scientific literature. Material and methods. 50 patients (65 scoliotic curves) were examined with Bunnell scoliometer. In the forward bending test position the scoliometer was applied to the surface of the back in the region of maximum deformity, with its „zero” over spinous processes. The exam was made by four independent observers: three senior students of physiotherapy and one orthopaedic surgeon experienced in scoliosis management. One author performed the exam three times. lnterobserver and intraobserver agreement were checked with ANOVA. Rib hump height was measured in millimetres and the correlation with the angle of trunk rotation was calculated. Results. lnterobserver agreement revealed high concordance of measurements (ANOVA, p<0,01). Non-experienced observers demonstrated results parallel to those of an experienced specialist. lntraobserver agreement was also found very high (ANOVA, p<0,01). Strong positive correlation between the rib hump height measurement with a goniometer and the angle of trunk rotation measurement with a scoliometer was found (r=0,92, p<0,05) in thoracic curves (n=30). Conclusion. Scoliometer can be recommended for standard use in the checking of children and adolescents examined for scoliosis. Non-experienced paramedicals can correctly use the device.

Key words:
scoliosis, scoliometer, vertebral rotation
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The effect of vertebral rotation forces on the development of pathological spinal curvatures

Andrzej Mroczkowski, Ewaryst Jaskólski

Andrzej Mroczkowski, Ewaryst Jaskólski – The effect of vertebral rotation forces on the development of pathological spinal curvatures. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(1); 80-86


The main aim of this article is to provide physiotherapists, physicians, corrective exercise instructors and all persons responsible for the prevention and treatment of scoliosis with factual arguments justifying the need to pay more attention to examining the position of the pelvis in children. Early detection of abnormalities in pelvic position is particularly important. An oblique position of the pelvis in the frontal plane may signal the onset of scoliosis of mechanical origin. A persisting pathological oblique position of the pelvis results in changes in the distribution of the force of gravity on individual spinal structures. Starting from the lumbar segment, those changes may give rise to vertebral rotation forces. We investigated S-shaped scolioses to demonstrate a correlation between the location of the costal and lumbar prominences and the direction of the vertebral rotation force. The development of a vertebral rotation force may cause further augmentation of pathological curvatures of the spine. We believe that exercises of pelvic musculature should be employed as a measure to prevent scoliosis, particularly in the lumbar segment. Exercise is indicated for low-grade functional scolioses to facilitate reestablishment of appropriate static equilibrium in pelvic position and, through the pelvis, in the position of the spine. Children who spend much of their time in sitting or standing positions, which leads to insufficient movement, particularly in the pelvis, are the most vulnerable to abnormalities in pelvic position. Insufficient movement within the pelvis can weaken the muscles keeping the pelvis in position. Contemporary programmes of corrective exercise in schools should include exercises to improve the position of the pelvis. Examples of such exercises should be developed since not all methods can be employed in the corrective exercise setting, while at the same time pelvic exercises should be used in a considerable population of children.

Key words:
scoliosis, vertebral rotation, pelvis
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Kinesiotaping application in children with scoliosis

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wojciech Kufel, Bartłomiej Halat, Beata Michalak, Jan Szczegielniak, Wojciech Kiebzak, Tomasz Senderek

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Wojciech Kufel, Bartłomiej Halat, Beata Michalak, Jan Szczegielniak, Wojciech Kiebzak, Tomasz Senderek – Kinesiotaping application in children with scoliosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 370-375

Background. Scoliosis is still a serious problem, despite numerous therapeutic methods. Kinesiotapping (KT) is one of the methods, which can prove helpful in scoliosis treatment. Using proper applications, we can affect alteration of stability line and achieve balance of the spine. Material and methods. The studies were conducted in Zgorzelec Rehabilitation Centre. The participants were 18 children, who stayed there for rehabilitation, including 16 girls and 2 boys. The mean age was 12 years in this group. Changes in the waist angle were evaluated before and after KT application. Results. The obtained results indicate that application of KT in the examined group results in waist angle change, on average by 4 degrees. For left waist angle this mean value is 5.27 degrees, while for the right waist angle it is 2.58 degrees. The highest value for correction was 11.2 degrees. Conclusions. Selected KT techniques result in changes in stability line course, which is also manifested by waist angle change. Due to muscular and fascial tone normalization, the posture of a child with scoliosis changes in the frontal and sagittal plane. KT as a new method, using multiple forms and techniques, seems helpful in carrying out rehabilitation programme for children with scoliosis.
Key words:
scoliosis, KT application, angle of waist
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Treatment of scoliosis – F.E.D. method

Santos Sastre Fernandez

Santos Sastre Fernandez – Treatment of scoliosis – F.E.D. method. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 223-231

The paper presents the application of the FED system (F — fixation, E — elongation D — derotating pressure) in scoliosis treatment. Based on his previous experience, the author once concluded that compressive forces, which cause and worsen bone deformities during bone growth period, may be used in treatment of these deformities, if applied in the contrary direction. Based on this hypothesis, the author started his research, consisting in the development of experimental scoliosis in 25 day old rabbits and using the same asymmetric, dynamic and compressive forces to treat them. The obtained results were markedly good when comparing the treated and untreated animals. In 1989 he and his coworkers designed an experimental prototype of the FED system to achieve similar therapeutic effects in humans. For about 15 years he has treat-ed patients with spine defects, mainly idiopathic scoliosis and frequently during their growth period. The therapeutic program comprises special physiotherapy with electrotherapy and thermal therapy, followed by the application of external corrective forces to spinal curvatures. The treatment results in significant improvement in bones, cartilages, discs and orthostatic pos-tural control. It reduces and/or eliminates symptoms including pain, stiffness and instability, both in children and adults. The method is applicable and, in most cases, it allows to avoid surgical intervention.
Key words:
external forces, spine deformities, scoliosis, physiotherapy
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