Wpływ techniki Grastona na elastyczność mięśni kulszowo-goleniowych u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawu kolanowego: badanie randomizowane z grupą kontrolną

Amir Mohamed Saleh, Muhammad Fathi Abdul Galil, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Ghada Abd-Elmoniem Abdullah


Amir Mohamed Saleh, Muhammad Fathi Abdul Galil, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Ghada Abd-Elmoniem Abdullah – Effect of Graston technique on hamstring flexibility in knee osteoarthritis patients: A randomized controlled study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(5); 38-44

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020C7YPF

Cel. Zbadanie wpływu techniki Grastona na elastyczność mięśni kulszowo-goleniowych u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawu kolanowego.
Metody. Badanie randomizowane z grupą kontrolną. Ogółem zrekrutowano 30 pacjentów obu płci, w wieku od 38 do 50 lat, z umiarkowaną chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawu kolanowego (klasyfikacja Kellgren & Lawrence, stopień 3 – “umiarkowana”) z oddziału ambulatoryjnego Szpitala Ogólnego w Kafr El-Sheikh oraz z kliniki ambulatoryjnej Wydziału Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Kafr El-Sheikh. Pacjentów podzielono losowo na dwie równe grupy: Grupa (A) (grupa kontrolna) (15 osób), otrzymująca konwencjonalne leczenie choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawu kolanowego (w formie ćwiczeń rozciągających mięśnie kulszowo-goleniowe i wzmacniających mięśnie czworogłowe uda) przez 4 tygodnie; Grupa (B) (grupa eksperymentalna) (15 osób), otrzymująca to samo leczenie konwencjonalne oraz technikę Grastona przez 4 tygodnie. Przed i po leczeniu przeprowadzono ocenę przy użyciu testu aktywnego wyprostu kolana (AKET), testu elastyczności sit and reach (SRFT) oraz dynamicznej równowagi.
Wyniki. Porównanie obu grup po leczeniu wykazało istotną statystycznie poprawę wyników AKET, jak również testu SRFT i dynamicznej równowagi (p < 0,05) na korzyść grupy eksperymentalnej (B).
Wniosek. Technika Grastona ma istotny wpływ na poprawę elastyczności mięśni kulszowo-goleniowych u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawu kolanowego.
Słowa kluczowe
test aktywnego wyprostu kolana, technika Grastona, elastyczność mięśni kulszowo-goleniowych, choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawu kolanowego, test elastyczności sit and reach
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原发性痛经中脊柱骨盆对齐与子宫尺寸的相关性: 一项病例对照研究

Randa G. Mohamed, Amel M. Yousef, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Doaa A. Osman


Randa G. Mohamed, Amel M. Yousef, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Doaa A. Osman – Correlation between spinopelvic alignment and uterine dimensions in primary dysmenorrhea: A case-control study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 23-29

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AEL0


背景. 高发的原发性痛经(PD)在年轻女性中引起了人们对其多因素成因的关注。研究的一个领域是肌肉骨骼姿势与妇科健康的关系。目的. 研究有无PD的女性中脊柱骨盆对齐与子宫尺寸的潜在相关性。方法. 这项病例对照观察研究包括40名有规律月经周期的女性,分为两组:20名有PD(研究组)和20名无PD(对照组)。使用4D形态仪评估脊柱骨盆对齐参数,包括胸椎后凸、腰椎前凸、骨盆倾斜和骨盆扭转。通过超声检查测量子宫尺寸,包括子宫体长和宽度,以及宫颈长度和宽度。结果. 在有PD的研究组中,脊柱骨盆对齐与子宫尺寸之间未发现显著相关性(p > 0.05)。然而,在无PD的对照组中,子宫体宽度与胸椎后凸角度(p < 0.05)、宫颈长度与骨盆倾斜度(p < 0.05)之间存在显著的中等负相关。结论. 在有PD的女性中,脊柱骨盆对齐与子宫尺寸之间没有显著的相关性。相反,在无痛经的女性中,子宫体宽度与胸椎后凸角度以及宫颈长度与骨盆倾斜之间存在显著相关性。


