Wpływ przezskórnej elektrycznej stymulacji nerwów zastosowanej w punktach akupunkturowych na chód i jakość życia u pacjentów po udarze

Maram A. Mahmoud, Nahed A. Salem, Ebtesam Fahmy, Amina M. Awad, Asmaa A. Salem, Rania M. Tawfik

Azal Raed Aboluhom et al.– Effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation applied to acupuncture points on gait and quality of life in stroke patients –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(5); 462-469

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020C3UHN

Background. Post-stroke spasticity is a disabling impairment that negatively impacts walking performance and quality of life (QoL). It has been established that non-intrusive techniques like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) have anti-spastic characteristics. Purpose. To identify the additional effect of TENS applied to acupuncture points on spasticity, walking performance and QoL in chronic stroke patients. Methods. A randomized controlled trial was carried out on thirty stroke patients from both sexes aged 45-60 years. They were randomly allocated into the study and the control groups, with 15 patients in each group. Patients in the control group underwent a designed physiotherapy program, while participants in the study group underwent the same physiotherapy program plus TENS on acupoints of the affected lower extremity. The measured variables comprised the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) for evaluating spasticity, the World Health Organization quality of life assessment instrument (WHOQOL-BREF) for evaluating QoL and the Biodex Gait Trainer for measuring the spatiotemporal gait parameters. Evaluation of all variables took place before and following intervention. Results. There was a statistically significant improvement of all measured variables in both groups post-treatment (p < 0.05) except for the MAS score for the control group which was non-significant (p = 0.65). There was a significant decrease in MAS score (p = 0.03) and a significant increase in walking speed, step length of the affected and non-affected sides, time of single limb support on affected leg and the WHOQOL-BREF scores of study group compared with that of control group post-treatment (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) applied to acupoints could be an effective, safe, and cost-wise adjunct to a physiotherapy program in improving spasticity, walking performance and QoL in chronic stroke survivors.
Key words
stroke, spasticity, TENS, acupuncture points, gait, quality of life
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Asmaa Tahoon, Nahed Salem, Enas Elsayed, Ebtesam Fahmy, Rasha M Hegazy, Ahmed M. Aboeleneen, Rayan Jastania, Ayman A Alhammad, Shereen S. Mohamed


Asmaa Tahoon et al. – Effect of cognitive training on selected gait parameters in patients with stroke –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(4); 25-32

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG01A8L8M9

结果。干预后,G1的步长、步行速度及MOCA量表得分显著高于G2(p = 0.001)。步长和中位反应时间(MRT)之间呈中等负相关关系(r = -0.698, p = 0.001)。

中风, 认知训练, 步态参数, MOCA, 时空参数

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Ribka Theresia, Farid Rahman


Ribka Theresia, Farid Rahman – Effect of water-based exercise with or without external buoyancy devices in influencing balance improvement in stroke: scoping review –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 350-355

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020A6ZN

背景. 中风是导致残疾的主要原因之一,可能导致痉挛、步态障碍和平衡问题。陆地康复方法已经得到研究,但由于对关节和肌肉压力的担忧,研究人员开始探索包括基于水的运动在内的替代方法。
目的. 总结现有数据,评估基于水的运动在使用或不使用外部浮力设备时对中风患者平衡改善的影响。
材料和方法. 本研究使用范围综述方法,旨在通过对相关文献的研究找到问题的答案。收集的文章将使用TIDIER清单进行综合,文章将在各种数据库中搜索。
结果. 通过文章筛选过程,找到了20篇适合的文章,文章的详细内容涉及人群、干预措施和结果。
结论. 基于水的运动对中风患者是有效的。 这些运动方法在改善中风患者平衡方面显示出效果。未来的研究应分析更多的基于水的实际运动方法。
水中运动, 中风, 平衡, 跌倒风险


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Lailla Affianti Fauzi, Wara Kushartanti, Novita Intan Arovah, Fauzi, Regina Maria, Adliah Anwar


