
Eman Wagdy, Marwa Taher Mohamed, Mariam Abdel Rahman Mohamed, Mai Abdelghani Eid, Marian Mamdouh Fayez

Eman Wagdy, Marwa Taher Mohamed, Mariam Abdel Rahman Mohamed, Mai Abdelghani Eid, Marian Mamdouh Fayez – Functional outcome of mirror therapy versus task oriented training on hand function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(4); 343-350

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG01A8T4V2


关键词:脑瘫, 手功能, 镜像疗法, 任务导向训练

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Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa


Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Andrzej Siwiec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa – Effect of whole-body vibration training on leg venous properties in children –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 202-209

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AHL1

结论。为了全面评估WBV对脑瘫儿童下肢静脉流动质量的影响,有必要将研究组扩大到包括不同功能水平(GMFCS I-V)和不同下肢痉挛程度的脑瘫儿童的代表性样本。

脑瘫, 全身振动, 多普勒超声, 静脉流, 下肢

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Moza Obaid Saeed Alyahyaee, Jinwoong Cheong, Meeyoung Kim

Moza Obaid Saeed Alyahyaee, Jinwoong Cheong, Meeyoung Kim – The feasibility and effect of robot-assisted gait training frequency on gait functions in children with cerebral palsy – A single blinded, randomized pilot study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 297-303

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8iRS

结果。两组在GMFM D项、E项、行走距离、平衡和步态质量上均有显著改善(p < 0.05)。步行速度仅在TG中显著提高。与CG相比(p < 0.05),TG在步态质量上的改善更大(p < 0.01)。招募率为70%。所有招募的参与者均完全依从并坚持干预。未报告任何不良事件。
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Mohanad M. Madboly, Khaled A. Olama, Hamada E. Ayoub, Doha H. Al-Afify, Doaa Saeed, Walaa A. Abd El-Nabie

Mohanad M. Madboly, Khaled A. Olama, Hamada E. Ayoub, Doha H. Al-Afify, Doaa Saeed, Walaa A. Abd El-Nabie – Virtual reality versus balance beam on walking performance in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled comparative trial –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 222-228

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8E30

背景。虚拟现实和平衡木被广泛认为是改善患有偏瘫型脑性瘫痪(CP)儿童的平衡和行走表现的高效方法。目的。本研究旨在比较虚拟现实与平衡木对偏瘫型脑瘫儿童行走表现(平衡和功能性行走能力)的影响。对象和方法。本研究纳入了75名偏瘫型脑瘫儿童,包括31名男孩和44名女孩,年龄在7至11岁之间,包括两性。参与者随机分配到三组(每组25人),A组(对照组)和B、C组(研究组)。所有儿童都接受了基于神经发育技术的设计性物理治疗程序,此外,对照组A接受平衡和步态训练练习,B组接受虚拟现实训练,C组接受平衡木训练。治疗计划每周三次,连续三个月,每次持续一小时。所有儿童在治疗前后进行临床检查,使用HUMAC平衡和倾斜系统以及6分钟步行测试(6mWT)来分别评估平衡和行走功能能力。结果。与治疗前相比,三组在平衡和6MWT方面的表现在治疗后有显著提高(p < 0.001)。此外,与A组相比,B组和C组的测量变量显示出显著的改善(p < 0.01),而B组与C组之间无显著差异(p > 0.05)。结论。虚拟现实和平衡木训练对改善平衡和行走表现有有效影响。
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Amal Abdelwahab Youssef, Amira Mohamed Eltohamy, Kamal Elsayed Shokry, Engi E.Sarhan, Nesma EM. Barakat

Amal Abdelwahab Youssef, Amira Mohamed Eltohamy, Kamal Elsayed Shokry, Engi E.Sarhan, Nesma EM. Barakat – Sensory processing abilities in relation to motor capabilities in children with different types of cerebral palsy –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 173-181

