
Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa


Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa – Effect of whole-body vibration training on leg venous properties in children –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 202-209

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AHL1

结论。为了全面评估WBV对脑瘫儿童下肢静脉流动质量的影响,有必要将研究组扩大到包括不同功能水平(GMFCS I-V)和不同下肢痉挛程度的脑瘫儿童的代表性样本。

脑瘫, 全身振动, 多普勒超声, 静脉流, 下肢

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Wpływ stresu prenatalnego na rozwój motoryczny niemowląt

Martyna Franecka, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Andrzej Szopa

Martyna Franecka, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Andrzej Szopa –Effects of prenatal stress on infant motor development. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 327-338

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20BiRS

Wprowadzenie. Badanie miało na celu ustalenie związku pomiędzy doświadczanym przez kobiety stresem w czasie ciąży (prenatal maternal stress; PMS) oraz czynnikami ryzyka okołoporodowego a rozwojem motorycznym niemowląt, ocenianym skalą Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS).
Cel pracy. Postawiono hipotezę, że niemowlęta, których matki doświadczyły PMS, osiągają niższy poziom rozwoju motorycznego w pierwszym roku życia w porównaniu z niemowlętami matek, które nie doświadczyły PMS.
Materiał i metodyka. Przebadano 171 kobiet oraz 179 ich dzieci. Badane podzielono na dwie grupy: 1) matki, które doświadczały PMS oraz 2) matki, które nie doświadczały PMS. Taki sam klucz zastosowano, dzieląc badane niemowlęta na dwie podgrupy: 1) niemowlęta kobiet doświadczających PMS oraz 2) niemowlęta kobiet niedoświadczających PMS. Każde niemowlę zostało ocenione przy użyciu standaryzowanego narzędzia AIMS.
Wyniki. Wyniki badania sugerują, iż niemowlęta matek doświadczających PMS osiągają niższe wyniki w ocenie neurorozwojowej, utrzymujące się co najmniej 12 miesięcy od urodzenia niż niemowlęta matek niedoświadczających PMS. Ponadto wykazano związek pomiędzy stresem w ciąży a wiekiem ciążowym, rodzajem porodu, urodzeniową masą ciała oraz punktacją Apgar.
Wnioski. Stres doświadczany przez matki w trakcie ciąży może wpłynąć na rozwój motoryczny w okresie niemowlęcym. Nie pozostaje również bez znaczenia dla czynników okołoporodowych, takich jak tydzień i rodzaj porodu, urodzeniowa masa ciała, punktacja Apgar.

Słowa kluczowe:
stres w czasie ciąży, rozwój motoryczny niemowląt

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Patrycja Paszek-Jemilianowicz, Izabela Maciejewska-Paszek, Andrzej Szopa

Patrycja Paszek-Jemilianowicz, Izabela Maciejewska-Paszek, Andrzej Szopa – Range of motion of the upper limb among right and left-handed table tennis players aged 7-10. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 75-84

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20B0Yj

材料与方法。该研究涵盖了103名乒乓球运动员,他们至少在西里西亚体育俱乐部拥有一年的执照 – 其中32名女孩和71名男孩年龄在7-10岁之间。参加研究的一个入选标准是每周至少参加三次训练。在儿童中,使用惯性GYKO装置测量上肢活动范围。收集的结果进行了统计分析,使用非参数U Mann Whitney测试。
结论。在运动员中,发现了持球手与右上肢和左上肢在屈曲和外展动作期间活动范围之间的关系(p < 0.05)。参与者在他们打乒乓球的上肢有明显更大的活动范围。研究表明,在西里西亚省的年轻乒乓球运动员中,需要进行治疗程序以增加非持球手的活动范围。
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The direction of primary lateral spinal curvature and distribution of body mass on base of support in children with scoliosis I°

Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Szopa

Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Szopa – The direction of primary lateral spinal curvature and distribution of body mass on base of support in children with scoliosis I°. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 112-121

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG1A6z2j

Introduction. As a result of subjective functional assessment, disturbances in the symmetry of body weight distribution on the support plane are commonly observed in children and adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between the direction of the primary curvature and the body weight distribution on the ground in children with idiopathic scoliosis.
Method. Two groups (the study group and the control group) of children aged 7–11 were included in the study. The study group consisted of 96 children rehabilitated due to scoliosis in rehabilitation centres. The control group included children of the corresponding age, height and weight in comparison to the study group. The main element of the study involved measurements of the percentage body weight distribution on the support plane between the “convex” and “concave” side of the body while maintaining a standing position on both legs.
Results. Based on the value of the symmetry index and the direction of the primary curvature, the following subgroups were distinguished among the children with scoliosis: children with symmetrical body weight distribution on the support plane (21%); children with asymmetric body weight distribution on the support plane overloading the convex side (51%) and children overloading the concave side (28%).
Conclusion. The occurrence of symmetry disorders in the body weight distribution on the support plane in children with idiopathic scoliosis requires taking these features into account in the early stage of rehabilitation of these children.

