
Damian Durlak


Damian Durlak – Physiotherapy for individuals with intellectual disabilities –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 78-82

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8AB4

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Skuteczność masażu w zwiększaniu produktywności zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych

Sumarjo, Sigit Nugroho, Riky Dwihandaka, Yudik Prasetyo, Susanto


Sumarjo, Sigit Nugroho, Riky Dwihandaka, Yudik Prasetyo, Susanto – The effectiveness of massage to increase the work productivity of persons with disabilities. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 76-83

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG143371

Wprowadzenie. Rozwój zasobów ludzkich rozpoczyna się już przed narodzeniem poprzez skupienie się na dobrostanie przyszłych matek i trwa przez różne etapy życia: niemowlęctwo, wiek przedszkolny i szkolny, okres adolescencji, dorosłość i starość.
Cel. Celem tego badania jest zbadanie i ocena skuteczności określonego rodzaju masażu zdrowotnego w poprawie produktywności zawodowej u osób z niepełnosprawnościami fizycznymi. Ta produktywność obejmuje motywację, wiedzę, umiejętności, postawy i niezależność.
Metoda. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę quasi-eksperymentalną, korzystając z jednogrupowego projektu szeregów czasowych (pretest-posttest). Po początkowej obserwacji (pretest) przeprowadzono obserwację po zakończeniu interwencji (posttest). Grupa badana przeszła terapię masażem skierowanym na czynniki produktywności zawodowej u osób z niepełnosprawnościami fizycznymi, obejmującą pięć wpływowych elementów: (1) motywację, (2) wiedzę, (3) umiejętności, (4) postawy i (5) niezależność. Próbka została wybrana spośród populacji za pomocą nielosowej metody próbkowania celowego. Zbieranie danych obejmowało oceny i pomiarów, a kwestionariusz służył jako narzędzie testowe do pomiaru produktywności zawodowej. Analiza danych obejmowała analizę wariancji.
Wyniki. Wyniki badania ujawniają istotną różnicę między zmienną początkową a końcową, z wartością istotności (dwustronną) mniejszą niż 0,05, ustaloną za pomocą testów t-Studenta dla par. Jednak test ANOVA dał wynik wartości istotności wynoszący 0,267. Oznacza to istotny wpływ terapii masażem zdrowotnym na zmienne produktywności zawodowej, takie jak motywacja, wiedza, umiejętności, postawy i niezależność, u osób z niepełnosprawnościami fizycznymi.
Wnioski. Największy i najefektywniejszy wzrost produktywności zawodowej zaobserwowano w zmiennej motywacyjnej, z przyrostem procentowym wynoszącym 16,75%.

Słowa kluczowe
masaż, zdrowie, produktywność pracy, niepełnosprawność

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Prevalence of Scapular Dyskinesia among Female Students at Jouf University – Alqurayyat: A Cross Sectional Study

Hala T Ahmed, Amal A Al Sharari, Hebatalla M Abd Elrafi, Haifa A Al Fouzan

Hala T Ahmed, Amal A Al Sharari, Hebatalla M Abd Elrafi, Haifa A Al Fouzan – Prevalence of Scapular Dyskinesia among Female Students at Jouf University – Alqurayyat: A Cross Sectional Study . Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 164-168

Purpose. To find out the prevalence, characteristic and type of scapular dyskinesia among female students at Jouf University – Alqurayyat.
Methods. A cross-sectional design. One hundred thirty-six female students were recruited from Alqurayyat female branch – Jouf University (Northern Saudi Arabia), to participate in this study. Demographic data were assessed through a structural questionnaire, scapular dyskinesia was clinically assessed through direct observation (Scapular Dyskinesia Test) and manually assisted movements (Scapular Assistance Test (SAT) and Scapular Reposition (Retraction) Test (SRT)), and the levels of pain and functional disability were assessed through Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI).
Results. The prevalence of scapular dyskinesia was 99.3%, with 56.3% of them had affected left hand and 76% of them had type II existence. There was significant association between scapular dyskinesia and shoulder function (p < 0.05).
Conclusion. The prevalence of scapular dyskinesia among female students at Jouf University – Alqurayyat was 99.3%, with most of them having left hand involvement and presence of type II dyskinesia.
Key words:
Scapular dyskinesia, Scapular movement, Shoulder pain, Disability
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Functional testing in physiotherapy

