Impairement of functional ability in patients with Parkinson’s disease, a qualitative study

Mabel Manoj Mathew, Suresh J.

Mabel Manoj Mathew, Suresh J. – Impairement of functional ability in patients with Parkinson’s disease, a qualitative study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 48-54



Background. Population studies on the incidence of Parkinson’s are important to scientists’ understanding of the history of the disease, its progression, and the risk factors associated with it. Information about the incidence in different age groups and genders can help healthcare experts design strategies to meet patients’ needs. Objective. To understand the subjective functional Impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Methodology. It is a qualitative study with a sample size of 10, including Parkinson’s disease patients between the age group of 40 to 70 years. The interviews of the patients were conducted either through phone calls or zoom calls depending on their convenience. Results. The most mentioned complaints by the patients included in the study are, tremor, masked face, a fixed expression, difficulty in talking, slowness of movement, unsteadiness while walking, fear of fall, short-stepped gait, forward bent or stooped posture, and freezing episodes. Patients require only minimal assistance from caregivers or family members to do their daily activities (n = 4) and are majorly dependent on others for their day-to-day requirements (n = 3), completely dependent, and bedridden (n = 1). Conclusion: According to the data collected from the patients, it can be concluded that patients with Parkinson’s disease develop difficulties in their functional activities and end up with activity limitations as the disease progresses and the symptoms worsen.

Parkinson’s disease, quality of life, motor symptoms, activity limitations, functional ability

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Comparative analysis of the functional status of women with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint

Małgorzata Kilon, Agnieszka Przedborska, Joanna Kostka, Jan W. Raczkowski

Małgorzata Kilon, Agnieszka Przedborska, Joanna Kostka, Jan W. Raczkowski – Comparative analysis of the functional status of women with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 134-142

Objective. The objective of the study was to compare the level of functional efficiency and factors influencing it in women after the age of 50 with advanced osteoarthritis of the hip (coxarthrosis) or knee (gonarthrosis) joint.
Material and methods. The study included 70 women aged 50–90 years with coxarthrosis (n = 35) or gonarthrosis (n = 35), stage 3 according to the Kellegren-Lawrence scale.
The functional status was assessed based on the Tinetti test and the Two-scales test. The Likert scale rated pain, stiffness, and the difficulty of getting up and putting on socks. The quality of life was assessed using a 100-point scale.
Results. Women with coxarthrosis achieved worse results in the Tinetti test in the part concerning gait (p < 0.01) and balance (p < 0.05). Pain and stiffness determined the results of most tests. Patients with gonarthrosis had greater problems with walking on flat surfaces and with getting up from a chair (p < 0.001). Pain determined difficulties when walking and putting on socks, and stiffness influenced difficulties in walking, standing up, putting on socks, and the results of the Tinetti test.
1. Stiffness and pain deteriorate functional efficiency in women with coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis.
2. Greater problems with gait and balance occur in women with coxarthrosis, while women with gonarthrosis have greater difficulties with walking on flat surfaces and getting up from a chair.
Key words:
osteoarthritis, hip joints, knee joints, functional efficiency, Tinetti test
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Influence of classical massage on pain and functional state of people with lumbar discopathy

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Sławomir Jandziś, Patryk Zygmunt

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Sławomir Jandziś, Patryk Zygmunt – Influence of classical massage on pain and functional state of people with lumbar discopathy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 8-18

Introduction. Pain in the lumbar spine is a medical and social problem in highly developed countries. In Europe, about 25-43% of people suffer from them. Approximately 25-60% of patients suffer from chronic, progressive ailments, which lead to both incapacity for work and limitation of activities of daily living. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of classic massage on pain and functional state of people with lumbar discopathy.
Material and methods. The study included 61 people aged 45–50, attending therapy at the Independent Public Health Care Facility in Leżajsk due to pain in the lumbar spine. Patients were classified into 2 groups, depending on the applied rehabilitation program. The research tool was the NRS scale and questionnaires: ODI i RMDQ. The Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon test, Pearson linear correlation and Spearman rank correlation were used for analyses.
Results. After treatment statistically significant reduction of pain and improvement of functional efficiency were noted in both groups. A statistically significant positive relationship was found between the amount of improvement in functional capacity assessed by the ODI questionnaire and the age of patients (R = 0.43; p = 0.026).
Conclusions. Classical massage has an effect on relieving pain and improving functional performance in people with lumbar discopathy. There are relationships between functional performance and age in people with lumbar discopathy. The improvement in functional performance is smaller with age. Body build is not a factor affecting the severity of pain and functional performance of people with lumbar discopathy.
Key words:
lumbar spine, pain, functional efficiency
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Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in low back pain treatment