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF88A7

感官处理能力, 运动能力, 脑瘫
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Irmantara Subagio, Nengteng Manik, Rahmat Putra Perdana, Putra Sastaman B, Erna Yantiningsih, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin, Slamet Raharjo


Irmantara Subagio, Nengteng Manik, Rahmat Putra Perdana, Putra Sastaman B, Erna Yantiningsih, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin, Slamet Raharjo – Improved hand muscle ability after 6 weeks of squeezing a tennis ball exercise in children with spastic cerebral palsy –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 73-77

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8753

与典型发展的同龄人相比,患有脑瘫的儿童往往体能不足。这主要是由于他们在童年期间缺乏体育活动和锻炼。如果患有脑瘫的青少年和成人得不到足够的锻炼,可能会导致行动能力和身体健康状况下降。在儿童时期开始对脑瘫进行治疗非常重要。这项研究的目标是调查痉挛型脑瘫儿童通过挤压海绵网球来加强手部肌肉功能的锻炼可能带来的好处。该研究实施了一种真实实验设计,包括前测和后测对照组。这种方法论允许进行严格和系统的调查,确保了可靠和有效的结果。参加海绵网球握力练习的是12名被诊断为痉挛型脑瘫的15至17岁男孩,作为干预计划的一部分。挤压海绵网球的30分钟锻炼包括4-6组,每组15-20次重复,每组之间休息30秒。规定的计划是每周进行四次练习,持续六周。在干预前后,使用手握力测力计来评估患有痉挛型脑瘫儿童的手部肌肉力量。数据分析技术应用了独立样本t检验,显著性水平为5%。结果显示,干预后右手平均肌肉力量在对照组与实验组之间(4.36 ± 1.35千克对34.16 ± 3.34千克 (p = 0.000)),干预后左手平均肌肉力量在对照组与实验组之间(2.31 ± 0.49千克对30.18 ± 2.08千克 (p = 0.000))。研究发现表明,每周四次、持续六周进行频繁的网球握力练习,可能会显著提高被诊断为痉挛型脑瘫的儿童的手部肌肉功能。这些发现表明,将这些活动纳入治疗程序可能为患有此特定疾病的人提供重要价值。
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Effect of Minds in Motion program on vestibular function and balance in children with hemiplegia: A randomized controlled study

Dina Mohammed Mustafa Abdelhamid, Emam Hassan El Negmy, Hoda Ishac AbuMoussa, Samah Attia El Shemy

Dina Mohammed Mustafa Abdelhamid, Emam Hassan El Negmy, Hoda Ishac AbuMoussa, Samah Attia El Shemy – Effect of Minds in Motion program on vestibular function and balance in children with hemiplegia: A randomized controlled study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 170-178

Purpose. To investigate the effect of Minds in Motion (MiM) program on vestibular function and dynamic balance in children with hemiplegia.
Methods. Thirty children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP) of both genders with age ranged from 6-12 years were randomly assigned into two groups of equal number; Group (A) (control group), received specially designed physical therapy program for 3 months, Group (B) (study group), received MiM vestibular exercise program in addition to the specially designed physical therapy program given to the control group for 3 months. Vestibular functions and stability indices were assessed for all children before and after treatment using cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) device and biodex balance system (BBS) respectively.
Results. The results of the present study showed statistically significant improvement within both groups when comparing their pre and post-treatment mean values of stability indices and VEMP amplitude. Post-treatment significant improvement was also observed in the amplitude asymmetry ratio (AAR) in the study group compared with the pre-treatment mean values while no significant change was detected in the control group. Also, no significant changes were detected in P1, and N1 latencies in both groups after treatment. Statistically significant differences were observed in all measured variables between both groups in favor of the study group while there was no significant difference between both groups when comparing the post-treatment mean values of P1 and N1 latencies.
Conclusion. Minds in motion program is an effective modality that can be used for improving the vestibular functions and balance capabilities in children with hemiplegic CP.

