Kokiu būdu nešant keturių kilogramų mokyklinę kuprinę mažiausiai ir labiausiai sutrikdoma 7 metų abiejų lyčių mokinių kūno laikysena?

Mirosław Mrozkowiak


Mirosław Mrozkowiak –Which way of carrying a four-kilogram schoolbag disturbs the body posture the least and which disturbs the most in 7-year-old students of both sexes? Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 6-29

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20B24g

Santrauka Įvadas. Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti, kuris iš analizuojamų nešiojimo būdų rodo stipriausią ir silpniausią ryšį su vertėmis po dešimties minučių apkrovos keturių kilogramų mokykline kuprine po dviejų minučių atsigavimo. Medžiaga, metodas. Kūno laikysenos tyrimas buvo atliekamas tarp 65 septynerių metų vaikų naudojant projekcijos moarė metodą keturiose pozicijose: 1- įprasta pozicija, 2- po dešimties minučių apkrovos, 3 – po vienos minutės nuo apkrovos pašalinimo ir 4- po dviejų minučių nuo apkrovos pašalinimo. Rezultatai. Buvo analizuojamas priekinių, šoninių ir skersinių plokštumų požymių skirtumų įprastoje pozicijoje koreliacija su vertėmis po dešimties minučių apkrovos keturių kilogramų mokykline kuprine bei po dviejų minučių atsigavimo. Išvados. (1) Nešant keturių kilogramų svorį dvejose lygiaverčiose talpyklose ant krūtinės ir nugaros arba vienoje ant nugaros, kūno laikysenos statika septynmečio mokinio sutrikdoma mažiausiai. (2) Kūno laikysenos požymių vertės visiškai atsistato nešant dvejas lygiaverčias talpyklas ant krūtinės ir nugaros arba vieną ant nugaros. (3) Neigiamiausi kūno laikysenos požymių vertės pokyčiai nešant ir atstatant įvyksta, kai kuprinė nešama ant krūtinės ir traukiama dešine arba kaire ranka.

Raktažodžiai: vaikų sveikata, moirės topografija, fizinė būklė, laikysenos asimetrijos veiksnys

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Różnica wpływu na cechy postawy ciała w transporcie masy przyborów szkolnych na prawym lub lewym barku przez 7-letnich uczniów obojga płci

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

Mirosław Mrozkowiak – The difference of the influence of the weight of school supplies on body posture features in carrying on the right or left shoulder by 7-year-old students of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 32-58

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG143751


Wstęp. Periodycznie, na przełomie sierpnia i września, podnosi się problem przeciążania dzieci zbyt ciężkimi plecakami szkolnymi i sugeruje wpływ tego obciążenia na inicjację różnych dysfunkcji, nie tylko w obrębie kręgosłupa.
Materiał, metoda. Badania postawy ciała przeprowadzono w grupie 65 uczniów w wieku 7 lat metodą mory projekcyjnej w 8 pozycjach. Pierwsza – postawa habitualna, druga – po 10-minutowym asymetrycznym obciążeniu na lewym lub prawym barku, trzecia – po jednej minucie od zdjęcia obciążenia, czwarta – po dwóch minutach od zdjęcia obciążenia. Dokonano pomiaru sprawności fizycznej testem Sekity.
Wyniki. Analizowano istotność różnic między 1 a 2, 1 a 3, 1 a 4, 2 a 3, 3 a 4 pomiarem dla określenia wpływu obciążenia oraz korelacji różnic ze sprawnością fizyczną. Zbadano także, który sposób transportu mniej zaburza postawę ciała.
1. Transport 4-kilogramowej masy przyborów szkolnych na lewym lub prawym barku tak samo istotnie i negatywnie zaburza biomechaniczną statykę ciała 7-letniego dziecka, co może w dłuższej perspektywie czasu wywołać błędy, a w konsekwencji wady postawy ciała. W związku z tym nie należy zalecać tego sposobu transportu przyborów szkolnych uczniom klas pierwszych.
2. Sprawność fizyczna ma większe znaczenie w zaburzeniach biomechanicznej statyki postawy ciała w płaszczyźnie czołowej niż w strzałkowej i poprzecznej oraz wśród chłopców niż dziewcząt. Wytrzymałość i siła wykazuje najczęstsze związki ze zmianami wielkości cech postawy ciała, przy czym w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej i poprzecznej największe znaczenie ma szybkość i siła, a w czołowej wytrzymałość i siła.
3. Restytucja wielkości żadnej z analizowanych cech postawy ciała nie była pełna po 1. i 2. minucie od zaprzestania transportu na lewym i prawym barku, co świadczy o niskiej sprawności ogólnej i niedojrzałych procesach korekcyjno-kompensacyjnych.