Key words:
scoliosis, compensating postural patterns, distribution of body mass on the surface

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Body composition and spasticity in children with bilateral cerebral palsy

Lawia Szkoda, Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa

Lawia Szkoda, Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa – Body composition and spasticity in children with bilateral cerebral palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 174-185

Objective. The objective of this study was to identify the correlation between body composition of children with cerebral palsy and the degree of spasticity in the muscles of the lower limbs.
Material and methods. The study included a group of 59 independently walking children aged 8 to 16 with spastic diplegia. The control group included 59 children without central movement disorders – students at Primary School No. 25 in Sosnowiec. The research included: 1) assessment of body composition and its components using the TANITA MC-780 S MA scale; 2) assessment of the degree of spasticity according to the modified Ashworth scale; 3) calculations of BMI indices in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and BMI OLAF developed by the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw.
Results. The most severe spasticity, both in the right and left lower limbs, was observed in the extensors of the ankle joint. In turn, the mildest spasticity was observed in the group of flexors of the knee joint of the right and left lower limbs. The greater the degree of spasticity in the muscles of the lower limbs, the greater the deficit in fat-free mass and muscle mass in the lower limbs.
Conclusions. Children with CP have deficits in terms of muscle mass. The deficit of muscle tissue depends on the degree of spasticity of the proximal muscle groups of the lower limbs.
Key words:
body composition, spasticity, cerebral palsy
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Postural stability of children born prematurely in the perinatal risk group

Katarzyna Kniaziew-Gomoluch, Andrzej Szopa, Tomasz Łosień, Zenon Kidoń, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa

Katarzyna Kniaziew-Gomoluch, Andrzej Szopa, Tomasz Łosień, Zenon Kidoń, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa – Postural stability of children born prematurely in the perinatal risk group. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 118-129

Introduction. With advances in neonatal care, children born prematurely have a greater chance of survival, but their organ immaturity puts them at increased risk for central developmental disorders. The most common risk factors for such disorders are neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH grade III, IV).
Object. Based on the assumption that early central motor disorders are accompanied by impaired postural control, we compared measures of postural stability in infants born prematurely and at high risk for central motor disorders, i.e.: 1) IVH stage III or IV; or 2) RDS with infants born prematurely with normal brain ultrasound results and no perinatal burden (control group).
Materials and Methods. For this purpose, in a group of 76 prematurely born infants qualified for the SYNAGIS program, a posturometric examination was performed in a supine position using a stabilographic platform (device designed and manufactured in the Department of Biomedical Electronics of the Institute of Electronics of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice).
Results. Analysis of stability measures in individual subgroups showed that in both groups of infants with perinatal risk (IVH and RDS), the values of all evaluated posturometric parameters were lower than those presented by infants without perinatal stress.
Conclusions. 1. Evaluation of stability measures  in the supine position is an original proposal for the evaluation of postural control of infants born prematurely in the first months of life.
2. Differences in stability measures between children born prematurely with the risk of central disturbances due to hypoxia (RDS) or intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and their peers without perinatal stress with normal head ultrasound results may indicate the appearance of postural control development disorders in the former.
Key words:
prematurely born children, perinatal risk factors, infant postural control disorders, posturometry, stabilographic platform
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The impact of high body weight on children’s aerobic capacity in the primary school age

Agata Dobrowolska, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Agnieszka Ostrowska, Andrzej Szopa

Agata Dobrowolska, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Agnieszka Ostrowska, Andrzej Szopa – The impact of high body weight on children’s aerobic capacity in the primary school age. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 222-232

Introduction. Overweight and obesity are among the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. In Poland, the number of overweight children has tripled in the last 20 years. In order to determine the level of aerobic capacity as well as the selection of forms and intensity of physical training in children with excess body weight, many methods are used, e.g. 6-minute walk test (6MWT) or spiroergometric test (CPET).
Aim od the study. The aim of the study was to evaluate the performance parameters of children with excess body weight in comparison to children with proper body weight. Additionally, an attempt was made to answer the question whether the results of the indirect method efficiency assessment are consistent with the results of the spiroergometric test.
Material and methodology. The research was carried out in a group of 25 children with excess body weight (study group; BMI 93.7 ± 4.11 percentile) and 25 children with normal body weight (control group; BMI 28 ± 19.62 percentile) aged 8-12 years. The tests consisted of 3 parts: 1) measurement of body weight, body height and body weight composition; 2) ergospirometric test (CPET) carried out on a cycloergometer using the Godfrey ramp type protocol; 3) assessment of aerobic capacity based on the result of the 6MWT test.
Results. There were significant differences in the VO2 / kg result in the studied children between the study group (26.2 ± 4.32 ml / kg / min) and the control group (36.2 ± 5.75 ml / kg / min) and the results of the 6MTW test in the study group was 486.5 ± 86.35 m, and in the control group 519.6 ± 85.40 m.
Conclusions. There were no differences in the value of the VO2peak parameter in children from the study and control groups; however, differences in the result of VO2 / kg were noticed. Children with hight BMI characterized by a greater difference between the observed and expected value of 6MWT than children with proper body weight.
Key words:
children’s aerobic capacity, CPET, 6MWT, excess body weight, high BMI
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A congenital malformation syndrome – situs inversus, esophageal atresia