Key words:
cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, minds in motion, vestibular function, balance

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Body composition and spasticity in children with bilateral cerebral palsy

Lawia Szkoda, Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa

Lawia Szkoda, Andrzej Szopa, Ilona Kwiecień-Czerwieniec, Małgorzata Domagalska-Szopa – Body composition and spasticity in children with bilateral cerebral palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 174-185

Objective. The objective of this study was to identify the correlation between body composition of children with cerebral palsy and the degree of spasticity in the muscles of the lower limbs.
Material and methods. The study included a group of 59 independently walking children aged 8 to 16 with spastic diplegia. The control group included 59 children without central movement disorders – students at Primary School No. 25 in Sosnowiec. The research included: 1) assessment of body composition and its components using the TANITA MC-780 S MA scale; 2) assessment of the degree of spasticity according to the modified Ashworth scale; 3) calculations of BMI indices in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and BMI OLAF developed by the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw.
Results. The most severe spasticity, both in the right and left lower limbs, was observed in the extensors of the ankle joint. In turn, the mildest spasticity was observed in the group of flexors of the knee joint of the right and left lower limbs. The greater the degree of spasticity in the muscles of the lower limbs, the greater the deficit in fat-free mass and muscle mass in the lower limbs.
Conclusions. Children with CP have deficits in terms of muscle mass. The deficit of muscle tissue depends on the degree of spasticity of the proximal muscle groups of the lower limbs.
Key words:
body composition, spasticity, cerebral palsy
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Online-based versus photos-based home programs on upper extremity functions for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin injection

Eslam E. Hassan, Khaled A. Mamdouh, Samia A. Abdel Rahman, Tarek E.I. Omar

Eslam E. Hassan, Khaled A. Mamdouh, Samia A. Abdel Rahman, Tarek E.I. Omar – Online-based versus photos-based home programs on upper extremity functions for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin injection. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 112-116

Background. Online-based home program allows continuous care at any time controls the economic demand and is considered as a perfect method for infection control. This study was conducted to study the effect of adding online-based versus photos-based home program to the traditional physical therapy program, on hand grasping skills and range of motion of wrist extension and forearm supination of the affected upper extremity for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin A injection. Materials and methods. Thirty children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy were classified into two equal groups (A and B). Both groups received traditional physical therapy program in clinic in addition to online-based home program for group (A) and conventional photos-based home program for group (B). The measured variables were the grasp domains of Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test and range of motion of wrist extension and forearm supination using electronic digital goniometer for the affected upper extremity before as well as after three successive months of treatment. Results. The study revealed significant improvement of all measured variables in both groups in post treatment compared to pretreatment values. Regarding between groups comparison, there was significant improvement in group (A) post treatment regarding grasp domain score compared to group (B), while there was non-significant difference regarding the range of motion of wrist extension and forearm supination. Conclusion. Adding online-based home program is more effective than adding photos-based home program to the traditional physical therapy program in improving hand grasping skills in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.
Key words:
botulinum toxin A, cerebral palsy, online-based home program, upper extremity functions
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An evaluation of gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jacek Sołtys

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jacek Sołtys – An evaluation of gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(2); 189-196

Cerebral palsy (CP) belongs to the group of dysfunctions in which impairment of the gait function is a constant element. The goal in rehabilitation is to steer the process of compensation in such a way that the gait pattern produces a minimum of disturbances and limitations in locomotion. Objective evaluation is essential for purposes of planning rehabilitation and monitoring outcome. Since the evaluation of gait can be parameterized, the authors have presenting methods for making such an evaluation, concentrating on two types of tests. The possibility of evaluating gate symmetry is presented, based on the use of the Parotec® system, along with evaluation based on analysis of particular gate markers, using the Zebris system. Certain practical remarks are given in the conclusion, essential for planning and managing the course of rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy.

Key words:
Cerebral Palsy, evaluation of gait disturbances, rehabilitation

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