Lailla Affianti Fauzi, Wara Kushartanti, Novita Intan Arovah, Fauzi, Regina Maria, Adliah Anwar – Investigating the relationship between physical activity and depression level with stroke recurrences: An observational cross-sectional study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(3); 210-215

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG020AKKK

背景. 尤其对经历过中风的患者来说,身体健康和心理健康之间的复杂关系越来越受到重视。包括强调身体活动作为中风康复和预防复发的关键因素至关重要。本研究旨在评估身体活动和抑郁水平与中风复发的关系。
方法. 本研究共纳入60名年龄在30到85岁之间的患者,他们都在印度尼西亚的一家医院接受门诊中风治疗。中风复发被定义为在初次中风后三个月内经历的第二次中风。在所有参与者中,12名患者经历了中风复发,48名未复发。通过IPAQ短表和PHQ-9工具收集了有关身体活动和抑郁水平的数据。采用简单的逻辑回归分析评估身体活动和抑郁水平与中风复发的关系,调整了年龄和性别。
结果. 身体活动水平较高的患者不太可能经历中风复发 (OR = 0.534, 95% CI 0.201; 1.422), p = 0.027。相反,抑郁水平较高的患者更有可能经历中风复发 (OR = 2.055, 95% CI 1.115; 3.787), p = 0.021。
结论. 本研究表明,低身体活动和高抑郁水平是增加中风复发的关键因素,强调在中风康复中推广身体活动和心理健康支持的紧迫性。

中风, 身体活动, 中风后抑郁, 中风复发

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Tahir Masood, Tasmiya Asghar, Arshad Nawaz Malik


Tahir Masood, Tasmiya Asghar, Arshad Nawaz Malik – Effects of additional mental imagery training on lower limb function in stroke patients treated with virtual reality –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(2); 89-93

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG56083OG

摘要: 目的。评估接受任务导向和虚拟现实训练相结合的中风患者是否可以通过增加运动意象训练,在下肢感觉运动功能、平衡、步态和跌倒风险方面进一步受益。
结果。实验组的参与者在所有研究测量上表现显著优于对照组(P < 0.05)。此外,两组与基线相比均显著改善(P < 0.05)。

键词: 运动意象,中风,下肢功能,体感游戏,步态

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N. Shazia Neelam, H.Manjunatha, P. Senthil, Saina Swathi,P. Antony Leo Aseer, K.C. Gayathri

N. Shazia Neelam, H.Manjunatha, P. Senthil, Saina Swathi,P. Antony Leo Aseer, K.C. Gayathri – Effectiveness of moderate to vigorous physical activity among stroke risk predicted population. A pilot study –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 105-113

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF80LR

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Use of the posturography platform as a tool for quantitative assessment of imbalance and postural control in post-stroke patients in chronic phase

Paulina Magdalena Ostrowska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Rafał Studnicki, Dawid Spychała

Paulina Magdalena Ostrowska, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Rafał Studnicki, Dawid Spychała – Use of the posturography platform as a tool for quantitative assessment of imbalance and postural control in post-stroke patients in chronic phase. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 142-163