Janusz Nowotny, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Krzysztof Czupryna

Janusz Nowotny, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Krzysztof Czupryna – Functional testing in physiotherapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(3); 245-257

Apart from clinical signs and symptoms, a trauma or disease will often give rise to a dysfunction that impairs the performance of activities of daily living. An optimal rehabilitation program should be based on a thorough understanding of the patienfs basie problems, including functional difficulties. This is madę possible not only by routine clinical examinations, but also by special tests and recently introduced functional evaluations using professional apparatus. The results of these examinations also enable evaluation of treatment progress. The aim of the paper was to review the issue of functional testing with respect to basie problems of disability and the planning and monitoring of rehabilitation. The consecutive parts of the paper discuss functional testing on the basis of examples of common postural and locomotor problems (impairments and limitations). Emphasis is placed on the need of objective examinations and possibilities for quantifying test results. Attention is also drawn to the ability to place various manifestations of disease within cause-and-effect chains and the necessity of appropriate interpretation of test results.
Key words:
handicaps, disabilities, functional evaluation, treatment planning
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Overcoming the disability – brief history of protetics and mechatronics of overcoming barriers

Józefa Dąbek, Halina Kulik, Magdalena Szynal, Karolina Stolorz

Józefa Dąbek, Halina Kulik, Magdalena Szynal, Karolina Stolorz – Overcoming the disability – brief history of protetics and mechatronics of overcoming barriers. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(2); 100-115

The oldest found and identified prosthesis was the Egyptian mummy’s wooden big toe from approx. 3000 B.C. With the invention of gunpowder and the use of firearms, the number of limb amputations increased significantly, which consequently increased the number of disabled people. A field surgeon in the French army, A. Paré, designed movable prostheses that were very modern for those times. Simple machines used in their construction made it possible to perform bending and straightening movements, and his artificial hand called: ‘Le petit Lorrain’ with movable, spring fingers, even to perform a grip. Presently 15% of the population are people with disabilities. This is the biggest yet the most diverse minority in the world. Modern technologies allow the human brain to be used to control the prosthesis by connecting it to the nervous system. The innervation of the amputated limb is introduced to any muscles on which electrodes are placed that receive signals sent from the brain, activating the motors in the prosthesis responsible for its movement. To move such an advanced prosthesis, it is enough to think about the movement as in the case of a healthy limb. There are reports that in the future it will be possible to prosthetics the brain and lost memory, but research involving humans in this area remains a vision of the future. This study aims to present a brief history of prosthetics and the use of mechatronics in overcoming disability.
Key words:
disability, history of prosthetics, modern prostheses
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Analysis of disability of women with chronic low back pain

Marta Topolska, Rafał Sapuła, Adam Topolski, Krzysztof Marczewski

Marta Topolska, Rafał Sapuła, Adam Topolski, Krzysztof Marczewski – Analysis of disability of women with chronic low back pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(4); 357-366

Background. The goal of the study was to determine the degree and specificity of disability based on the Roland – Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) in the sample of women with chronic low back pain. The degree of disability due to low back pain may be associated with age and the number of concomitant diseases. Material and methods. The study was carried out from February to July 2010 and the Rehabilitation Clinic of the Zamość University of Management and Administration in the sample of women with low back pain. The subjects experienced pain episodes two or more times and the duration of each episode was minimum 3 months. The sample comprised 236 women aged 18-65 lat (the mean age was 42 years ±16 years SD). Results. The average score according guestionnaire for the whole sample was 5.25 (SD ± 5.67). Three degrees of disability were noted: low in 31.6 %, average in 18.8 % and high in 3.4 % of the subjects. Conclusions. Disability due to low back pain depends on age and the number of concomitant diseases.
Key words:
Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire, disability, Chronic low back pain
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The situation of mothers raising children with intellectual disabilities in relation to selected sociodemographic and clinical factors

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Aleksandra Rokosz, Izabela Zbrońska, Sabina Lizis

E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, A. Rokosz, I. Zbrońska, S. Lizis –The situation of mothers raising children with intellectual disabilities in relation to selected sociodemographic and clinical factors. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 110-124

