S-E-T: Possibilities for use in coxarthrosis deformans
Mirosław Kokosz, Rafał Gnat, Lech Wojdyła, Jacek Mańka
Mirosław Kokosz, Rafał Gnat, Lech Wojdyła, Jacek Mańka – S-E-T: Possibilities for use in coxarthrosis deformans. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(4); 411-418
The purpose of this article is to describe the mechanisms that ensure the stability of the hip joint. In the first part, the passive and active control subsystems are explained, as well as the controlling function of the nervous system. This feed-forward mechanism protects the musculo-skeletal system from dangerous overuse in both static and dynamic conditions. The second part of the article gives the main rules for therapeutic intervention and some examples of stability exercises that can be used in cases of coxartrosis deformans.
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