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B4A3

Background. Imbalance during standing, which is usually observed as an asymmetry in the weight shifting toward to the unaffected side of the body, is one of the most common factors affecting the independence and quality of life of post-stroke patients. Clinical assessment of imbalance in post-stroke patients is often conducted by visual observation using standardised tools (balance tests). However, quantitative analysis, using a posturographic platform, is more accurate and provides more information about the patient’s functional status. The TYMO® device, used in this study, is a portable posturography platform that measures tilts of the body’s center of mass and reports the results of the rehabilitation process. It enables an objective, direct and quantitative assessment of the patient’s functional status. Such an assessment can contribute to significant effectiveness of physiotherapy and consequently improve the patient’s quality of life and shorten the period of abstinence from work. Objective. Quantitative assessment of imbalance and postural control using a posturography platform (TYMO®) in patients after ischaemic stroke, in the chronic phase, as an important component of the functional diagnosis process and rehabilitation programme design. To emphasise the role of the posturography platform (TYMO®) as a tool for measuring static balance – symmetry of body weight distribution, and a tool for monitoring and reporting the results of physiotherapy treatment. Methods. In the current study, before and after two weeks of rehabilitation, quantitative measurements of balance on the TYMO® platform were made in a group of subjects (n = 60: adults, after ischemic stroke – first stroke episode, in chronic phase – up to 5 years after the stroke incident occurred) undergoing therapy using neurophysiological methods (PNF – Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and NDT-Bobath – Neurodevelopmental Treatment according to the Bobath concept) and the SPIDER system (Strengthening Program for Intensive Developmental Exercises and activities for Reaching health capability). Measurements included: the distance marked by the patient’s center of mass while performing the test, the medial-lateral and anterior-posterior tilts of the subject’s body, the area of movement marked by the body’s center of mass, the average speed at which the patient performed the movement to maintain the required position, and the distribution of the subject’s weight. Based on the posturographic results obtained before therapy, it was possible to design a targeted rehabilitation programme. The magnitude of the difference in measurements before and after rehabilitation made it possible to assess the impact of the therapy on the patient’s balance. In addition, it was a specific indicator of the accuracy of the selection of physiotherapeutic treatment (a large difference in the mean results before and after therapy reflected an improvement in the parameters of postural control, hence the effectiveness of the therapy) and determined the direction of the future rehabilitation programme. Results and conclusions. The parameters measured by the TYMO® platform are crucial in assessing the functional status of post-stroke patients, especially with regard to postural control or balance disorders. The results described confirm the validity of using quantitative assessment, using the posturography platform, as an important component of the functional diagnostic process and designing an rehabilitation programme. The TYMO® platform itself is a useful tool for measuring, monitoring and reporting the effects of physiotherapeutic treatment in post-stroke patients.
Key words:
stroke, body weight distribution, balance, quantitative assessment, posturographic platform
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Effect of pilates training on cognitive functions in patients with stroke: A randomized controlled trial

Raghda Nasr Nassar, Nawal Abou Shady, Mohamed Nabil El-Bahrawy, Ahmed Abdelalim

Raghda Nasr Nassar, Nawal Abou Shady, Mohamed Nabil El-Bahrawy, Ahmed Abdelalim – Effect of pilates training on cognitive functions in patients with stroke: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(5); 26-30

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20ASbq


Purpose. To investigate the effect of pilates training on cognitive functions in patients with stroke. Materials and Methods. Forty Right stroke patients (Left hemiparesis) of both genders with age ranged from 50–65 years old were recruited randomly and divided into two equal groups; Study group (I) received pilates training therapy and selected physical therapy program for 6 weeks, Control group (II) received the same selected physical therapy program only for 6 weeks. Pre- and post-treatment assessment using RehaCom System, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) were done for all patients. Results. Cognitive disorders (Attention, Memory, Reaction behavior and logical reasoning) were significantly improved in study group (pilates training therapy) more than control group (selected physical therapy program). cognitive disorders were improved in both groups with the best improvement results of group (I) more than group (II). Conclusion. Pilates Training program considered an effective physical therapy method for improving cognitive disorders in patients with stroke.

Słowa kluczowe:
stroke, pilates training, cognitive disorders

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Classification of Stroke Riskometer AppTM into low, moderate and high stroke risk range

N. Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil, S. Saina Swathi, S.Subramanian, A. Mohamed Nainar, L. Haribabu, E. Vijayabharathi

N. Shazia Neelam, P. Senthil, S. Saina Swathi, S.Subramanian, A. Mohamed Nainar, L. Haribabu, E. Vijayabharathi – Classification of Stroke Riskometer AppTM into low, moderate and high stroke risk range. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 22-26