Barbara Ratajczak, Ewa Boerner, Arletta Hawrylak, Aneta Demidaś

Barbara Ratajczak, Ewa Boerner, Arletta Hawrylak, Aneta Demidaś – Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in low back pain treatment. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(2); 179-188

Background. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of TENS and its impact on pain intensity, mobility range and functional capacity of the spine in subjects with a diagnosed lumbar discopathy. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 40 patients with a diagnosed lumbar discopathy. This group was subjected to TENS therapy. The intensity of pain, functional status and mobility range of the lumbar spine in the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes were assessed in all patients before and after the therapy.Results. The results indicate that functional capacity correlates significantly with pain level. The sensation of pain is the main determinant of patients’ physical and mental well-being. It is reflected both in differences in pain level owing to TENS (the patients’ physical and mental state was getting better along with decreasing pain level) and in the values of this parameter before and after the TENS therapy. The observed differences were statistically significant, allowing the conclusion that functional capacity correlates significantly with pain intensity.Conclusion. Pain intensity decreased considerably under the influence of TENS, which also had a marked effect on increasing lumbar flexion range in the sagittal plane. The patient’s functional capacity improved significantly with TENS and, consequently, so did their general physical and mental well-being.
Key words:
discopathy, transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation, pain, functional fitness test
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Effect of an inpatient Active Rehabilitation programme on functional performance of patients following a cervical spinal cord injury

Piotr Józefowski, Rafał Szafraniec, Jan Szczegielniak

Piotr Józefowski, Rafał Szafraniec, Jan Szczegielniak – Effect of an inpatient Active Rehabilitation programme on functional performance of patients following a cervical spinal cord injury. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(1); 21-29

The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a single administration of an inpatient programme of Active Rehabilitation on the functional performance of people with high spinal cord injury. The study involved 23 men between the ages of 17 and 30 years with tetraplegia due to spinal cord injury in the cervical segment. Group 1 was composed of patients with damage at the level of C6 (n = 22), and Group II consisted of patients with damage at the level of C7 (n = 11). Patients were evaluated immediately before the beginning of the programme (TEST I) and on its completion (TEST II) using the Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM) scale.Mean SCIM increased from 32.8 to 43.5 in the C6 group, and from 43.7 to 53.9 in the C7 group. Improved SCIM scores were noted in both groups in all of the domains surveyed: self-care, respiration and sphincter management, and indoor and outdoor mobility.A fourteen-day inpatient programme of Active Rehabilitation appeared to have a significant impact on improving functional performance in the patients after spinal cord injury at the C6 and C7 level in all aspects examined, even when the damage had occurred 14-17 months before the treatment began.
Key words:
spinal cord injury, Active Rehabilitation, functional performance, SCIM
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Comparison of the effectiveness of two health resort therapy programs in office workers with the pain in the cervical spine occurring in the course of degenerative changes

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Kamila Dobrucka, Izabela Zbrońska

E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, K. Dobrucka, I. Zbrońska – Comparison of the effectiveness of two health resort therapy programs in office workers with the pain in the cervical spine occurring in the course of degenerative changes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 126-135

Background. Back problems become a medical and social problem in the era of modern civilization. Wide variety of pain syndromes, their recurrent character and persisting pain in chronic cases prompts the search for effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of two spa therapy programs in alleviating pain and eliminating functional limitations in office workers with degenerative disease of the cervical spine.
Material and methods. The study involved 144 office workers aged 45-55, staying on a rehabilitation stay due to pain in the cervical spine caused by degenerative changes. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the rehabilitation programme administered. Research tools was functional tests of the cervical spine (Valsalva, Kernig, compression test and traction test), linear measurements of ranges of cervical spine, NRS scale and NDI questionnaire. The data were analyzed based on the Chi-square test, Student t test, Mann Whitney U test, Wilcoxon test.
Results. In both groups, after improvement, a statistically significant improvement was noted in terms of functional test results, cervical spine movement ranges, NRS scale values and NDI index. The differences in the results obtained in Test II in relation to I were significantly greater for patients from group I. The application of both therapeutic programs had an effect on alleviating pain and improving functional capacity.
Conclusions. Application of both programs contributed to the relief intensity of pain and improved functional capacity, however, the extent of improvement was significantly greater in the case of patients subjected to a program containing mud therapy.

