将肌功能治疗纳入咀嚼系统运动方法对患者在左半球蛛网膜下腔出血后的运动效率影响的研究 – 一项病例研究

Danuta Smoląg, Tomasz Krzyszkowski, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Tomasz Derek

Danuta Smoląg, Tomasz Krzyszkowski, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Tomasz Derek – The impact of an approach incorporating myofunctional therapy of the masticatory system movement on the motor efficiency of a patient after a subarachnoid hemorrhage to the left hemisphere of the brain – A case study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 313-330

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8CaG

本文分析了一位46岁女性的病例,她因左侧中脑动脉瘤破裂导致左半球蛛网膜下腔出血,穿透至脑室系统(心脏骤停,危急状态,格拉斯哥昏迷评分4),随后导致右侧上下肢瘫痪和失语。本文分析了2年治疗过程中收集的数据,包括口颌系统的检查、面颅的轴线和平面相对于运动系统的关节结构的分析、组织结构间相互作用的观察以及下颌-舌骨结构和舌结构的分析、Angle分类的分析、口面区和颈部肌肉紧张的影像学研究分析、包括咀嚼系统运动的手动功能分析在内的定期功能测试结果。使用基于检测运动人体骨骼模型的ShapeCare.Physio设备和Blaze Pose软件进行了材料的视觉分析。研究发现,包括咀嚼系统运动的肌功能治疗在内的治疗有助于改善患者在左半球蛛网膜下腔出血和经颅颞顶叶开颅术后的运动效率。
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Self-assessment of back pain incidence in nursing staff and physicians

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Sabina Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Izabela Rutkowska


Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Sabina Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Izabela Rutkowska – Self-assessment of back pain incidence in nursing staff and physicians. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 48-54

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DF528

Introduction. Musculoskeletal disorders and diseases related to the spine constitute a seri-ous medical, social and economic problem. The aim of this study was to self-assessment of back pain incidence in nursing staff and physicians.
Material and methods. The results of 100 professionally active people aged 40-50 were analyzed, including 50 representing the nursing staff  and 50 physicians who suffered from back pain in the two years preceding the study. The research tool was the author’s question-naire and the NDI and ODI indicies. The collected research results were analysed with the use of Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-square test.
Results. Among representatives of both medical professions, back pain occurred with a simi-lar frequency in the cervical and lumbar parts of the spine. We found that 48% of the nursing staff and 46% of physicians used medical care, and about 80% of the respondents used physiotherapy.
Conclusions. There is a need to disseminate spinal pain prevention programs among nursing staff and physicians, which will improve work efficiency.
Key words:
NRS, ODI, WHOQOL-BREF, spine, pain, functional efficiency
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Relationships between the quality of life and the intensity of pain and functional efficiency in women and men with degenerative changes in the lumbar spine

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Iwona Wawrzykowska, Sabina Lizis

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Iwona Wawrzykowska, Sabina Lizis – Relationships between the quality of life and the intensity of pain and functional efficiency in women and men with degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 68-73

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B93B

Introduction. Back pain is a serious medical and social problem. The aim of this study was relationships between the quality of life and the intensity of pain and functional efficiency in women and men with degenerative changes in the lumbar spine.
Material and methods. The study involved 53 women and 52 men, who, due to chronic pain in the lumbar spine due to degenerative changes, were qualified for therapy at the Local Government Health Center in Miedziana Gora. The research tool was NRS scale, Oswestry Distability Index ODI and shortened version of the survey WHOQOL-BREF. The collected research results were analysed with the use of Mann-Whitney U test, Chi-square test and Spearman rank correlation.
Results. Statistically significant differences in the values of the ODI questionnaire relating to the category “care” (p = 0.046) were found. In men, statistically significant negative associations between body build and the WHOQOL-BREF survey values concerning the somatic (p = 0.012), psychological (p = 0.007) and social (p = 0.022) domains were found. Statistically significant positive associations between the intensity of pain and functional capacity according to the ODI were found in both sexes (p < 0.001). Statistically significant negative relationships between the NRS value and the psychological domain were noted in women (p = 0.023), and with the somatic (p < 0.001), psychological (p = 0.006), socjal (p = 0.013) and environmental (p < 0.001) domain in men.
Wnioski. In terms of functional efficiency, men with back pain caused by degenerative changes are characterized by greater limitations in terms of activities related to care. In men, the increase in BMI is accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life in the somatic, psychological and social domains. In both sexes, the increase in the intensity of back pain affects the deterioration of functional efficiency. In women, the increase in the intensity of pain was associated with a decrease in the quality of life in the psychological domain, and in men in the somatic, psychological, social and environmental domains.
Słowa kluczowe:
NRS, ODI, WHOQOL-BREF, spine, pain, functional efficiency
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Incidence of back pain in people practicing amateur horse riding

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Piotr Pietrzak, Marcin Wilczyński