Słowa kluczowe:
zdrowie dzieci, mora projekcyjna, sprawność fizyczna, wskaźnik asymetrii postawy

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Monitoring of functional ability, mobility and quality of life in seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pavol Nechvátal, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová, Tomáš Uher, Michal Macej, Gabriela Škrečková


Pavol Nechvátal, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová, Tomáš Uher, Michal Macej, Gabriela Škrečková – Monitoring of functional ability, mobility and quality of life in seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 92-95

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DFB8A


Aim. The aim of the work is to map the functional fitness, level of mobility and quality of life of seniors at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods. The study group consisted of 130 seniors from the Prešov Region, with an average age of 74.1 (max. 94, min. 65) years and an average Body Mass Index (BMI) of 27.13 (max. 41.09, min 16.00). There were 54 men (41.5%), with an average age of 74.3 years and an average BMI of 26.78, women with an average age of 74.0 years and an average BMI of 27.37. In all seniors we assessed physical fitness by Senior Fitness Test, level of mobility by the Up & go test and quality of life and mental health by the WHOQOL-BREF test during the lockdown in COVID-19 pandemic.
Results. Seniors living in rural areas (t = -2,341; p = 0.020) and living alone (t = -2.05; p = 0.042) had slightly higher rate of mild obesity (according to BMI). Seniors living alone had a lower quality of life compared with seniors living partner or family member (t = 3.728; p < 0.001). Finally, seniors living in rurar areas had worse physical (t = 3.113; p = 0.002) and mental health status (t = 2.601; p = 0.010). Women had slightly worse mental health status than men (t = 2.308; p = 0.022).
Conclusions. Restrictions on movement due to the COVID-19 pandemic put seniors who live alone, at risk, especially women. Men show higher resistance to these measures, mostly in physical and psychological health area.
Key words:
COVID-19, movement activity, physical fitness, quality of life, seniors
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Restitution of the size of postural features in the frontal plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right and left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

Mirosław Mrozkowiak – Restitution of the size of postural features in the frontal plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right and left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 6-21

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07BFF3


Introduction. The analysis of the pupil’s environment is a set of stressors in the field of human ecology consisting not only of the genetic factor but also of the epigenetic one. Material and methods. The study of body posture was carried out in a group of 65 pupils at the age of 7, using the mora projection method in the following eight positions: (four positions for the right-hand thrust and four for the left-hand thrust): 1- habitual posture, 2 – posture after pulling a container with school supplies with one hand for 10 minutes, 3 – one minute after removing the load, 4 – two minutes after removing the load. The measurement of physical fitness was performed using the Sekita test. Results. The significance of differences between measurement 1, 2, 3, and 4 was analysed to determine the restitution of the size of traits after loading and their correlation with physical fitness to examine the relationship with the studied differences. Conclusions. (1) After removing the load, statistically significant restitution occurred after the first and second minute. Restitution was incomplete. (2) In right-hand carriage by boys, endurance significantly correlated with restitution, and among girls it was additionally speed and agility. As regards girls, physical fitness revealed more frequent relationships with restitution. (3) In left-hand carriage by boys, after the first minute, restitution correlated with endurance, power, agility and overall physical fitness, and after two minutes, additionally with strength, while among girls with strength, power, and endurance. After two minutes, restitution correlated with speed and agility in addition to the abovementioned postural features. As far as girls are concerned, physical fitness more often correlated with restitution. (4) Due to incomplete restitution after one and two minutes, asymmetrical carriage is not recommended to children aged 7 years. Physical fitness demonstrated by children does not lead to full restitution of the examined postural features, which suggests its low level and immature correctional and compensational processes.