Key words:
cervical spine, pain, functional capacity, balneotherapy

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Funkcjonalne aspekty terapii zajęciowej

Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak

Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak – The functional aspects of occupational therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 78-85

Podstawową intencją terapii zajęciowej jest zmniejszanie ograniczeń funkcjonalnych lub całkowita ich likwidacja wraz z dążeniem do uzyskania, na miarę posiadanych możliwości psychofizycznych samodzielności, samowystarczalności i niezależności. Celem pracy jest wskazanie na terapię zajęciową jako środka w dążeniu do doskonalenia sprawności funkcjonalnej, niezbędnej do wykonywania codziennych czynności i zajęć.
Funkcje w medycynie oznaczają czynności oraz wiele procesów fizjologicznych, mających zasadnicze znaczenie w pracy organizmu jako całości. W terapii zajęciowej poprzez określenie „funkcja” rozumie się szereg czynności, które uczestnik terapii jest w stanie wykonać. W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono uwarunkowania przywracania funkcji ruchowych, które terapeuta zajęciowy powinien uwzględnić w swojej pracy zawodowej.

Słowa kluczowe:
terapia zajęciowa, sprawność funkcjonalna, dysfunkcja

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Fizjoterapeuta – predyspozycje zawodowe. Poziom gibkości

Weronika Gallert-Kopyto, Andrzej Knapik, Dagmara Wasiuk-Zowada, Anna Brzęk, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Andrzej Szopa

W. Gallert-Kopyto, A. Knapik, D. Wasiuk-Zowada, A. Brzęk, M. Domagalska-Szopa, A. Szopa – Physiotherapist – occupational predispositions. Level of flexibility. FP 2016; 16(4); 130-140


Wstęp. Możliwie wysoki poziom sprawności funkcjonalnej jest nie tylko podstawą dobrostanu człowieka, ale odgrywa też istotną rolę w pełnieniu ról społecznych, w tym funkcji zawodowych. Wśród zawodów, gdzie sprawność fizyczna jest istotnym elementem jakości wykonywanej pracy, jest zawód fizjoterapeuty. Jedną ze składowych sprawności fizycznej jest gibkość. W zawodach cechujących się zmiennością pozycji oraz różnym obciążeniem wysiłkiem właściwy poziom gibkości wydaje się mieć szczególne znaczenie.
Cel pracy. Celem badań było określenie poziomu ruchomości (gibkości) tułowia wśród studentów fizjoterapii. Postanowiono również zbadać w jakim stopniu takie zmienne jak płeć, wiek, parametry morfologiczne, przeszła oraz aktualna aktywność fizyczna mają związek z prezentowanym poziomem gibkości.
Materiał i metody. Zbadano 341 osób: 289 kobiet (84,25% ogółu) i 52 mężczyzn (15,25%). Średnia wieku w badanej grupie wynosiła: 20.26 lat (SD=1.69) dla kobiet; 19.85 lat (SD=1.73) dla mężczyzn. Byli to studenci kierunku fizjoterapia.
Zebrano dane dotyczące wieku, przeszłości sportowej oraz aktywności fizycznej – według kwestionariusz Baecke. Wykonano pomiary antropometryczne oraz trójpłaszczyznowy pomiar gibkości kręgosłupa.
Wyniki. Odnotowano słabe związki parametrów morfologicznych z gibkością – tylko u kobiet. Aktywność fizyczna silnie różnicuje poziom gibkości u kobiet w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej (p<.05) i poprzecznej (p<.001; p<.002), podobnie przeszłość sportowa: płaszczyzna strzałkowa: p<.001 i poprzeczna strona lewa (p<.05). U mężczyzn tylko przeszłość sportowa różnicowała gibkość w płaszczyźnie poprzecznej dla strony prawej (p<.05)
Wnioski. Poziom gibkości jest zróżnicowany indywidualnie, szczególnie w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej. Płeć, wiek oraz parametry morfologiczne u młodych, dorosłych są słabo powiązane z gibkością. Przeszła oraz aktualna aktywność fizyczna wykazują korzystny wpływ na sprawność funkcjonalną tułowia.

Słowa kluczowe:
sprawność funkcjonalna, gibkość tułowia, aktywność fizyczna, trójpłaszczyznowa ocena gibkości, zawód fizjoterapeuty

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