原发性痛经, 脊柱骨盆对齐, 子宫尺寸

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Wpływ technik spontanicznego ułożenia główkowego w połączeniu ze stymulacją akustyczną na wyniki matczyno-noworodkowe w położeniu miednicowym płodu: randomizowane badanie kliniczne

Eman Awad, Ali Mobark, Yasser Khamis, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Amal Yousef, Doaa Saeed

Eman Awad, Ali Mobark, Yasser Khamis, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Amal Yousef, Doaa Saeed – Effect of Spontaneous Cephalic Version Techniques with Acoustic Stimulation on Maternal and Neonatal outcomes in Breech Presentation: A randomized clinical trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 20-24

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG143703

Cel. Położenie miednicowe płodu komplikuje 3-4% wszystkich porodów w terminie. Celem tego badania było zbadanie wpływu połączenia technik spontanicznego ułożenia główkowego (SCV) ze stymulacją akustyczną na pozycję płodów w położeniu miednicowym oraz ich wpływ na wyniki matczyno-noworodkowe.
Materiały i metody. Przeprowadzono randomizowane badanie kontrolne z udziałem 60 ciężarnych kobiet w 32-34 tygodniu ciąży, które spodziewały się pojedynczego płodu w pełnym położeniu miednicowym. Zostały one podzielone na dwie równe grupy:
Grupa (A) składała się z uczestniczek interwencji, które stosowały techniki SCV w połączeniu z akustyczną stymulacją od 34 tygodnia ciąży, wraz z rutynową opieką przedporodową.
Grupa (B) skupiała uczestniczki kontrolne, które kontynuowały rutynową opiekę przedporodową do porodu.
Wyniki. Test chi-kwadrat wykazał statystycznie istotny wzrost liczby porodów drogą pochwową wśród uczestniczek z grupy (A) dzięki obróceniu się płodów w pozycję główkową. Tymczasem noworodki z grupy (B) wykazały statystycznie istotnie wyższy wynik w skali Apgar w pierwszej minucie życia w porównaniu z noworodkami z grupy (A).
Wnioski. Techniki spontanicznego ułożenia główkowego w połączeniu ze stymulacją akustyczną skutecznie przestawiają płód w położeniu miednicowym w pozycję główkową, co prowadzi do zmniejszenia liczby cięć cesarskich oraz powiązanych z nimi powikłań dla matki i noworodka.

Słowa kluczowe:
położenie miednicowe płodu, położenie miednicowe płodu, stymulacja akustyczna, pozycja główkowa

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Impact of TECAR therapy on post-natal rectus diastasis: A randomized trial

Eman A. Elhosary, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Doaa Rafat ElAzab, Yassmin Essam, Gehan A. Abdelsamea

Eman A. Elhosary, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Doaa Rafat ElAzab, Yassmin Essam, Gehan A. Abdelsamea – Impact of TECAR therapy on post-natal rectus diastasis: A randomized trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 54-59

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B1B5


Background. Rectus diastasis is a common problem affecting postpartum mothers. It decreases the integrity as well as functional strength of the abdominal wall, and causes low back pain and pelvic instability
Objective. To examine how TECAR therapy (monopolar capacitive resistance radiofrequency of 448 KHz) affects rectus diastasis in postpartum women.
Design. A prospective randomized controlled trial.
Setting. Outpatient physical therapy clinic, Kafr El Sheikh University.
Methods. Forty postnatal women having diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) > 2.5 cm were recruited and randomized into two equal groups; the control group received a program of selected abdominal exercises and low caloric diet of 1200 kcal/ day for 4 weeks, and the study group received the same control group interventions in addition to TECAR application. DRA degree was the primary outcome, while weight and body mass index measures were the secondary outcomes. All variables were measured at the baseline and after 4 weeks of the intervention by rectus diastasis test, abdominal ultrasonography, and calibrated weight scale.
Results. Analysis showed a significant reduction (P < .05) in weight, body mass index, rectus diastasis test, and ultrasound measures in both groups in favor of the study group
Conclusion. Using TECAR with a standard program of abdominal exercises and low caloric diet has more beneficial effects on postnatal DRA than practicing the exercise program alone with the low-calorie diet.