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Dominik Szymański, Piotr Pietrzak, Marcin Wilczyński – Incidence of back pain in people practicing amateur horse riding. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 6-15

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG1A68mY

Introduction. While riding a horse, proper seat requires the trunk positioning so that the rider’s centre of gravity overlaps with the horse’s centre of gravity. Seat errors can lead to repeated and cumulative spinal overloads. The aim of the study was to analyse the incidence of back pain in people who practice amateur horse riding.
Material and methods. The study involved 88 people aged 40-45 years, associated in equestrian centers. The research tool was the author’s questionnaire, Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Oswestry Distability Index (ODI). The collected research results were analysed with the use of Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test.
Results. Statistically significant relationships were found between the incidence of pain location and gender (p = 0.001), and also between between the gender and the opinion on the need to use physiotherapy in case of back problems (p = 0.049).
Conclusions. Women report pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine more frequently, while men report pain in the cervical section and entire spine. Women in a greater percentage than men believe that people who practice horse riding as an amateur should attend physiotherapy in case of pain.

Key words:
horse riding, spine, pain, physiotherapy

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Factors determining the knowledge of women aged 30-40 from the Rzeszów poviat about urinary incontinence

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Marcin Wilczyński, Monika Banek

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Marcin Wilczyński, Monika Banek – Factors determining the knowledge of women aged 30-40 from the Rzeszów poviat about urinary incontinence. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 198-206

Introduction. Urinary incontinence is any incident of uncontrolled leakage of urine from the urethra, regardless of the cause. The aim of the study was to assess the dependencies of se-lected factors with the level of knowledge about urinary incontinence in women.
Material and methods. The diagnostic survey using the author’s questionnaire covered 207 women aged 30 to 40 from the Rzeszów poviat, The data were analyzed based on Pearson’s Chi-square test (χ2).
Results. A statistically significant dependence was found between the level of education and the level of knowledge about urinary incontinence (p = 0.001).
Conclusions. Women with higher education have more knowledge about urinary incontinence than women with secondary and vocational education. Educational activities should be aimed mainly at women with secondary and vocational education. The elimination of risk factors should be encouraged, as well as the necessity of early diagnosis of urinary incontinence and immediate treatment.
Key words:
pelvic floor, urinary incontinence, prophylaxis, diagnostics, therapy
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Influence of chosen factors on the degree of disability resulting from pain in the cervical and lumbar spine among dentists

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Izabela Zbrońska, Wioletta Mazur, Sabina Lizis

E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, I. Zbrońska, W. Mazur, S. Lizis – Influence of chosen factors on the degree of disability resulting from pain in the cervical and lumbar spine among dentists. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 104-115

Introduction. Dentists, due to the specificity of their professional work, consisting in prolonged stay in a static sitting position, frequent tilting and rotation of the torso, repeated sequences of movements, are at risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which can lead to disability. The aim of this study was to evaluate an impact of chosen factors on the degree of disability resulting from pain in the cervical and lumbar spine among dentists.
Material and methods. The results of a diagnostic survey performed among 97 professional active dentists aged 30-40 years, who during 2 years preceding the study experienced back pain, were analysed. The research tool was the author’s questionnaire, Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Oswestry Distability Index (ODI). The collected research results were analysed with the use of Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman rank correlation.
Results. Only 4% of dentists declared reliable compliance with the principles of ergonomics at work, and 72% of respondents undertook physical activity in their free time. No statistically significant relationships were found between age, body composition, seniority in the profession of a dentist, the number of working hours per day, and the level of disability determined on the basis of the NDI and ODI. Working from lateral or posterior access, taking up physical activity, and using physiotherapeutic procedures were not factors differentiating the level of disability of the respondents.
Conclusions. There is a need to create programs popularizing the need for reliable compliance with the principles of ergonomics in the profession of a dentist, and the implementation of new concepts of work organisation with reference to researched professional group.
Key words:
health policy, medicine of work, work ergonomics
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Influence of classical massage on pain and functional state of people with lumbar discopathy

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Sławomir Jandziś, Patryk Zygmunt

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Rychter, Sławomir Jandziś, Patryk Zygmunt – Influence of classical massage on pain and functional state of people with lumbar discopathy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 8-18

Introduction. Pain in the lumbar spine is a medical and social problem in highly developed countries. In Europe, about 25-43% of people suffer from them. Approximately 25-60% of patients suffer from chronic, progressive ailments, which lead to both incapacity for work and limitation of activities of daily living. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of classic massage on pain and functional state of people with lumbar discopathy.
Material and methods. The study included 61 people aged 45–50, attending therapy at the Independent Public Health Care Facility in Leżajsk due to pain in the lumbar spine. Patients were classified into 2 groups, depending on the applied rehabilitation program. The research tool was the NRS scale and questionnaires: ODI i RMDQ. The Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon test, Pearson linear correlation and Spearman rank correlation were used for analyses.
Results. After treatment statistically significant reduction of pain and improvement of functional efficiency were noted in both groups. A statistically significant positive relationship was found between the amount of improvement in functional capacity assessed by the ODI questionnaire and the age of patients (R = 0.43; p = 0.026).
Conclusions. Classical massage has an effect on relieving pain and improving functional performance in people with lumbar discopathy. There are relationships between functional performance and age in people with lumbar discopathy. The improvement in functional performance is smaller with age. Body build is not a factor affecting the severity of pain and functional performance of people with lumbar discopathy.
Key words:
lumbar spine, pain, functional efficiency
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Evaluation of progress of psychomotor therapy in children and youth with mental handicap and musculoskeletal disorders