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG1A624g

Background. Stroke is one of the leading of the causes of disability and according to the global burden of disease (GBD) study in 2010 it is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Developing countries reported 85% global burden of stroke enduring 80 percent of death due to hemorrhagic strokes. Stroke-related hospitalization rate in India is 46 per 100,000 persons. However Stroke Riskometer App can be used to significantly improve stroke and Non- Communicable disease prevention, since it operates on latest expansions in risk allocution/communication, International guidelines on stroke and Cardio-Vascular Disease prevention. However, the app does not classify the risk individuals into low, moderate and high categories which will not create any impact over the high risk individual, therefore it calls for the need to classify the tool into low, moderate and high risk ranges. Aim. To classify the Stroke Riskometer App into low, moderate and high stroke risk ranges among adult and elderly population. Methods. Participants were 250 samples selected from Chettinad Academy of Research and Education and S.A. Poly Clinic, Chennai, for over a_period of 6 months (April 2021-September 2021) and the Stroke Riskometer questionnaire along with Framingham Stroke Profile was filled, risk percentage from both the tools were recorded using the App for each individual. Results. Frequency analysis and Chi-square tests were performed, classifying the range into < 5% as low, 6-10% as moderate and > 10% as high risk in Stroke Riskometer tool. In Chi-square test it showed n = 104 as low risk, n = 11 as moderate risk,n = 14 as high risk in both FRS and Stroke Riskometer respectively. The chi-square value is 24.224 and the significant p value is < 0.0001showing that the value is performing well with FRS score. Conclusion. Though the App was classified into ranges it need to be continually developed and validated with larger sample size, heterogenous population and robust ethnic groups.

stroke risk factors, stroke, stroke risk scores, ischemic stroke, non-communicable

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The impact of comprehensive spa treatment with the use of a stabilometric platform on postural balance control and functional fitness of patients after a stroke

Agnieszka Nitera-Kowalik, Iwona Sarzyńska-Długosz, Małgorzata Łukowicz, Agnieszka Malec, Robert Owsiński, Wiesław Bujalski

Agnieszka Nitera-Kowalik, Iwona Sarzyńska-Długosz, Małgorzata Łukowicz, Agnieszka Malec, Robert Owsiński, Wiesław Bujalski – The impact of comprehensive spa treatment with the use of a stabilometric platform on postural balance control and functional fitness of patients after a stroke. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 76-93

Introduction. Loss of postural balance control is a symptom that occurs in 60% of stroke patients, limiting patients’ mobility and functional efficiency. The reconstruction of lost functions can be achieved thanks to comprehensive spa treatment with the use of a modern device for the assessment and training of balance – a stabilometric platform.
The objective was to assess the impact of comprehensive spa treatment, including therapy on a stabilometric platform, on balance and functional fitness of stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation at the 21st Military Spa and Rehabilitation Hospital in Busko-Zdrój.
Material and methods. Seventeen patients were examined: 6 patients (35.3%) after a haemorrhagic stroke and 11 patients (64.7%) after an ischemic stroke diagnosed according to ICD-10: I.69, G.81; including 4 (23.5%) women and 13 (76.5%) men. Patients in the study group aged 35 to 70 (58.06 on average) received spa and rehabilitation treatment at the 21st Military Spa and Rehabilitation Hospital in Busko-Zdrój. The examinations were carried out from May 2019 to October 2020 as part of the project “Establishing a research laboratory for methods of rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal disorders”. The patients were subject to a comprehensive spa treatment program, extended with objective assessment and exercises on the Alfa stabilometric platform. Selected tests and clinical scales were used for the functional assessment of patients: Timed Up and Go test (TUG test), 10-meter walk test (10 Meter Walk Test), 2-minute walk test (2MWT). The patients were assessed on the day of commencing the spa treatment and after three weeks.
Results. Objective improvement of balance parameters in the stabilometric evaluation after 3 weeks of spa and rehabilitation treatment was noticed in the younger group of patients with right hemiparesis long after a stroke. Patients with left hemiparesis achieved shorter task completion times in the 10MWT and TUG clinical tests. In addition, they covered a longer distance in the 2MWT test.
Conclusions. The program of comprehensive spa and rehabilitation treatment, enriched with training with the use of the Alpha stabilometric platform, had a positive effect on the improvement of balance parameters and gait function in patients long after a stroke. Therapy on a stabilometric platform with the use of biofeedback should be a standard element of therapy in stroke patients.
Key words:
spa treatment, stroke, stabilometric platform
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