Słowa kluczowe:
diastasis recti, radiofrequency therapy, physical exercises, postpartum

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Effect of exercise versus diet on visceral adiposity indicators in obese postmenopausal diabetic women: A comparative study

Doaa A. Osman, Abdullah M. Al-Shenqiti, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Mohamed Ibrahim Mabrouk

Doaa A. Osman, Abdullah M. Al-Shenqiti, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Mohamed Ibrahim Mabrouk – Effect of exercise versus diet on visceral adiposity indicators in obese postmenopausal diabetic women: A comparative study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 42-48

Objective. To evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise versus dietary modification on visceral adiposity indicators in obese postmenopausal diabetic women. Design. A prospective, randomized, controlled comparative study.
Methods. Thirty-six obese postmenopausal women, suffering from type 2 diabetes (T2D), participated in this study. They were randomized into two equal groups. The exercise group received aerobic exercise program for 8 weeks (n = 18), whereas the diet group received dietary modification for 8 weeks (n = 18). The anthropometric parameters, fasting blood glucose (FBG), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and visceral adiposity indicators were evaluated for all women in the two groups before and following 8 weeks of treatment.
Results. All outcome measures showed statistically significant improvements within both groups (p < 0.05), with statistically non-significant differences between both groups after treatment (p > 0.05).
Conclusion. Aerobic exercise and dietary modification have similar positive effects on visceral adiposity indicators in obese postmenopausal diabetic women.
Key words:
aerobic exercise, dietary modification, visceral adiposity indicators, postmenopausal women, diabetes, obesity
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Relationship between Hamstring Length and Gluteus Maximus Strength with and without Normalization in Patients with Mechanical Low Back Pain

Nasr Awad Abdelkader, Walaa Mohsen Mohamed, Nagy Ahmed Zaky, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Nadia Abdelazim Fayaz

Nasr Awad Abdelkader, Walaa Mohsen Mohamed, Nagy Ahmed Zaky, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Nadia Abdelazim Fayaz – Relationship between Hamstring Length and Gluteus Maximus Strength with and without Normalization in Patients with Mechanical Low Back Pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(2); 16-20

Background. Muscle strength is an important tool for the assessment of muscle function and is strongly influenced by body size. Therefore, utilization of strength body-size-independent measurements for muscle strength testing is important in comparing the strength measured in large populations. Mechanical low back pain is the commonest musculoskeletal disorder in clinical practice and is associated with gluteus maximus weakness and hamstring tightness. Objective. This study aimed to determine the correlation between hamstring length and gluteus maximus strength with and without normalization in patients with mechanical low back pain. Methods. Seventy-three patients diagnosed with mechanical low back pain participated in this study. First, gluteus maximus strength was measured isometrically as a force (kg) and then converted to torque (Nm). Gluteus maximus strength was normalized for body weight and height using the following formula:% (body weight × height) = torque (N × m) ×100 / body weight (N) × height (m), then the hamstring length was measured using the active knee extension test. Results. The study population consisted of 38 females and 35 males with mean age, body mass and height values of 31.42 ± 6.78 years, 75.63 ± 12.77 kg, and 170.43 ± 9.24 cm respectively. The Spearman product-moment correlation between hamstring length and gluteus maximus strength revealed that there was a positive strong correlation (p < 0.05) between hamstring length and gluteus maximus strength with and without normalization. Conclusion. Contrary to our expectations, there was a highly significant positive correlation between gluteus maximus strength (with normalization) and hamstring length, and a positive correlation between gluteus maximus strength (without normalization) and hamstring length.
Key words:
Hamstring length, Gluteus maximus strength, Normalization, Mechanical low back pain
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Muscle energy technique versus core stability exercises on asymptomatic lumbar hyperlordosis in adults: A Randomized controlled trial