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Filip Śmigiel, Katarzyna Zajkiewicz

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Filip Śmigiel, Katarzyna Zajkiewicz – Evaluation of progress of psychomotor therapy in children and youth with mental handicap and musculoskeletal disorders. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(1); 60-68

Background. The rehabilitation of children and youth with mental handicap and musculoskeletal disorders is a difficult for both the therapist and the patient. To evaluate the effectiveness of therapy of mentally and physically handicapped children and youth and examine the correlation between therapeutic success and the degree of disability and place of residence.Materials and methods. The study involved two examinations of a group of 40 children attending a Centrę of Rehabilitation and Education in Rzeszów. The primary research tool was the PEDI scalę, which was used to evaluate the capacity for and performance of functional activities in three categories: independence, mobility and social functions.Results. Profoundly handicapped children and youth attained better results in independence and social function skills than persons with moderate and marked mental handicap. lmprovements in independence were seen in children aged 8-14 years from rural areas while improved social functions was seen in children aged 8-14 years living in urban areas and children in aged 15-17 years living in rural areas.Conclusions. The selection of therapeutic modalities should take into account the intellectual ability ofthe handicapped persons. The place of residence can influence the functions investigated in the study only up to a certain period oflife.
Key words:
children rehabilitation, mental handicap,musculosceletal disorders, PEDI scale
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The influence of systematic physiotherapy on upper limb function in post-mastectomy women

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Lizis

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paweł Lizis – The influence of systematic physiotherapy on upper limb function in post-mastectomy women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(1); 41-48

The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of physiotherapy on upper limb function in post-mastectomy women. Thirty-three women attending the Amazons Post-Mastectomy Women’s Club at the Holy Cross Cancer Centre in Kielce were examined on two occasions at three months’ interval. The participants were divided into Group I of 15 patients regularly attending rehabilitation and Group II of 18 patients practicing rehabilitation occasionally. Bilateral measurement of the angular range of motion in the shoulder was the basic method of assessment. A shoulder range of motion of the upper limb on the operated side smaller by more than 10° in relation to the opposite limb was regarded as ROM limitation. Upper limb circumferences were also measured at 10 cm above and below the lateral humeral epicondyle and in the central metacarpus excluding the thumb to an accuracy of 1 mm. Circumferences of the upper limb on the operated side greater by more than 2 cm compared to the opposite limb were regarded as lymphoedema. Our evaluation of statistical significance of correlations between qualitative parameters (influence of rehabilitation on limitation of the shoulder range of motion and incidence of lymphoedema) relied on the non-parametric Chi-square test (χ²).There was a statistically significant correlation between regular rehabilitation practice and the shoulder range of motion and persistence of upper limb lymphoedema on the mastectomy side.Physiotherapy improves ROM and effectively prevents deterioration of upper limb lymphoedema in post-mastectomy women.
Key words:
breast cancer, mastectomy, shoulder joint, range of motion, lymphoedema
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Effects of therapy of children with psychomotor development disorders in the Conductive Education system

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Izabela Zbrońska, Małgorzata Słomiana, Sabina Lizis

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Izabela Zbrońska, Małgorzata Słomiana, Sabina Lizis – Effects of therapy of children with psychomotor development disorders in the Conductive Education system. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 106-111

Introduction. Children with psychomotor disorders require specialized, interdisciplinary, coordinated revalidation and therapeutic interventions focused on correcting developmental deficiencies or their compensation. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of a 3-month therapy in the Conductive Education system on independence, mobility and social functions of children with psychomotor retardation.
Material and methods. The study included 80 6-year-old children with psychomotor retardation. The research tool was the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory – PEDI.
Results. Statistically significant intergroup differences were found in the results of examinations I-II, related to the category: independence, mobility and social functions. There were no statistically significant discrepancies in terms of improvement (differences in the results of examination II versus examination I).
Results. The three-month therapy of children with disorders of psychomotor development in the Conductive Education System resulted in improvement in terms of independence, mobility and social functions. The extent of improvement, which was the difference between the results obtained in examination II and examination I, was comparable to the results of the therapeutic procedures carried out in the Day Ward of Neurorehabilitation.
Key words:
independence, mobility, social functions, physiotherapy, rewalidation
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