Słowa kluczowe:
schoolbags, body posture, mora projection, physical fitness, restitution

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Do Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and levels of physical activity help to maintain fitness status? Study on futsal women’s

Mochamad Ridwan, Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Arifah Kaharina, Himawan Putranta

Mochamad Ridwan, Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Arifah Kaharina, Himawan Putranta – Do Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and levels of physical activity help to maintain fitness status? Study on futsal women’s. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 38-43

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG1A6R1m

Introduction. The level of fitness is fundamental in the athlete’s success in achieving optimum performance. Aim. This paper aims to know the rate of recommended dietary allowances (RDA) and the physical activity to stay fit. Material and Methods. Analytical observational analysis with the cross-sectional design was the approach used in this study. Participants in this study is women’s futsal player of 16 subjects was selected for measures of physical health, macronutrient consumption, nutritional status, nutritional awareness, and level of physical activity. Fitness levels were assessed using a Multi-stage Fitness Test (MFT), and nutritional knowledge and physical activity with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Analysis of data is carried out in univariate, bivariate, and multivariate form using statistical software. Results. The findings of this analysis are that energy consumption, carbohydrates, and proteins are all under the RDA for most female futsal athletes. Nutritional status is not a significant relation with the degree of fitness. Better dietary awareness may enable us to pay more attention to safer and more healthy eating behavior. The conclusion is that the average intake of calories, carbohydrates, and proteins in most female futsal athletes is still well below the RDA. Nutritional status has no significant relationship with fitness level. Good nutritional knowledge will encourage a person to pay more attention to his eating behavior to be healthier and more balanced. Conclusions. The conclusion is that the average intake of energy, carbohydrates, and protein in most female futsal athletes is still far below the recommended Nutritional Adequacy Rate (RDA).

futsal, physical activity, physical fitness, recommended dietary allowances

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Restitution of the size of postural features in the sagittal and transverse plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right or left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

Mirosław Mrozkowiak – Restitution of the size of postural features in the sagittal and transverse plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right or left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 78-95

Material, methods. The study covered 65 pupils aged 7, using the mora projection method in four positions: 1 – habitual posture 2 – posture after pulling a container with supplies with right hand for 10 minutes, then with left hand, 3 – one minute after removing the load, 4 – two minutes after removing the load. Physical fitness was measured using the Sekita test. Significance of differences between measurement 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 was analysed to determine restitution of the size of traits after loading and correlation with physical fitness to examine the relationship with differences. Conclusions. (1) Having excluded the load of transported mass, statistically significant restitution occurred after one and two minutes. Restitution was incomplete and independent of gender. (2) In right-hand transport by boys, after one minute, speed and strength significantly correlated with restitution, and after two minutes, endurance, speed, strength and agility correlated with it. Among girls, after one minute, restitution correlated with strength, and after two minutes with endurance and strength. (3) In left-hand transport by boys, after one minute, restitution correlated with strength, power agility and overall fitness, and after two minutes, with endurance, speed, agility and overall physical fitness. Among girls, after one minute, restitution correlated with endurance, speed, strength and agility, after two minutes, with endurance, speed, agility and overall fitness. (4) Due to incomplete restitution of the size of posture, asymmetrical transport is not recommended to 7-year-old children. Physical fitness in children does not cause complete restitution of examined postural.
Key words:
schoolbags, body posture, mora projection, physical fitness, restitution
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Changes in the level of physical fitness in visually impaired children in the context of rehabilitation

Anna Cabak

Anna Cabak – Changes in the level of physical fitness in visually impaired children in the context of rehabilitation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(2); 146-152

Background. The main aim of the research was to show positive changes in the level of physical fitness among visually impaired children with age. Physical fitness is also presented as an extremely useful measure of general health for purposes of rehabilitation. Material and methods. 213 children took part in the study (101 blind and 112 partially sighted), ranging in age from 7 to 15 years. The Universal Fitness Test developed by S. Pilicz was applied. The physical fitness level was evaluated on the basis of 3 motor features. Results and Conclusions. The results showed a diminishing gap in terms of physical fitness between visually impaired children and normally seeing peers with age, particularly in respect to blind children.