Sylwia Potępa-Kowalczyk, Agata Dobrowolska, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa, Andrzej Szopa

S. Potępa-Kowalczyk, A. Dobrowolska, M. Domagalska-Szopa, A. Szopa – A congenital malformation syndrome – situs inversus, esophageal atresia. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 122-125

Introduction. In case of a congenital malformation syndrome, a correct diagnosis is made on the basis of characteristic features. Situs inversus is a rare congenital condition. Its incidence with concomitant esophageal atresia is very low. Both disorders in body laterality formation and agenesis of esophagus might accompany various congenital malformations. When multiple defects are present, standard treatment options are unavailable.
Case Report. A child was diagnosed with a 45XX, rob(13,14)(q10,q10) karyotype and a congenital malformation syndrome including: situs inversus with dextrocardia, esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula, hydrocephaly, right lung hypoplasia, and atrial septal defect. As of now, an official clinical diagnosis of the child has not been confirmed.
Conclusions.  Treating this type of malformation syndrome is always challenging and requires an interdisciplinary approach. Comprehensive care provided to a child with congenital malformation syndrome should include treatment of the present disorders as well as prevention of possible complications.
Key words:
situs inversus, esophageal atresia, multiple defects, congenital malformation syndrome, dextrocardia
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Distribution of body mass on the support base in cerebral motor disorders children as an expression of antigravity unabilities

Andrzej Szopa, Małgorzata Domagalska, Janusz Nowotny

Andrzej Szopa, Małgorzata Domagalska, Janusz Nowotny – Distribution of body mass on the support base in cerebral motor disorders children as an expression of antigravity unabilities. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 250-257

Background. Normal postural tone is high enough to act against gravity at every stage of motor development, but also low enough to ensure mobility in a given position. All disturbances of adaptation of muscle activity to postural and motor tasks are the cardinal symptoms of actual or potential central dysfunctions. This study attempted to use an objective measure of quantified distribution of forces of body mass on the supporting base to examine the adaptation of muscle activity for different postural patterns. Material and methods. Three groups of 15 children each aged about 12 months were examined, including two groups of children diagnosed with dysfunction motorica origis centralis (DMOC) II° and III°, and a control group of children with bronchitis. Measurement were carried out with a Sensor-Mass-System developed by Lack GmbH and including a platform with 200 sensors and dedicated software. All children were tested twice on two consecutive days. The values of forces and distribution of body mass on the supporting base was determined in three basic positions: supine, prone and sitting. Results. A preliminary analysis showed differences in the values of forces of body mass between the three groups. Statistically significant differences between the results of the first and second measurements in the same position were a rule in the control group. In the group of children with mild DMOC pathology such differences appeared slightly less often and were not found in the group of children with severe DMOC. Children with severe DMOC displayed marked asymmetry of body mass distribution in the frontal plane and along the craniocaudal axis. The other groups were generally characterized by symmetrical postural patterns. Conclusions. While this pilot study was part of a more extensive research project, some general conclusions can be made: an evaluation of body weight distribution on a supporting base is an indirect but objective and reproducible tool for evaluating mus-cle tone distribution in different postural patterns. It can be a valuable addition to the assessment of postural pattern quality.
Key words:
cerebral motor disorders, postural patterns, support base, distribution of body mass
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Postural consequences of muscle tone disorders in children with cerebral palsy (hemiparesis)

Andrzej Szopa, Małgorzata Domagalska, Krzysztof Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski

Andrzej Szopa, Małgorzata Domagalska, Krzysztof Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski – Postural consequences of muscle tone disorders in children with cerebral palsy (hemiparesis). Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 241-249

Background. The spontaneous adjustment of abnormal muscle tone in CP children leads to abnormal postural and motor patterns development. The aim of this work was to recognize and define some of compensatory postural patterns in CP children. Material and methods. The group of 18 children with hemiplegia, aged 5-14, were taken into the examination. The objective measurement of they postural patterns while standing, kneeling (of one and both legs) and sitting was done with a help of photogrammetry. In the same time using baroresistive platform a force distribution on the support base were measured. Results. In case of standing position two kinds of postural patterns were observed — the progravitational pattern and the anti-gravitational pattern. In every children with progravitional pattern lateral spine curvature were observed. Their values were significantly higher than similar in antigravitational pattern. In standing on one leg and half kneeing the arrangement of postural parameters were the same. In sitting in children with progravitional type mutual arrangement of shoulders and pelvis line was changed to parallel and in children with antygravitional type overloaded side changed to opposite. Conclusions. 1. The postural patterns through hemiparetic children are habitual and have differentiated character according to character of paresis. 2. Development of postural patterns is predictable, it is possible to steer the compensation during the treatment.
Key words:
cerebral palsy, compensatory antigravity mechanisms, postural patterns
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