Background. The diagnosis of a child’s intellectual disability may trigger different emotions in parents, as a result of which the family may be strengthened, unified or weakened and destabilized. The aim of the study was to assess the situation of mothers raising children with disabilities depending on their age, living environment, education level and the degree of intellectual disability of the child.
Material and methods. The Chi-square test analyzed the results of 103 questionnaires from a diagnostic survey carried out in rehabilitation and educational facilities among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities.
Results. Statistically significant correlations between the age of mothers and the forms of education chosen for children (p = 0.021) and the type of extra classes (p = 0.015) were found. The level of education of mothers showed relationships with the type of sources of information about the specificity of child disorders (p = 0.043), and the degree of disability of the child with the frequency of receiving support from loved ones (p = 0.038), using institutional material help (p = 0.002), the type of factors that are most difficult to accept (p = 0.021), and feelings about the future of children (p = 0.002).
Conclusions. The mothers’ age determines the forms of education and the type of extra-curricular activities. The living environment does not determine the situation of families raising a child with intellectual disability. The mothers’ level of education determines the frequency of using sources of information about the specificity of a child’s disorder. The degree of intellectual disability of a child determines the frequency with which mothers can count on the support of the loved ones, the frequency of using material assistance provided by institutions, as well as the most difficult to accept factors and feelings about the future.

Key words:
disability, support, acceptance, education

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Krzysztof Czupryna, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Joanna Szymańska, Renata Szczepaniak

K. Czupryna, O. Nowotny-Czupryna, J. Szymańska, R. Szczepaniak – Quality of life of the family of a child with psychomotor disability in the context of solving everyday problems. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 54-61




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How to Help Persons with Disabilities to Improve Their Everyday Life? – Report from Study with the Rational Behavior Therapy Application

Aleksandra Sierant, Monika Łętocha, Paweł Grzybek, Kamila Pytowska, Anna Wiśniewska-Małek, Marek Kiljański, Wojciech Kiebzak

A. Sierant, M. Łętocha, P. Grzybek, K. Pytowska, A. Wiśniewska-Małek, M. Kiljański, W. Kiebzak – How to Help Persons with Disabilities to Improve Their Everyday Life? – Report from Study with the Rational Behavior Therapy Application. FP 2016;16(4);40-46


Introduction. People with disabilities face in their everyday life many challenges / difficult experiences / incidents of stress. Disability status is often accompanied by the lack of employment and by social isolation, moreover, the architectural barriers significantly hamper the lives of the people with disabilities, and reduce the life’s quality. Disabled persons are particularly vulnerable to depression and to suicidal thoughts, and therefore a_special care should be devoted to them. Thus, there is the need to establish methods and support system, which would be effective in the therapeutic work with this group of persons. Proven effectiveness in the treatment of critical situations, including the mental disorders, as well as coping with the everyday life stress, have the cognitive-behavioral methods.  The Rational Behavior Therapy is a_cognitive-behavioral method of therapy developed by Professor Maxie Maulsby  for patients with mental disorders and those, who have experienced crisis situations.  The aim of this method is to reformulate a_person’s thinking to more adaptive model, which should result in reduction in severity of the negative emotions and the undesirable behavior.
Aim. The aim of this study is to evaluate the RBT method, while working with disabled persons.
Materials and Methods. In the study participated 13 persons with disabilities, belonging to professionally active age group – 30 to 52 years old, with mean age of 41 years, and standard deviation of 6.13. Using a_distress thermometer, we measured stress level and the dispositional optimism, before and after two days of the RBT workshops. During workshops, the persons received useful information about mechanism in which emotions function, and about methods for coping with stress, and then, they performed exercises under the supervision of experienced therapists, and the whole session has been complemented by the presentation of films, illustrating the introduced materials.
Results. A_significant reduction in the average level of stress has been determined, from 7.54 before the RBT workshops, to 2.62 after the workshops. The average incidence rate of all tested problems (practical, family, emotional, physical) has been reduced. After application of the therapy, a_significant increase in the level of optimism has been noted.
Conclusion. The obtained results confirm the initial usefulness of the RBT method, in assisting the people with disabilities. There are, however, further multicenter longitudinal studies required, which would confirm the effectiveness of such intervention.


Stress, cognitive-behavioral therapy, RBT, disability, emotional problems, cognitive restructuring

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