Hanaa Kenawy Atta, Abeer Mohamed ElDeeb, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Yasser Mohamed Aneis

Hanaa Kenawy Atta, Abeer Mohamed ElDeeb, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Yasser Mohamed Aneis – Muscle energy technique versus core stability exercises on asymptomatic lumbar hyperlordosis in adults: A Randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(4); 50-56

Purpose. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the impact of muscle energy technique and core stability exercises on lumbar lordosis angle, pelvic inclination angle, and lumbar range of motion (ROM) in adults with asymptomatic hyperlordosis. Materials and methods. Sixty subjects with documented lumbar hyper-lordosis, aged 18-30, had a lumbar lordosis angle > 58.5 ° with a body mass index of ˂ 29.9 kg/m2, were assigned randomly into three groups. Group (A) underwent muscle energy technique in addition to postural correction exercises, group (B) received core stability exercises along with postural correction exercises, while group (C) got a postural correction exercise only. The intervention was administered for 12 weeks, three days a week. Plain X-ray and double inclinometers were used respectively for the assessment of lumbar lordosis and pelvic inclination angles and lumbar flexion and extension ROM. Results. All groups reported a substantial decrement in both lumbar lordotic and pelvic inclination angles as well as a marked increment in lumbar flexion and extension ROM following intervention relative to baseline. Differences between groups were noteworthy with respect to lumbar lordotic angle, pelvic angle of inclination and lumbar flexion ROM with significant enhancements in favor of group A and B compared to group C, however, there was no difference between groups regarding lumbar extension ROM. Conclusions. Both muscle energy technique and core stability exercises are equally effective in correcting hyperlordosis and pelvic tilting, as well as in increasing lumbar flexion and extension ROM through improving lumbopelvic stability and pelvic symmetry in adults with asymptomatic hyperlordosis.

Key words:
Muscle energy technique, core stability exercises, hyperlordosis

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Impact of pulsed electromagnetic on chronic pelvic inflammatory disease: A randomized controlled trial

Eman Abdelfatah Mohamed Elhosary, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Mahmoud Ewidea, Zizi M. Ibrahim

Eman Abdelfatah Mohamed Elhosary, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Mahmoud Ewidea, Zizi M. Ibrahim – Impact of pulsed electromagnetic field on pain level in Females with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 116-120

Purpose. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection-induced inflammation of the female upper reproductive tract some cases not respond to medical treatment, the aim of the study to detect the effect of pulsed electromagnetic (PEMF)in treatment of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Materials and Methods. this study was designed as single blind randomized controlled trial. Forty females complain from PID, their age ranged from (20-40) years and their body mass index (BMI) not exceeds 30 kg/m², they and were randomly assigned into 2 equal groups: Study group (A) received oral antibiotic (doxycycline100 mg) twice daily for 7 days in addition to PEMF for1 hour, 3 times per week for 12 sessions with 50 Hz in frequency and 60 G in intensity. Control group (B) received routine medical treatment by oral antibiotic (doxycycline100 mg) twice daily for 7 days. Both groups were assessed by present pain intensity scale, estimation of C-reactive protein and ESR level in blood before the treatment and after 12 sessions of PEMF. Results. There were significant differences in pain scores presented by Mean Difference (MD) and 95% Confidence Interval(CI) (MD 2; 95%CI 1.8 to 2.21), ESR (MD 16.75; 95%CI 13.973 to 19.52) and CRP (MD 35.8; 95%CI 31.97 to 39.63) between the both groups. The significant improvement from pretreatment to post treatment, was seen in all dependent variables at study group (p < 0.05) and in pain severity and CRP in control group. Conclusion. Pulsed electromagnetic yields improvement in pain and decrease in inflammation measured by decrease inflammatory markers in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease.
Key words:
Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pulsed electromagnetic field, ESR, C-reactive protein
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Effect of Lumbar Stabilization Exercises versus Kinesio Taping on Non-Specific Low Back Pain in Post-Menopausal Women. A randomized Controlled Trial