Key words:
Physical Fitness, blind and partially sighted children, motor development

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Height body mass, and physical fitness in girls and boys with and without posture defects in the former province of Rzeszów, Poland

Krzysztof Kołodziej, Andrzej Kwolek, Krystyna Lewicka, Teresa Pop, Grzegorz Przysada

Krzysztof Kołodziej, Andrzej Kwolek, Krystyna Lewicka, Teresa Pop, Grzegorz Przysada – Height body mass, and physical fitness in girls and boys with and without posture defects in the former province of Rzeszów, Poland. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(2); 113-119

Background. The purpose of our study was to evaluate differences in the growth and physical fitness of school-age children and youth, with and without posture defects, in the former voivodeship of Rzeszów, Poland Material and methods. The research involved 3117 children of both sexes, ranging in age from 7 to 14 years, enrolled in 44 primary schools during the period 1996-1997. The children were divided into two groups, those with posture defects and those without. The examinations were performed by visual (descriptive) inspection. Posteriorly, we evaluated the carriage of the head, shoulders, shoulder blades, and pelvis, and the type of feet (acc. to Bochenek); anteriorly – carriage of the shoulder line, waist triangles, and carriage of the knees; laterally – carriage of the head and shoulders and the curvature of the spine. A characterization of the particular posture defects will be the topic of a separate study. Results. The average height and body mass of boys and girls without defects are greater than in children with defects. In exercises to measure physical fitness, children without posture defects obtained better results than those with defects. Conclusions. The results confirmed the working hypothesis that there are differences in the growth and physical fitness of girls and boys with and without posture defects. In order to reduce differences in physical fitness between children and youth with and without posture defects, measures should be taken in the schools to prevent posture defects and detect them earlier; check-ups and correctional measures should be made available for children in school or in a Posture Defects Outpatient Clinic.

Key words:
morphological features (height and body mass), Physical Fitness, posture defects

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Assessment of the relationship between the level of physical fitness and the quality of life among women over 60 years old attending physical activity classes in comparison with their non – training peers

Dominika Drelich, Katarzyna Michalak, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska

Dominika Drelich, Katarzyna Michalak, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska – Assessment of the relationship between the level of physical fitness and the quality of life among women over 60 years old attending physical activity classes in comparison with their non – training peers. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(5); 150-159

Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of regular physical activity on the level of general fitness and quality of life in women over 60 years of age.
Materials and methods. The study included 36 healthy women (18 training and 18 non-training) over 60 years old, among whom the Senior Fitness Test and the WHOQOL–BREF questionnaire were carried out
Results. The analysis of the U Mann-Whitney test showed statistically significant differences for most of the variables between the study groups (p < 0.05) in the Senior Fitness Test (except for the Arm Bending Test, p = 0.137) in favor of training women. Based on the results of the shortened version of the WHOQOL–BREF questionnaire, it was observed that seniors who attend physical exercises consider their standard of living as significantly better than their non-training peers.
1) Women over 60 years old who regularly attend physical activities, show significantly higher level of physical fitness compared to inactive peers.
2) Active seniors consider their standard of living to be significantly better than that of non-training women.
3) A high level of physical fitness positively correlates with the overall life quality.


Key words:
physical fitness, quality of life, Senior Fitness Test, WHOQOL – BREF
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The impact of weight of school supplies transported by pulling with the left or right hand on body posture features in the frontal plane of 7-year-old students of both sexes

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

M. Mrozkowiak – The impact of weight of school supplies transported by pulling with the left or right hand on body posture features in the frontal plane of 7-year-old students of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(4); 78-92

Introduction. The analysis of a student’s environment involves a set of stressors in the field of human ecology, including not only genetic but also epigenetic factors.
Material, method. Body posture examinations were carried out in a group of 65 students aged 7, using the moiré projection method in eight positions: 1 – habitual posture, 2 – posture after 10 minutes of pulling a container with school supplies with one hand, 3 – one minute after removing the load, 4 – two minutes after removing the load. Physical fitness was measured using the Sekita test, supplemented with an endurance test. The significance of differences between measurements 1 and 2 was analysed to determine the impact of load and its correlation with physical fitness, to study its impact on the value of differences in body posture features. Conclusions. 1. Transport of school supplies by pulling a container with the left or right hand causes significant changes in the values of selected body posture features of girls and boys. It should be assumed that these changes will be even greater the heavier the weight of the container, the longer the transport time and the greater the intensity of physical effort. Therefore, this method of transporting school supplies by first-grade students should not be recommended. 2. The level of general physical fitness has a diversified impact on the scope of changes in body posture features as a result of the adopted method of transport of school supplies. Among boys, the impact is significant, and among girls only when pulling with the right hand. Taking into account individual abilities, among boys, the value of posture features is affected by speed, power, endurance and agility, and among girls, additionally by strength.

Key words:
backpack, body posture, projection moiré, physical fitness

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