The Obstacles that encounter Jordanian Citizens to Adhere to Physiotherapy Sessions
Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad Al-nassan, Amjad Shallan, Mohammad Etoom
Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad Al-nassan, Amjad Shallan, Mohammad Etoom – The Obstacles that encounter Jordanian Citizens to Adhere to Physiotherapy Sessions. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 134-140
Aim. to know the obstacles that encounter patients in Jordan to adhere to physical therapy treatment. Material and Method. A survey was developed based on the available literature reviews. A pilot survey was tested on a small sample of physiotherapy clients at one center to assess time and the ease of completion. After the pilot survey was completed, the survey was revised and modified, and the final electronic version was developed. Results. The study found varied level of adherence to the physiotherapy sessions, and adherence to the physiotherapist recommendations. The adherence to physiotherapy sessions was about 54.3% ranged between 61.9% in governmental sectors, and 80% in private sectors. However, the adherence to physiotherapy recommendations was lesser as be estimated to be about 50% (66.7% in governmental sectors, and 60% in private sectors). Conclusion. This Study indicates that there are varieties of reasons that encounter Jordanian citizens to adhere to physiotherapy sessions. One of the main reason in private center is based on cost of session but there are lot of reasons that limiting adhere the session related to the patients states and Circumstances in both private and government, since we could not determine the actual main cause of non-adhere.
Key words:
physical therapy, sessions, obstacles
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