Hanaa Kenawy Atta, Abeer Mohamed ElDeeb, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Magda Ramadan Zahran

Hanaa Kenawy Atta, Abeer Mohamed ElDeeb, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Magda Ramadan Zahran – Effect of Lumbar Stabilization Exercises versus Kinesio Taping on Non-Specific Low Back Pain in Post-Menopausal Women. A randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 46-52

Purpose. This study aimed to investigate and compare the effect of lumbar stabilization exercises versus Kinesio taping on pain intensity level, functional disabilities, and lumbar range of motion (ROM) on non-specific LBP in post-menopausal women. Materials and Methods. 60 post-menopausal women diagnosed with chronic non-specific LBP participated in this study. Their ages ranged from 50 to 60 years. They were randomly assigned into three groups equal in numbers.  Group A received traditional physical therapy only. Group B received lumbar stabilization exercises and traditional physical therapy. Group C received Kinesio taping technique and traditional physical therapy. All patients received the treatment 3 times per week for 6 weeks. The pain was measured by visual analogue scale (VAS), functional disability was measured by the Oswestry disability index (ODI), and lumbar ROM was measured by a double inclinometer. Results. The group A, B, and C revealed significant decreases in VAS score, ODI score, and significant increases in lumbar flexion and extension ROM post=treatment. Group B and C showed significant decreases in VAS score, and ODI score, and significant increases in lumbar flexion and extension ROM when compared to group A. However, there were no significant differences between group B and group C in all variables post=treatment. Conclusions. Both lumbar stabilization exercises and Kinesio taping have beneficial and similar effects in reducing pain, improving functional ability, and increasing ROM in postmenopausal women with non-specific LBP.
Key words:
Lumbar stabilization, Kinesio taping, Non-specific low back pain, Post menopause
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Effect of 632 nm He-Ne Laser on Gram-Positive Bacteria in Deep Partial Thickness Pediatric Burn: A Prospective Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Nisreen Afify Abd El Rasheed, Maya Galal Aly, Rehab Hamid Sedik, Dalia Mohammed Mosaad, Ayman Noaman Elhenawy, Shaimaa Abd El-Hamid Abase, Hamada Ahmed Hamada

Nisreen Afify Abd El Rasheed, Maya Galal Aly, Rehab Hamid Sedik, Dalia Mohammed Mosaad, Ayman Noaman Elhenawy, Shaimaa Abd El-Hamid Abase, Hamada Ahmed Hamada – Effect of 632 nm He-Ne Laser on Gram-Positive Bacteria in Deep Partial Thickness Pediatric Burn: A Prospective Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 124-128

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG078683


Background. Burns are one of the most common injuries in pediatric population, gram-positive bacteria is the main pathogens responsible for wound infection that is the leading cause of morbidity and sometimes mortality in growing children with burn. Low level laser is a new treatment option that is increasingly used in the field of wound healing. Aim. To investigate the effect of He-Ne laser on gram-positive bacteria and healing time of deep second-degree pediatric burn. Methods. Thirty children of both genders aged from 2 to 9 years old with 2nd degree upper limb burn infected with gram-positive bacteria participated in this study. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups; either the control group (group A) received systematic antibiotic and 10 minutes’ placebo laser light, or the laser group (group B) received 632 nm laser light, 6 J/cm2 scanning technique for 10 minutes. All patients received regular wound care (dressing). The study protocol was once a day, 3 times / week for one month. Pre and post-treatment evaluation of wound culture and the healing time was recorded for both groups. Results. Wound culture of all children in both groups were negative after two weeks of the study and wound healing time was significantly shorter in the laser group (14.6±5.7 days) than the control group (27±7.3 days). Conclusion. He-Ne laser is an effective option of treatment for 2nd-degree pediatric burn as it has a bactericidal effect on gram-positive bacteria and accelerates wound healing process significantly.


Key words:
pediatric burn, low-level laser therapy, positive-gram bacteria

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